Small naturals or Big fakes

avatar for IronFox22
Hypothetical: You have a chance to spend a fun evening getting dances (and likely more) from one of two girls.. They have equally attractive asses, personalities, intelligence, hair, facial features, possibilities for extras, etc. The only difference is that one girl has big fake boobs while the other one has much smaller natural boobs. The small, natural tit girl wins every time, right?. I'm provided two representative samples of tits below (ignore the girls' faces). Which would you choose?……


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
More tan a mouth full is a waste. :)
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
small, and it was an easy decision.

the girl with the small breasts in the pictures you provided....her breasts aren't too small

So that made it very easy to choose
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
The naturals, hands down, or hands on.....
avatar for Dancer_
10 years ago
Based upon pics you provided, definitely small tits. Have nothing against fakes but those are soooo obviously fake. It doesn't even look pretty.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I agree with Dancer95. I've seen/felt implants that are just as attractive as natural large breasts.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Based on your pics I pick small naturals... Thing is her tits aren't that small and fake tits has some weird shape shit going on. I have seen much better(IMO) fake tits than the girl in the first pic.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
The small tit girls was the hottest, and it wasn't even close
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I hate fake tits, so it's an easy choice for me.
avatar for snowtime
10 years ago
Small. I also hate the fake ones.
avatar for azdd
10 years ago
Call me divergent, but I love big fake tits unless they are uneven, misshapen, or have noticeable ripples from the implant. Most boob jobs now are very well done, and I go crazy for major Vargas-Girl type curves. Cleavage, side boob, underboob, every view looks good to me!
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Small naturals, 100% of the time
avatar for rentz2
10 years ago
Small naturals
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Naturals of any size always beat fakes no matter what. I have never gotten a dance from a girl with fake tits except one who lied to me and said they were real and I hadn't seen her topless yet.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
In the pictures provided I'll take the small naturals, but as everyone said they weren't that small. Those fake ones were were massive and unattractive to me and I like big tits and don't mind fake ones that are done right.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
I'm going to echo rh48 and say I don't mind fake fits but those fake tits don't look good. Meanwhile, small naturals is hotter and her tits aren't even that small. Better examples might be in order.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
* fake tits
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Smaller naturals win hands down for me every time. I am a boob man and like boobs better than vaginas even; however I hate big plastic boobs. They are a real turn off to me.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Oh and do you have a phone number for the girl with the smaller tits. I have got to contact her immediately. I have a proposal for her. She is my kind of girl!
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Big fake!
Big fake!
Big fake!
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Once again, the TUSCL majority votes for small over fake. I totally agree. So I'll never understand why strippers still get implants. Most customers hate fakes.

SW dancers I hope you're paying attention
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
"Once again, the TUSCL majority votes for small over fake. I totally agree. So I'll never understand why strippers still get implants. Most customers hate fakes."

i totally agree motor.

just a few weeks ago i did a 15 minute VIP with a 20-year-old brunette who had very nice perky natural B cups and towards the end of our dance she asked me if she should get them enhanced. let's just say i said no as kindly as i could lol

i think many strippers think that most customers prefer bigger breasts (bigger is better mindset)--and thus that's why they make the plunge and get implants
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@motorhead: "Once again, the TUSCL majority votes for small over fake. I totally agree. So I'll never understand why strippers still get implants. Most customers hate fakes."

Because regular TUSCL posters aren't even close to a majority, or even a significant minority, of strip club goers. Most guys in strip clubs believe the "there's no sex in the champagne room" bullshit.

Girls get big tits because guys *do* like them. At least until they get their hands on them. For just appearance, lots of guys are still in the "bigger is better" camp.
avatar for metaldude
10 years ago
Just to make it a landslide +1, small over fake any day, and yes I agree the girl with "small" tits was a bad example, hers were very nice and made it a no brainer.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
My ATF has small naturals and my #2 has big fakes, so for me it's not a factor. Neither gets my money from breasts alone.
avatar for Zjz
10 years ago
I like natural and natural looking fake ones. the larger the better. The more breast to put my hands and mouth on the longer I spend playing with her. Yea for boobs!
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Fakes are for the visual impact. Since TUSCL regulars are hands on guys they prefer the natural feel. Bigger is better in most cases unless you are buying.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Small natural 100% of the time. That picture is a bad example though, I didn't like any of those girls tits.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
"Once again, the TUSCL majority votes for small over fake. I totally agree. So I'll never understand why strippers still get implants. Most customers hate fakes. "

Most strippers I've talked to CLAIM that their revenues go noticeably up when they get implants. On every strip club forum I've ever seen, "small naturals" crushes "big fakies" every time, but the girls say that either we're posing, or that forum guys aren't representative of customer tastes at-large.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
bvino---> "Fakes are for the visual impact. Since TUSCL regulars are hands on guys they prefer the natural feel. Bigger is better in most cases unless you are buying."

bvino, I don't actually believe that's what going on here. Speaking for myself, even if it's "look only, no touch", I'll take small naturals every time. I'd bet most of the guys saying "small naturals" would agree -- I like everything about naturals better, how they look, how they feel, and how they represent a woman who isn't so insecure about her body that she gets plastic surgery.

What about you other guys? Any of you who voted "small naturals" change your vote in a look-but-don't-touch club?
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I've said it before. Women get big fake tits because men glorify big tits. One poster disagreed and said that it was the media that glorifies them.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 years ago
I would rather have a girl with real A cup than fake DD even if her hips are bigger than her bust.
@Subraman I seldom go to look but don't touch clubs.
I do not deny that a great pair is great but most fake tits look fake because most strippers can't afford a good plastic surgeon or decide to go much bigger than they should and they look BAD.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
I don't know fellas. I have seen some pretty nice looking fake tits, just not that pair in the op. As for the feel, some still feel nice but I would rather look at a nice pair of well done fakes than grab a pair of small naturals. If I like a girl with "small" naturals her face and\or ass is usually outstanding.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 years ago
An example of my point:

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@TiredTraveler: Agreed. She is just delicious.

@chessmaster: I too have seen many, many fakes that *look* good when the woman is dressed. Check out Sara X Mills on Facebook and Instagram for an example.

Far fewer look good when they are naked, or nearly so, though. Since Miss Sara declines to display her assets in their full glory, it's hard to tell, but I based on what she *has* displayed she falls just ever so slightly short of "looks great" when naked.

Even fewer feel right when I get my hands on them. Two local strippers (one an escort) have beautiful bodies, and simply gorgeous breasts, even when naked. But both of them fall short on during the tactile test.

I have met precisely one stripper whose fake breasts were so good that I couldn't tell, even with the massage she let me do. I didn't believe her until she showed me the scar, which was barely discernible in her navel.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Those of you who are afraid of tattoos, don't bother looking up Sara.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I think it's true when asked, more men like like the smaller real. But I know it's a fact that dancer revenue goes up when a small/average girl gets tastefully larger. This is not a contradiction.

The reason the dancers make more money is more 1st timers will take a chance on a girl with big tits; they figure if she's a dud in the grindage at least she has big tits. But they lose out on some men who might have become regulars because they'll dance with the big tit girl but want to spend their time and money with the natural girl, so it evens out. My ATF once considered enhancement but she's already as busy as she chooses to be, so she's stayed natural.

avatar for Mr_O
10 years ago
GoVikings said it well, it was an easy decision. natural is my preference, but if a woman's breasts are like non-existent, then some limited enhancement it OK.
avatar for clubdude
10 years ago
I'm weak, the fake ones!!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I prefer big-naturals but given the choice in the OP I'll take small-naturals over big-fakes at least 95% of the time – although I prefer big-naturals even a flat-chested dancer is not a deal-breaker for me if I like other things about her – but a fake-boobed dancer I will pass on 95% of the time unless there is something else about her I can't resist/pass-up.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
IMO strip-clubs and strippers are about the “wow factor” for lack of a better word – many dancers will have over-the-top fake hair; fake eye-lashes; lots of makeup; fake-tans; and now a days in many clubs; fake booties – when it comes to females in general and strippers in particular; it's very very much a “visual medium” and often times big-tits will stand out and get (visual) attention.

And as gmd mentioned; although I do not like fake-ones; some of them look awesome when mostly covered up and maybe just showing some cleavage – but once they are bare many do not look as attractive nor do they feel as good – an OTOH some natural boobs may look unimpressive but look much better once seen bare and can feel much more amazing than they might o/w look covered-up.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
The irony for me is that even though I prefer unenhanced breasts, my ATF is enhanced. She has a great body, and it would be great with the natural Bs that she was born with. She didn't go backwards at all - first and foremost, she didn't go outrageously large. She wears a 34D or 36C bra, depending on the maker. They have great shape . There is just the slightest amount of droop in them, just enough to look real, and there are no weird creases from any angle or in any position. Feel is also very natural. She pretty obviously went for a submuscular implant (GMD's navel scar example), expensive but worth every penny!
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
ATACdawg: in the end, I, too, sometimes end up with ATFs with clownboobs, even though I strongly prefer naturals. That's because it really doesn't matter to me, I don't care about boobs very much no matter what, her boobs are like 3% of my calculation. So, if her face, ass, personality, and mileage all add up, her boobs basically have no impact on my decisions.

The girl I hung out with this weekend has small, okay-shaped boobs, but a 9.8 world-class ass. I could not give a shit less that her boobs aren't that great. Nor would I give a shit if she had big clown boobs. Meanwhile, I have buddies who will point a chick out to me because he thinks she's hot, and I'll be like, "Dude, she's got a glass eye and a pegleg, and weighs like 50 pounds too much." Him: "But she's got big tits, man, you see those tits?". Me: "Don't ever point a chick out to me ever again. And I'm going to slap your momma for not breastfeeding you enough, or whatever caused this fucking malfunction."
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Subra, I couldn't have said it better myself. BTW, my other favorite is an all natural A- cupper. Both of them are beautiful and have great personalities.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I don't consider those tits small, just normal size for a young woman.

I'm with the others who aren't all that focused on tits. I love them like I love other parts of a woman's body. I like playing with them, but they're a sideshow, not the main event.
avatar for BigPoppa99
10 years ago
Actually, it makes no difference to me....
I like'em both! Haha...
avatar for M7L
10 years ago
Big fakes any day! I think the big fake lovers spend more time with big fake providers
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
I like them bigger, C's or D's. Preferably natural. If I can't have natural I'm fine with fake assuming they feel decent. Misshapen or hard are mood killers. Going ridiculously large is also a no-go.

So in this case I'll take the small naturals, but it's a case by case basis.
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