
How much money?

How much money do you spent as a regular


  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Usually at least $200 these days.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I used to spend around $700 a visit. Now it's like $200 to $400. For the same shit.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ It's cheaper to be a rapist than a pimp, right Iceefag
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Similar to the last question you asked, the answer is going to vary wildly. Especially since "regular" can be many things. A regular can sit at the bar and drink (and maybe tip a few dancers at the stage ... or not) or a regular can take one or more dancers to VIP in a single night. The only common denominator amongst all regulars (my opinion) is that they show up at the same club often enough to be known there.

    So, it's a range between tens of dollars and thousands of dollars.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I'm not answering the question because I've never thought of myself as a Regular. I love variety and do most of my mongering on my travels. But I do spend a lot of time in the Tampa area. About a year before Covid hit, I found a particular girl at Diamond Doll's in Clearwater that I liked. So I went back to see her a few times. Then one day I walked in and sat at the bar. The bartender brought me a Bud Light without me asking, then I heard her open the door to the back room and shout " tell so&so that her customer is here " . I hadn't said a word to anyone and I had my drink in hand and my girl was on her way.

    Maybe it was just a bartender that was really good at her job. But that just didn't feel right. I didn't go back there for quite a while after that day.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I’m not a “regular” anywhere but if I’m going to a club I’ve been to multiple times, how much I spend depends on two big factors. #1 am I having multiple drinks (which means I took a cab or an Uber) and #2 is there a dancer there I like and if so I’m likely get multiple lapdances from her. So cover, drinks, tips, etc. can run $25 to $100+ and as long as there’s a girl there I like I’m always going to get $100 worth of lapdances which could run several hundred dollars.

    If I go into a club and get zero lapdances I’m going to at least spend $40 (cover, tips, 1 drink, a few stage tips) and if I had a good time (several lapdances) not necessarily multiple drinks that’s going to run at least $200 at the minimum.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I almost always spend under a hundred dollars per visit. What increases the cost above that is either trying to get more than just a lap dance by spending more or trying to impress someone, neither of which I do.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    Too much. It's hard to get out of the club without spending at least $600. I've wasted my children's inheritance.
  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    Agree w/Ishmael. One use of the word, "Regular," is for the dude girls' flock to when he comes in. He'll sit with 2 or 3 girls at a "Reserved" table, seemingly without any special permission, and then hang around for hours and never seem to get dances. Girls will ignore other guys with money burning holes in their pockets, and just sit with the guy, passing the time.

    So, what's in it for the girls? Is he paying them in some fashion, either upfront, with drugs, with "game," with empty promises?

    Anyway, I generally bring $400 with me, figuring I'll spend $200 minimally for drinks, a few LDs, and tips. That leaves $200 for possible VIP, but often leave with it still in my wallet... sorta pre-loading for next time.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Regular just means you frequent the club at regular intervals. It's the main one you go to.

    In contrast to being a girls regular per se.
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    Warrior 15: I have your reaction strictly when the staff brings me the entertainer that I wish to remain in my rear view mirror!
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I always take more than I need in order to cover a VIP If I find the right girl. Since Covid the quantity and quality at clubs in my area have not recovered and I'm only doing a VIP about 20% of the time. Many times I am in and out for under $100. A VIP can run $150-200.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    It’s too wide of a range to specify. It varies by club, location and the type of regular you might be.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I was just looking through this, bc I recently ran to the end of my “clubbing” account. In 10 months I have spent $5k in seattle clubs. Sometimes that’s 3-4 trips per month, other times it was 1 or zero due to the pandemic, disinterest, or other circumstances. When I started in June, $200 was my standard spend… 3-4 x $40 dances with a CF and I was done. The rest went to entry, rando one and done’ s, etc. now I’m spending $500 regularly. Part of that is the push to VIP which seems to be up locally. Before, the extras level I wanted was prevalent in the LDA (lap dance area) but now I’m in VIP by the end of the night, this runs $30-$50 for the room and $250-$300 for the dancer. I made my first trip to a VIP last summer with a lovely curvy ginger, and I enjoyed it enough to make it a regular thing… so even though the area-standard $40/song is unchanged, my spend is up. Is this shrinkflation or me enjoying an upgraded experience? Probably a bit of both.

    So, for the moment: $500, and it’s time to recharge the account.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ George Costanza calls it shrinkage LULZ
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    I bring $100 for drinks, buying my CF lunch, etc. Then I bring enough for two VIP dances ($240). And I bring an extra hundred or two just in case there's some opportunity I want to take advantage of. I often go with 1-4 friends, who spend about the same amount or more, so given that we go during dead slow dayshifts, if my friends are also doing dances with my CF, she can make some decent money during a time most strippers are lucky to get just a few lapdances
  • Leonard313
    2 years ago
    I'm not a "regular"...primarily because I can't afford to be one.

    I usually bring $300-$400 with me to the club, and unless I strike out (no VIP, no extras, or no dancer worth my time/interested), nearly all of the money is gone by the time I leave.

    But, I'd say some "regulars" actually spend very little. They nurse a couple beers, maybe get a lap dance. They just make sure they are there, routinely. so they establish that relationship.

    Other regulars probably spend thousands of dollars...paying the dancer's bills, etc... If a regular establishes that type of relationship, a sugar daddy kinda thing, then they could spend hundreds each visit and give the dancer even more to help her with one bill or another.

    It's all about being the "regular" you can afford to be. If you know you can be happy just showing up 2-4 times per week, having a couple beers, and spending $40 on lap dances...you could be a "regular" for < $75 per visit ($150-$300 per week, $300-$600/month). If you know that you aren't going to be satisfied without VIP/extras, then you might have to be a "regular" that shows up every other week and drops $300/night ($600/month). Either way, it's the same $600/month habit. So, you just have to figure out what kind of regular you want to be for that $600.

    I don't ever plan on being a "regular". I like trying different clubs. The only advantage to being a "regular" (for me) is if it can lead to an OTC relationship where I can get the same thing I'm looking for in the club, but in a more comfortable environment and for less money (taking the club cost out of it).
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    " The only advantage to being a "regular" (for me) is if it can lead to an OTC relationship"

    I know you said "for me", and of course you're entitled to decide what you see as an advantage. But more generally, there are a lot of other potential advantages that the majority of PLs will feel is an advantage. The really huge one for me: in my low-touch alcohol club, the bouncers usually walk through the VIP room once per song; for me, I haven't seen a bouncer walk through my VIPs at all for years (except for the occasional new bouncer), the girls all know that I (and I assume other regulars) get a little more latitude, and I get FAR more contact in the VIP than most. I also haven't paid a cover charge in many years. I am a known quantity for the girls, and that leads to some latitude on their part. One of the bartenders used to charge me for house tequila and pour me middle or topshelf. I could go on and on.

    I know not everyone appreciates these things, and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. Club hopping has its own joys. But being a regular can lead to some nice advantages you might not have thought of.
  • jmiddle30234
    2 years ago
    Only club I really go to is tattletales I have three girls I will take to vip it’s 300 for the half if I don’t do vip I’m in an out for about 50 bucks
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    I bring enough so if there is a Unicorn that is so hot I would pay a premium for VIP. That usually means enough for just bout 2 VIP's plus some tipping and dancing. So I bring $700-$800. I spend anywhere from $50 to $150 if I do not do VIP. Usually under $100. If I do VIP then it is $350 or so. Sadly, I've never had to break into that Unicorn reserve, although I have done two VIP's once or twice in my life. I have also done VIP's at two different clubs on the same wad of cash.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I usually bring $500-750 and I am hopeful that I will find enough talent to spend it all. However that rarely happens. It all depends on the talent and what is available at the time.

    Here is what I spent on my last 3 strip club trips over the past two months.

    Trip 1 - hit 3 different clubs in Columbus on a Thursday afternoon/evening and spent a total of about $150. Didn't find anyone worth more than a couple of dances between the three clubs.

    Trip 2 - hit 2 clubs in Louisville and spent a total of $600. The first club was a complete bust and I spent less than $20 for a drink and a couple of stage tips. The 2nd club I got dances from 3 girls before deciding which to take to vip. Left extra happy after the vip and enjoyed every bit of the money I spent.

    Trip 3 - hit 2 clubs in Columbus. Spent about $200 at the first club getting dances from 2 girls and about $150 getting dances from 1 girl at the second club. I would have gladly spent more taking any of those 3 to vip if Coluwasn't so strict on contact even in the vip.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    I get da $5 lapperz
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