
Customers that give the rest of us a bad name.

Atlanta suburb
Yesterday at Follies Bubba267 was sitting next to me and he told me that the guy sitting on the other side of him was being way too aggressive with the dancers. I replied that one of my favorites had told me the same thing and said that she would not dance for him. I observed the guy and saw him grabbing dancers as they walked past him and pulling them toward him into a bear hug. Some of them had to almost fight their way free of him. I saw one really petite girl struggling to get free of him. Looked like 50% of the girls were turning him down for dances. I guess the other 50% needed the money. I think a word to the bouncers by one of them would have at least gotten the guy a warning but I guess the girls just didn't want to create a scene.

I think that any club other than Follies, the guy would have gotten thrown out.


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I hate that, guys think because they are paying money (no matter how small or big) that they can do as they please. I've seen guys stage tip a girl and push her g-string aside and basically finger a girl on stage. Some girls get furious (as they should) and some let it slide by. When I see this is reminds my why these guys are in a club in the first place, it's the closest they'll ever get to pussy. Ever.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Your talking about Mexican men

    I've seen and herd about native Mexican men being like this
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    in hk some of that may happen...
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    This was a fat white guy probably in his 50's.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Shadow LMFAO did you just find moterhead ?
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    God bless our beloved brother moterhead we all know he would have laughed at that one
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "I've seen guys stage tip a girl and push her g-string aside and basically finger a girl on stage."

    When I was at Paper Moon in Little Rock, AR, the guy a couple of seats over was doing that to one of the dancers. The dancer didn't flinch and no one said anything, so I guess it was cool. Cool for him, at least. I've seen customers get knocked out for that sort of thing, but that's why they play the games. Seen it other places, too, but mostly in dives.

  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @shadowcat "This was a fat white guy probably in his 50's."

    While that describes me, it definitely wasn't! I feel like I have to blanket apologize for jackasses like that all the time. While we often lament about NGFL when talking about strippers regular lives, being at least a little bit nice helps in the club.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I hear dancers complain all the time about rude customers.they want to get away from, so they hang with me so they do not have to deal with them. I end up getting UHM dances because I'm respectful.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Okay story time...

    Arrived at my regular club and one of my favorites was instantly amorous with me. Overly, uncharacteristically, amorous. Just clinging like crazy.

    She told me some creeper PL was in there that was crazy about her but that he was way to handsy and would man handle the shit out of her back in the couches. Dude looked totally normal but did have this undeniable creepy vibe about him like a Ted Bundy.

    He kept walking up to my honey trying to talk her even though she was wrapped around me. I could feel her tense up every time he approached. She told me management let him get away with this crap because he was a regular big spender in the club.

    So I was in a quandary, do I confront the guy and risk a fight possibly to get thrown out or worse. Do I tell a bouncer even if the dancer wouldn't. I chose to leave the club. It was time for me to depart anyway.

    As I was leaving I saw the creepers leadng my honey back to the couch area and she didn't look happy but was definitely going on her own volition.

    Moral of the story (for me anyway) a SC is no place to be a white knight. That's what the bouncers are for.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    i think you did the right thing lone wolf.

    personally, i haven't heard many dancers complain out of their mouths to me about rude customers or customers who cross the line.

    but i'm not that naive--and i know this sort of thing happens. its an alcohol infused atmosphere and some dudes are just flat out rude even if they haven't been drinking.

    i'm curious how often strippers deal with customers who cross boundaries---hopefully Bj99 or nina will weight in on this

  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    One of the reasons I prefer to club solo. I don't want to be associated with the inexperienced clubbers who don't recognize that the ladies who work there deserve to be respected like any other person they meet.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Reminds me of an incident when I was in Lollipops in Daytona Beach, which I quote from my review below:

    "It was now time for the third girl to go back on stage. This was the decent looking one who had been hanging with the Hispanic guy at the end of the bar, where he had continued to sporadically rain ones on her. Instead of going to the stage, she came over to us at the other side of the bar. She said had been trying to get away from the Hispanic guy , but he had insisted she stay with him, was propositioning her for sex, and generally was weirding her out. She didn’t want to go back on stage because she knew he would follow her to the stage. She offered to give us a bar side dance for free so she wouldn’t have to go on stage. How strange is that—a stripper offering a free dance in order to avoid a paying customer. That guy must have been pretty bad. "
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    One of my favorites, a really sweet girl new to dancing, clung to me one day, talking about a creepy customer who the manager required her to spend time with. This was at a dive club. Based on these responses, i suspect this happens a lot.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    maybe... it comes down to the MONEY?
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Additional comment/observations....this guy was probably closer to 64-68, Shadow. He was hugging on the girls but the thing that caught my attention is after he had a girl dancing for him, he was forcefully hooking his left arm around their head and trying to force their mouth to his. Ironically in both situations the girls dancing had another girl standing with them, like a foot away from me, almost like a lifeguard. I didn't see them intercede but I was also try to get and enjoy my dances. Regardless, agree with your point, that some of the guys are super aggressive in Follies....and probably some other clubs, but I doubt they'd get away with this in most other Atlanta clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    shailynn + 1 - losers that are unable to get close to women any other-way and thus act like this; especially in a permissive environment - no-body likes a stranger grabbing-them especially in a rough-manner
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @bubba there isn't much mileage to be had at oasis, but I'm usually able to maximize what little there is.

    Last couple of times there a bouncer has swooped in out of nowhere to scold either me or the dancer about too much contact. So I'm thinking that someone is actually starting to watch the feed from the cameras in the main room and tipping off the bouncers or other dancers are tattling on each other.

    In either case an over-aggressive customer definitely would not survive more than 5 minutes
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The Mexican men in our underground table dancing circuit, they treat the women with a reverence.

    Its the white guys who are grabby and make a game out of seeing what they can get away with.

    But the Mexican men, they really know how to massage the girls front side and back side.

    As on dancer in a Sunnyvale club told me, she being originally front Kentucky and used to high mileage clubs, "I know, with the Mexicans its like they're making love to you."

  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    Not long ago I watched a girl try to get away from guy who kept saying things in her ear that made her pull away from him and shake her head. She extricated herself to do her turn on the stage, motioned the bouncer over for a short, intense meeting, then finished up her two songs and sat by me. She asked me to lock her down until the creep left, but he never did. He just stared at us the whole time, and all we were doing was sitting and talking. I asked her why she didn't tip him off to the gorilla, and she said he always tips the bouncers before he even buys his first drink. I chatted with her for maybe another half hour, and the guy approached us and told me that my time with his girl was just about up. I waved the waitress over and told her to put a fire under the bouncer, this wierdo PL was making threats. Bouncer did his job and all was right with the world again, except that the damsel in distress didn't offer even one free lapper for me troubles.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Yet another white knight fights off the dragon but still walks away without the fair maiden :) :)
  • shmutz
    7 years ago
    I've seen some interesting situations due to rude rough PLs. One time in DJV COI, a guy was at the stage and grabbed the dancer's pussy when it got close. He was a big fellow, but thankfully the bouncer was a better fighter (trained), because when the bouncer yelled at him to stop, he stood up and took a couple of swings at him. It became a very short fight, ending with the bouncer holding the PL's arm in a grotesquely twisted fashion, threatening to snap his arm if he didn't peacefully get up and let himself be escorted out. 5 minutes later the cops picked the guy up from the lobby.

    Another time, at BZ N Hollywood, a guy was being rude to a friend of mine, and when she got up on stage, he took out his phone and started videoing her. She looked over at the DJ and a Security guy, but they weren't offering any help (even though they officially don't allow cell phones in the club). So she walked over to him and grabbed the phone away and went to the back, where she quickly deleted the video. Then she gave the phone to the DJ. In spite of the fact that (IMHO) she did the right thing, she was fired on the spot.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    "other dancers are tattling on each other."

    Recently saw first hand evidence of girls tattling on each other. Apparently the bouncers have gone too far in playing favorites and the non favorites are fighting back.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Towards the end, my ATF would almost always dump whoever she was with when I came in. But even before that, she'd used me a "refuge" on occasion. Once, she even gave me the money to buy her another drink so that she wouldn't have to get up. Of course, that's when I offered to get a VIP instead. Because I'm a PL.
  • DroidX
    7 years ago
    I swear, Bubba and Shadow, I've been working on my weight and I'm not even in my 50's yet! I'll try to be more discreet next time. ;)
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I do see some guys trying to cop a feel at the stage more than most. I usually refrain but this thread made me remember one girl on a side stage who grabbed my hands and put them on her nice perky tits and said her doctor said they needed to be massaged every day, could I help her? I miss those days.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Lol @subraman. Sounds like the typical white knight bull. Par for the course.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I get irritated a guy is aggressively handsy, tried to make me feel bad for whatever my boundaries are, or is indiscreet, but I can deal with it. It's a strip club, and no one is perfect.

    If a customer purposely tries to start shit between me and another girl, or is even just dumb enough to talk ab me to another girl in a way that gives her reason to start shit, I'll shut him out and never look his way again. Same for a guy who allows another girl to disrespect me, by coming up and straddling him when he goes to tip me on stage, or other such behaviors. Most of us try to leave customers out of our coworker issues, to keep the atmosphere fun, but we are not all buddies. There's constant balance and etiquette between the girls since we are all competing in a way.
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