
SPARS document fr 2017 details response to Covid-like illness to minute details

Over the weekend a document reportedly released by John's Hopkins University in 2017 predicts a pandemic shockingly similar to Covid (albeit in the 2025 to 2028 timeframe). The SPARS Pandemic 2025 to 2028: a futuristic scenario for public health communicators.

The document goes into detail about the likely illness and more importantly minute details of the response to be followed by government, media, large corporations and the health care industry. The similarities with Covid are almost exact through much of the document.

This would seem to be the smoking gun that proves Covid was a deliberately released pre-planned operation.

The first question of course is to verify this is a real document. So far it appears to be real, but I will wait to be 100 % sure. Once confirmed, the phony "fact checking" sites will no doubt come up with some convoluted arguments as to why its still not real or its simply a massive coincidence, and the mainstream media will probably try to ignore the story. However, I don't think they will be able to. This is too huge and too big a smoking gun. This could become the scandal of the century.



  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    If the document is real would this cause you to rethink your views about Covid 19?
  • Dougsterr
    3 years ago
    With every dumbass post, you remove any doubt of what a moronic idiot you really are. Do tuscl and everybody here a favor and just stfu already.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Block me if you want.
  • Dougsterr
    3 years ago
    And miss the opportunity to call you out on your ridiculous conspiracy theories and ludicrous baseless rants? Nope. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up and realize just how naive and gullible all of your threads are. People like you need to be confronted and corrected. Ignoring you only perpetuates and hides your ignorance.

    Btw-liking your own posts just compounds your lack of credibility.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This virus is something many had feared well in advance of its occurrence. That is based on understanding practices in certain areas of the world, and the conditions that were currently in place to support a potentially deadly virus.

    This could have been contained, but sadly it wasn’t, and it opened a Pandora’s box that can not be simply closed up. The Chinese communist party and the WHO both have blood on their hands because of their complicity in the cover up.

    This is an example of a prediction/forecast that painted a worst case scenario - and the scenario is currently our reality.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    There are tons of these types of scenarios planned out in advanced each year. Think tanks all around the world make their livings planning doomsday scenarios and how to respond. Eventually some of the scenarios are bound to happen for real.

    Saying that this proves the pandemic was planned is like saying that the Simpson's episode predicting President Trump leaving office with the economy in trouble proves that his election was a conspiracy by 20th Century Fox. (Although that would explain Fox News's coverage ...)

    Besides since Johns Hopkins receives $2 Billion/year in funding from the US government and this report was funded in 2017 during the Trump administration it would mean that Trump was the one in charge of planning it.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    I did expect some of the responses defending the document.

    Lets put aside whether the illness was a coincidence that naturally occurred, or even whether it was serious enough to warrant a public health response, the policies put in place as a response line up extremely similarly to what is advocated in the document. These policies were not the result of a free and open public debate, but of a small group of technocrats planning detailed responses that they then impose on the public. I would say that qualifies as a conspiracy but even if we don't want to call it that its clearly not a democratic approach to public policy.

    In fact the document actually explains how to prevent debate and stiffle opposition with detailed suggestions, many of which were implemented during Covid 19.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Dave Dougster is a little bitch. The epitome of the tranny cock sucking "males" called progressives.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Scientists are hard at work trying to find a cure for stupid,
    Obviously they haven't succeeded yet.

  • Dougsterr
    3 years ago
    Awww how sweet. The regressive elderly dinosaur trying to explain "his" neurotic cloudy eyed view to Delusional Dave, the clueless idiot savant. What a pair of losers.

    Fun to know that I get under your skin so easily skibum. So easy to trigger you to sputter a weak reply to my posts, regurgitating your usual short list of the same old name calling. Yawn. You're just another annoying mosquito troll buzzing around people's heads until you get swatted. You're so owned it's pathetic.

  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    "And miss the opportunity to call you out on your ridiculous conspiracy theories and ludicrous baseless rants?"

    Dougsterr, how do you define "conspiracy theory" vs. just simply "theory?" I think the addition of "conspiracy" is nothing more than a word used to downplay the validity of a "theory" you don't agree with. In other words, you give it the appearance of having been debunked when, in fact, you have no more evidence disproving the theory than the theorist has to prove it true.

    Theories are nothing more than people contemplating an idea. To dismiss an idea with absolutely no evidence to the contrary, you might as well say it's wrong to think about an idea. Someone once suggested the world is round rather than flat, and many immediately labeled that idea "baseless" and not worthy of further thought.

    No one on this discussion board has even the slightest idea how, why, or by whom this virus was released into the world. To say it was a laboratory accident, or that it came from bats is as much a "conspiracy theory" as to say it was done intentionally to get Trump out of office. But somewhere in the world, there are a few people who know exactly how it happened and why. There were many so-called "conspiracy theories" regarding the JFK assassination, but obviously there are (maybe "were" by now) a few people who knew every specific detail of how and why that event happened. Somebody also knows exactly what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.

    If you have real evidence that this virus was unplanned and unintentional, let's hear it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
  • datinman
    3 years ago


    A secret cabal of Chinese technocrats (because, remember, the virus is both Chinese and communist) create a plan to manifest a global pandemic.

    They put the secret plan in writing and convinced John Hopkins University to publish it in 2017 (because, like, why wouldn't you want a smoking gun).

    They convinced their scientists to create a virus that disproportionately kills off the elderly and the infirmed, i.e. the least productive segments of society. (Most already existing pathogens disproportionately kill off the elderly and the infirmed, but hey we need a new one.)

    The scientists create SARS Cov 2 in a lab. It is more deadly than any recent flu strain, but not as deadly as SARS or MERS. Unfortunately, it unpredictably creates pulmonary damage, kidney damage, cardiovascular damage, and neurologic damage that may or may not lead to death in many people that aren't elderly or infirmed.

    The Chinese technocrats decide to release it into the wild anyway. And of course, they release it in their own backyard, Wuhan. (Because they were smart enough to come up with this plan, but not smart enough to release it in America or India or any other country to shift the blame.)

    Their plan is wildly successful and they create a global pandemic which achieves their goals of:
    1. Suppressing the global economy which reduces cash flow to all the government entities. (And what government wouldn't want less money to spend.)
    2. Making the people angry, anxious, and paranoid during an extended quarantine. (Because what government wants their citizens to be passive and complacent.)
    3. Making people wear masks. (Because what government wouldn't want their angry, anxious, and paranoid citizens to have the relative anonymity created by wearing masks.)



    A pathogen developed to the point that it included a human vector.

    Historical examples include leprosy, bubonic plague, smallpox, polio, Spanish flu, swine flu, bird flu, SARS, Ebola, and MERS.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Dave, why do you always like your own posts? You're aware we can see that, right? It just makes you look like a tool.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    As predictable as rain, the phony establishment self proclaimed so-called "fact checkers" are claiming the document "proves nothing."

    Absolutely incredible. Just once you would think these phony self-appointed "fact checkers" would try to shake things up and surprise everyone by admitting the people they don't like have a good point. But no they are a cluche.

    YES "fack checkers" it is proof of something to what extent us the only question. Your protestations actually give the argument it is proof of a conspiracy MORE validity.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    "Fact checkers" the wise all knowing "final word" on everything. 🤣🤣🤣

    Actually scrambling to run cover for the conspirators who pay them. What a freaking joke.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ A lot of "fact checkers" are biased, but you're a conspiracist whacko ranting on a titty bar message board.
    You lose.
  • BitCoinHodler
    3 years ago
    This dude's really out here liking his own posts. LOL.
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