
Comments by Subraman (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How much money?
    I bring $100 for drinks, buying my CF lunch, etc. Then I bring enough for two VIP dances ($240). And I bring an extra hundred or two just in case there's some opportunity I want to take advantage of. I often go with 1-4 friends, who spend about the same amount or more, so given that we go during dead slow dayshifts, if my friends are also doing dances with my CF, she can make some decent money during a time most strippers are lucky to get just a few lapdances
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The Organization vs. The System
    Delete. Meant to send a DM
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The Organization vs. The System
    Excellent work member #234! Keep up the facade that The Organization doesn't exist!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The Organization vs. The System
    "The organization is fictitious. " "The greatest trick The Organization ever pulled was convincing PLs it didn't exist." -- A stale bag of Hot Takis
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Commandments of the TUSCL Discussion Board
    Cast ye no judgement on the fun of thy neighbor, lest judgement be cast unto thy fun in turn. Yea, whether thy neighbor maketh splooge in his pantaloons, or giveth his stripper ye olde in n out, stayeth thou thine tongue
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Spreading the TUSCL word
    I've sent countless people to the review section of tuscl, with advice to buy a VIP and read reviews. Just on the reddit sub alone, I've sent dozens here. I don't send people to the forum here, given the trolly and newbie-unfriendly nature, I think those who stick it out here are "special", maybe not in a good way 🤣
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So what do you guys think of travel dancers in clubs you hang out in?
    I'm a CFer so I have absolutely no interest in traveling dancers. I don't care if they're there, necessarily; make their presence keeps the variety guys from getting all focused on my CF. But I have no interest in them at all
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Unsettled Strip Club Topics on the TUSCL Boards?
    "If we're honest about how the political dumping ground got so popular around here, maybe it's out of boredom because we mostly agree on the basic hobby ins and outs. Or do we?" I think you've hit on one of the two big trends on this sub. This sub isn't particularly newbie friendly (more on this in a moment) so we have a lot of relative veterans, all of whom for which topics like LDKing and OTC and "how should I tell the stripper no" etc etc are all pretty much settled. We've all converged on the same things, either because we've been doing this for 20 years and discovered it independently, or recognized good advice here and adopted it. The other big trend is, as I mentioned, this sub isn't newbie friendly, which leads to a lack of fresh perspectives from people who haven't adopted the forum consensus and/or just don't have the experience to know the answers to everything. The reasons for this include the fact that the forum can be tough -- there are times when the front page threads are at least half trolls, and even on other threads the trolls manage to take many discussions off course.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Shortened lap dance due to club rules
    "She got paid the same for less work. In her mind this was probably a net win, probably didn't want to be dancing in the first place." Agree that there's a certain mindset at work here. For some strippers, it seems like getting over a customer gives a needed self-esteem boost, that is obviously worth it to her. If it's a busy Saturday night and she'll be busy all night with customers anyway, maybe she doesn't care. I've always said that strip club hustle culture in general is like this, though. Why do so many clubs cut the songs short when offering 2-for-1 dances? are they really banking so much more by robbing us of those 45 seconds? Is it really so terrible that for one moment, the customer felt like they actually got a decent deal? Cutting 2-for-1s short by 45s doesn't do shit for club coffers, it's just something managers can't resist doing, because they feel like the customer needs to be hustled at all times.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Shortened lap dance due to club rules
    In all honesty, I don't believe the girl. Of course, it's not totally unbelievable -- the stupidity of strip club management should never be underestimated. But even a strip club manager should know that if a guy pays $30 (or whatever) for a song, he'll feel ripped off if he goes in and gets half a song. In my experience, it is ALWAYS the particular stripper making this choice, she's a hustler and she either stops and the song's end, or she claims "we're halfway through this song so we'll go to halfway through next song" but her judgement of where halfway through the next song is is very short. Could you have said "okay then, let's walk back out and come in again when the next song starts"?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Meow noises?
    Damn I missed the earlier Super Troopers reference
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Meow noises?
    Am I jumpin around all nimbly pimbly from tree to tree? Now you stop laughing right meow!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Customer
    Excellent point by gammanu. Aside from being ostracized, it is not terribly uncommon for girls who are rumored to be lowering prices, to catch a beating from the other girls.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Customer
    " I'll probably be going weekly, although not spending as much as I did last week where I was just buying dance after dance with this girl. Any advice or tips?" If you want to get better mileage for your $, and you are certain she's the only one you want and you're going to spend all your money on her each trip, then you can really lean into being her regular. Get her phone number. Text her to make appointments with her. Ask her when her slowest time is, and go in then. This all potentially makes you a more valuable customer to her, and is more likely to lead to all kinds of YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Customer
    Like the others, I think asking for a volume discount is unlikely to get you anything. In fact, it might even have the reverse effect: make her extremely annoyed with you, and so to the extent that you otherwise would have gotten the YMMV benefits of a regular, now she's going to punish you by giving so so dances because you're clearly a cheap fuck. In general, there are huge benefits to being a stripper's regular, but those benefits tend to come as YMMV (her giving you more of her time *voluntarily*) and/or more mileage (her allowing you to touch more, or touching you more, than her random customers). YMMV can be pretty huge and awesome. But a volume discount on her base pay is not what leads to YMMV
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    Has a Club or Girl Connected You to Your Screen Name
    Chili brought up ass-c. I was not part of ass-c in the very early days, but do remember those earliest days at New Century Theater and then at Chez Paree. In those early days, the strippers didn't quite know what to make of usenet, but a number of more entrepreneurial ones decided that it was an opportunity for extended outreach. There was a small group of strippers that became associated with the ass-c guys, and it wasn't uncommon for TRs to end with ass-cers and some strippers going down the street to a local diner at 2am (Cafe Mason, maybe???) together. Over time things turned and the girls started resenting any sort of online discussion about them, and that's the way it's always been since then -- smartest for PLs to adopt Fight Club rules rather than Crossfit rules when it comes to this.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    Has a Club or Girl Connected You to Your Screen Name
    Back in the early aughts out to about 2013, sfredbook absolutely dominated the bay area (and beyond) sexwork scene, to the point that all the forums and advertisers (craigslist etc) had practically no traction here. Redbook had forums on pretty much every topic, that again dominated discussion of virtually all sex services -- escorting, AMPs, FBSM, Pro domination, and of course strip clubs. On a side note, as a customers-uber-alles philosophy, it also put incredible power in the hands of customers in ways that were pretty atrocious for the providers. Anyway! The strip clubs forums were, again, big for SC forums though small compared to the others. Discussion was fairly explicit for forums (reviews were in a separate area ala tuscl, always reviews of strippers, not strip clubs, and very explicit including sexual acts and prices). With no written or cultural rules against either details or any level of talk, there were some pretty terrible misogynistic forum members, say terrible things about women in general, every girl they came into contact with, etc. Occasionally the girls would start doing some detective work to put a particular poster's comments and review details together, work out who he is, and hound him out of the club. They did sometimes identify other posters, share that information among themselves, and those posters would sometimes find some segment of the girls wouldn't interact with him anymore; although this was often temporary, stripper turnover is often fast and a year later, it was back to usual. I've always obfuscated details a bit, on every forum, just to make it a little more difficult for that to happen. Though I've never seen any evidence that strippers have widespread k nowledge of tuscl like they did of sfredbook
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    strippers on social media a turn off?
    "There were two clubs I went to because I wanted to try them out, One told me right at the door, the only way to get an audition to contact the club via Instagram and be directly invited in. And other one I was told I could work day, and be introduced to the nightshift manager, but warned without followers I’d probably be stuck on dayshift. " That is super interesting spice! Many years ago, my then-ATF told me she wanted to audition at a new club, and asked if she and my buddies would all walk in with her. I told her sure, but what's the point? She said she wanted to show management she could bring a whole bunch of good spending customers with her. It was an interesting approach I thought! Now of course, you can show management that virtually I suppose, with having lots of followers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    strippers on social media a turn off?
    In the past I've been on any number of my CFs' social media, and at least on a personal account, it is not the prototypical "tiktok attention whore" style. Don't get me wrong, wild things showed up even on personal social media for sure, they're strippers, they're wild, they like showing off money to each other, etc. But for girls with a public "stripper social media", many times they're following other advice on tiktok to build a brand. So what's going on is: What you described is basic-bitch tiktok style sex worker brand outreach social media now. It's just how it's done. The types of strippers who have public social media that is brand-oriented, are the most likely to follow that style of social media Ever since I started getting stripper social media years ago, I noticed pretty quickly that there is a huge difference between a private social media account, and as heaving calls it, "stripper social media account", with girls who have the latter more likely to be the classic professional stripper uber hustlers. In other words, there's a particular style of social media that you're describing, that is brand-oriented, although like you I don't get the appeal one tiny bit, maybe it appeals to younger men? It certainly seems significantly aimed at other young women, and perhaps that's part of it also. Stripper personal social media is not like this, though still wilder than your average girl
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    n ice: it could. There are definitely guys out there with two phones, one for work. If it's a work phone, though, then she sees him on it constantly, especially for work calls. A phone that she tried to hide but she found? Or a phone she walks in on him using, and he acts startled and hides it? Second phone is the classic tipoff for adultery. I don't think it's a good idea to bank on your spouse being the one person too dopey to realize it! If he had a work phone, she'd know it already
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    "Obviously, that's not quite as secure as a separate phone, but for most guys it's sufficient." I agree that a second phone is most secure if you don't have (say) a wife, or girlfriend you live with. If she finds your second phone, or finds you on it -- every woman knows what a second phone means. That can't happen if you just have your single phone, with google voice or whatever. Just one phone, nothing else for her to find. She'll never go on your phone anyway (right?), so no reason for her to be snooping around on it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thinking about trying escorts. Advice?
    In most areas, for decent looking mid-level girls and up, you'll need to provide references or ID. The good news is, you'll only need to do this once, so just make a safe choice. Once you see that first girl once or twice, she'll be willing to be a reference for you in the future, and you can build up a base of references, assuming you do this often enough. Many girls won't provide references if you haven't seen them in a while, so if you take two years off from escorts, you might be back to square one again. The huge safety advantage for escorts is that you can read reviews in advance. Get yourself a membership at a good review site, find someone who is incredibly well reviewed, this is your best bet for not getting ripped off, mugged by the pimp, blackmailed, etc. Do not see anyone without extensive reviews, as mike mentions, by reviewers with lots of reviews.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    "Asking her why she wants-it does-no-good - we all know why or should know why after reading this thread - it's just part of the hustle or as many strippers refer to it "the fantasy" - stripper " Right, asking a salesperson why they are doing something, the reply will be an extension of their sales pitch. Might be fun to ask anyway, just to hear the reply. Many girls will be perfectly honest -- so you can find out when I'm in the club and come visit me. But in general, we (experienced customers) have more valuable insights, than asking the sales person.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    Yes, there's always an agenda. Lots of (correct) responses that this is standard marketing outreach -- they think you have potential as a repeat customer, and this is how you can get in touch with them to find out their schedule, etc. What's missing is that there's also a short-term payoff. Many guys will not understand that socials and her phone number are merely an extension of her hustle, and will get very excited about it. That maximizes the chances that he'll spend the rest of the night, and the rest of his money (often, far more than he intended to spend) on her -- investing in a budding relationship to maximize his chances. Which are zero :) TL;DR: get you to spend all your $ on her tonight, and get you to come back and see her.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pimps in the clubs.
    I can't imagine why any SC manager would think this is a good idea, unless it's part of a kickback. Pimp offers to kick back 20% (or whatever) of the stripper's take, but his condition is that he can stay and watch her if he wants. If management is not getting a kickback, there's nothing but monstrous downsides. Customers notice and absolutely hate it. I suppose the girls might work a little harder if they know they're being watched