
Comments by rockstar666 (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My Escort G/F - Sometimes Stalking Pays Off - Part 3
    No ES (similar to SS) from her. She's not got any drama now; never cancels a date, not a drug user besides 420 and we drink the same amount. Doesn't ask for money, although I pay for the dates. It's like dating a hot civvie who I have to travel 60 miles for. But perhaps the drama will change when she starts 'working' again?
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    8 years ago
    New Mexico
    Scam or Bam?
    Several years back I fucked a black girl BB...a couple months later she says pregnant and I'm the father. She wanted $5000. I also had been snipped for many years so I told her it's impossible. Turned out the baby was 100% black, and she was already pregnant when we fucked. Sharks everywhere huh.
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    8 years ago
    New Mexico
    Scam or Bam?
    flagooner: That's funny because all my dancers are exclusive to me too!!! Like my CF....she's VERY much in to extras with me (in a non-extras club no less), and last week she agreed to arrange OTC next visit. She's in love with me, so no other PL's get any extras or OTC from her. Just me. Must be my charm! And my $200...
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    8 years ago
    "Adjust your cock"
    Obviously if your cock isn't free to expand to its full length due to underwear or bad positioning, it's going to be a painful LD! I used to be shy about that but now I'll even stop a dancer so I can adjust myself. Dancers even seem to like that; they can feel the results of their efforts with proper positing. Easier for a HJ too.
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    8 years ago
    New Mexico
    Scam or Bam?
    Even though I generally don't use condoms, I have one with me just in case. Any dancer that will fuck me is obviously fucking a LOT of other people!
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    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    gawker, I now understand how an economy works. We work hard to make money, just to give it to beautiful women to pretend to like us instead of buying fancy sports cars. Then they give the money to the drug dealers, and THEY go out and buy the cars. At least the mainstream economy eventually sees the benefits of our collective bad habits.
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    8 years ago
    Has a stripper gropped you in the VIP? :D
    I get an occasional grope during 5 songs for $60 in VIP. You need to find a better club!
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    8 years ago
    Ever been oddly surprised at the ease ofhooking up with someone?
    Only once. Met from her C/L add, fucked right away and now 7 years later are soul mates. I'll spare the details.
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    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    OldYoung: You have your eyes open, which is a good start. Even veterans get scammed though so never think you have it ALL figured out. The acid test is what I said: Cash vs. service. Promises mean NOTHING. Either get get the level of service you want for what you can afford, or you have to cut bait and move on.
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    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    The bottom line is what are you getting for what you're paying. some girls will give you very little with promises of more for more money. The good side is there ARE dancers who give excellent value; my C/F is my all time best value as far as money vs. service. The only problem is that the dancers you crush on are rarely them. So you need to decide what you want each visit...or in general. The prettiest girl in the club who is 99% will just hustle you if you get in too deep, or a dancer who gives you more than you expect for reasonable money.
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    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    For some reason, they all think you have a lot of money so naturally they want some. I don't usually have dancers mention other PL's to me (unless I ask which I hardy ever do).and they know I'm only good for $2-300 a visit. Dancers are pros....they know you're new from what you say and how you say it. When you've learned the ropes you'll be able to turn the tables a bit. For example, when a regular started some sob story I congratulated her on the best line of SS since the days of frontier gibberish, She couldn't stop laughing! I will say, some dancers have mostly really rich regulars though. When my ATF was dancing she had a stable of 60-80+ year old whales. I'm sure I was her youngest and poorest customer but she "liked" me - we did some free OTC. She never did the rounds in the club; she'd just hang out until a regular whale )or me) would show up. Perhaps you're choosing dancers with the same strategy and want you to know they have high "requirements"? Something about you makes them think you're richer than you probably are. Since my girls know I play in fly by night a rock band, they know I have limited whale potential.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Birth control
    My ex-ATF took a lot of pills but since I'm snipped I didn't care what they were.
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    8 years ago
    OTC at the house
    Ha! Grand, I've fucked 5 girls in the Odyssey and got a few BJ's as well. Very convenient!
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    8 years ago
    What do you use to block robo calls or scam phone calls?
    My land line is on;y for ID; no one who knows me should call it because it's never answered.The VM must have thousands of unheard messages! On my cell, I have a hunch I can block as many numbers as it takes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OTC In The Offing
    It's 50-50 she's playing me (I actually think she may not be!! LOL) but I'm having so much fun it doesn't even matter. I don't even tip her for dances so I'm no whale for her. Yet she's GFE more than any dancer I've ever had including the ex-ATF....and she has fun with me too as far as I can tell...or she wouldn't hang with me so much for free. She's not an idiot. That being said...I'm likely just another PL....but she sure does her role as well as can be done. Like I posted, I can't see her not being fired soon unless I really AM special to her and it's not all SS. If everyone gets service like I do she'll get busted by management. We'll find out when the OTC deal is made! LOL
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car Update
    25: I agree synthetic is better in the abstract, but in the cases I posted about I stand by why cheap oil might be better. If your car drinks oil like my 200,000 mile Honda, it's pointless. And when I was changing the Lotus oil every 3 months and 500 miles ish, it was a waste.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car Update
    Papi, I need my Honda Odyssey because of the band; I have a lot of equipment to haul (full Marshall stack, guitars, guitar and mic stands, mics, cables, and sometimes my PA which is the power amp, mixer, monitors and mains...) and it's over 200,000 miles. It's had a few things break but it's still worth keeping. Hondas are great!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car Update
    minnow, synthetic oil companies make deals with the car companies to recommend to use their oil. It's a scam. You can use any oil in a car, although cheap oil needs to be changed more often. We're talking cars with an 8000 RPM redline or lower now...race cars are a whole 'nother deal. I used to use cheap oil in the Lotus since I changed it every 3 months regardless of mileage, but now use synthetic and change it every July 3rd. The manual actually says once a year or 5000 miles...I put maybe 2000 miles a year on it. Once a year with synthetic is cheaper and easier than 4 times a year with Pep Boys low grade. BTW I do all my own maintenance.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who's hitting a club for St. Patrick's Day ?
    Just got home! See myne thread about OTC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Car Update
    rick d: Premium gasoline is for higher compression engines. Both my Acura's 'require' it; you can use regular but it cuts both power and mileage, so it's a zero sum game. The Honda uses regular so that's what I buy. The Lotus had a "factory" advance of 5 degrees; I adjusted it to 10 degrees and if I don't use premium it will knock like hell. In fact, I set the timing to be just the edge of detonation...more HP and better throttle response. More pollution too but it is exempt from testing. If you put premium gas in a car that uses regular, you won't get more power or mileage; it's just a waste of money. So bottom line: just buy what the owner's manual says.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is this a Triple Play?
    I AM young again. Vitamin V is an amazing discovery.
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    8 years ago
    OTC at the house
    larry, do you know her real name? Do you know where she lives? What car she drives? If the answer is "yes" you're at least not a total idiot if she steals something. I'd invite her over.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Now is the time to schedule your vasectomy
    Papi, there's no knife any more. No bags of frozen peas either. Just get it done; your insurance may even pay for it if you're married.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Where does a stripper's money go?
    Papi, from meeting my ex-ATF and subsequently her dancer friends OTC, they seem to pop a lot of pills. All kinds: adderal was VERY popular with that crowd, as were opioids. This was a surprise to me; I was hoping for coke! LOL They smoke pot but don't ever buy it; they get their PL's (like me) to supply it. Having a good weed connection myself, I was popular. If I didn't I doubt I would have been in this "inner circle". This is just one group of dancers from my club; I'm sure the culture in other clubs may be much different.