
Booze recommendation for afternoon OTC

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 7:51 PM
Next Tuesday afternoon I'm meeting my new CF for lunch at a fancy Italian restaurant, after which we are adjourning to my hotel room across the street for two BBBJs with some much-needed recovery time between them. When I saw her ITC this summer (7 visits, 7 VIPs), she drank nothing but cranberry Sprite or water -- no alcohol ever -- so I have no idea what booze she likes to drink. What kind of alcohol and mixer do you recommend I bring to the room to set the right tone for our first OTC date?

I will also ask her by text whether she has any preference, but I wanted to ask the assembled solons of TUSCL for their expert advice.

BTW, for this date of 6-7 hours (noon to 6 or 7 with two pops) I offered "$300 plus probable $50 tip", which she readily accepted after initially hinting at a price like $450.


  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Strippers like Patron because its what all the rappers sing about. The DS always liked hers with OJ.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    You can always stick with the Italian theme and grab a bottle of barolo or lambrusco or chianti. Champagne usually works too. If she is trashy, she won't know the difference between Dom Perignon and Korbel Brut!
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    If it were a woman I was looking to impress, I'd complement the Italian meal -- and your lady has good taste is choosing to have some Italian -- no reason to read into that statement of course -- I'd choose a nice chilled bottle of Limocello or some Italian digestif. Another option is Ice Wine, because it's sweeter and made from frozen grapes. Civvies love those.

    But then again, Tequila is like stripper fuel. Seriously. Can't go rong (sic) with that.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Those small bottles of White Zinfandel are convenient and the honeys seem to like them.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    My advice would be to bring what you like to drink and offer her some, maybe with something on standby like a Malbec in case what you like to drink sucks. ;)
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Excellent early suggestions! I already love the lambrusco and Eiswein ideas -- I drank both often when I lived in Germany. (Yes, I like sweet wines -- sue me!)

    I personally don't like any kind of distilled alcohol and am unfamiliar with tequila, though I've been around strippers enough to be able to verify that it is indeed "stripper fuel". How should one drink tequila? Straight? On the rocks? Mixed with something? Pardon my ignorance -- my alcohol consumption is meager and restricted to beer in strip clubs and wine for certain festive occasions.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I don't drink so I can't make any recommendations. Do you know she will want to drink alcohol? You might want to have cranberry sprite or some other non alcoholic beverage as a backup just in case.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Strippers, IMO (and I will bow to John's or Subraman's experience here) like to drink it as shots. Then they suck on the lime wedge after each shot. So have limes.

    Mixed drink options for Tequila (you can look up the recipes).
    Mayan Mule (ginger beer or ginger ale)
    El Diablo
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Dominic, you crack me up with your line "your lady has good taste is choosing to have some Italian" :) Let me guess -- you're of Italian ancestry, right? Though she is my youngest OTC date yet at 26 and is perhaps a bit on the trashy side, she does seem to have good taste in food, as indicated by her choice of this upscale Italian restaurant.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I knew I was spelling ice wine, rong. Thx. Yours must not come in a box. ;-)
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Yes, I am of Italian ancestry. We're from the tip of the boot, in the old country.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Just something to consider depending on how well you know your stripper. They often fear getting drugged so they may be hesitant to drink from an already open bottle. Maybe. That's why I like to bring those little bottles of wine or liquor they can open themselves. Just a thought.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Dominic: I've only heard of Eiswein in Germany, so that's the only way I've ever spelled it. Thanks for the tequila ideas!

    Lone_Wolf: Thanks, but there's huge trust between us. Though we've just become close this summer, I've known her for almost 3 years and my former CF in 2015 was her best friend. I do like the mini-Zinf idea.

    rh48hr: Good point! I always assume that strippers drink, but she certainly doesn't on the job. My ATF *loved* to drink with me ITC and in restaurants, where booze was expensive, but in her apartment she was strictly a Mountain Dew girl :)
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Deuce, I think the #1 thing is to ask her. When I don't get an answer, I always bring a couple of choices. I'm partial to liquor, so a good bottle of tequila and a good bottle of vodka and you are covered 99.9% of the time. She'll want one or the other. I bring my own shot glasses, and no mixers. If you must bring a mixer, bring soda water: vodka soda is the standard bearer for basic bitches everywhere. If she's a tequila girl, she'll drink that straight. If you want to spice things up, while you're at the liquor store pick up a couple of those little airline-sized trial bottles of Jack Daniels Tennessee Fire whiskey, she'll get a kick out of doing those. Guaranteed she already loves Fireball, she's a stripper, and Tennessee Fire is the same kind of thing, only better.

    Get good tequila, since you'll be drinking it straight.

    Once, I brought in a bottle of champagne, in a little cooler in my bag. I broke it out after the sex, and it felt pretty decadent, sitting around with two (!!!) naked strippers post coitus sipping bubbly.
  • CouldBe
    7 years ago
    I'd ask her what her preferred drink is. There's always the chance she doesn't drink alcohol.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Another vote here for asking her. There is nothing at all to lose by asking her what HER preference is. It just demonstrates the you are a considerate sweetheart of a guy!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Interesting. My CF's drink of choice is Patron. I don't know if rap has anything to do with it, but I'm sure it is marketing of some sort that influences it. I think it tastes awful.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Gran Centenario's Anejo is better and smoother than Patron's, and literally everyone I've had try it agrees -- we've all switched to Centenario. Bonus, it's a good deal cheaper too. That's my go-to with the strippers :)
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Grey Goose, seems mist strippers like stuff you can mix and it is a "luxury" brand thats not real expensive.

    I don't drink vodka but it seems the more it tastes like nothing the better it is.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Since they stopped making Ripple, I have no idea what to get, so I just ask them.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    ime: Strippers love Grey Goose and Kettle 1 for sure.

    One thing I've found with most strippers, they love what in their world is high end (Grey Goose, Ciroc, Patron, Crown Royal, Hennessy) even though those things are not high quality. But most strippers I've met LOVE being introduced to actual quality liquor, sometimes in a "broaden my horizons" spirit, but very often in a pretentious "let me instagram this so all my friends feel like losers for drinking Crown Royal" spirit. So if YOU like high quality liquor, I find that very often it is appreciated by the strippers. I've done really high quality whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka with strippers and it's always been a huge hit. Plus, it makes drinking it more fun for me, too. Obviously, feel free to drop back down to Kettle1 if you're just slamming shots.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    So if my CF is a tequila drinker, I should bring Gran Centenario's Anejo instead of Patron to impress her and possibly her little stripper friends, right?

    I'll text her about her booze preference as Tuesday gets closer. She might change her mind in the next 6 days!

    Thanks for all the suggestions, guys!
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    MrDeuce: if you want to stick with the low-mid-range type tequila, yes, I think Centenario is worth a try. So far, everyone I"ve had try it thinks it's a lot better than Patron. Or, if you really want to impress her, bump up a tier to Porfidio or some other awesome sipping tequila. I think in your case, Centenario is fine
  • McNaffles
    7 years ago
    For starters you should have a Cranberry Sprite or two to hand (safety first!), plus a chilled bottle of a $16 Californian sparkling at the ready in ice in the room (always fun helping her open it).
    Those basics apart I'd be playing it from what you two go with at the Italian and offer to play up whatever takes her fancy there. Play it by ear, most of these girls enjoy spontaneity.
  • azdd
    7 years ago
    I know the thread is about booze (I vote for vodka mixed with juice), but wow, $300 for a six hour OTC date is a very nice price! Not sure what city you are in, but I would take that deal in a heartbeat!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... When I saw her ITC this summer ... she drank nothing but cranberry Sprite or water ..."

    She may not be a hard-drinker nor care for strong-stuff like Tequila and Vodka - perhaps she'd prefer something like a sweet-wine and nothing too-strong which can often be the case w/ the non-heavy drinkers (assuming she's not a heavy-drinker).

    "... Next Tuesday afternoon I'm meeting my new CF for lunch at a fancy Italian restaurant, after which we are adjourning to my hotel room across the street for two BBBJs with some much-needed recovery time between them ..."

    A good-size Italian meal makes me sleepy (plus I don't like having sex post a big meal) - I'd rather do the nasty then relax w/ a nice-meal.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Come back five days from now and ask us again. Planning something with a stripper a week out is like trying to plan a specific event in the civilian world two years out - anything can happen between now and then.

    But if she does still go, why not just ask her and get her whatever she wants? Also, if you're buying a bottle of something from a liquor store, why not just get the good stuff? The difference between a decent bottle of vodka, tequila, whiskey, etc (Kettle One or Grey Goose, Patron, JD or Crown,etc.,etc.) and the lower end swill is often not much more than 10 to 20 bucks. If you are paying $xxx for sex and a hotel anyway, it seems silly to drink gut rot just to shave a ten off the total tab.
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