
Comments by Subraman (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers fishing for compliments.
    I always say something nice, regardless. Doesn't cost me anything. Sometimes I then ask her back if she likes my strip club outfit. This leads to a humorous interaction that makes me seem like a normal person.
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    2 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    "There's nothing about OTC that most escort mongers find appealing." Actually, let me walk that back a bit. My friends who see escorts -- the are envious over how hot my OTC strippers are compared to their escorts, and envious over multi-hour and overnights for what would could them just 2 hours with the escort. But the trips to the strip club that we love, they can't be bothered with, it's all wasted money for them. They also aren't interested in dealing with stripper flakiness
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    "I've been looking for that type of arrangement for a little bit...BUT...the problem is you have to put in the time at the SC to become a regular...THEN...find a girl you 'click' with who is willing. That process of becoming a regular and developing that relationship could run thousands...just to get your foot in the door." That's a great point, and let me address that. If you are an escort type of guy -- that is, all you want is to have sex with a provider, with as little fuss as possible -- then escorts or AMPs are easily the right answer, and it's not even close. I would never go on an escort board and start telling them that OTC is better. There's nothing about OTC that most escort mongers find appealing. The big base assumption I have is: we're on a strip club board. We all fucking love going to strip clubs. Going to a strip club and having a great time is itself an end goal, and enough reason in itself to go to the strip club. For a PL, the 1-5 trips he takes to the SC to find an OTC girl is not wasted time and cost -- it's 1-5 trips he had an amazing time anyway, money he would have spent anyway. And now, cherry on top of that sundae, is he gets OTC, which as I said is a pretty fantastic experience. I personally find nothing appealing about escorts/AMPs, though no shade on those who love it.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    I just submitted it today, which is why I was trolling the articles section :) Might be a bit of a letdown compared to this one though, just some SC ancient history
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    The post was written in 2016, prices have definitely changed a lot until today. That said, your personal experience doesn't apply to all of us. No, in SF, a hot girl does not make 700-1000 on an average day in the club, on dayshift. Of course, there are no dayshifts anymore so I guess that's moot. Escort prices have gone up also, of course, so the number comparison still roughly apply
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Should Tranny Stripper Be Upfront With You?
    SJG: Hey boss, so is that a yes or a no on trannies for the organization we're building. You say the word and I'll flood this bitch with shemales. I'll make sure they're so ghetto, tatted, and chlamydia-infested that they'd show up on one of Icey's hot chicks threads.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Best mileage nude clubs in SFO??
    Max, pre-covid, high mileage plus Asians would mean Crazy Horse, absolutely no brainer. I don't know what the lineup looks like now, but they did get bought by Deja Vu (which now has a complete monopoly, they run every single SF strip club). That said, I'm under the impression that many of the former dancers are still there based on discussion I've seen here and there. There are a couple of reddit subs centered on SF strip clubs. r/SFStripClubChat and r/SanFranciscoStrippers are two that I know about, both are low volume subs but definitely have CrazyHorse fans in them. If you ask this question there, I'm sure someone can give you current status report. Note that CH doesn't necessarily have the hottest Asian girls -- that'd be the lower mileage clubs like Gold Club and Hustler. But the mileage at CH is far better.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Mr. San Jose
    Point of clarification. Technically, shouldn't you be referring to him as Mr. Jose Guy?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Stripper subreddit LDK topic
    "R/strippers just gained a new mod though. 🥳🎉" Let's hope the new mod is extras friendly!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?
    Self Respect is out in the back with Keeping It Classy and Dignity, ODing on fentanyl
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?
    Shailynn: if you text me to tell me you'll be on the other side of the glory hole in stall #2, I expect you to be there. Basic respect man
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How do I politely tell dancers say no?
    If you're having trouble, start slower: 1. NCT is a high hustle den of ROBs. Dayshift at the alcohol clubs would normally be your place, but given limited hours (dayshifts still aren't open at Hustler or Gold Club, are they?), clubs like Condor and CrazyHorse tend to be a little lower pressure for nightshift. Hell, even Hustler or Gold Club at the **beginning** of the shift. NCT may well be literally the worst place to go. 2. "No thanks". I don't get into discussions with dancers, give excuses, or answer questions, unless it's being offered as friendly discussion rather than continued hustle or a humiliation tactic. 3. Rule 1: Don't be an asshole. Rule 2: Don't be a little bitch. https://tuscl.net/article.php?id=49689
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?
    I have it on good authority that Keeping It Classy is behind the building with Dignity, smoking crack. 🤣 The friend is probably not an SCer; he's interpreting stripper flakiness through vanilla dating eyes. So we know we can ignore him. Agree on stripper flakiness in general. Hell, I've had an ATF who I'd text two hours before her shift, she'd assure me she'll be there, and she doesn't show up lol. Always with a crazy reason, but she made such poor choices regularly, I had to believe it. I eventually got to either asking her to text me when she got to the club, or just going with the intention of finding another CF if she didn't make it. The "no wifi" excuse is also interesting, and common. I've gotten the sense that some strippers I knew didn't have a mobile plan, or at least once in a while they'd got dropped (failure to pay)... because for a few weeks they'd want me to communicate only through an app, then one day back to texting again. As far as asking for a discount, IME that won't go over well. Either she'll make up for it on her own, or you drop her, or you make adjustments like not heading to the club until she texts you she's there and/or going to the club with the mindset you'll have fun with another stripper if she's not there
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Stripper subreddit LDK topic
    >>> “hey, fellow patrons can probably be more helpful on this particular topic you have created” And usually the reply to that is “nope, I don’t care” If one just likes female attention Yep! I have to think that guys who post questions there often are looking for some stripper attention, maybe do a little kowtowing to get some praise. Eh, just a little online simping, no harm done lol
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Stripper subreddit LDK topic
    In general, just like online customer forums are waaaay more focused on extras and OTC than the average SC customer, online stripper forums are waaaay more hostile to extras and even LDK than in real life. Seems to me that it's common for some strippers to be anti-LDK, some to tolerate it as long as they get paid, others to be fine with it (but they also want to get paid), whereas on most stripper forums, it's reviled. Paul has become a mod of r/strippers, which is about half the size of r/stripper, but still pretty big at 35k members. r/strippers does allow customers (though I'd tread lightly) and is not totally extras unfriendly
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Lowering Your OTC Rate
    Dolfan, $2500 is insane even in SF. Prices have gone crazy in SF as you might imagine, but 1k will get you 95+% of girls on SA, which gets you to some real stunners.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Lowering Your OTC Rate
    A little late to the party, but I too believe that it's important that the rate for your first OTC be within budget, because I've never heard of a successful re-negotiation. And I understand why, even at $2500 you can ask to drop to $1000 which is still a nice chunk of change... psychologically for her, it's a blow to her pride, so even if she's seeing other guys for $1000, you've probably priced yourself out. Be smart about rates or pay the consequences at some point.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Online Female Escort Advertisements: The Cost of Sex
    While they were at it, they should have seen if there's price differences based on ethnicity. I can hear the Buzzfeed and Vice newsrooms in an uproar already lol
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Do you replace your laptop battery ?
    ah, just looked it up, Teslas older models have nickel cobalt aluminum based batteries, so completely different chemistry! They've just changed to a brand new lithium iron phosphate, so still different chemistry than laptops etc
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Do you replace your laptop battery ?
    Yes, all lithium based batteries, most lithium iron or variations -- lithium phosphate, etc. I imagine that EVs have outrageously sophisticated charge management that protects against the things that prematurely age batteries, such as: charging to 100%, leaving it at 100% for long periods, discharging very low, etc. Phone batteries almost always are down to a fraction of their initial capacity after 2 years, and definitely after 3, just like laptops
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Online Female Escort Advertisements: The Cost of Sex
    " The analyses showed that higher fees were associated with female escorts who advertised a waist-to-hip ratio near 0.7, lower weight and body mass index, younger age, and photographic displays of breast and buttocks nudity. " Given this absolutely shocking result, SJG and I are going to need an emergency meeting to completely re-think our strategy of cellute-ridden, grill-wearing, tattoo-covered ghetto skanks for our Organization. It's as if we had no idea what men actually like! Lower weight and body mass and younger age, who could have seen that coming? Huh.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The White Suit
    I'm thinking of going in a black suit with white tie. I figure everyone will think I'm a floor manager and ask me when my shift starts
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Do you replace your laptop battery ?
    Yeah, for work I need something more powerful but my company replaces those every couple of years. For my personal use, I don't do anything that I need more than a $350 (or less) chromebook for, so not painful at all to replace
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Do you replace your laptop battery ?
    I've never replaced the batteries in a laptop, but my main laptop is supplied by my company, and they replace the whole damn thing every 2-3 years. Which probably gives some insight on how long they think it's cost-effective to keep a laptop. Now that I don't travel often, I don't have a problem leaving the laptop charged in anyway. Li Ion batteries definitely have a limited lifespan. The things to keep in mind are that this is dangerous technology -- these batteries "venting with flame" are no joke. And you should assume a li ion battery that can't take a charge may be damaged internally; hopefully the laptop manufacturer designed a rock solid power system that prevents the worst happening, but given we've seen Apple and Dell laptops catch fire, we know it's not always possible. In addition, if the laptop is old enough that it's not getting security updates anymore, your financials and the like are all at risk. Nothing might ever happen to you, there's loads of laptops out there with old batteries that are multiple security updates out-of-date, and disasters are rare (at least for battery catastrophes; not so rare for those who don't keep their security patches up to date). TL;DR: this isn't something I tend to be thrifty on. I want batteries that are healthy enough to hold at least a basic charge. I need my computer to be absolutely up to date on OS security patches.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How much money?
    " The only advantage to being a "regular" (for me) is if it can lead to an OTC relationship" I know you said "for me", and of course you're entitled to decide what you see as an advantage. But more generally, there are a lot of other potential advantages that the majority of PLs will feel is an advantage. The really huge one for me: in my low-touch alcohol club, the bouncers usually walk through the VIP room once per song; for me, I haven't seen a bouncer walk through my VIPs at all for years (except for the occasional new bouncer), the girls all know that I (and I assume other regulars) get a little more latitude, and I get FAR more contact in the VIP than most. I also haven't paid a cover charge in many years. I am a known quantity for the girls, and that leads to some latitude on their part. One of the bartenders used to charge me for house tequila and pour me middle or topshelf. I could go on and on. I know not everyone appreciates these things, and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. Club hopping has its own joys. But being a regular can lead to some nice advantages you might not have thought of.