New Jersey
Comments by Zjz
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8 years ago
I have 5 I am on with and agree with gawker's post. Plus you can check her other dancer friends you may know from the clubs.
discussion comment
9 years ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
I always want to relax and get a beer first. Only once I had to give in when this 10 I could not get with on a past visit, and she came up to me as soon as I came in the next time and said she was sorry we could not hook up last time.
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9 years ago
58 and most women think I look around 45, and have been visiting clubs since I was 20
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9 years ago
If there is a number I want I enter it in my phone and call hers while she is sitting with me to make sure we are connected. I let her know if she does not want to connect later don't return my text, no big deal. I tell her its just to see when she is working and leave it at that.
discussion comment
9 years ago
layin low but staying high
I would keep it simple. Just see her at the club next, do not call or text her and see what she says to you first about your first night and maybe what's next. When they are young anything could be on their mind. Husband makes me a little worried.
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9 years ago
I like all the comedy. @DoctorPhil the only fantasy is me planning my next overnight together with my DS. Oh I think its Wednesday and Friday this week and if she is good maybe Saturday.
The company is use in Canada does need a script and I pay I think for 50mg $88 for 64 pills and 10 bucks to ship.
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9 years ago
There is no U.S. generic of Viagra, the company who makes it got another ten years or more for protected rights and to charge huge $ per pill. But thanks to our Canadian neighbors, you can order through their on line pharmacies and get a generic version for a little over $1.50 a pill. You still need your doctors prescription. The pills are made in India and I have used them for 2 years. Look up Canada Pharmacy Online, I think. But as I mentioned in another post before, I needed it with my ex wife, with my DS I have not hardly used it and I see her 2 to 3 nights a week.
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9 years ago
When I was with my ex wife the last few years I needed V help. I have been with my DS for 8 months and never use V power, the difference in maybe we are great in bed. I can be hard for a long time with her and when I cum need 30 minutes to reload. But what really works is kissing each other a lot, move to lots of body parts only kissing nipples and pussy very little, this may go on for 20 min. Then I will kiss and lick her pussy for maybe 30 sec, come up and kiss her on the lips and tell her I am only going to put my dick in and out 3 times to tease, pull out and go down again licking for maybe 30 sec again, repeat 6 or 7 more times as above, and she allows cums for me. We usually go for 45 to one hour, fall asleep for awhile, and I will wake her up by kissing her neck and caressing her nipples and we just fuck for maybe another 20 min. For me its the foreplay and getting her off that's gets me off.
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9 years ago
Tying in to , bvino's post, and being 58 years old, same size when I was 18 and women say I look maybe 40, and leaving my alcoholic wife, has opened the door. The civis have come out of the woodwork hearing I am done with my wife, way to funny. The good thing is some of the women ages have been 35 to 45 who have made it very clear to me they are available. But being a SC guy for many years and finding some really great dancers and seeing one now, my DS, who is almost 40 years old, for over 9 months [itc and otc] makes me very happy because of our relationship up to now. I do not need what, bvino, said of all the civis baggage.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Being all most 60, blessed with good gene's, weight what I graduated high school, dress and smell nice when I go out to clubs, and treat the girls with respect has allowed me to have a life of clubbing with girls always 8 to 10's. I have never had to over pay for anyone and can say get offered OTC/spend the night, many times for no extra money. And yes amen to dancers and their great bodies, and I hope to keep this up till I am 95.
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9 years ago
I find if you go to clubs a couple of times and get to know people your lap dance experience is very different. Must be lucky compared to your area, extras can be full on. Most places are 20 bucks per song and tip your girl for her time.
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9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Oh my I have gotten some really hot words said to me from a few of my girls.
1) I want you to baptize my tits with your cum.
2) I need something to suck on
3) Are you driving me home to night
4) When is it my turn to get licked
5) Do you want to see what you do to me? So please touch
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9 years ago
I will avoid really busy places. But I have my list of favorites (all 8 to 10,s ) and their phone numbers so I plan during the week for most of them. Most have to work weekend and usually a shift during the week, so getting planned personal time is no problem, plus I tip and do dances with them so cash is good. Most busy weekend clubbing is for viewing someone new and check them out later, I don't waste time waiting for a busy girl. I get her schedule for a later meet.
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9 years ago
I like natural and natural looking fake ones. the larger the better. The more breast to put my hands and mouth on the longer I spend playing with her. Yea for boobs!
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9 years ago
If this is a regular of yours, a car payment of what? $300/$350? A one time donation may pay you a much larger benefits. Speaking from the times I have helped. If she is someone you want to be a regular girl, then test the waters and you will find out for only a car payment. Good luck.
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10 years ago
I have had lot of regulars over my years of hanging out at clubs. if I do not get a phone number the first night on someone I like then I usually move on from her. Any regulars of mine have always hung with me when I am in the club, they do their stage dances and collect tips no big deal. I tip them at bar, dances, and buy drinks. I hang 3 to 4 hours and she makes almost 200 takehome from me twice a week average. All of my regulars take really good care of me in and otc. All need money so I just say text me saying your going to be busy for awhile tonight and I will see you later. When that happens a lot I move on. And no doubt there have been a couple that I could have fallen for hard, you got to say use the correct head.
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10 years ago
Having a very young dancer as you said and you paying that amount of money clears up a lot. She has not been dancing long enough to need OTC from anyone and probably will not need to kiss anyone let alone you. A good test I have used many times with a lap dance is to make sure my hands are nice and soft, and give her a nice back/shoulder rub and sneak up close to her neck and try a kiss. A good pair of hand massaging a dancer has opened many a doors for me. If your a guy who goes to a sc dressing nicely with a nice shirt, clean shaven, no body odor, and wear a nice cologne you will attract dancers. As a mentioned in my earlier post, being a mystery man and not dancing the first few times sets things up for a lot more action. That being said it works with the dancers over 27/28 who have seen every men have tried on them, and when they find a nice guy, they like to dream also about really nice sex too.
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10 years ago
The money your spending has set you up for her to expect that level of income on a regular weekly basis from you and possible a much higher priice for otc. Hard to cut back and get what you want from her now unless you have the cash. Any beautiful dance i have liked to see as a regular i always worked my way up. Buy her a couple of drinks and try to have a conversation with them between sets, if she can,t communicate she will not be a good regular for me. If she is good, tip her at the bar $10/20 ask her for her schedule, maybe a phone number, hang around for another set, another drink and a tip at bar. I never do dances first couple of times with the ones I like, I give them a little mystery. I keep most visits to a sc at $250 per night and once I get a regular she gets most between dances, tips and drinks. I never give in at a club with the ones I like, because I have been able to get free OTC from them all the time. If I need something I go to a different club and find an able body. If they ask for more money I tell them I have a life also and move on to someone else who likes my money once or twice a week when they are a regular.