
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: A Beautiful World Within Our Reach
    @mark94 “Have you walked the streets of Rome or Athens recently ?” recently? oh come on now you’re pulling our leg with that one. everybody knows that san_jose_guy has never been out of his mother’s basement long enough to ever even go to a strip club. do you really think he could ride his bike all the way to Rome or Athens before his bedtime?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: A Beautiful World Within Our Reach
    @mark94 “Incidentally, claiming that Greece has little experience with democracy. Funniest thing I've heard in a long, long time.” hey san_jose_guy because we all know you are so stupid i want to explain to you that mark94 wasn’t calling you stupid. he was pointing out that you called yourself stupid
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    7 years ago
    Most common stripper names
    "Nina why are you going back and forth with trolls? The only thing trolls want is attention, and you're giving them what they want." good point randy ranukam aka missionary aka clackport aka larryfishsticks
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    7 years ago
    Most common stripper names
    “I can charge for conversation; I don't need to do extras and don't want to. I am a pro at this game and never once had to do extras so you're certainly barking up the WRONG tree. I'm a maneater while I'm working and don't you forget it. I can empty a wallet like it's elementary level homework.” i call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I got a new job!
    i got your job for you right here
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    7 years ago
    Bike Week
    be sure not to leave your girl unattended in the car while you are inside the club shakin’ your ass. the carolinas can be hot as hell and the interior of a car can be like an oven in a heart beat. and be sure to use a car seat. you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your girl
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    7 years ago
    Love Canal
    OT: Beware of disgusting commercial on TV
    humor can be a funny thing. funny like strange not funny like haha. after all there are posters on this very board who seem to find a steaming pile of excrement to be hilarious. ain’t that right zipperhead? you and all your sock puppets including your shit covered wiener dog character too. so it should not be a big surprise that there are actually people in this world as evidenced in this thread who find humor in an even more disgusting pile o’ shit like amy. as far as how ugly that moo cow is let’s be honest. she is a poster child for the saying that ugly goes all the way to the bone. she is an ugly and horrid skank inside and out. the mere suggestion that she would appear in public in a bikini not only induces my gag reflex but makes me want to reconsider my opposition to burkas and female circumcision. somebody please roll that beached whale back into the ocean and tow it far out to sea
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Customers that stink
    customers who stink. you hear that zipperhead. nobody wants your 4got2wipe shit covered wiener dog self anywhere near them
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    7 years ago
    Do you think it is sexist that women are not allowed to go topless everywhere me
    “Do you think it is sexist that women are not allowed to go topless everywhere men can?” that’s like asking about a woman’s orgasm. who gives a shit!
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why I doubt that Uber's CEO is a TUSCL member
    @warhawks “He's Gay.” then he is most likely a TUSCL member. judging by the comments here on the board there are more queers on TUSCL than in the whole country
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    8 years ago
    are you a necrophiliac?
    @zipperhead. long time no see. at least it has been a long time since you’ve appeared in HOMAGE to myself. you like that word – HOMAGE- don’t you? i imagine you are hating life even more than ever if such a thing is possible. old georgie soros has been losing every battle lately. that socialist fourth reich of yours looks like it’s crumbling more and more every day. well you’re in a safe place here where you can fantasize about smelling and licking anuses to your heart’s content and you can be anyone you choose to be and no one will ever be the wiser
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Fuck of san_jose_guy
    that America hating little bitch boy is dead to me. dead i tell you, dead!!! oh how i love to torment the mental patients. it's like napalm in the morning. it smells like victory. or like redneck bbq but whatever. fuck that PSYCHO LOSER san_jose_guy
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    i'm wondering if when you all read the PSYCHO ramblings of san_jose_guy if anyone else besides myself can keep from uncontrollably laughing at the stupidity of this mentally ill moron?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    @ime "He even comments on threads he can't see." did i call it or did i call it (see above) lol. i can spot a lying psychopath a mile away. he's always been lying about ignoring people and not reading what they post about him. he is incapable of stopping himself. it was like when he used to say that he's never used alcohol. it wasn't until i backed him into a corner with his own words that he admitted that he is an alcoholic and now this thread was again too much for him. even though he "couldn't" see it because he keeps you on ignore, he just couldn't stop himself from opening his PSYCHO pie hole. lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Future of Broadcast Radio?
    @san_jose_guy. still hearing the voices in your head aren't you. well take your fucking meds you PSYCHO little bitch
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    8 years ago
    porn studio
    san_jose_guy "In a documentary I saw that in the Czech Republic" oh? so you have been to the Czech Republic? lololololol you stooopid PSYCHO
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    8 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    The Holy Bible - translations
    i'm still praying for you san_jose_guy
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Mexican Strippers ???
    @san_jose_guy "As I know the East Coast has lots of Puerto Ricans and Cubans, and some from Central America too."" oh? have you been to the East Coast? lol as if that would make a difference anyway you sick PSYCHO bastard
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage Used As A Weapon?
    @san_jose_guy "But this does not mean that at some point in the future that their might not be civil and constructive communicaitons." you'd better have your mother read that restraining order your ex-wife took out on your PSYCHO ass to you again. i bet there isn't an expiration date anywhere on it
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    san_jose_guy is 100% sociopath 100% of the time but with probable underlying manic issues. hard to be certain because his sociopath self has consumed his entire being and it dates way back into his early childhood with not so subtle hints appearing regularly in his postings. the misogyny, the injustice of always being treated as an inferior, his expulsion from his born again Christian church which was so important to his sense of self worth and his white hot rage against his mother for trying to get psychiatric care for and eventually institutionalizing him. interestingly enough he never references his father or any male influence in his life. as one very well known TUSCL PSYCHO would say about that “”hmmmm…”
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    you know what's really funny? he's reading this right now but he can't respond because he claims to be ignoring @ime. now that's funny
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    The Holy Bible - translations
    @san_jose_guy i want you to know that we are all praying for you @ATACdawg when you finish praying for the sick bastard just remember what the good book says: “and from thence they went to beer....(Num 21:16 KJV)”
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    with a good job? sitting in a cubicle for a quarter of a century overseeing the exploitation of the third world little brown people who slave away for pennies doing the work that his company outsourced overseas so they don’t have to pay silicone valley wages to people who live in san jose and in all that time he doesn’t get a promotion, no stock options, much less a partnership in the company all the while using company time posting on the ONLY internet discussion board that hasn’t banned him to spew revolutionary crap about everything that he hates about himself, his miserable life and his failure as not only a man but as a human being and you call that a good job. well call me crazy but i’d call that PSYCHO!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    @Dougster. glad to see you finally realizing the tard is a PSYCHO. i told you he was full blown PSYCHO years ago but you were all “oh no, he’s a nice guy”. he reminds me of theodore streleski, who spent 19 years “working” on getting his doctorate but was never able to close the deal because he was nothing but a failure and loser who believed himself to be unique, superior and above all “entitled”. it has always been clear to me that san_jose_guy will one day, like streleski, strike out in violent rage which in his sicko mind will be logically and morally correct and a “political statement”. now go ahead and tell me that you if don’t agree https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Streleski Theodore Landon "Ted" Streleski (born 1936) is an American former graduate student in mathematics at Stanford University who murdered his former faculty advisor, Professor Karel de Leeuw, with a ball-peenhammer on August 18, 1978. Shortly after the murder, Streleski turned himself in to the authorities, claiming he felt the murder was justifiable homicide because de Leeuw had withheld departmental awards from him, demeaned Streleski in front of his peers, and refused his requests for financial support. Streleski was in his 19th year pursuing his doctorate in the mathematics department, alternating with low-paying jobs to support himself. During his trial Streleski told the court he felt the murder was "logically and morally correct" and "a political statement" about the department's treatment of its graduate students, and he forced his court-appointed lawyer to enter a plea of "not guilty" rather than "not guilty by reason of insanity" as the lawyer had urged. Streleski was convicted of second degree murder and he served seven years in prison for his actions. Streleski was eligible for parole on three occasions, but turned it down as the conditions of his parole required him to not set foot on the Stanford campus. Upon his release in 1985, he said, "I have no intention of killing again. On the other hand, I cannot predict the future." In 1993 Streleski was turned down for a fare box repair position with the San Francisco Municipal Railway after his crime came to light.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How many dances do you want ?
    again with the pretend world of underground mexican hat dancing. san_jose_guy you're an idiot if you think anyone believes you