The game Plan of the Democrats is based on a few quotes.

avatar for skibum609
1) Take away a nation's heritage and they are more easily persuaded - tearing down statues, demeaning past leaders based on today's standards and the reprehensible teachings of critical race (racist) theory. 2) Keep people from their history and they are more easily controlled - see prior quote; 3) We have no compassion for you and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we will not make excuses for our terror - black lives matter, antifa, protestors, activist; 4) Communism begins where atheism begins - progressive attacks on religion; 5) The meaning of peace is absence of opposition to socialism - people who think they are moderates need to understand that while you will not be the first to be wiped out, your turn will come; 6) A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of communism. - Social Justice, Reparations, welfare; 7) The existence of the State is inseparable from the existence of slavery - see prior quote.

If you are a progressive you are a traitor. These quotes clearly explain the society we live in, brought to us by Democrats. The quotes, which explain their game plan were all made by their ideological leader and here: Karl Marx.

Progressives are the enemy of my country.


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avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
More hand wringing melodrama from a true throwback regressive dinosaur. Bitter and angry. Pathetic.

Just go back to sitting at your window yelling at neighborhood kids playing near your trailer park property old man. You're not swaying anybody.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
He won't need to; give it a year or so.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Why would I attempt to sway progressives? Too stupid to learn anything Dougie. I am stating facts to help normal people make wise choices, and that specifically excludes the leeches called progressives.
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
So typical for radical extremist morons like this fucktard to demonize an entire genre of people to justify their outdated, narrow minded and limited POV. Idiots like skibum are complete jokes looking desperately for validation from other societal throwaways. She posts here so that her fellow republican parishs can sit around in their circlejerk and agree with each other.
So sad.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I picture myself cranking out tunes while the little money in a cap named dougie dances for spare change Glad I can make you dance little whiny progressive dougie. We get it dougie, you're jealous because older men are men and younger men are simply women with a flaccid little penis.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
4 years ago

"6) A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of communism. - Social Justice, Reparations, welfare; 7) The existence of the State is inseparable from the existence of slavery - see prior quote.
^ you are proving you are a democrat by your starement"

^ And you defend social security? Wow! You are the progressive idiot you complain about!
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
Get some new schtick, old man.
Your repeating of your same old drivel is old and tired, just like you.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Yaaaaaay!!! We have another member of the pink team!!! I didnt know you dreamed of douggie dancing, and young and old men with flaccid penises !!!

avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Cum over to my houses skibum! And bring your money so you can make it rain!!!!

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
So basically progress and social justice are evil coz they're antithetical to his vision of what the US is
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Social Justice is a fake, made up phrase that the left uses as justification for their actions. What you consider progress is in actuality utter failure. Your slogans mean zero to me. Whine some more Dougie poo you're a jealous little failure and make me laugh. Dance little monkey dougie, dance to my tune.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@ICEE needs to look up the "motte and bailey" fallacy. It's classic progressive-speak to manipulate language by conflating their actual proposals (like critical race theory and confiscatory taxation) with gauzy concepts like "progress" and "social justice."
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
And the far right uses gauzy concepts like right to work meaning the right for a business owner to fire you any time or clean energy to describe coal. Freedom to mean you're on your own fuck off
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Massachusetts is a right to work state. Are you seriously alleging that I live in a far right state? Do you ever say anything that isn't a slogan? I find it shameful to need help and have always lived below my means, just to make sure I don't need help. People used to be embarrassed to not work; to be on welfare; to not be able to support their kids. I will live as my efforts provide.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
ICEE, that's a semi-coherent whataboutism. Stop deflecting.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
The decline of the Greek and Roman empires was preceded by a fascination with homosexual perversity and trans-sexualism. Same with this country today.
avatar for chessmaster
4 years ago
You can't possibly be a democrat now and believe in the constitution, freedom, liberty. Its impossible. Either that or youre a moron and politically illiterate(which a lot of democrats are).
avatar for Strupviffle
4 years ago
You can't possibly be a Democrat and believe in the constitution, freedom, and liberty.

Can you explain what you mean? Is the constitution something we believe in?
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
If the democrat party truly believed in the Constitution, they would not be ignoring it repeatedly. Biden and Obama's excessive executive actions. Eliminating the filibuster. Seeking DC statehood. Trampling the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments, and tearing down the rest. Ignoring immigration and election laws. Eliminating the Electoral College. Politicizing the separation, and using the bureaucracy to consolidate absolute power.

It is a factual falsehood to state that the democrat party upholds and defends the Constitution of the United States.
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