
Comments by Subraman (page 213)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Do certain cities have better looking strippers than others?
    -->" In a place like Vegas, only the most attractive girls are dancing; in a place like Tampa there are some very attractive girls dancing but there are also some less attractive girls dancing;" This always has a huge effect on me. There's some kind of critical mass of hotness that, once it's hit, lifts up my overall PERCEPTION of hotness. It's like the kid-in-a-candy-store effect: there's a difference between the little candy display at the local supermarket, vs the heart-pounding excitement of being 8 years old inside a store filled with nothing but candy, even if you end up picking tropical fruit starburst in either place :) In SC terms, I've seen girls go from less-hot clubs to our hottest club, and for some reason, they become waaay hotter -- did they up their game somehow at the hotter club, or am I just perceiving ALL the girls at the club to be hotter? A little meta-discussion from the weak-minded :)
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    How to Have a Good Time at a Shitty Club?
    We'll assume that you truly won't be attracted to one single girl enough to get dances, although ppwh's observation that features should bring in this club's A-team is correct. If it's a club that's dry, I have no advice. But, if it's a club with alcohol, here's what I do on days like that: Sit down at the table. There will be girls who walk up and are so unattractive and so unpleasant that you'll dismiss them right away. But at any club that's big enough to have a feature, there's enough girls on shift that there WILL be some girls with great, rockin' personalities. So as each girl approaches, if one is particularly fun, I let her know I'm not doing dances but will be happy to buy her a drink ... if it's crowded, she'll go find other guys, but if not, well now you have a fun drinking buddy who is going to keep all the other girls away and give you someone to talk shit with until the feature gets there. I do slide her a $20 now and then, if she stays a while, and keep the two of us in bottom-shelf shots. I do this pretty regularly when I'm not attracted to any girls on the shift. I find features useless and can't fathom why anyone would go to a strip club to see one, but if I suddenly became insane and did so, that's my M.O. at an ugly club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Phone number--OTC
    flag: yah, I tell them the exact opposite: you can text me any time, you won't get me in trouble, and I especially enjoy slow shifts so do ping me when it's slow. And, also, I'll be sending you daily dick pics, do you prefer soft, hard, or surprise you?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    I don't know how I missed this thread ... get well soon and back to pervhood
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    Actually, Telos might be the winner for me. Wil let you know how it goes if I install it... it gives me that multi-line option I'm looking for
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Phone number--OTC
    -->"Subraman, I have no illusions and understand completely that it is all transactional. I wasn't sure just what transactions we were talking about." Got it. Some people wonder if it means she's open to OTC ... and it doesn't mean that either. I mean, she might be, but giving you her number is not a tip-off, it's just giving you her number. Life would be easier if it was some kind of awesome tip-off ("here's my number. As we both know, it means I take it in the butt!" *wink*) but no such luck :)
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    7 years ago
    Phone number--OTC
    -->"Thanks for the quick answer. Does the fact that all of them knew that I was not local change that at all?" If there's any thought, even buried down deep, that this might be anything more than a business move, you should definitely be careful, it's not. This is standard stripper M.O., there's nothing to be inferred by it, it's not something those same girls don't do to a zillion other guys who they're also not interested in. Why give you their number? 1. Just the fact that they're giving you their number, combined with the heady atmosphere at a strip club, gives the ILLUSION of something more intimate, and will get you spending more -- and only on her -- for the remainder of your visit to the strip club. 2. For the same reason as the above, even if you're from out of town, it might get you coming back again to see her tomorrow night, even though you hadn't planned to do so 3. It lets you text her to see if she's working, next time you're in town, and again increases the chance that you'll schedule your strip club trip to see her and you'll spend all your money on her 4. It lets her spend all of 20 seconds writing you a "when are you coming back, I miiiissss yooouuu!" text, which might get you back there sooner. To the extent that this "means" anything at all beyond the business purposes above, it means that as a customer, she doesn't consider you creepy or cheap, so she's willing to take your money again
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    I also found an app called Textme Up. The interesting thing about this app is that it allows you to have multiple numbers. I'd been thinking I actually want a 3rd line -- one for friends/family/work, one for hos, and one for businesses where I do my internet based shopping (the ones who put my phone number on all the junk call lists)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    Yep, I'm planning to switch, too. If it was just a few $ a month I'd keep it, but they went straight from free to $10/month. I wonder if there's a way to transfer my sideline phone # to Text Me, if any of you figure it out please let me know. JS, Text Me lets you do phone calls, texts, send & receive pics?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you Google a stripper's number?
    BJ: 100% creepy. nevertheless, I think it's plain dumb not to avail yourself of the easily-available tools, especially given that customers getting set up and robbed or killed by a stripper's BF is not especially rare. And to point this out again: I didn't even know such services existed, that tracked second lines and not just primary lines -- it was in a provider forum where I discovered this, the escorts are using these services on us, for the same reason: avail yourself of the easily-available safety tools
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you Google a stripper's number?
    -->"One person's creepy is another person's careful. If I Google a dancer's number and find out she's been arrested for robbery, then I'm not going to give her another minute of my time. " I think in this case, I will conveniently and self-servingly say that difference between careful and creepy is intent, in this case. I actually don't only use google, many providers use pay services that hit on even google voice and other second line type numbers (to profile customers based on their second lines). Partially, I do it to run my own second line and make sure these services haven't discovered me, but once we reach OTC stage, the more info on the stripper the better. I've never really discovered anything scandalous this way, although my buddy did find that a girl he was going to go OTC with, who seemed sweet as sugar in the club, was basically living thug life (we found her real name and then facebook page), and he dropped her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Ordering food in a club
    Buying strippers dinner is the single best deal in the club, IMO. For the cost of a $12 club sandwich -- which, BTW, we'll split -- we spend 10 minutes looking at the menu and then waiting for the waitress, 20 minutes for our food to come out, 20+ minutes to eat it, (at this point offer dessert, in which case, another 20 minutes), 10 minutes to digest. An hour of her time for $12 (actually $6, since we're splitting the sandwich), out on the floor where we'll flirt, I'll grope her under the table, put her on my lap, etc. In my local alcohol-serving clubs, I actually get far more mileage at the table than I would in a lapdance. For $6. The penny-wise pound-foolish chumps (ha ha!) who are all against ordering the girls food on principle, are missing out. I totally understand those of you who are grossed out by the mere thought of eating at a strip club. I used to be, too. Years back, I started going to a club with a buffet; I watched very carefully and saw the strippers, managers, bouncers, and the cooks themselves all came out and ate the food -- that is, they seemed to have no hangups over it. I tried it, it was pretty good. *if* you can get over the grossness factor, it really is a great deal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Fave-to-others spending ratio in the club
    It's totally different when my fave isn't there, but when my fave IS there, as I've discussed ad nauseum, I basically stick with her from the moment I walk in until I leave. So roughly: Commonly: 100% on fave, 0% on anyone else If her friends are hanging with us: 90% on fave, 10% on buying her friends drinks (dance-wise, it's still 100% - 0%) If I feel like stage tipping that day: 98% on fave, 2% on stage tips (dance-wise, it's still 100%-0%)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Majority of da bored is broke ass niggas
    This forum is one of only 5 places I can go where there's a chance I might get called the N-word
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is bigger better? Why?
    Ya, count me among those who is not going through lifelong recovery from mother not breastfeeding me. I keed! I keed! But, tits are mostly a don't-care for me. I prefer slim dancer's bodies, and to the extent I care about tits at all, I like them to be proportional to her body. Which means, for me, perfect tits on my perfect body are: ***perfectly shaped**, impossibly-gravity-defying B cups. Put her in a clingy cotton top, and that's about the only time that tits get my motor running.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    Entertaining little subreddit I stumbled upon!
    In fact, if skidmarked grannie panties are your thing, juice has plenty he's willing to part with
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    K: ya, I met a bunch of the guys at Chez Paree. I stayed in touch and SC'ed with ALS/victor/SamKool for years after it all imploded
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    Ya, amazing, right? Alt.sex.strip-clubs usenet group was the ancestor of us all, a number of terms we stlil use today came from there, and it was a pretty magic time... strippers accidentally sending blast-o-grams to the group, the girls didn't know what to make of usenet so embraced us for a while, there was even an assc irc group that often had strippers in it. Back then, from what I can tell, the term girlfriend experience was only used in strip club groups, and meant a private show where the girl was so affectionate it felt like she actually liked you. I could have missed it, but it wasn't until years later I saw the full service guys co-opt the term and make it mean specific acts
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    Maybe not ... here's the a.s.s-c glossary entry for PL: PL™, Pathetic Loser (Siren, 2/96) - (a) The term Siren used in a private email to another stripper to describe ASSCers™, accidentally posted the email to A.S.S-C, and was flamed relentlessly by ASSCers™ whose fragile egos were bruised; (b) Saxbeat adds, "someone who comes to A.S.S-C for advice on his (or her) love life." I don't think I ever met Siren ... or if I did, she was forgettable
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    If I remember right, in that same email she described us as "sensitive new-age guys", and we grabbed onto the term SNAG and snaggie, too :) good times man
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    I got dumped by a stripper ITC
    Agree with the hooligans and ne'er-do-wells above. 1. Can't ask for much more than her being honest, instead of any number of ridiculous games she could have played 2. Vegas sucks 3. Daytime rules for sit-and-hang-out-for-hours
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    PL vs Monger vs Customer
    I've mostly spent time on industry-wide forums, and there the terms have always been along the lines of: **** Monger: is short for Whoremonger. This term is applied exclusively to regular experienced clients of traditional FS services: that is, streetwalkers, escorts, and AMPs. No one knows what you're talking about if you use the term elsewhere. **** Terms used in non-strip-club parts of the industry: Sugar clients are sugardaddies; bodyrub clients are clients; domination clients are clients, subs, or whatever esoteric term of art they choose for themselves. **** In strip clubs: a customer is any ol' customer. A PL is, just as BJ says, us -- knowledgeable customers, the kind of people who would go on a forum to discuss strip clubs :) Waaaay back in the dark ages of the interweb, it was used as an insult; now it more delineates casual customers from guys who "hobby" (I hate that term), basically the SC equivalent of a monger.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A little creeped out
    ^^^ totally agree. Well, off to the talkies, then have an egg cream later :)