OT: Beware of disgusting commercial on TV
Love Canal
I was watching the Rangers game and it went to commercial. As I was getting my lazy ass off the couch to get another beer I saw one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen on TV... Amy Schumer in a bikini! She was plugging some chick flick. Her fat ugly face is bad enough, but seeing her fat blob of a "body" (if you can call it that) with its rolls of lard is enough to make me dry heave just thinking about it. And I could smell her fat ugly dirty ass right through the TV set. Yuk! You would think that they would have the decency to not show that shit of TV, at least without a warning like "some viewers may find the following disturbing" or something like that. That was enough for me. I turned the game off. I'll check out the results later on the net.
AFA being funny or not - to each their own. Her Comedy Central shows were hilarious.There's a reason that she's where she is now in the comedy world. You don't like her then watch something else.
I think it's because she reminds me of my ex-wife. Yuck.
But I still don't want to see her in a bikini!
Change the channel. (shrug)
as far as how ugly that moo cow is let’s be honest. she is a poster child for the saying that ugly goes all the way to the bone. she is an ugly and horrid skank inside and out. the mere suggestion that she would appear in public in a bikini not only induces my gag reflex but makes me want to reconsider my opposition to burkas and female circumcision. somebody please roll that beached whale back into the ocean and tow it far out to sea