
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Double Life: Proof That Most Women Are Crazy
    @sclvr5005 “Lol your an idiot” no, **you’re** an idiot
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    9 years ago
    June 17, 2015
    @Dougster. “Ain't how I roll.” are you in there? are you even aware of what you are saying? i’m seriously trying to help but you have to want to get better. IDK if it was your move to NYC and how much your psyche is invested in becoming successful or what but you more than most must know that not everyone can be a Gordon Gecko. you’re beginning to sound more and more like the global warming crackpots going around calling passing strangers DENIERS! and you certainly don’t want to become one of those cranky old men muttering to yourself: ”there is an economic boom, there is an economic boom gosh darn it and get off my lawn dammit”. soon enough you will be among the dead and dying stacked like cord wood in the corridors of a shell of a building that was once a hospital when there existed medical care that could have cured you but was replaced by obamacare, an ironic cruelty designed by a progressive neo-national socialist workers’ party to stamp out any last vestiges of freedom and humanity. while you are lying there waiting for the light to fade you will realize that the tyranny of government was responsible for sucking every last drop of usefulness out of you and that the libertarians were right all along even though there was never anything you could have done to change things. that is, there was never anything you could have done but to live with some small grain of self-respect by being true to yourself. and that is what i want for you. i want you to embrace that sadistic little shit that is your inner self. you know san-jose-guy is a sick fucktard. a mistake of nature. in short he is a faggot and you know it and you want to scream it out. you can’t ever atone for whatever self-perceived sins against alucard you have and denying your nature is not healthy. you need to accept that raging against the machine and letting your inner sadist out are one in the same. ignore your inner conflicts and say it before your remaining life is completely wasted: “san_jose_guy is a faggot”
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    9 years ago
    June 17, 2015
    @Dougster “Follow us and have paradise. Or follow them and have hell on earth. Come on now, given that what's your choice?” i’m not going to follow anybody. what i’m trying to tell you is that your inner self, your psyche, is all fucked up, constipated for want of a better description. you simply have to cleanse your cosmic bowels if you are to ever get well. so again i say to you stop holding it inside and let loose with a classic Dougster: “san_jose_guy is a faggot”. this is a question of you health not only in the here and now but in the coming boom or depression whichever comes first.
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    9 years ago
    June 17, 2015
    ok Dougster i have no idea what you are trying to say about governments, libertarians or the economy. all i know is that you won't be in balance with the universe if you aren't true to yourself. just fucking say what you know to be true and what you are bursting at the seams wanting to say: san_jose_guy is a faggot
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    June 17, 2015
    @Dougster. i like you Dougster and that is why i’m going to tell you what i’m about to tell you. not many men would be as honest with you as i am going to be but they don’t give a shit about you you have been pumping an economic boom for about six months now since the end of November. in that time the S&P is up a whopping 1.3% way below any historic average. it has been a traders market up half a percent one day and down half a percent the next but no economic boom to be seen. now you have pumped today’s fomc meeting and yet the fed did exactly what everyone expected promising to possibly tighten at some undetermined time in the future maybe. and what was the market’s reaction? flat, flat, flat. what you need is to get back in the groove. get your mojo back so to speak and i know that you know deep down what that means. com’on, i know you want to do it so just let it out. copy and paste if it is easier but here it is: “san_jose_guy is a faggot” com’on Dougster say it, just say it and you will be right as rain. trust me, i’m a doctor
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Once you go black, you can't go back. :)
    @motorhead “This woman is nuttier than a fruitcake. Her quote: "Up to this point, I know who raised me," Dolezal said. "I haven't had a DNA test. There's been no biological proof that Larry and Ruthanne are my biological parents." “ someone should remind her that she sued (and lost btw) Howard University for discriminating against her BECAUSE SHE WAS WHITE. stupid lying cunt
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Once you go black, you can't go back. :)
    she would be just another, albeit extreme, wigger and leftard who can only see (her) reality through her racists eyes (like when she told the Hispanic girl she couldn’t be a representative of a Hispanic in her class because she didn’t look Hispanic enough LOL)except for all the lies to get employment but especially for the numerous and obviously false official complaints of racial harassment and hate mail etc. that is the difference between her and bruce
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What are you? (on a scale of 1-10)
    ^^^^^what? the boys at the bath house? you're wierd
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Who was more anti-social?
    @Dougster smh. i am disappointed. all it will take is a trademarked Dougster "san_jose_guy is a faggot" to get you out of your funk. com'on now, you can do it, just let it out and everything will be right as rain
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    9 years ago
    What are you? (on a scale of 1-10)
    i'm a man. men don't have to worry about it. it only applies to women. women and faggots that is. so san_jose_guy, what do the boys at the bath house rate you on the 1-10 scale?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Love vs Having Fun
    @just_the_nuts you mean to tell me that there is actually a woman out there that would divorce YOU. i find that exceedingly hard to believe
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    9 years ago
    What are you? (on a scale of 1-10)
    @ranukam "Be truthful" bwahahahaha
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    @jackslash. why did you wait so long?
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    @pensionking and meat72 maybe you can explain this seeming incongruity to me. let’s say i use your example and i have two retirees the same age. now retiree A starts taking payments of $1000 a month beginning at age 66 while retiree B waits until 70 to start taking $1320 per month. so retiree A has $48,000 in his pocket when retiree B starts taking distributions of $320 a month more than retiree A. my math tells me it will take 150 months or 12.5 years for retiree B to catch up and break even with the amount retiree A has received. (of course if retiree A had simply saved and invested his $48,000 beginning at age 70 getting a reasonable 8% return it would work out to $320 a month and retiree B could never catch up but we don’t need to go there.) the crux of my question, keeping it simple with no investing etc, is that with a break even age of 82.5 why would the average schmuck delay taking SS payments when the US life expectancy age is 79.5? i’m confused
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The funniest thing I have ever seen. And it was in a strip club.
    @ranukam “Bavarian took the words right out of my mouth. She's a average white girl.” i hear the spokane naacp has an opening for president. just sayin
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Need Lesbian Tech Support (Lopaw?)
    @sclvr5005 "I know because I tried to hit it and was shot down very unceremoniously." yeah, it must have been because they were lesbians (rolls eyes) sure they were
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    "Outside was a bit iffy."
    @san_jose_guy “What I would have rather done was to kill him out on the sidewalk in front of his home myself.” whoa there basement boy. you should start off smaller and work your way up. you know like maybe publish your nut job manifesto and a TUSCL hate list here first
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Who was more anti-social?
    i am beginning to wonder if Dougster might very well be a poser. when that mistake of nature and mentally defective loser alucard was around, Dougster regularly taunted and tormented the idiot without mercy. well played. but now i detect a chink in his armor with, heavens forbid, signs of remorse on Dougster’s part. or maybe alucard is haunting him IDK but a new mental whack job and total loser so much on par with alucard that he is the “alucard of the silicon valley” has arrived. that’s right, i’m referring to the gravy drinking basement boy who has no firsthand experience or knowledge about anything he comments on except how he couldn’t even keep his mail order bride and posting here as san_jose_guy. now Dougster should be giddily shitting on this total loser but au contraire he is acting like the dutifully protective older brother of the spazzoid. Dougster are you feeling guilty about your treatment of alucard? because if you aren’t just stringing this tard san_jose_guy along for a future epic burning at the stake then i can only conclude that you sir are not a true sadist and a half hearted sadist is nothing but a poser. smh if it’s true
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    watching show on history channel about rapture and end of world.
    ^^^^^^^^ hahahahahahahahahahaha
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    watching show on history channel about rapture and end of world.
    ^^^^^^^^ hahahahahahahahahahaha
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Standards of fucking
    @san_jose_guy “… I'd be quietly looking at some other girl who I really did feel intensely attracted to. She may not be a 9 or a 10, but usually she would be attractive. Usually she would be dressed in some sort of a provocative or at least unusual way. There would also be things about her which indicated some degree of resistance to conformity” what kind of demented pervert gets the hots for the lunch lady? you are one sick bastard
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Interesting view of the world
    "She boasted about her ivy-league education, but she ended up as an unsuccessful whore." yeah, hillary couldn't even give bill a decent bj. what a loser
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Good Saturday Morning to everyone!
    @londonguy they all speak English well ftfy
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    watching show on history channel about rapture and end of world.
    @sharkhunter “or I'll have to move to Canada” omg it would be worse than the apocalypse
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    To all the dissenters about Nuts plagiarism in the article section, check this o
    the Sin of Pride is said by some to the the foremost of the Seven Deadly Sins. hubris is the gateway through all other sin enters the mortal soul.