
Interesting view of the world

Sunday, June 14, 2015 9:49 AM
She is a Princeton graduate so she must know what she is talking about: "Prostitute, escort, stripper, sugar baby—in the end, men are paying you for an emotional and physical experience. Differences in names have more to do with the person doing the labeling than the professions themselves. " [view link]


  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've noticed that many strippers are hung up on the nomenclature. My ATF fucks and sucks guys for money; but if you ask her, she's not a whore. Why not, says I? Well, I know the guys I fuck. Every one is a regular. How about the guy two nights ago that came in your mouth after you told him not to? What was his name? Five Hundred Bucks! That was his name! Another dancer has FS with me and doesn't ask for money. Wow! Says I, a freebie. A couple of nights later, could you loan me a couple of hundred? A rose is a rose is a rose.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    That's a great article; thanks for posting it. I wish I had met her when she was in Chicago; I think she would have been fun and should have liked me too. It's rare to meet an educated stripper/escort/sex worker and treading the fine line between business and pleasure is something that's difficult without experience. After all, havn't we all fallen in love with our ATF's at some point in our experiences?
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    This article started strong, but veered into stereotypical millenia hipster nonsense. I smelled a lot of bullshit in between the lines, especially when she glossed over periods of time she was making zero money. Nomenclature is very important. Especially with sex workers, "at least I don't do THAT" is a common attitude. Girls who grind a guy til he jizz es in his pants think they're above girls who give hand jobs, and some of those hand job girls would be offended if you asked for FS.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    James, I agree it's poorly presented as a documentary, but she wanted to make her point and I think she managed. That sex work is in the end - work.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    She boasted about her ivy-league education, but she ended up as an unsuccessful whore.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    "She boasted about her ivy-league education, but she ended up as an unsuccessful whore." yeah, hillary couldn't even give bill a decent bj. what a loser
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    Good example of marketplace dynamics. Supply and demand is a bitch when it interferes with wishful thinking.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    Look at the comments after the article -Is 4got's real name Parker McLaurin?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Here is one who is looking at this from the opposite perspective, from the bottom [view link] SJG Jonny and Edgar Winter [view link]
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