
Phone number--OTC

So I have recently returned to patronizing strip clubs. I am certainly able to spend more than in my mis-spent youth. There is something new however. I have had three dancers at clubs in two different states offer me their cell phone numbers. Since in my past sc experience cell phones didn't exist I'm not sure what this means. Are they basically telling me to text to arrange for OTC fun or is there some other angle that I don't get. Please run through the pros and cons of this behavior for an old guy.


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Could be for OTC but in most cases when strippers are at work and things are slow they pull out their phones and start texting PLs to try to get them to come in and spend money.
  • Beershoes
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the quick answer. Does the fact that all of them knew that I was not local change that at all?
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Most likely to text when to come by the club again. Numbers usually not for OTC unless you specify when you get it.
  • Beershoes
    7 years ago
    Thanks houjack
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Yea its not uncommon especially if she see's you as a potential club regular and she likes you as a customer. Take it as a compliment since she probably doesnt think you are a weirdo or a stalker.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"Thanks for the quick answer. Does the fact that all of them knew that I was not local change that at all?"

    If there's any thought, even buried down deep, that this might be anything more than a business move, you should definitely be careful, it's not. This is standard stripper M.O., there's nothing to be inferred by it, it's not something those same girls don't do to a zillion other guys who they're also not interested in.

    Why give you their number?

    1. Just the fact that they're giving you their number, combined with the heady atmosphere at a strip club, gives the ILLUSION of something more intimate, and will get you spending more -- and only on her -- for the remainder of your visit to the strip club.

    2. For the same reason as the above, even if you're from out of town, it might get you coming back again to see her tomorrow night, even though you hadn't planned to do so

    3. It lets you text her to see if she's working, next time you're in town, and again increases the chance that you'll schedule your strip club trip to see her and you'll spend all your money on her

    4. It lets her spend all of 20 seconds writing you a "when are you coming back, I miiiissss yooouuu!" text, which might get you back there sooner.

    To the extent that this "means" anything at all beyond the business purposes above, it means that as a customer, she doesn't consider you creepy or cheap, so she's willing to take your money again
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    +1 Subraman

    I would add that if you exchange numbers, she can also add you to her list of guys to text when some terrible circumstance has come up and she needs some money to be sent by Western Union.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Btw, is it beer shoes or beers hoes?
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    A number's a number. I had a stripper constantly txt me she was working, and I live 6 hours away. She certainly wasn't at the top of the food chain and couldn't understand that even though I visited her town frequently for work, I am not always there.

  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    One would text me from 10.5 hours away. She finally gave up after I responded that if I started driving then that I would be there sometime the next day. I really did wish that she were a little closer, though. I actually had texted her when I was passing through her town a couple of weeks after we exchanged numbers, but she didn't respond then.
  • Beershoes
    7 years ago
    Thanks everyone. Subraman, I have no illusions and understand completely that it is all transactional. I wasn't sure just what transactions we were talking about. There is no reason in the world why a beautiful twenty something should "fall in love" with my old pudgy ass...my overweight wallet on the other hand.
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
    And that's why Subraman is playing chess while the rest of us play checkers.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"Subraman, I have no illusions and understand completely that it is all transactional. I wasn't sure just what transactions we were talking about."

    Got it. Some people wonder if it means she's open to OTC ... and it doesn't mean that either. I mean, she might be, but giving you her number is not a tip-off, it's just giving you her number. Life would be easier if it was some kind of awesome tip-off ("here's my number. As we both know, it means I take it in the butt!" *wink*) but no such luck :)
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I just tell em that sexy pics are a better way to entice me to come to the club than whiny texts.

    I mean, a naked pic isn't gonna make me drive 10.5 hours to go see her, but at least I won't feel quite as bad about being 10.5 hours away. ;-)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Very comprehensive Subra, we'll done.

    My two cents that I have learned thru experience....

    Set ground rules when exchanging numbers if you need to. For instance, I tell them not to initiate text conversations and to not respond at all if they can't within an hour because I can't afford to have incoming texts at any time.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    When I give out my number, it's so that customers can confirm I'm working.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    flag: yah, I tell them the exact opposite: you can text me any time, you won't get me in trouble, and I especially enjoy slow shifts so do ping me when it's slow. And, also, I'll be sending you daily dick pics, do you prefer soft, hard, or surprise you?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ That's why I think it is important to discuss it with them. Otherwise there is no way for her to know the situation and how to best provide service.
  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    You can also count that if she is not working, You probably won't get a reply. I swear I think they are burner phones that stay at the office.

    I have only had one tell me she would like some pics from me without me even asking. She was spotty about replying and even though she wanted to hang out OTC. Then I heard she left Follies. After a few months, I deleted the number.

    Make sure you tag her name with something. Don't want to be texting the wrong person with request asking if she is "Working".
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Phone numbers come in handy. I am unexpectedly going to be near a club I wasn't expecting to see again until next year, so the numbers I kept are getting used. The club itself can be a pain, so I might just skip it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"Make sure you tag her name with something."

    All my girls from Gold Club have the last name in my phone of "Oro", e.g., Jasmine Oro, Porsche Oro, etc. All the girls from SA are "Essay", E.g., Tina Essay, Lilly Essay. Etc -- every girl gets a fake last name that matches the place where I know her from
  • Janos
    7 years ago
    This stripper works in like 5 different clubs so she texts me when in my area.. But its also fun meeting new girls, you cant drive the same car forever.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    uprightcitizen. ditto.
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