avatar for Dougsterr

Comments by Dougsterr

discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
World renowned virologist: vaccine recipients will die within two years
Delusional Dave continues to be that special kind of stupid. Keep it up bud....they really are out to get you! Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
I'll just leave this here
Just another pathetic attempt by the magatards to demonstrate their stupidity. Like they needed to prove it to us, lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Beat100
What are your honest thoughts on the super straight movement?
Super stupid. Next!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Asstapper
Vegas strip clubs
Don't waste your time. Vegas stripclubs are well known tourist traps, preferring to sucker in unsophisticated bumpkins as easy marks.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Global conspiracy confirmed, advertising industry controlled by sinister forces
Roflmfao Another priceless gem from the Queen of the Paranoid Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for skibum609
The game Plan of the Democrats is based on a few quotes.
YAWN. Get some new schtick, old man. Your repeating of your same old drivel is old and tired, just like you.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for skibum609
The game Plan of the Democrats is based on a few quotes.
So typical for radical extremist morons like this fucktard to demonize an entire genre of people to justify their outdated, narrow minded and limited POV. Idiots like skibum are complete jokes looking desperately for validation from other societal throwaways. She posts here so that her fellow republican parishs can sit around in their circlejerk and agree with each other. So sad. Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for skibum609
The game Plan of the Democrats is based on a few quotes.
Wahhhhhhhh. More hand wringing melodrama from a true throwback regressive dinosaur. Bitter and angry. Pathetic. Just go back to sitting at your window yelling at neighborhood kids playing near your trailer park property old man. You're not swaying anybody.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for DoctorPhil.
Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
I have now figured out why mr skibum is so out of his mind
Because she's a bitter old bitch who's angry that the world is passing by her regressive old ass. Shaking her wrinkled old fist at the world while crying tears of frustration and anguish is a miserable way to live. You reap what you sow.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Butt plugs.
Buttplugs? How nice of you to dedicate a thread to the right wing retards here! Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Member6532
It's not by accident. The hot waitress is usually the first thing you see as your eyes adjust to the darkness. Gives you false hope that the dancers look as good.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
More evidence of Biiden dementia
^as long as whiny losers like you are the first to go, I'm willing to make the sacrifice.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
^what a moron. Yeah go ahead and dedicate an entire thread to a troll, lol. Give him the attention that he obviously craves. Way to go, dipshit. Just shows that he's getting to you and you're the one looking like a tool. I think you're trolling yourself for attention! Yep! It's really YOU! Wow you've reached a new pathetic low. I didn't think it was possible for a pile like you, but you've accomplished it. Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
SPARS document fr 2017 details response to Covid-like illness to minute details
Awww how sweet. The regressive elderly dinosaur trying to explain "his" neurotic cloudy eyed view to Delusional Dave, the clueless idiot savant. What a pair of losers. Fun to know that I get under your skin so easily skibum. So easy to trigger you to sputter a weak reply to my posts, regurgitating your usual short list of the same old name calling. Yawn. You're just another annoying mosquito troll buzzing around people's heads until you get swatted. You're so owned it's pathetic. Lol!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
SPARS document fr 2017 details response to Covid-like illness to minute details
And miss the opportunity to call you out on your ridiculous conspiracy theories and ludicrous baseless rants? Nope. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up and realize just how naive and gullible all of your threads are. People like you need to be confronted and corrected. Ignoring you only perpetuates and hides your ignorance. Btw-liking your own posts just compounds your lack of credibility.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
SPARS document fr 2017 details response to Covid-like illness to minute details
With every dumbass post, you remove any doubt of what a moronic idiot you really are. Do tuscl and everybody here a favor and just stfu already.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
Attacks on Asian-Americans?
Don't waste your time, whodey. The stupid factor here is off the rails.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
Attacks on Asian-Americans?
Ok yeah it's all a deep rooted liberal conspiracy created for the sole purpose of picking on you admitted right-wing nutjobs. Gimme a fucking break. The hard cold reality is that hate crimes have increased due to turds like Trump not only gave them legitimacy but all but encouraged them. Poor poor poor oppressed you. It's time to seek therapy for that deep seated paranoia. It ain't all about you.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
Yup this tool is totally pwned. LOL!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Why doesn't the ADL list anti-white, anti-straight, anti-Christian, etc, hate
"Where did we say anything about democrats? I just said I wasn't a persecuted white straight man... why does that make me a lefty?" Because the whining right wing cunts that post here constantly lamenting their loss of entitlement have their delicate snowflake vaginas all knotted up and assume that anyone that disagrees with their moronic thinking has to be a democrat. They are fucking losers and their posts prove it.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Why doesn't the ADL list anti-white, anti-straight, anti-Christian, etc, hate
"Good to know your homoerotic fantasies go back to an early age cumbum609." LOL!! Her posts are filled with "tarnny", pedophile and blowie references. She posts what she lives & knows.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Why doesn't the ADL list anti-white, anti-straight, anti-Christian, etc, hate
All skibum posts contain references to sucking dick. Remember that old writers adage: write about what you know. LOL!!!!