
A little creeped out

You can run but you will only die tired
I have never had this happen before and it is creeping me out a little. I got a facebook friend request from a stripper today. I have only seen her in the club a couple of times. The most recent was a couple of weeks ago. She is not really one of my favorites, but I have gotten dances from her and some VIP. She has never given me her real name but the picture and the fact that her stripper name is a variation of her last name clinched it, it is definitely her.
What creeps me out is that I only give my first name, and occasionally the town I am from. So this would have taken some investigation on her part, unless I uncharacteristically told her what I do for a living. With the size of the town and the scarcity of those in my profession there would make it easy to track me down. Unfortunately I cannot remember if that might have happened, or not. Of course I am declining it, but why would she even do this? My wife and coworkers and others who have no clue about my PL life are among my friends. There is no good that can come of this. Anyone else have anything like this happen?


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Did you give her your phone number, or take hers? Fb accesses your phone book and recommends friends based on that. I know some young outgoing dancers who see FB as a way to network w customers.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    It takes no investigation on her part, whatsoever. It is facebook that is using machine learning to conduct this investigation -- facebook knows your friends, and likely also has your phone number (you gave it to them as a password recovery mechanism) and email. Facebook is also one of the most intrusive and spy-ful apps out there, if you have it on your phone, they likely know where you've been and even at one time used to turn on your mic and listen to the music that's playing, to target ads at you. In short, through one of those mechanisms -- most likely phone # and email -- they connected you to her, then put your page up into her "suggested friends list". I have all kinds of strippers in my facebook suggested friends list, in my WhatsApp suggested friends list, in my Voxer suggested friends list, etc. Luckily, my facebook page is a "fake" facebook -- it's only got strippers on it!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I'm pretty sure it was some fb/phone connection, that suggested you as a friend and she just asks everyone who pops up, and not that she is stalking you.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    You can prevent a lot of it by not giving fb access to your phone book and email.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    If Venmo were as aggressive and efficient as Facebook as spying on me and making connections with strippers, I might bankrupt :)
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I hope I did not give out my Phone #. I do that only in very rare occurrences with my favorites and use my burner # only when I do
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    did you take hers?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Have you checked out the club's Facebook page?
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    TY Bj99 I will will make those changes. I was caught 20 yrs ago by my wife with an OTC. My marriage survived because I broke contact with her and Strip clubbing in general for about 6 years. I am very paranoid about getting caught again as I know I now have way more than I would be comfortable losing half of
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Yes I have been on their FB page... damn never thought of that
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    In fact they have several videos of her up on their FB page which I watch because she is an amazing pole artist which I truly appeciate
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Yep. And she prolly likes that page, and so ppl who visit it pop up in her recommendations.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    There is no "legit" app more unethical in aggressively using whatever means it has to make connections, than Facebook, IMO (again, re-read the part where last year they got caught turning your mic on and listening to what's in the background, to target ads at you; made more ironic when we discovered a picture of Zuckerberg at his laptop, and he himself covers both his mic and video camera with tape, to prevent snooping!). I removed the Facebook app from my phone entirely.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I deleted my FB account several years ago because of shenanigans like this from FB. In my opinion, FB, linked in, and Google are evil. I just hope TUSCL won't tell Skynet where I live.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I use fb only for family and groups that I keep private. They make it really hard to prevent ppl from searching you too.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Thanks all I feel much better now, except I think I am going to have to get a fake facebook as well lol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    You probably won't be able to determine exactly how she got to your FB profile without asking her. But FB has many ways to connect people, whether or not you want to be connected. Phone #, email, friends in common (or even friends of friends), common FB pages visited, can all be combined by Facebook to put a stripper on your scent.

    Another possibility is phone GPS locations. If both you and the stripper have GPS turned on while in the same building and logged in to FB, then FB will eventually assume that you know each other.

    If you're privacy is important, then log out of your social media accounts and turn off your GPS before driving to the club. Don't just restart your phone; that doesn't log you out. Go into the app and manually log out.

    For FB, log out of both FB as well as FB Messenger (two separate apps). Log out of Instagram as well, if you have it. IG is owned by Facebook.

    It's annoying. But necessary if you want to be discreet.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    @Call.Me.Ishmael that sounds like some advice I will take from now on. thanks
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    No problem. Good luck.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    WTF does anybody need FB or similar site for? I communicate with my family and friends via telephone, text, PMs or email. That seems to be working just fine.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    ^^^ totally agree. Well, off to the talkies, then have an egg cream later :)
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Bust up FB as a monopoly. Allow a more transparent competitor to get established.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Dude I've literally got like 20 stripper Facebook friends I don't understand why you're creeped out LOL you can actually find out a little bit about them through their Facebook
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    @ButterMan because of my wife and previous problems related to my being a PL I am very careful to separate my civilian life and my PL life. Keeps her happy and my assets intact and at my disposal. I am sure caught cheating with strippers would not play well before a divorce court judge.
  • Array
    7 years ago
    I'm still trying to figure how I got a friend request from a French girl in Sierra Leone. She was hot though!
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    It's also very easy to find somebody through a search engine with just their first name and city if that person has a LinkedIn profile. Most people have a clear profile picture of their face on LinkedIn, so a stalker can google a first name and city and then look through the pictures to find the person's last name and profession. Take that info and then go to Facebook to send a friend request.

    If you don't want to be caught, you need to become a social media ghost. I have LinkedIn but have my security set so I don't show up in search results. Searching my name and city show general white page information but no Facebook or LinkedIn. No images with my face show up either. My Facebook is set to private and I don't have my picture as my profile picture so when I do show up as a suggestion, people wouldn't be able to connect the dots by my face.

    I took Facebook off my phone a few years ago and my life is better for it. I've been toying with deleting it altogether as I've found I enjoy running in to old friends better when I don't know what's going on with their lives on Facebook. LinkedIn is a joke of a site for networking (basically a site for shaking your business balls at each other), so deleting both of these accounts would decrease the chances of being caught, if that's a concern.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I dropped Facebook years ago (when I found out a friend of mine got "tagged" in a picture in a compromising situation). In our line of having fun, nothing good can come of it imo if you have a wife, family, work, etc connected to it.

    Now if you are single and not worried about anyone finding out about your clubbing habit, then Facebook is probably a good mechanism to keep in contact with the strippers.

    For those of us who have anything to lose though, i'd avoid Facebook like the plague.

    By the way, even though I had set my FB profile to "private" and I emailed them years ago (like 2010 or 2011) to delete my account, every once in a great while I will go through my junk emails and see emails from facebook saying "do you know such and such" most of the time they are people I have no knowledge of, but other times it's freaky how they are able to come up with people that are like 7 degrees of separation to people I used to club with and knew...
    I honestly think that even though you tell them to delete an account, it's still out there somewhere, someplace on their servers...
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    If you use FB and LinkedIn - and your photo is similar on both - or if there is a common email address on both sites - then a simple search will provide your name, occupation, employer - and information on your friends, your likes and lots of demographics.

    It's best to be safe, and keep your PL life and phone - separate from your home life and phone.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Good examples of why I hate Facebook. But why would anybody use their real phone number at a strip club? I only use a burn phone.
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