
Is there a such thing as too much makeup?

Do you guys like when strippers cake their face in makeup?

I don't like it. I understand makeup makes you look better, but there is a such thing as too much of it. I prefer light makeup.

What about you?


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Gwen always had too many facials. :)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Caked on? Rather she should be IN the cake then jump out of it, like Miss July 1989 does it.
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    I have left the club with make up on my dress pants more than once (often in the crotch). I have learned to always carry a back up pair. I hate the make up.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Some women nee less, some need more. I iike a girl with good bone structure who only needs some eyeliner and a bit of rouge. But there are frumps in my club who really should use more.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @rockstar- most of the time I prefer them without eyeliner.

    @RTP-the only thing worse than that is that spray on tan shit that gets on your clothes.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Just say no to make-up, fake tans and glitter.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Couldn't have said it better Skibum.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Glitter is SO 90's! LOL I haven't seen glitter in a long time; I think dancers have caught on it's bad for married customers. I had a CF who always doused herself in a rather nice perfume; I don't sleep with my wife so it was no problem for me and I loved bringing her scent home, but like glitter, it must impact a dancer's bottom line.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Makeup is like fake tits: it can easily be over done, but sometimes it's better to do it than not.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I reckon most of us can't really tell how much makeup a stripper has on, especially with our blood drawn away from our optic nerves, and the low light of a strip club. Even the girls who don't look made up are massively made up -- it's just some of them have a style that's more garrish than others.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No there is no such thing as too much makeup on a pretty girl. Sure it will get on pillow cases, and everywhere else, and there will be a wash up job the next morning. But by the time her makeup gets rubbed off, her real colors should be showing, so that won't matter. And always make sure that if she paints up real nice, that before the night is over that she gets a facial.

  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Is water wet? Is the sun a fusion plant? Will you die without air?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I've put too much tartar sauce on my Fishsticks. A few times I put on too much ketchup too.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    What I meant Georg was asking if you like a lot of makeup on strippers. The title of the thread is deceiving, of course there's a such thing as too much makeup.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Yes there definitely is such a thing. Usually the club lighting is very flattering, especially to heavy pancake makeup. But once you get a peek at some of those ladies under the glow of the unforgiving fluorescent lights it's game over!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Too much makeup? Well the whole point of it is that the more painted up she is, the more you want to be the one who gets to mess her up. So no, there is no such thing as too much.

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    @SJG - when I leave the club and there is more makeup on my clothes then left on her face....it's too much.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    When I first joined, there was a discussion about lesbian dancers. I said that when women dance for women, it is just a totally different situation. The high heels and makeup become secondary.

    But when dancing for men, these are primary. Men relate to women via their 'otherness'. We fetishize this, the things which make them different from men, natural and contrived.

    The feminine accoutrements seem to have originated in the ancient world's pagan temples. They separate the woman from a completely naturalistic identity and help her to trans impersonate the goddess. Most people don't understand that this is what goes on in strip clubs, but they feel it.

    And this is why Deja Vu is such a good name. When in the presence of dolled up hotties, you know it is something already deeply ingrained in your psyche.

    Sure, some of it is impractical. But who cares.

    A man will watch the dolled up woman for a while, and then decide that he is to be the one who gets her. Makeup will go all over, but who cares, considering all that is to happen, and it has to be understood as a pagan ritual.

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    And again I will correct you that your assumptions about it being different for women dancing for other women are WRONG. The "high heels and makeup" are FAR FROM SECONDARY. AFAIK you are NOT a women nor a lesbian, so you are just going to have to take my word for it that the SAME EXPECTATIONS IN DANCER APPEARANCE, COSTUME & MAKEUP APPLY REGARDLESS OF THE GENDER OF THE PERSON SEEKING DANCES.

    Are we clear now?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lopaw, this issue has been written about, by women.

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    ^Yes it has.
    By me.
    Many many times.

    I think that I'm just a bit more qualified to discuss what gay women look for in a stripclub than you are.
    Time to rethink your philosophy. You are wrong and there is absolutely no question about it. Accept it and move on.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I remember a porn star feature entertainer had too much red lipstick on before she met me. The next thing I knew Her red lipstick was all over the front side of my white shorts and they looked red all over. I once said she got lucky but maybe I did. I should have known something was going down when she knelt down on stage in front of me. She felt good but it was weird feeling her mouth with my shorts still on. Slightly painful when she backed up on stage without letting go with her teeth. I felt like grabbing her at that point. It was a strict no customer touch club so I wasn't going to stop her unless it really hurt.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If that had happened at Platinum Plus Greenville, cops probably would have said live sex show. Things were so much less hassle 15 years ago.
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "The feminine accoutrements seem to have originated in the ancient world's pagan temples. They separate the woman from a completely naturalistic identity and help her to trans impersonate the goddess. Most people don't understand that this is what goes on in strip clubs, but they feel it."

    I may have to start reading SJG's posts. This raises pretentious claptrap to a new level.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • ime
    8 years ago
    @lopaw , come on we all know SJG is right about everything all the time and opinions that differ from his are incorrect. you may be a real life female but he misread or misunderstood a book, article, or youtube clip so you know and the rest of us know less than he does, and other opinions are invalid.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    I generally like less makeup on dancers, if i wanted to see caked on makeup i'd go to the circus, or Sanjoselloyd's mom's house.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Gwen liked facials, shadowcat. I know she did, she told me once after she sucked you dry. :)
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    less is better. just enough to accent.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    @ime lol - its completely fucking exasperating with him.
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    SJG's stubbornness, inability to ever admit he's wrong, arrogance, condescension, and holier than thou attitude is unlike anything I've ever seen. It's so bad that I almost wonder if it's an act and that is his biggest troll of all.

    I wonder if he really believes all of these things or if he just takes these stances to disagree with people and argue. I wonder if he genuinely enjoys arguing and getting under people's skin and somehow takes pleasure in these arguments. If so, that's truly pathetic. Either way, the guy is completely twisted.

    His inability to ever admit that he's wrong reminds me of Fonzie on Happy Days, who could never say he was wrong. Funny clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkqgDoo_…

  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago

    Good assessment. I recall the san jose creep's twin saying something akin to the creep was trolling as a tactic to gain attention and spamming to push his agenda. The creep is just another troll with a different method.

    And please don't use the Fonz as a comparison, the Fonz is cool the creep is a fool.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You guys are giving SJG too much credit IMHO he is just a dumbass, his opinion is usually stupid I came to this realization just from the inappropriate way he responds to intelligent statements made in multiple threads.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lopaw, sex between a woman and a man is a much bigger event than sex between two women. Remember, this was a thread about makeup. But if you are trying to pick a fight, you're not going to get anywhere.

    Jackslash, like it or not, that's the truth.

    LoveThinBlondes, I don't remember seeing your handle before. You would do better to think a little more before you post.

    TheeOSU, go back to your lamp post.

    twentyfive, clearly things have gone well for you. For as of now, you clearly have far more dollars than sense.

    Dolled up women is what strip clubs are all about. If it is to go beyond looking, plan on having to wash your clothes.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Look at my profile, there are some worthless shits I keep on ignore. So don't think that because they troll, that they will give you cover. They will not.

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    SJG - Lol about your "event" statement. That certainly is YOUR opinion, and not mine. My sexual escapades are a far bigger event to me than anything that occurs between anyone else, regardless of the genders involved. That is true for ALL people. What they do in the bedroom is their focus, not what happens elsewhere. By attempting to marginalize sex between women you have really just made yourself even less credible than before, if that is even possible. It shows a complete non-understanding of the dynamics of sexual variety and as usual, a vast display of clueless arrogance.

    I am fully aware of what this thread is about. I usually won't look for a fight, but I sure as hell ain't gonna back down from one if it's pushed upon me. Remember that.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not to marginalize sex between women, simply to follow from discussions when I first joined, to show that it is different from sex between women and men, and to show that what men want and need from women is different from what women want from women.

    So women customers are welcome in strip clubs, and so are lesbian dancers. But please understand, what men want from women in strip clubs will usually be different.

    You acted to try and make a fight when I first joined. Not sure if you even understand this. But understand or not, I am ready.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG has "first wife syndrome" where he thinks he can speak about others thoughts because he's "open minded" politically. While I appreciate his politics, it's a common liberal mistake to think that empowers one to actually understand the nature of another race's, gender's or sexual orientation experience. I know what 'some' lesbian/bi women are like and I'm clueless about others.

    As a liberal, pagan, anarchist musician who is heavily into sexual expression and golf, I have lots of opportunities to be pigeonholed buy others. When I tell people I'm in a gold league, they think I'm a Caddyshack asshole. When I tell people I'm a pagan, they say I'm a hippie. When I tell people I play in a rock band, they think I'm a drug addict. When I tell people I raised two kids, never missed a practice or soccer game, or karate class and tournaments, etc. they think I'm a conservative family man.

    But I'm all of those and none of those, and NO ONE knows how I think on an issue unless I express it.

    I read lots of liberal bashing in TUSCL that paint with an equally broad brush as liberals sometimes do. I hope the people piling on SJG remember to look in the mirror from time to time and not make the same mistake because in reality, you do.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^You give him credit for being "open minded politically" he is so far from open minded it's not funny, SJG is a politically rigid as any of the right wing extremists that post here.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Not to marginalize sex between two women? Are you serious? What do you think a statement like "sex between a woman and a man is a much bigger event than sex between two women" implies? Do you know what the word MARGINALIZE means? It is EXACTLY what you wrote. You are so busy trying to discern the differences between sexual goals between women & men that the simple commonality of it all has blown right over your oversized head.

    As far as men wanting something different in stripclubs than women - let's take this thread as an example, shall we? The bulk of the responses have been from men, with the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY NOT WANTING EXCESSIVE MAKEUP ON STRIPPERS. YOU STAND ALONE ON THAT. Are you so enraptured of your own small world view that you can't even see the writing on the wall? Jeezus Christ man open your damn eyes!

    If everyone on this site who argued with you over your know-it-all attitude and lack of basic understanding of simple concepts was given a dollar, none of us would ever have to pay for our own lapdances again. I am hardly alone. And I am ready too.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    @rockstar, twentyfive - I know, I know .......it's like wrestling with a pig. You just end up getting dirty and the pig loves it.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Is there an Alt-Left? Is that SJG's on man organization. What an utter waste of a human he is.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^That's funny I like it ime
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    lowpaw: Well, I usually abstain from pig wrestling, but I have to admit I do like nuru massage so there's a certain attraction for me...

    ime: 'Alt left' yes!!! I'm as disappointed in liberals who don't walk the walk as I am of conservatives who don't as well. One thing I pride myself in is my pursuit to be morally consistent, even when I don't like what I have to allow. The ends do NOT justify the means. Ever.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Rockstar, I'm not even going to bother to respond to that.

    Lopaw, you are still claiming some sort of superiority. I will not go along with this.

    All I have said is that no, I don't think there is ever such a thing as too much makeup on the dancers in strip clubs. Lots of people have other views. But you are the one trying to claim some sort of superiority in your pov.

    Now about the 'event", it is something built into us evolutionarily that when a woman consents to sex with a man, it is a big deal.

    I don't say this to marginalize lesbian sex, or to try and keep it out of strip clubs. I simply say it to further explain my position that there is no such thing as too much makeup.

    I mean suppose they were supplying whipped cream girls? When the girls consents, her whipped cream is going to get messed up and it will get on everything.

    Makeup is the same way. THat it will get messed up and get on everything is just more of the drama, more of the ritualization of sex.

    Anyway Lopaw, you are entitled to your views, and to your sex life, and to your partaking of strip clubs. But my tolerance stops when you start claiming that your POV somehow over rules mine.

    And for the rest of the trolls here, this is why they make butt plugs. You guys need to equip yourselves.

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    SJG - You sure are the pot calling the kettle black in terms of touting superiority. You've taken a simple notion about makeup and somehow dragged lesbians in stripclubs, evolution as you see it, and women dancing for women into the mix, while never even bothering to address the overwhelmingly anti-excessive makeup opinion shared amongst your "peers" here. Nonetheless I am done with this issue. I have succinctly made my point and stand by it. I am moving on.

    And let it be known that MY tolerance stops at YOUR claims that your POV somehow overrules MINE. For the record I never claimed superiority, though you seemed to bristle at the mere thought that I would DARE question your opinions. That is YOU attempting to take an authoritative position in a condescending way, and I will not have it.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Again SJG Wow
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    25: I didn't say SJG was open minded. I said that he thinks he's open minded. Big differenc! I just want to be clear on that...
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    No problem
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Among the many, many, many fucked up parts of SJG's world view is the fact that he think "someone" can have a superior opinion. I don't think he even understand what an opinion is, and that whole everyone can have a preference. He also refuses to understand or comprehend in this particular case his opinion is the less popular choice.

    His whole new fetish for wanting to stick something up people's asses is sad, he shouldn't have supressed the good inner Sanjosegay that was actually likeable.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lopaw, I'm not saying that my opinions over rule yours, I'm simply refuting your claim that your opinions overrule mine.

    And as far as the excessively anti-makeup views of my "peers", that is the whole reason for my posts on this thread.

    Most guys speak anti-makeup, but they still go for girls in makeup. They don't understand it, they don't understand themselves. So maybe you can be a little more open in accepting my pov, or at least of my right to express it, Lopaw.

    And don't get me wrong, I support people who stand up for themselves.

    Rockstar and 25, I have never said that I am open minded. If you want to know, my policies about protecting the operational security of my affairs are exactly the policies of the CIA. And my policies of protecting myself physically, are exactly the policies of Seal Team Six.

    I can be a very kind person. But I can also be absolutely merciless.

    On this forum I am seen as a liberal. But in other kinds of places I am seen as a fascist. Neither is really correct.


    Wicked Lady - The Axeman Cometh, great album cover
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    SJG, I think plenty before I post. That's why I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are stubborn to no end, condescending, think you are smarter than everyone, and refuse to ever admit you are wrong in any situation or under any circumstance. It's okay, if you admit you are wrong when you are actually wrong, nothing bad will happen. Try it sometime.

    I still don't know if you are simply batshit crazy or just a troll looking to pick fights with everyone simply for the enjoyment of arguing. I guess that's why you've been kicked off every discussion board on the internet except this one.

    What is your fetish with buttplugs? If you enjoy them so much, go enjoy them elsewhere and quit being an asshole here.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "What is your fetish with buttplugs? If you enjoy them so much, go enjoy them elsewhere and quit being an asshole here."

    His butt plug fetish is an outgrowth of his passion for bathhouse and MAMP prostate massages that he cultured through his ongoing saga as a night saint.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG: So you resent that people IYO wrongly paint you as fascist but think you can understand a bi/gay female? Kettle: meet pot. I rarely read your verbose posts but in this thread I made an exception. I am ashamed for the time I'll never recover in doing so. You have the same problem as Trump: no morel center.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Why would anyone question SJG knowing more about woman/woman sex and what a woman looks for in a SC than lopaw?

    Isn't he the resident authority on all things?
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    "Most guys speak anti-makeup, but they still go for girls in makeup. They don't understand it, they don't understand themselves."

    Classic SJG! He's never met anyone from TUSCL in person, yet he thinks he understands us better than we understand ourselves. Too funny.

    And, for the record, I prefer women with no makeup whatsoever. If they insist on makeup, just lipstick is my next choice. Beyond lipstick, maybe a little mascara, but that's it. Natural with no makeup is by far my favorite look for women.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^No it's Barack Obama's fault
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    Blame it on global warming. Or Stripperweb. Or SJG's parents. Or his ex-wife. Or Blame it on Rio. Or, in the immortal words of Milli Vanilli, Blame It On The Rain!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Blame it on the Bossa Nova
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    What's this thread about again?
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    I think they are the only musical group to lose their Grammy Award for lypsynching, but maybe there are others I'm not aware of. I know lipsynching is common, but winning a Grammy and then having it taken away because of a lypsynching scandal is pretty wild.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    i'm wondering if when you all read the PSYCHO ramblings of san_jose_guy if anyone else besides myself can keep from uncontrollably laughing at the stupidity of this mentally ill moron?
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    Interesting, thanks. I knew there was some scandal, but forgot the details. Thanks for educating me.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I don't think Milli Vanilli ever sang it though. I may be wrong but I thought they lip synced to someone else's vocals.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I rarely read SJG posts but I did get a quick nap just a few minutes ago. I thought I read an entire post.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LoveThinBlondes, Nothing else to say, you are just full of shit. Not worth any further consideration.

    TheeOSU, asking about butt plugs, when you are one of the clearest demonstrations of why some people make them necessary?

    Rockstar666 wrote, "SJG: So you resent that people IYO wrongly paint you as fascist but think you can understand a bi/gay female? Kettle: meet pot. I rarely read your verbose posts but in this thread I made an exception. I am ashamed for the time I'll never recover in doing so. You have the same problem as Trump: no morel center."

    No, you have no idea what you are talking about. What I am saying is that I am not really a liberal, and that I don't go along with liberals. Specifically I don't go along with "Live and Let Live", or with "Open Mindedness". I take my oppositional position because I know that such people are not really tolerant of diversity. It is just the Left version of the Right doctrine known as Libertarianism. That is, it is just the imposition of social conformity.

    I side with underdogs and outsiders. Not a fascist, and not really a liberal, I am more of a radical, even an anti-fascist.

    More than anything I am opposed to the Recovery Movement, because this amounts to turning people's life experiences of injustice back against themselves. And it is always from such quarters that there are people who see me as a fascist. I don't care what they think, I only care about what I can do to unhorse them. And to this ends, I never sleep.

    And Rockstar, about Lopaw, she is entitled to her views and practices. There is only a rub when she thinks that having two X chromosomes means that she can override my POV. You Rockstar seem to be someone who is taken in by the two X chromosomes argument. Don't go with it.

    Now, about makeup and about high heels. Most guys do not understand the effect that these have on them. I didn't used to either. But girls go for them, and greatly exaggerated in strip clubs, because these get them attention and $$$. And I for one do understand the appeal that they have and the effect that they have, and I love it.

    Now, here is something Lopaw should like:

    This is such a good movie that anyone who has not seen it should.

    So Anais Ninn sees Henry Miller go into a brothel. Girls sitting around in only high heels and makeup. Henry picks one, and clearly he selects her because she reminds him of his wife June.

    So later, Anais returns with her husband Hugo. The Madam offers them a show. Hugo is surprised and asks if they really use men in the show. He is told that one of the girls will pretend to be the man. And so they are to pick two. So Anais selects Henry's girl, who represents June. And then she selects a second who represents herself.

    So the girls tell them that they can join in anytime they want. The June girl gets the Anais girl pinned on the carpeted floor. She is straddling her with her knees, and is pinning her wrists back over her head and trying to kiss her.

    Undoubtedly this is how guys go after her, so it is perfectly natural for her. She is a very capable sexual entertainer. And this is what most of their clientele wants to see.

    But Anais can't stand watching this. Finally she snaps, and it's one of the best lines in the movie, "Stop pretending to be a man!"

    And this movie is based on Anais Ninn's writtings, not Henry Miller's.

    So after that the two girls both end up lying on their sides on the carpet and they are facing each other, and things proceed.

    So yes, there is something special and unique about lesbian sex.

    But I hope Lopaw will also concede that what I am saying is also true, that most of the time sex between a man and a woman is different from that, it is much more complementary, as opposed to symmetrical, and that even with most people, there is more dominance and submission in it, and so it is more likely to be enhanced by things like high heels and makeup, which dramatize female 'otherness'.

    Lopaw still has a right to her views and practices, and I am not saying that these parameters apply to all lesbian sex or to all heterosexual sex. I am simply saying that this is how they usually are.


    Article II, Section 1
    In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    You are a fucking idiot.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    WOW just WOW

    Rockstar and 25, I have never said that I am open minded. If you want to know, my policies about protecting the operational security of my affairs are exactly the policies of the CIA. And my policies of protecting myself physically, are exactly the policies of Seal Team Six.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Right Right Right you are 25

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Let me get this right you are threatening violence just because people don't agree with you?
    You're sure that is exactly what you meant to say?
  • LoveThinBlondes
    8 years ago
    He's threatening violence in Papi's OTC thread too:

    "But walking into the hotel, she will be on my arm. So seeing that, hotel staff already know all they need to know. In Mexico I'll be laid back. But in this country, people who cross me quickly come to regret it.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^He's been doing just this every once in a while I personally think he is off his meds.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    25, you should learn to read.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LTB, you aren't even worth a comment.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    What's an XX argument? To me that means twice distilled.
  • MilaniCashhh
    8 years ago
    Naturally beautiful women (IMO) look best with makeup that accentuates their features, rather than recreating their face entirely.
    Naturally fuggly women should use as much makeup as possible to help them even out those features that are unfortunately, unfortunate.
    I've seen the unpainted faces of dressing rooms...some of those "cake faces" NEED to be caked.

    We just want to feel beautiful in a society that tells us we never will be unless we alter how we look. I don't like the cake face look but right now, it's really trendy in the cosmetology world.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Usually strippers go for an exaggerated kind of makeup, beyond what women wear outside. I feel that this is part of the role they are serving in. It is not just about making their looks more appealing.

    And, if things get hot and heavy, that makeup is going to get everywhere. Oh well.

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