Attacks on Asian-Americans?
Kamala, you're FIRED!
Seems like it became "a thing" maybe two or three months ago, and has increased at a mind-blowing pace.
My question is this: Have the attacks against Asians suddenly become a criminal epidemic, or has our "honest and unbiased" American media just decided to seek out and report every single incident of this nature while ignoring a lot of similar attacks that don't involve Asian victims?
The massage parlor murders last month, horrific as that event was, does not appear to have been racially motivated. Apparently the guy was some kind of religious nutjob with a so-called sex addiction, and his psycho rampage was driven by a misguided belief that massage parlors were to blame for his "sexual sins" rather than his own inability to control his urges. Yet that's become the cornerstone event of the anti-Asian violence reporting that has exploded recently - referenced in nearly every news story on that topic.
Here's an example:… Some wacko in Charlotte, NC used a sign post to vandalize an Asian-owned convenience store while yelling Asian slurs. Six months ago, would this have been a NATIONAL news story? Here's another:… Horrible. Inexcusable. But the fact is this type of senseless attack happens almost EVERY DAY on the streets of NYC - perpetrated by, and against, people of any ethnicity. Especially since Mayor Bill "Dumbo" De Blasio was elected.
It seems to me that the media is trying to create a narrative that says America has become a threatening place for Asian immigrants and even Asian-American citizens, and it's all due to China's complicity in releasing Covid on the world, which is overtly suggested in many reports. We've known for over a year that China was responsible, and that they acted to cover it up rather than be forthcoming and save lives. So why have the perpetrators of these attacks waited this long to take their revenge? Another weird thing is that in almost every story I've heard, the attacks weren't directed specifically at Chinese people, just Asians in general. In the stories I referenced above, the store owners were South Koreans and the woman beaten up in NYC was Filipino.
Full disclosure: I'm a right-wing conservative Republican, and an unapologetic Trump supporter. CJ Kent or twentyfive would most certainly tell you I'm a nut. But I assure you, I'm not half the right-wing nut as some people I know personally. However, not one of my nutty friends thinks that all Asians are Chinese, nor do they think Chinese people represent or support the Chi-Com government. They see them like Castro-hating Cubans - viewed more as victims, certainly not co-conspirators.
So again, my question: Are we to believe that Americans have gone batshit crazy, thinking any and all Asians are Chinese, believing the Chinese people are responsible for the actions of their dictatorship government, and now they've taken it upon themselves to punish Asians with random acts of violence? Or is it our so-called media creating a narrative they think will reflect negatively on people of a conservative mindset, garner sympathy for the Chinese government and, as always, present America as an inherently racist country?
Fire away.
My question is this: Have the attacks against Asians suddenly become a criminal epidemic, or has our "honest and unbiased" American media just decided to seek out and report every single incident of this nature while ignoring a lot of similar attacks that don't involve Asian victims?
The massage parlor murders last month, horrific as that event was, does not appear to have been racially motivated. Apparently the guy was some kind of religious nutjob with a so-called sex addiction, and his psycho rampage was driven by a misguided belief that massage parlors were to blame for his "sexual sins" rather than his own inability to control his urges. Yet that's become the cornerstone event of the anti-Asian violence reporting that has exploded recently - referenced in nearly every news story on that topic.
Here's an example:… Some wacko in Charlotte, NC used a sign post to vandalize an Asian-owned convenience store while yelling Asian slurs. Six months ago, would this have been a NATIONAL news story? Here's another:… Horrible. Inexcusable. But the fact is this type of senseless attack happens almost EVERY DAY on the streets of NYC - perpetrated by, and against, people of any ethnicity. Especially since Mayor Bill "Dumbo" De Blasio was elected.
It seems to me that the media is trying to create a narrative that says America has become a threatening place for Asian immigrants and even Asian-American citizens, and it's all due to China's complicity in releasing Covid on the world, which is overtly suggested in many reports. We've known for over a year that China was responsible, and that they acted to cover it up rather than be forthcoming and save lives. So why have the perpetrators of these attacks waited this long to take their revenge? Another weird thing is that in almost every story I've heard, the attacks weren't directed specifically at Chinese people, just Asians in general. In the stories I referenced above, the store owners were South Koreans and the woman beaten up in NYC was Filipino.
Full disclosure: I'm a right-wing conservative Republican, and an unapologetic Trump supporter. CJ Kent or twentyfive would most certainly tell you I'm a nut. But I assure you, I'm not half the right-wing nut as some people I know personally. However, not one of my nutty friends thinks that all Asians are Chinese, nor do they think Chinese people represent or support the Chi-Com government. They see them like Castro-hating Cubans - viewed more as victims, certainly not co-conspirators.
So again, my question: Are we to believe that Americans have gone batshit crazy, thinking any and all Asians are Chinese, believing the Chinese people are responsible for the actions of their dictatorship government, and now they've taken it upon themselves to punish Asians with random acts of violence? Or is it our so-called media creating a narrative they think will reflect negatively on people of a conservative mindset, garner sympathy for the Chinese government and, as always, present America as an inherently racist country?
Fire away.
Poor poor poor oppressed you. It's time to seek therapy for that deep seated paranoia. It ain't all about you.
See what I mean?
Based on a police reports, yes the number of hate crimes against Asian Americans has gone up drastically since the pandemic started.…
"Anti-Asian hate crime in 16 of America’s largest cities increased 145% in 2020 according to an analysis of official preliminary police data by the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, with the first spike occurring in March and April amidst a rise in COVID cases and negative stereotyping of Asians relating to the pandemic."
Yeah, that sounds like a non-biased scientific and statistical organization.
Overall a good post Orange but the quoted sentence above sums it up. The media grabs a story, twists it to their perspective, and pounds away at it to shape opinions to fit their leftist agenda until they eventually choose another story to replace it.
They don't report anymore, they manufacture.
They've been doing it for years. Example that quickly comes to mind: The Rodney King arrest. They constantly showed a loop of the same few seconds over and over making it look like King was beaten for several minutes when in fact it was seconds and would have never happened if King complied and just laid flat instead of trying to stand up.
If you don't trust the data involved you clearly don't trust law enforcement which is an odd thing for a "right-wing conservative Republican" to say.
However, since you are an "an unapologetic Trump supporter" it makes since that you wouldn't believe the results when they are based on simply counting. The months since last years election have proven that.
Based on simply counting? You mean like the video evidence of crates full of ballots being dragged out, AFTER observers and all but 3 or 4 election personnel were sent home? That kind of counting?
The stupid factor here is off the rails.
Yeah, you're right Dougsterr. Questioning authority is a really dumb thing to do. Better to just trust everything you see. Nothing bad can come of that.
OTH C. J. Kent is nuts, and anyone who responds to him has more than a few screws loose
Combine that with the defunding of police in major cities, and the public announcements by many DAs that they are going soft on prosecution and you can arrive at the answer.
The massage parlor murders were anti-woman, not anti-Asian. Perpetrators of hate crimes broadcast their grudges from the rooftops, and this crumb didn't do so.
As @jahtzee mentioned, a lot of the videos I’ve seen has been black on Asian crime – there seems to be a long history here in part I think b/c many Asians that immigrate to the U.S. often start at the bottom by opening businesses in hood-neighborhoods and there seems to be resentment/jealousy by many in those communities towards the Asians and there prosperity – back in the 1992 LA riots the Asian businesses were hit extremely hard and seems were purposely targeted.
There is also a move towards doing away w/ gifted programs/schools b/c they are seen as “racist” and many of these schools/programs are dominated by supa-hard-working Asian students – there def seems to be an anti-Asian bias it’s just that it’s mostly under the radar since most people do not live in those communities and probably don’t interact much with them to know what is going on and the Asians are generally not one to complain nor play the race card and they just put their heads down and outwork everyone no matter the odds/circumstances.
As others have mentioned, part of the reason it's being reported by the leftist media more it's b/c they are trying to paint it as "there go those pro-Trump white supremacists again" when from what I've seen it's been mostly black on Asian crime in liberal-cities which by no means are MAGA country - if anything Asians are likely the safest in "MAGA country".…
No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof.
What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true today may turn out to be falsehood tomorrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields.”
~Henry David Thoreau, Walden
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
So, I think it is possible there is an increase in anti Asian crimes. I don’t know if the statistics bear it out, but it’s definitely a possibility.
“Speak out, but speak out with love and decency and firmness, not with hatred and contempt for our fellow humans.”
“Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed.”
“And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.”
Haters are angry, because the truth contradicts the lie they live.
~ George Washington Carver
Posting delusional shit like that means you're ready for the psycho ward, FUCKHEAD!
“Being judged by others means that you’re that important to them, that they have the time to think about you and talk about you.”
“The dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians.”
“Understanding the depth and reach of this ideology of racism can be challenging, but doing so brings each person, and the nation as a whole, closer to addressing systemic inequity.”
“It’s not Black people whom Asian Americans need to fear. It’s white supremacy.”…
“Speak out, but speak out with love and decency and firmness, not with hatred and contempt for our fellow humans.”
“Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed.”
“And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.”
“It is a belief that to be white is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights.”
“And that to be not-white means you are less than human – a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse.”
See what I mean?
~ misterorange
~ April 5, 2021
See what I mean?
~ misterorange
~ April 5, 2021