
Who was more anti-social?

layin low but staying high
Alucard or Dougster?

close contest. On any given day either could win. But I guess I vote Alucard overall based on (1) the hate list -- which I think I was on, and (2) Dougster's compassionate love affair with SJG. So close.


  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Hate list? Hat is non-brilliant! :(
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Not brilliant! I meant to say "Hate is non-brilliant! :("
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    You should know since members on here claim you're Dougster. - joke

    I had several nice conversations with alucard, yes I knew he was crazy, yes I knew he had beef with 90% of the board. I was starting on the board just when he was ending so I'm guessing I just didn't have enough time to piss him off, that's why he was nice to me.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Hats are not brilliant? lol.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    i am beginning to wonder if Dougster might very well be a poser. when that mistake of nature and mentally defective loser alucard was around, Dougster regularly taunted and tormented the idiot without mercy. well played.

    but now i detect a chink in his armor with, heavens forbid, signs of remorse on Dougster’s part. or maybe alucard is haunting him IDK but a new mental whack job and total loser so much on par with alucard that he is the “alucard of the silicon valley” has arrived. that’s right, i’m referring to the gravy drinking basement boy who has no firsthand experience or knowledge about anything he comments on except how he couldn’t even keep his mail order bride and posting here as san_jose_guy. now Dougster should be giddily shitting on this total loser but au contraire he is acting like the dutifully protective older brother of the spazzoid.

    Dougster are you feeling guilty about your treatment of alucard? because if you aren’t just stringing this tard san_jose_guy along for a future epic burning at the stake then i can only conclude that you sir are not a true sadist and a half hearted sadist is nothing but a poser.

    smh if it’s true
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'm so anti-social I don't even bother to publicly act that way.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Alucard definitely had something wrong with him. I never called him a retard, but I thought he had some sort of personality disorder. He did strange things like keep a list of TUSCL enemies. The only other person I ever head of who had an enemies list was Richard Nixon, a paranoid loser.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Alucard (and SAn Jose Guy, for that matter) probably register somewhere on the aspergers scale. If this were high school, they'd be eating alone in a corner. Dougster's the guy who would put some slippery substance on the floor in the hallway, and then stand there to laugh obnoxiously when you trip
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    How can I fight with a nice guy like SJG? He'll see the error in his ways one day and then we'll get him out working on Wall Street.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I don't think Alucard would have qualified at all for "anti-social" in the technical meaning of the term. In the colloquial sense he would. Not sure which JS means or if he has a third idiosyncratic definition.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Alucard got along with several people at times. Then he would send you a pm about all the assh...s on here. He could tick people off with a single post and act like he didn't even know it. I thought maybe that meant he didn't know it.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If you got on his a... hole list, then he would send u a message and then block u so that u could not reply. :)
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    smh. i am disappointed. all it will take is a trademarked Dougster "san_jose_guy is a faggot" to get you out of your funk. com'on now, you can do it, just let it out and everything will be right as rain
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