
OT: Beware of disgusting commercial on TV

avatar for vajmon
Love Canal

I was watching the Rangers game and it went to commercial. As I was getting my lazy ass off the couch to get another beer I saw one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen on TV... Amy Schumer in a bikini! She was plugging some chick flick. Her fat ugly face is bad enough, but seeing her fat blob of a "body" (if you can call it that) with its rolls of lard is enough to make me dry heave just thinking about it. And I could smell her fat ugly dirty ass right through the TV set. Yuk! You would think that they would have the decency to not show that shit of TV, at least without a warning like "some viewers may find the following disturbing" or something like that. That was enough for me. I turned the game off. I'll check out the results later on the net.


last comment
avatar for WetWilly
7 yrs ago

Where were the censors when we needed them?

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Sheesh, dude, and you've never done a bigger chick ???? The bigger they are, the better they bounce. lOL

avatar for TeoTommy
7 yrs ago

What I don't understand is that she is one of the biggest names in comedy today. She's not even funny.

avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

I've seen WAY worse things in TV commercials then that. Get over it.

AFA being funny or not - to each their own. Her Comedy Central shows were hilarious.There's a reason that she's where she is now in the comedy world. You don't like her then watch something else.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

^What lopaw, my sister from another mister, said :) As a straight old conservative Protestant dude, I probably shouldn't like Amy Schumer as much as I do, but I gotta say: Her shows on Comedy Central and HBO are pretty fucking funny. I've also seen her movies "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" and "Trainwreck". That doesn't mean I would ever want to see her in a bikini -- I'll pass on her movie, with Goldie Hawn playing her mom. It's called "Snatched" for those who might be interested.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

My kids gave me a DVD copy of "Trainwreck" a year ago before I had ever heard of her, I watched it once and that was enough for me.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Lots of peple think she's funny, you don't. Oh well.

avatar for warhawks
7 yrs ago

I'm with the don't like her crowd. Don't care for her. Something about her turns my stomach whenever I see her in ads.

I think it's because she reminds me of my ex-wife. Yuck.

avatar for gammanu95
7 yrs ago

She's a disgusting skank, with a serious lying douchebag POS for an old man. I'm also going to point out that "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" was not her movie, it was Steve Carell and Keira Knightley's movie. The fugly Schumer was barely more than an extra. Thank God I haven't seen her bikini commercial, but I will boycott any station or show that airs it.

avatar for GoVikings
7 yrs ago

that was mean

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

Gamma, I didn't mean to imply that "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" was a starring vehicle for Amy Schumer, only that I saw her in it. In fact, it was the first thing I ever saw her in, and I've been, somewhat to my surprise, a fan ever since.

But I still don't want to see her in a bikini!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 yrs ago

I don't think she's attractive or funny. But, I also don't feel the need to pitch a heel-stamping fit over either of those observations.

Change the channel. (shrug)

avatar for gammanu95
7 yrs ago

Were she not such a reprehensible cunt, I would agree with Ishmael.

avatar for DoctorPhil
7 yrs ago

humor can be a funny thing. funny like strange not funny like haha. after all there are posters on this very board who seem to find a steaming pile of excrement to be hilarious. ain’t that right zipperhead? you and all your sock puppets including your shit covered wiener dog character too. so it should not be a big surprise that there are actually people in this world as evidenced in this thread who find humor in an even more disgusting pile o’ shit like amy.

as far as how ugly that moo cow is let’s be honest. she is a poster child for the saying that ugly goes all the way to the bone. she is an ugly and horrid skank inside and out. the mere suggestion that she would appear in public in a bikini not only induces my gag reflex but makes me want to reconsider my opposition to burkas and female circumcision. somebody please roll that beached whale back into the ocean and tow it far out to sea

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

Come on, Gamma and DrP . . . don't hold back -- tell us what you really think about Amy! LOL

avatar for sclvr5005
7 yrs ago

And she's laughing all the way to the bank.

avatar for gammanu95
7 yrs ago

actually no, her last couple of projects have been such bombs that she is fast becoming a Hollywood untouchable has-been

avatar for sclvr5005
7 yrs ago

^^ I think that you desperately want to believe that, but it simply isn't true. Every actor bombs out occasionally, and i gotta give Schumer props for already branching out and doing some producing & directing. Yeah - she's laughing all the way to the bank. You don't want to hear that, but it's true for her and many other comics (both male & female) that have recently begun expanding their horizons and doing work behind the camera as well as in front of it. Look at Jordon Peele's success with Get Out.

avatar for 623
7 yrs ago

Sounds like someone has a very low opinion of himself. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone .... are you not a bit of a pig yourself? And I would guess not a gazillionaire either.

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