
How many of you take dancer-faves on trips w/ you ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
a) how often do you do it?

b) where have you taken her?


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    What about the Mann Act? And why take sand to the beach? :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ maybe it's a BYOS beach?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Mann Act? Ha Ha Ha

    BYOS? I call such situations BYOP, Bring Your Own Pussy.

    I have not taken any strippers on trips. I had taken a future wife on trips.

    For myself, I don't really think I want to be driving women around in the car that much. It is all non-sexual time.

    I aim to reduce the non-sexual time spent with women, in exchange for just sexual time, or eating, and sleeping.

    And yes, its like shadow says, "Why take sand to the beach?"

    If one is going to travel, use that to maintain contact with women in different places, but not to transport the women, or to spend needless non-sexual time with them.

    Never been really big on car keys and wallet dating, though I have done a great deal of it, and especially before I was married. Taking girls on trips is just an enlarged version of car keys and wallet dating.

    I call it that, because that's what you need to take before you walk out your front door, car keys and wallet. I think life is too much organized around the car keys and the wallet already.

    And then also, if it is going to be with women who dance in strip clubs, I consider many of them too emotionally turbulent, more so than the median for the general population of women. Not a problem in strip clubs or in outside sexual liaisons. But you do need to be cautious in taking a woman like that on car trips.

    I mean, even my future wife was like that, too prone to upsets, to want to spend that much car travel time with her. And she was never anything like a stripper.

    For a woman to be parading around in little more than high heels and makeup, it does subject her to emotional stress and it can make her more prone to upsets. So in my opinion, you want circuit breakers installed in the situations. Don't want to be involved in things with her which would be hard to call off if needed.

    Dealing with female rage, hey I was married. Enough of that.

    As for the organization I am building, the times I would be driving one woman in a vehicle will be limited. With the shuttle vans, that would be groups of people. Women function better in groups of people. And most of the time I would not be in those vans myself. Most of the distance driving I would do would be alone.

  • joc13
    7 years ago
    If you think of long car trips with a woman as non-sexual time, you've been going on long car trips with the wrong women.

    BJs, FIV, FIA, and even a front seat make out session all make the highway miles just fly right by. :-)
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I have only met them there - so the "trip" to the destination happened solo. Meeting a stripper coming off a flight in a random airport is a bit exciting though...
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Early-on in my PL-career when I lived and SCed in Dallas; there was a mid-20s ebony I knew in a mixed-dive club - she used to drive from OKC where she lived to dance in Dallas on the weekends.

    One day after I'd known for a year or so from visiting the club. I see her at the club and after a while of talking she tells me she had spent the whole week in Dallas b/c she needed extra-$$$ (instead of just driving down for the weekend which normally included Fr eve).

    She tells me this time she had hitched a ride w/ a couple of other OKC girls that also would come-down on some weekends to dance but now she had no-way to get back to OKC since the girls had left the previous weekend while she stayed thru the week at the house of one of the club's waitresses.

    She tells me she had asked some older Mexican custy at the club that she knew for a ride to OKC (about 3-hours away) but she didn't wan't to go w/ him b/c in her words "I don't wanna go w/ no slimey Mexican - and I think he's gonna want a little sex" - she then asks me if I would take-her and I said yes and that I didn't want a little-sex but a lot of sex (said-it jokingly).

    Anyway - I had hoped to fuck-her but I was not gonna put her in that spot of giving her a ride conditioned on her giving me sex - she seemed in a tight-spot so it was no big-deal for me to help her out - this was a Dallas club w/ no VIP and thus no-extras as many Dallas clubs are (at least to my knowledge back then); so I didn't know if she was the type to put-out easily but she didn't give me that vibe.

    So I give her a ride to OKC the next-day (it was a Su) and no she did not give up the puss although I kinda hinted at it to see if she would hook me up for hooking her up - but had a good-time on the ride w/ her b/c she was a fun-girl and I got to see a part of the country (Dallas to OKC) I had not seen b/f and I spent that Su w/ her at her cousin's house (another 20-something ebony and part-time stripper) where they were having a cookout so I did enjoy my trip w/ her but it did not "climax" as I'd PL-hoped.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I would actually get in more trouble at home for talking a dancer on a trip (vacation) than if I'd stayed home and just fucked her. So, no.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Joc13, eyes on the road, hands upon the wheel.

    Sexual time is eye gazing and kissing and pumping loads into her.

    Once women are beyond adolescence they often don't want to make out in cars.

    Rather, extended multiple round sessions, with late night sleep disturbance and food and morning romps, are the best.

    Time driving in a car takes away from this.

    Amounts to a kind of consumerism, generally.

  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I took the DS to Miami twice, LA, San Fran, Seattle, NYC and several Caribbean islands.

    I also took DS II to a couple of islands on trips.

    I tried to take DS III on a trip but she was too young (still lived with her parents).

    I have discussed trips with several other strippers but have not met any others that I would trust on a trip.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I travel with dancers often. With the right ladies it is fun. Besides vacation work has me traveling a few times a year and it isn't uncommon for me to bring a companion.
    Within the past year, Jamaica, the Finger Lakes, San Francisco and Napa valley , Las Vegas, Orlando and Philadelphia. The most notable trips were a few cruises , Cancun and Barcelona. They do love a cruise.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    For whatever reason, it's only worked out for me a few times. It's certainly the kind of thing that appeals to me -- even now I happily spend overnights with my strippers OTC when they'll do so, and the idea of vacationing with a beautiful young woman (albeit a bit of a high maintenance one) is very appealing. But I haven't done it with very many girls, just bad luck and timing.

    The times I did do it, trips to SF, Napa, and Vegas, it lived up to all jr high school fantasies of vacationing with a stripper. Incredibly fun
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I've taken a few trips with strippers, always favs I had known for a while. The trips were usually 2 or 3 nights. On long trips, strippers, I fear, might begin to curdle. I once took a blonde dancer to San Diego where she wanted to get breast enhancements. I paid for the hotel and dinners and fun, but not for the surgery. I also did not pay for her plane ticket because--as I told her--I thought she might flake out
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I'd rather travel with my wife, with whom I actually enjoy conversing for hours.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I've been thinking about going to Mexico City in November for the Raiders-Patriots game. And I've been thinking it might be a trip worth taking a companion on.

    The biggest issue I've worried about with asking a stripper is that it means being away on at least a Saturday, and maybe a Friday too, and the stripper wanting me to cover the missed income from one or two busy nights as part of the deal.

    There hasn't been any financial aspect to this discussion yet. Those of you who have done trips, how have the finances been handled?
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I took a stripper to vegas once and I was going to take another there recently but i realized she wouldn't appreciate it so I canceled the trip.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    joc13, going to Mexico City? Like shadow said, "Why take sand to the beach?"

    jackslash wrote, "On long trips, strippers, I fear, might begin to curdle. "

    This was the point I was trying to make. I feel that you have to be careful with getting into situations with women, and more often than not even more so with strippers.

    The relationship you have with her is tenuous, and her experience is in places where she can indeed conduct herself strangely. I have found that strip club dancers can get strange when place in situations which resemble conventional relationships. Now that I understand this, its all the more reason for me to like them.

    In the organization I am building, a fleet of shuttle vans, usually driven by women who have gone thru special training and certification, will drive people from club house to club house. Most of those moved this way will be the women.

    Stretch length seats 15, though some remove seats to get more baggage space. We might supplement it with a small trailer for baggage. People will have to sign that they understand that this is not a commercial shuttle service.

    But you won't need to take any of them on trips because anytime you come to the club house they'll be all over you, and they won't let up until they get your load. Then after you've rested a bit, another one will be on you. And if you want, you can sleep on a mat and they'll come and bother you in the middle of the night.

  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Right on SkiBum, because I'm not sure I could enjoy the majority of stripper shit in the club let alone having that outside the club. I guess if you pay them well enough they'll keep the stripper shit low.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I choose women that don't give me any shit, have shown they are reliable and able to carry on a conversation. I rarely pay anything more than the expenses of the trip. if she misses a night or two of work she can make it up when she gets back or she can turn down the offer.
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