A day in the life - perception versus reality

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Any of you other PL's ever curious what a day in the life for some of the honeys is really like?

Say, a single, no kids, top talent (8.5+) honey that makes bank in the club but will selectively does OTC with the right PL for the right price. Loves to party. Not in college or anything. What is a day in her life really like?

My perception - crawls out of bed around noon. Checks her phone. All kinds of crazy shit instantly breaks out. Will she dance today? Will she hang out with the harmless PL from the club that doesn't pay much? Will she fuck that rich ass stuck up arrogant PL that smells funny but pays huge? Will she fuck that running back from the NFL that doesn't pay anything? Does she fly to Vegas with her girls to make bank up there? Decisions!

Gets on the move - gets her nails done, lasered, hair etc...the whole time her phone is exploding with PL's trying to get in her panties. Honey starts partying early in the day. Doesn't have to pay a dime for food, drink or drugs because there is always a PL (ATM) within arms length to buy that shit for her. Everyone she comes into contact with his kissing her sweet ass because she is young and fine. The world is hers.

Perhaps she goes to the club where all the PL's thinking they are smooth run their version of a system on her. Think of all the crazy shit she's told ranging from smooth, creepy, to outright frightening on a daily basis. Everyone...EVERYONE...wants in her panties. Constantly being propositioned from the smooth, creepy, rich, poor, clean, nasty, weird...everyone. Being groped on varying levels by that very same range.

Making bank. Money pouring down like rain. Easy money. Dudes buying drinks, offering drugs. Smoking drinking, getting high.

Well it must be a total whirl wind bizzarro world for some of the honeys...I doubt even the honeys could accurately describe it to someone not in the life also. I wonder if it would make a good Indy Film. I doubt any director could capture the real essence of a day in the life. Would the film be depressing or a comedy? Probably a mix.

Fascinating shit really.


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
that would be fun to see about my kriptonite dream stripper. (still no sex with her. i won't pay the price she wants. although the temptation is there.)
avatar for joc13
8 years ago
I have been finding out way too much about the daily life of my most recent attempt at a steady OTC girl, and there is nothing glamorous about it.

The girl is pure SS and a giant nuclear-powered electro-drama-magnet. To her credit, I think most of it is unintentional and just the result of bad choices and poor adulting skills, and to some extent the universal jealousy of women who aren't as hot as she is, and the universal pettiness of guys who think they should be fucking her for free and get upset when they can't.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
In fairness, the hottest ones also work out and follow a reasonably healthy diet. Sure, they still do drugs, but they know they need to maintain their looks to keep the gravy train running.

One dancer I know has the hardest, tightest body I've ever seen, but her face has become distorted over the years. I'm no expert, but I assume that is drug related.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
"The world is hers."
Until about age 25 when some other 18-yr-old ditsy, mindless, babe takes her place.
avatar for DoctorPhil
8 years ago
lol. the reality is more like she gets up at 2 in the afternoon, lights a cigarette while sitting on the toilet to pee and then rummages through the laundry on the floor looking for the cleanest dirty panties she can find to wear. it only goes downhill from there.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Obviously enough, this varies wildly, depending on the level of poor choices, etc. My first, original, ATATF, had a daily life filled with drama, poverty, tension with her BF and his parents, and wild partying to escape for it all.

I met my current at really ATATF a few years ago, but she just started stripping 1.5 years ago, to supplement her income as a professional hot chick. She's a high-end girl at the highest-end Vegas clubs (she was my "whoa" girl on my head-turner/wave/whoa scale), and if anything, her personality outshines her looks. Does not do OTC, at least not the way we think of OTC.

Her usual days when there's no day-partying planned: her day is spent with some combination of: going to lunch, getting her nails done, getting her hair done, getting a massage, going tanning, working out. Her eating, when someone is not buying her an extravagant meal, is incredibly healthy and her diet is shockingly disciplined.

Her usual days when there's day-partying planned: day partying is planned, particularly during pool party season. Either she'll get called in by a host to spend time with some big spenders who bought a table and many thousands of dollars worth of bottles and who need a smokin' hot, ultra-charasmatic chick (she'll usually get paid nicely for this), or she will have met a customer at the strip club the previous night and talked him into giving her $500-$1000 to go to a pool party with him the next day. She parties all day. In 0% of the cases do the customers get sex from her, which is why I said she doesn't do OTC the way we think of it. In the old days, sometimes the host who was throwing her the business got sex, but that doesn't happen anymore either.

Night: is spent partying or working. When partying, she and her girls will go out, basically with no money at all. They walk past the huuuuuuge lines at the hottest clubs, every doorman knows them and lets them straight in. They walk around until they find guys who are at least adequately attractive and who have reserved a table for the night and look like they're spending many thousands on bottles, and then invite themselves to those guys' tables. Eat, drink, and dance the night away. Or, walk the casino, find some very high rollers at a craps table, work their way into that table betting a little bit of their own money, then flirt... regularly, guys will give her $500-$1000 to just stay there and bet with them, she'll slickly pocket some of it and play with the rest; probably expensive dinner to come afterwards. Alternatively, maybe it's an extravagant night out with whatever rich guy she's seeing at the time. Or if she's not seeing anyone, a nighttime high-$ no-sex OTC partying with a customer from the SC.

All of her girlfriends live exactly the same way ... to the point that this feels to me like the standard for girls who are hot enough to be high-end strippers or professional hot chicks in Vegas.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Her day includes a meeting with her drug dealer. She needs Xanax or weed or crack or heroin to get thru her day.
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
No. Because every time I hear about it I wish I hadn't.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"No. Because every time I hear about it I wish I hadn't."

Ha, that definitely describes my first ATATF. The usual was either depressing, or drug-and-alcohol fueled escapes from reality. Once in a while it was "my whole family got together for a BBQ for my nephew's birthday", and I remember being glad that at least one day this month her life wasn't a total disaster.

I reckon that's the reality for a lot of them; huge difference from the party lifestyle of my current ATATF, for those of you who read the FRAT above
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
All rainbow unicorn stripper questions should be directed to Theknow.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I've been around enough of them to know it's not glamorous. I did know a girl like lone wolf was describing, very hot girl, had guys buying her everything, she was definitely spoiled.
avatar for azdd
8 years ago
I think we would be surprised how many dancers lead remarkably ordinary lives, especially dayshift girls who are more likely to have kids and a BF or husband. I know several that fit this mold.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
My days used to consist of driving to school, going to the local campus bar for a drink in between classes, then either going home and ordering food and smoking weed all night or going to work.

Now no school, so I spend a lot of my days sitting in front of my tv smoking blunts and drinking wine. Just got into a fun book club but it's not an every day thing. Neither is getting my mani and pedi - that's every 10-14 days. I regularly go out to my favorite restaurants though. Other than that I do pretty normal things. Pay bills, take care of responsibilities, visit my family members, and hangout with the few close friends I have. I also like to take baths with LUSH bath bombs and pamper myself with other beautiful, smell-good, feel-good beauty & bath products. I should probably start spending more time studying for the LSAT...
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
My daughter uses those LUSH bath bombs. Makes the whole house smell like fairies and rainbows for the next couple of hours. Love it
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
That's what I tell my customers I like when they want to get me gifts. The bubble crumbles are the best!
avatar for joc13
8 years ago
My daughter bought me some of those for MY birthday. Love 'em. I did think they were going to be more like Alka-seltzer tablets, though.
avatar for LecherousMonk
8 years ago
I've said it before, but if you want to get a glimpse of the high-end sigar-baby life, follow their Tumblr accounts. Some of them are jet-setting to Dubai, some of them are struggling, but the overwhelming vibe is entitlement, not gratitude.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"but the overwhelming vibe is entitlement, not gratitude"

LM, absolutely agree... entitlement, or showboating. But to be fair, I don't think that's a stripper thing, it's how ALL young people tend to use their social accounts, IME, at least those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
Ever wondered? Yes, long ago. Then saw it with my own eyes- disorganized and scattered and ALWAYS behind the time curve. Square that if there are kids involved.
avatar for shmutz
8 years ago
I know many very hot strippers, and I'm quite close with most of them, and I can testify that they lead the same sorry lives we all lead, nothing glamorous or wealthy. I thought about it for quite a few minutes before I wrote this, but I can't recall a single hot friend whose life is peaches and cream.

I know one lady, already in her 30's, who works at 4-Play in West LA. She's quite hot, but not really. Her talent is knowing how to work the room, and being able to figure out what each potential customer is fantasizing about. She makes good money, and lives clean -- no drugs, booze, BFs, etc. But she's not that hottie who has a million men texting her all day; she's reasonably hot, and knows how to be a successful dancer.

The real hot ones I know have occasional major financial successes with customers, but mostly the struggle along like everyone else. I know, because they actually turn to me for help!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
As in most professions, there are gonna be the poor-performers; the middle-of-the-road grunts; and the stars - w/ probably most people fitting somewhere in the middle.

I assume there are some hot 9(+) chicks that get treated to fancy trips and live a life they could o/w not live except for the company they keep (e.g. rich-guys/pro-athletes/rappers they've met in upscale SCs or thru other means (nightclubs; parties; etc)) - and then there are probably hot-girls that could perhaps do the same but rather just do their thing and make their own $$$ stripping; camming; etc; and don't wanna be anybody's property.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
This thread and comments LMFAO
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
@Nina - I've never heard of those LUSH bath bombs but mentioned them to a couple of my honeys after I read your post. Both of them went ape-shit-crazy when I told them I would get them some.

Today, I went out and bought about 15 of those fucking balls and plan to give them as gifts on my OTC adventures. Thanks for the info.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Gifts are for relationships. Glad you found one at the club!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
Gifts are great conversation starters and help build a comfortable connection. These little LUSH balls are around 5 bucks. Good value.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Glad I could help. :)
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
8 years ago
In the here and now I do not think any of the girls in my local clubs are making a living as dancers, most have low end day jobs, be it retail, can, working at vape shops ect and dance at night.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Huge tits blond big hair Latina, cocktail waitress at Mexican Bar, give out her phone number. Seems to do OTC.

"I don't get up before 11am, and I never answer blocked calls.

I believe she really keeps busy. She knows how to dress and paint up too. Tight yellow dress, yellow makeup, and yellow stripper shoes.

avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
DoctorPhil posted: "...the reality is more like she gets up at 2 in the afternoon, lights a cigarette while sitting on the toilet to pee and then rummages through the laundry on the floor looking for the cleanest dirty panties she can find to wear. it only goes downhill from there."

lol, exactly. Then she spends another 3 to 4 hours vegging on Netflix while she fights another bout of depression. Whether she can overcome the depressive bout is hit or miss, driven largely by whether she has anything in the house to eat. If she does then she says fuck it and calls up her useless SO to hang with her and, if she's lucky, provide some party favors. If not, then she still calls up the SO so that she can get a ride to work. If her SO doesn't have a car, which is certainly possible, she find some harmless PL to pick her up and stop by Taco Bell on the way to the club.
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
But all joking aside, I have no idea how my favorites spend their days and I really don't care. For starters, most of them are not childless, so they do have responsibilities. But beyond sharing some random stories about the kid's schools, fun places visited, etc., I have no idea. I have plenty of my own drama to deal with.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
What people are talking about though is still dividing women into two categories, talking trash about the women you fuck.

avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Honestly I really don't want to know what a typical day for strippers is like. Most can barely maintain the fantasy illusion in the club....stark ugly reality would kill any remaining fantasy that I might have about them.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 years ago
Reality is most dancers are tired after an 8-16 hour shift, and go home and sleep, then run errands and tend to family matters. Since most of these young honeys don't have a BF or SO, they actually don't go out much. Yeah, some are party girls but that's a minority of strippers.
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