Why doesn't the ADL list anti-white, anti-straight, anti-Christian, etc, hate

avatar for Dave_Anderson
Groups like the ADL, SPLC, as well as the mainstream media, politicians, self-proclaimed "discrimination fighters" of various kinds, etc, pounce on the mildest or even imaginary criticism or negative statements about various population groups but ignore or even participate in perpetuating hate against other groups. The double standards are obvious.

At the top of the list of groups its socially acceptable to bash are whites. This is followed by men, heterosexuals, Christians, religious people in general, non-foreign born people, and so on. Criticism of these groups is not only allowed but expected.

These anti-"hate" groups could gain more validity if they would treat "hate" against all groups the same.


last comment
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Do you ever get tired of playing the victim? I’m American born, Christian, heterosexual and mostly white. I’m not the galactically spectacular pussy you seem to be.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Wah said Jimmy, the ignorant, racist ass clown.
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
^coming from the biggest self hating turd on this site. Jesus stfu already. And Dave-you are the whiniest most insecure piece of shit here. Go fuck yourself

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Dougie sucked the penis and swallowed. You fucking homes are funny. Go suck some more cock Dougie; very progressive.
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
All skibum posts contain references to sucking dick. Remember that old writers adage: write about what you know.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I recall saying that shit Dougie when I was 7. Such a sad little tarnny Dougie. When did you get out of prison and did you register as a sex offender as required by law?
avatar for Strupviffle
4 years ago
Good to know your homoerotic fantasies go back to an early age cumbum609.

What I can't argue with is Dave and bum's personal experience. But I can second Jimmy here and say I've never heard anyone bitching about me and my heterosexuality. Treat me poorly for my gender. Discriminate because I grew up catholic.
That's just an imaginary persecution complex
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Wah, cunt ^. Cumbum? Democratic base remains a haven for retards.
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
"Good to know your homoerotic fantasies go back to an early age cumbum609."


Her posts are filled with "tarnny", pedophile and blowie references. She posts what she lives & knows.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Very original Dougie. Sorry that what makes you cry has no affect on others. Too bad, so sad.
avatar for Strupviffle
4 years ago
Where did we say anything about democrats? I just said I wasn't a persecuted white straight man... why does that make me a lefty?
avatar for Dougsterr
4 years ago
"Where did we say anything about democrats? I just said I wasn't a persecuted white straight man... why does that make me a lefty?"

Because the whining right wing cunts that post here constantly lamenting their loss of entitlement have their delicate snowflake vaginas all knotted up and assume that anyone that disagrees with their moronic thinking has to be a democrat. They are fucking losers and their posts prove it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Now Its the ADLs fault you can't get laid?
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