
Good, bad and ugly of not cumming in panties

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
#1 blue ball
#2 if stripper likes you she will be impressed with your stamina
#3 dick rash from rubbing fucking hurt's


  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    You got a weird fetish if you are wearing panties to the strip club Juice.

    But, whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    You say that again, he'll hit you with his purse
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    This site is nothing but old men seeking homosexual erotica behavior
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Juice should smack both Subraman and UGK22 with his murse.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Pick a girl you really like, one you would want to be waking up the next morning with. Try to get a front room makeout session going with her. If she sits on your lap, this shouldn't be that difficult. Mostly it just depends on how you are talking to her.

    Then if you can't do FS in the back room, better to DATY her. This does soften dancers up. But it also leaves your own ejaculation as a hanging matter. They try to take her out the front door with you, or if not that, have a meeting set up when she gets off, or if not that, a definite time when you and she will meet. Worst case, find out when she dances next, and promise to be there, and do so.

    No reason to try and have her make you ejaculate. Save it until she is ready and able to offer you her pussy.


    Black Diamonds, Jackson Mississippi





    I know that Jackson has local ordinances to try and keep it in bounds. But are they really going to enforce that in a Black club, where the support for it is zero? What it had said on blackstripclubs.net, is that on the day shift, girls jump into your lap and start licking your neck and nibbling at your ear lobe.

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  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    No female human ever cares about being "impressed with your stamina" unless you have (a) already locked her into some commitment that she perceives (probably wrongly) as a moral duty to refrain from having sex with anyone else but you (usually this is called "the typical North American marriage vow") and (b) you have profoundly disappointed her consistently over the recent past due to erectile dysfunction and/or premature ejaculation combined with a refusal to sexually stimulate her in some manner other than genital coitus.

    In other words, this is a dumb proposition, this idea about "impressed with your stamina." That's just dumb.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    LOL that's completely true, last thing a stripper wants to be is impressed with your stamina. She would be delighted, however, to be impressed with how quickly you got it over with :)
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    That's not true at all. I'm super impressed when a guy has the stamina to buy 10, or more, dances from me! ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Bj99, as a dancer and as a woman, do you look down on guys who just want you to make them ejaculate, as opposed to guys who would like to go out with you, or take you into the back room, all for the ultimate purpose of fucking you?

    What I mean is, do you admire guys who want to fuck you and act so as the make that happen?

    And do you look down on guys who do not seek this, but instead just want you to make them ejaculate?

  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    As a dancer, a man's sexual fantasies, and preferences, do not affect my admiration of him. I like customers who are nice to me, clean, and give me money. I admire men for a variety of reasons.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I honestly don't get your philosophy on this. On one hand, you say buying dances is chumps game, and talk ab getting front room action, and the van whores who make out w you to get you into their van, but then you talk ab what girls admire. Is this a player thing? Like imaging that the girls really want you? Or are you trying to make them like you to get it cheaper in the long run?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @BJ99 he's like an older version of Larry fish, he's never gotten into bed with a live woman he doesn't have a clue that even strippers are people and he has not clue about interacting with people outside of his fantasy world
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I understand the argument that stamina doesn't impress but in my very recent experience and it's because I can tell the dancer is actually sexually attracted to me...thus possible why I'm experiencing her enjoying the fact nob matter how much she jerks me off, titty fuck me or blow me I just don't pop

    I keep telling her she needs to take me out then it will be sensitive enough for me to pop...she just blushed and keeps trying to break Club rules without getting in trouble....it's going to be otc soon.

    So I guess I would agree if the dancer isn't really into you sexually yeah stamina would probably be annoying....I also assume some dude to that same chick probably wants to vomit if he LDK lol

    I try to fish out the girls not that into me and work with the one's that at least seem into me...my experience has been much better because of this

    And I agree with BJ99 :)

  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    If that's 10 dances in a row, I'm impressed. If not, I'm still impressed. I've had a lot of fun stacking dances like that with a dancer, often 6, then short break and another 4-6. So I see where you are coming from. That's a PL who has an appetite and knows who he likes. Also he takes a little care of her (and has the means to do so) and he can take his time. Both are pluses in my book.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    Usually do 3-5 then a break then back at it

    I love to edge myself. Huge fan of tantra sex.

    Yes it takes more bread to do so but if she it's willing to give me the love I need then I can give get the donations she craves

    Mutual care of each other is a must in optimal fun.

    If my dick isn't to raw I will cut near the end but some times it doesn't happen...I don't pressure it ...if it happens it happens

    Believe it or not I've been offered otc from dancers that found me attractive, knew I had paper stacked and saw that I could last for some good long and enjoyable sex
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I only do 2-3 at a pop....I get bored or cum around song 4 so I need to stop to last
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    UGK you must be a rich stud LMFAO

    Fuck you Jackie
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    UGK is a Rich Stud lier like Ricky Boy LMFAO bet this fag paid for the system LMFAO
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    Yes, we had a group of van whores. Except that I call them "The Beloved Latina Escorts". Before the van, it had been front room FS. But even after all of that, and at a whole bunch of locations all across town, talent agents had girls dancing a few hours per week. This was all going way past the state and county alcohol license rules. But there still were some limits which were being followed. In any event, most all of the girls who dance in such environments know that it is temporary, and the reason they are there is to line up OTC's. This is what they do, and as much of it as they can. So when they are talking to a guy, that is most always what it is really about.

    So depending on the girl, and on what she thinks she can get away with, she can get extremely friendly, right there where you are seated. They are raking in money as all of this is going on, good money too. They pay a flat access fee, but beyond that, $1 is $1. They get far more by just doing, rather than by asking. And especially more than they would trying to sell dances at $20 per song in a booth. Most guys will go ahead and give them money and play along with them.

    The basic idea of booths and back rooms is just a gimmick. Originally strip clubs were no touching. In the very beginning it was no stage sitting or tipping, like at the early MBOT.

    Then Jim and Artie decided to push the envelop and stand up to LE, and to Dianne Feinstein, and they invented lap dancing. What this meant was lap sitting. So after their set, the girl would go out to sit on the lap of whoever wanted her. Waving money probably helped. But as the girls have explained in interviews they originally decided on $1 per minute. Really quite reasonable.

    But then more girls hired on, and they were much more aggressive about getting money. And so besides titty fondling, and grinding, it also sometimes went to digital vaginal and anal penetration. Jim and Artie did prohibit FS and fire girls who violated.

    How much DFKing? I think it depended on the girl and how you were getting along with her. But I can say from New Century visits, it got intense.

    Then Dianne Feinstein decided to try and incarcerate Jim and Artie in the state prison. The bothers would make no deal, so there was a jury trial. One of their primary arguments that this was not unlawful, was that it was all in the front room, so it was an audience participation cabaret show, done more for its value to shock and educate, than for sexual gratification. And they had experts from San Francisco's Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality testify about this being in view of the house audience, and how that is not really for sexual gratification.

    So Jim and Artie were acquitted and Feinstein was humiliated in the newspapers. So after these immense legal challenges were won, then came the Mafia, and then Deja Vu, with booths and back rooms. They could do this because San Francisco authorities were not going to risk another humiliation.

    And yes, sometimes the mileage did go up. And New Century and Market St. Cinema built these totally enclosed and large VIP rooms, clearly to allow FS. But mostly it was just a way for the house to take a deeper cut, and also to let the girl more completely control the interaction. Guys basically just had to let her do it. The girls did not have to open up at all. Very different from an girl sitting on your lap in an open ended situation.

    Okay, so though we have booths and backrooms, where anything might be done, that still does not mean that the best way to interact with a girl is to agree to buy a dance.

    It is still going to go better if you can get to know her, and build some intimate rapport. Better if you are not only buying a sexual service, but if you and she have reached the point where she wants to fuck you.

    So booths and backrooms are the worst place to try and establish this. The best place is in the front room, often with the girl on you lap. Its not for free, very little is in a strip club, but it is still a very open arrangement. Its just like at the table dancing places. It goes on as long as both parties want it to. And usually feeding her money is what it takes.

    But if that rapport develops, and the front room make out session ensues, then is the time to invite her to the back room.

    And then as you and she are getting along very well, best to take her home with you and continue, and then to continue seeing her.

    BJ69, I make no assumptions about what goes on in your club, or about what you do with customers. But in general is it not true that strippers encounter one guy after another, who wants to play in some way, and is willing to give out some money, but her really does not want to know the girl.

    And why doesn't he want to know her? Well I would say that it is because he divides women into two categories, and also because he is probably cheating on a wife or SO, and maybe also because his life just isn't set up for a relationship.

    So I ask you, as a woman, wouldn't you respect a man more if he only went after those women he thinks he might be able to have some sort of a relationship with, and then when he did this, he moved directly and assertively to make this happen, as opposed to someone who doesn't want any of this and just wants a woman to impersonate a Fembot (tm) and make him ejaculate?


    John Legend - Save Room live at Royal Albert Hall
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ only a fucktarded imbecile like san_jose_guy could come up with such a stupid delusional explanation for a bunch of crack whores being forced to work as prostitutes by their talent agent aka their pimp.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
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