What are the perks of being a dancer's regular?

avatar for Bavarian
This thread at the pink site piqued my interest


Some of the responses go from less than 10 minutes of chatting to chatting up to the same amount of songs they get in dances.

I have been my CF's regular for 8 months, spending between $200-$400 each visit. The only perk I get is having her phone number, which did not come easy or cheap.

The only amount of floor time I get is when she wants to have a drink. After the drink is finished, she wants to go to the lap dance room.
She does not want to take breaks between dances. We have done as many as 20 in a row. After the dances are done, hasta la vista baby. She never comes back to me during the rest of the night. I only see her again when I tip her on stage.

From my observations, other dancer's regulars get:

* A lot more time on the floor
* More "affection" on the floor (the dancer initiates hugs, kisses, straddling, etc)
* The dancer comes back to check on them throughout the night if she's not busy.

I get none of that.

From my perspective, I don't think I'm getting any special treatment for being a regular. I guess she does the bare minimum to keep me around because I still go see her regularly. I understand this is the problem, a dancer will always try to get away with doing the bare minimum. It's up to me speak up.

I will have a talk about this issue next time I see her. Let's see how it goes.


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avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I don't see any perks besides potentially better Lapdance mileage.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Your regular sucks (in a bad way). Mine will stay with me the whole night, although occasionally I let her go for an hour cause it turns me on to watch her dance for other guys. Then she comes back to my hotel, spends the night, and usually we hang out part of the next day together. That's on club nights. Non-club nights are more varied, and the trips are awesome.

Of course I pay her more money than you do, but still $200-400 is a decent amount to spend per night on a regular basis. I'd move on, especially if there's no sex involved. For me a regular must do OTC or it's not worth it.

I doubt that taking to her will change her attitude. Maybe if she sees you soending on other girls in the same club she'll get the message, but I tend to doubt it.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Usually the perks start out hot and heavy before the dancer ultimately becomes complacent and starts taking you for granted, which is usually about the time that both part ways. It seems like you never got the good "honeymoon phase" stuff and have enduring the complacent taking-for-granted stuff thru out. Seems like it's time to try and get her to start behaving like a true CF, or cut bait and hook up with a dancer who at least understands and accepts the process.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
I would definitely get dances from other girls the next time you are in. She is treating you like an ATM. Worst case? You establish a relationship with a different dancer(s). Best case? If you really like this girl you will find out if she gives a damn or not.

Come to think of it, there is no downside. To me, taking a customer for granted is about as grave a sin that any person in sales can commit.
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
@Ranukam - I've never seen her giving dances to others nor do I want to, so I won't be able to test that theory
@JS69 - You are a lucky guy for having a DS, even though it comes at a high price. But at least you're happy.
@Lopaw - Exactly. That's how I feel. Unappreciated and taken for granted.
@Rech - Yes. We have our ups and downs, lol.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
Why don't you want to see her dance for others? Just curious.

I say find others to get dances with and don't get dances with her when you do. Make her appreciate the money you give her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Definitely spend on others, and DO NOT fall in love. You sound too attached cause you keep spending on a poor performer. You cannot fall in love.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I fully comprehend that my ATF needs to earn more than I pay her, even though I've been generous through the years. One night I traveled more than an hour to see her. When I got there she was sitting with a middle aged guy. She saw me come in and after about 10 minutes she came over to me and told me that the guy she was sitting with was paying her $100 an hour to sit & talk with him. She'd never met him before and he had parked his Bentley right outside the door. She promised to make it up to me and was apologetic, but I knew she'd hit this guy up for a grand and she'd be lucky to get $200 from me that night.
He left at 11:00 and I got a full service VIP room for very little money, but it was an opportunity for my ATF and I to talk about what it means to be a favorite and a regular. She adroitly pointed out that I and my needs come first over any other customer ( I've spent about $240,000 on her in 6 years). She appreciated my understanding that night and if I complained she'd have left him.
The next weekend he took her to a series of Super Bowl parties showing off his arm candy and then bought her a used car ($3500). She eventually bedded the guy but after one or two times said she couldn't stand him and cut ties.
Frankly, I think it was a healthy thing for us to talk about our expectations and any concerns. I am not overly possessing or controlling which allows her the opportunity to make her money without me bitching.
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
@ATACdawg - I've been sampling. I purposefully went on a day that my CF does not work, to get dances from a cutie that I had on my radar from previous visits. The dances were disappointing and I did not feel chemistry with her. She started grinding hard from the get go and that's all she did. I hate it when dancers do that. Lapdanceking would love her though. Grinding on a limp dick is painful! I like how my CF arouses me first with teasing and dancing seductively. The grinding comes on the second song when she knows any man with a heart beat will be hard as a rock.
avatar for carolynne
10 years ago
Wow, Bavarian, I feel sorry for you. She's treating you like crap and you don't seem to realize it. Don't let her treat you that way. Find a new fav.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
carolynne nailed it
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
@rh48hr - If I see her give better mileage to others, it would crush me. I think I would be done with her for good. I had an incident where I arrived at the club and I thought she was in the dressing room getting ready. I went up the stairs to the second floor of the strip club and bam!, there she was. She was straddling a guy in a bar stool and it looked like a very passionate make out session. I only saw a couple of seconds of it because I immediately turned around and went down the stairs. I was bummed out and thought about heading for the exit. I stuck around instead and she came down moments later. She noticed that I was upset and asked what was wrong. I told her that I saw her upstairs. She said she did it only because a waitress told her the guy had money. She was trying to entice him to get a VIP room. In the end the guy was looking for extras in VIP, so she declined. I understand that this is what she does for a living. It's not that I feel like she is my girlfriend. She is selling a service and I can't stand getting inferior service. I let this one go because I understand that men with more money will get better treatment from the dancer.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
@carolynne is back!
avatar for qazwsxedc15723
10 years ago
You are too attached. She was "only doing it" because it's her job. It's how she gets paid. If you can't handle that she is dancing with other guys, all night long, every time she is there, maybe strip clubs aren't for you.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
Just my two cents - you may not be in love, but there is a level of attachment you have with her that is blinding your judgement imo. If she is giving better service to other customers you should find someone who will give you the level of service you want. If you keep going to her then you are accepting her level if service and saying that's good enough for you.
I think you're missing the point of strip clubs. There are many girls who will provide the level of service you want for the money you are spending. You are not attached to one and they are not attached to you. As soon as you are out the door, you are out of her mind and on to the next dude to hustle.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Bavarian - "- If I see her give better mileage to others, it would crush me."

Dude, you need to get crushed! It might be the only thing that'll get your head out of dreamland! Get over this fucking schoolgirl crush you've got on her and MOVE ON! She's just treating you like a fucking reliable ATM, not a customer, not a john, and certainly not a man!

You're there for any number of fantasies, not some pre-pubescent obsession. Indulge those fantasies already and MOVE ON!
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Let me tell you the perks of being a regular. If I spend $200 to $400 every time I see a dancer, then I get sex every time.

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Think you'll ever have a clue at any point in your life, Bavarian?
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
A RIL saga. Oh boy.

I would say you should go back and re-read everything that JS69 posted. Seriously, his comments are almost exactly what I was going to post when I read the opening post. There are a few other good points by other guys here about having proper perspective and even a bit of male pride as well.

But I don't think you are going to listen to any of the very good advice given here. You're emotional now and I'm guessing all you really want is to figure out a way to leverage more time with her. Some lessons just need to be learned firsthand. You probably need to have your wallet emptied at least a few more times, and likely go through at least one emasculating interaction with her, before you realize what's happening here. Just don't get stalkerish or do something else too crazy in the meantime.

In any event, good luck!
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
She's not in to you
Your cash only goes so far.
Find the next in line.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
gawker, I think you have a wonderful relationship and attitude towards your fav. I need to have that kind of discussion with my DS sometime soon. And it always heartens me to hear that I'm not the only guy whose found a dancer worth spending that kinda cash on.

Bavarian, I don't think you going to listen but I guess that's ok. Some lessons have to be learned from experience. One day, after you finally dump this girl and find a good provider, then I think you'll get it.

avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
I'm trying to figure out whose alias Bavarian is -- no one stays so naive for so long, I can't believe it's real. But the topic is interesting, regardless, I suppose. I do see the same advantages as the guys above, including:

- Lots of "free" talk time -- my ATF always hangs out with me for my entire 3-4 hour trip, and unlike what you read on SW, I do NOT NOT pay her the equivalent time in dance money.
- More mileage in the back -- often, WAAAAAY more (couple this with the fact that I do typically strike up a friendly relationship with the staff, they cut me a lot of slack)
- Lots of OTC perks, from lunch/dinner/drinks before or after work, to low-$ OTC sex, to overnights
- Text flirting between visits (I dig this, I know most of you don't)
- In my case, familiarity doesn't breed contempt -- for at least a full year, and sometimes longer, I get more and more attracted to her, so the sex gets hotter and hotter. So basically, EVERYTHING above just gets better

In addition, there are a few things I do that are maybe unique to me:
- As a general rule, I expect her to have jettisoned her last customer and be by herself when I walk in the door. I let her know by text when I'm leaving the house and when I park, so she knows just when I'll be there. Yes, I know this is a bit controlling and crazy, but it's the one little perk I really like -- I like her by herself when I get there. Yes, me and my therapist are working on it.
- Okay, after that last one, I'm too embarrassed to talk about the rest :)
avatar for Zjz
10 years ago
I have had lot of regulars over my years of hanging out at clubs. if I do not get a phone number the first night on someone I like then I usually move on from her. Any regulars of mine have always hung with me when I am in the club, they do their stage dances and collect tips no big deal. I tip them at bar, dances, and buy drinks. I hang 3 to 4 hours and she makes almost 200 takehome from me twice a week average. All of my regulars take really good care of me in and otc. All need money so I just say text me saying your going to be busy for awhile tonight and I will see you later. When that happens a lot I move on. And no doubt there have been a couple that I could have fallen for hard, you got to say use the correct head.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
My ATF was gridget(TUSCL). She had a rule that when I was in the club if another customer wanted a dance from her, he had to ask my permission. Only 2 ever did. Both friends of mine that just wanted to give her some more money. Of course they did not get the same dances that I did.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

When I first started back into the SC scene, I was much like Bavarian. I was mesmerized and captivated by the SC scene as it was so much different than what I was used to in real life. I was taken advantage of big time.

Fast forward 4 or 5 years and I've become a seasoned veteran of the SC scene who is wary of anything that comes out of a strippers mouth.
It comes with experience. One day the light bulb will go on for you Bavarian just as it did for me.
Let's just hope you don't spend as much money as I did on a money pit of a stripper.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
@bavarian, I don't know how many times we need to say this.

Your CF doesn't like you.

Sorry. You seem to think there's some magic amount of cash that will buy her affection. There isn't.

You feel invested in her. She's got you teased and sprung. We often want what we can't have. If she ever gave you more, you'd eventually lose interest.

Please drop her. She's a ROB.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I don't know whether to laugh at this guy or have a heartfelt sigh...painful reading this is.
The best advice, handle that stripper situation the way you feel like, but for GOD'S SAKE PLEASE SEE A REAL CERTIFIED PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIST. You my friend, have the lowest, most dreadful, gutter trash sense of self I've ever had the misfortune to know actually exists.

No joke bro, staying on the path your on, you'll turn serial killer in 8 years. (Most serial start killing in their 40's)

Please, and this is not a joke, get help, if not for yourself, then for society, and the women you will either eventually killl (or if you do get help) or actually get to date and fuck.

You are a nice guy with some deep seeded self hatred, if you get it fixed you can actually add something wonderful to the world.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Obviously you are aware you are getting fucked and not in a good way; but thanks for your honesty and putting yourself out there like that.

“... I will have a talk about this issue next time I see her ...”

Actions speak louder than words – you either:

+ take it for what it is (enjoy your time w/ her while getting dances with her and leave it at that)

+ come to an understanding w/ her – perhaps the rule of thumb of spending the # of dances hanging w/ you equal to the # of dances you are getting dances from her – I assume she works at Baby Dolls Dallas; which is probably the best dancer-money-making club in Dallas; so it's not as if she's at a dive and you are the only big fish in the club; there are bigger fish and many of them in a club like that; it's her job and is understandable she should try to max her earnings and not leave money on the floor – that's why a middle of the road understanding may be fair for both vs demanding/expecting her time exclusively – if she was in a dive; then maybe yes – but in a big time club; I can see a dancer not wanting to sit around idlely while potentially losing out on a big score

+ get someone else and/or spread the wealth – you can get dances from her since it seems you enjoy them; but also try out other dancers (even when she is there) to see if you can find someone more suitable – but it seems from the way you describe things that you may have a hard time finding a dancer that satisfies you to the point you seem you want to be satisfied – perhaps you are the one that needs to do some adjusting and it's not all on the dancers.

All one should expect from a dancer is to be treated fairly for the amount of $$$ one is spending – i.e. it's just entertainment; nothing else and nothing more – you seem to want to look-for and buy something that you are not gonna find in a SC; and the harder you try the worse results you will probably get.

For the $$$ you are spending; you should go to Hong Kong and fuck a half-dozen chicks so you can then hopefully think more clearly – but it seems you want a girlfriend/”romance” and you will not find that in Tijuana or any strip club.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
My flake ATF
Stood me up twice just last week.
BJ or she's toast.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
My 3 became 2
Gives me far better service
My new ATF?
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Bavarian, I've been a regular of strippers who were all business like yours, but they were always one of several dancers I'd see, and I'd only spend a fraction of what you spend. I don't see anything wrong with giving that type of dancer repeat business if you enjoy her dances. But there's no way she should be your exclusive focus. All dances and no perks gets really boring at some point.

And I don't recall any of those all business types ever changing into a fave who would hang out and chat, etc. before, between and after dances like my best faves do. So I don't see how having a talk with her about the issue is going to get her to rain perks on you.

BTW, I don't agree that she's a ROB or that she's treating you unfairly, based on what you've said. She's just giving you what you pay for and nothing more. She probably knows you could do better with a different girl, but as long as you keep coming back, she'd have to be crazy to pass up that deal.
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
Thanks Papi and Chandler. Your advice makes a lot of sense. She's just that kind of dancer, all business. What I'm going to do is cut my spending on her to $100. i know she's going to be mad. Maybe to the point of refusing to do the dances or talk to me again. I say this because she gave me her phone number on the condition that I spend at least $200 on her. All hell could break lose, pray for me, LOL.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
"she gave me her phone number on the condition that I spend at least $200 on her."

Wow, I'm speechless. No offense, but you take the term PL to a new level.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
^Okay, I take back what I just said about her not being a ROB. lol
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Like I said before...just painful.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
does this girl shit gold bricks or something? Or do you just have a fetish for abuse?
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
A fool's money spent
Teaches a lesson only
When the fool's ears opens
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago

A fool's money spent
Teaches a lesson only
When fool's ears open.
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
@Ranukam - trust me, I know. I'm just telling it like it is. Very few PLs have her phone number. She only volunteers it to men that spend thousands on her in VIP. I had to ask for it so it was more difficult to get. It beats going to the SC not knowing if she's working

VIP here is $650 and the dancers time is separate.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
Lol. This is a 35 year old man right? Based off of his posts, I know 15 year old boys that have more masculine traits than this guy. I'm not sure if he is for real as I find it very hard to believe that a man his age could be so naive even with the lack of experience being around women. I agree with my man ranukam. The epitome of a pathetic loser.

There are PLENTY of other women that will give you more bang for the buck. Like many others have said, just spread the wealth around and have some variety. That's part of the appeal of strip clubs. Sooner or later you will find a dancer or two that will be much more grateful. My general rule is that if I don't get any sort of play by our third encounter then I will move on to another dancer.

My motto for strippers (and also civilian women in general): Never chase 'em, just replace them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
"… she gave me her phone number on the condition that I spend at least $200 on her ..."

LOL – we are all PLs but that shows how little respect for you she has even in the PL context – she's not every trying to finesse you or make you think she likes you; as the typical stripper would – she is basically putting her stiletto heel in your forehead and you seem to be saying “thank you maam may I have another”.

This level of PLness is unacceptable – I think you need to hire an experienced strip-club coach to get you in shape ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“... does this girl shit gold bricks or something ...”

I've never heard it put that way b/f but that was funny as shit.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
It depends on the dancer. She's more relaxed with you. Isn't as tempted to pull any quick-money bullshit.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“... Very few PLs have her phone number. She only volunteers it to men that spend thousands on her in VIP. I had to ask for it so it was more difficult to get ...”

I do believe the OP is real; just a nice (too nice a) guy who perhaps has not learned or accepted that the SC is not the real world and like prison the rules and behavior on the inside are different than on the outside.

Strippers are salespeople, at best, and nothing more – just like buying a new car, if you feel you are not getting a good deal, you gotta be able to walk away no matter how much you want the car.

You gotta be willing to walk away from this girl – she is not the only stripper in America. No matter how much you like her you have to like yourself better than you like this chick and thus not let yourself be jerked around this way especially since you are the one with the $$$,

Strippers give out their #s all the time these days; it's part of their business model – and there are apps one could use so they don't have to give out their real #.

It seems she is manipulating you in every way and you are letting her – as has been stated – either accept it for what it is and enjoy it the best way you can and go w/ the flow; or set some sensible/fair rules and if she's not happy w/ that then she does not deserve your business.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I think Bavarian needs someone like Triumph as his SC wingman:

avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
Thanks Papi. I accept it for what it is. I think it will be better to spend the minimum $200 to avoid drama, but I will see her less frequently. Before, I would go up to twice a week. I used to like her a lot more back then. I think I can manage seeing her twice a month now. This discussion did help open my eyes.

avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
We're not telling you to see her less frequently, we're telling to stop seeing her! There are plenty other fish in the sea. Baby Dolls Dallas has a shitload of hot girls, up to 100 girls working on the weekend.

It seems like though you're the puppy, and she's the leash. Assuming this is real (I'm hoping he's joking), I commend you for sharing your story, a lot of people wouldn't.

Good Luck!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I hope Bavarian doesn't come back a month from now telling us she DEMANDED his bank account # and he gave it to her b/c o/w she would not talk to him :)
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Fuck! Did his mother feed him lead when he was younger or something? Absolutely no masculinity at all. I am sad for him. He's worth a hell if a lot more than what he's accepting. Any human on the planet is. Truth be told, is he was a she, she'd be a turnt out stripper .

Looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking for loooovveee
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
This bitch better be a playboy model. An 11 on everybody's scale. Im disgusted. You should have stopped seeing her long ago. Whatever she won't do, there's another stripper that looks just as good(or almost) that will.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Well it's official. SJG has been dethroned. He is no longer our most pathetic member. Not even close.
avatar for twentyfive
10 years ago
You should really consider ignoring this gold brick shitter because you are letting yourself be bankrupted both mentally and physically. I can almost guarantee that there are plenty of other strippers in that same place that would be happy to get your attention (and money) and would be happy to give you fair value for you to get some fun with them
avatar for twentyfive
10 years ago
BTW $240,000.00 in six years that's $40,000.00 per year probably tax free income to this girl are you nuts she should be doing anything she can to keep you happy
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
Agree with what's already been said. And I'm gonna add a little different POV. It's obvious how she makes you feel, but do you ever stop to think about how you make her feel? Now some may say it doesn't matter as long as she's paid but in your case it does since you seem to be wanting the GFE. As long as you can hold up your end she'll be able to hold up hers, provided that is what you want.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Lambos are way cool
But they ain't no Ferrari
So why pay for less?
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
^Most people still never sit in a lambo.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
alldaylong posted: "It's obvious how she makes you feel, but do you ever stop to think about how you make her feel? Now some may say it doesn't matter as long as she's paid but in your case it does since you seem to be wanting the GFE. As long as you can hold up your end she'll be able to hold up hers, provided that is what you want."

What the fuck are you talking about? Lol. She's already made it pretty clear that she prefers to limit her interactions with this dude to dances. With how much this guy has paid this girl over time, there are plenty of dancers who would be more than happy to sit with him for stretches of time, pretend to give a shit about whatever he had to say, shower him with false compliments and a healthy % would likely offer him additional OTC payment options.

On the flip side, some girls just don't have it in them to manage regulars, nevermind do the whole GFE thing. This girl is clearly one of them. It is what it is.

avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Is she perhaps getting paid more by these other regulars? Even if that's the case, you should cut her loose and go to somebody else.
avatar for twentyfive
10 years ago
Bet you can't have sex in the Lamborghini without wrecking your back
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Hate to say it like this but Bavarian is getting exactly what he wants and deserves.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Bavarian keeps posting the same kinds of posts over and over. If they're for real, I never get bored of blabbing my advice... I'm just not so sure they are anymore
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
With how obsessed he's sounding about her, he's probably giving off some serious stalker vibes, which could well be why she's limiting any contact with him to the club while at the same time milking him of his money and his pride.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Upon reflection, or maybe cause I'm so high, I think Bvarian is making this stuff up. Nobody could be this pathetic. It's so perfectly pathetic that it sounds manufactured. Has any non troll met Bavarian?
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Damn his name is hard to spell
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
@ rickdugan
Relax kiddo. This isn't about other girls, it's about him and what's stopping him from getting what he wants. Sure he can find somebody else, that is until she finds out she can get away with the same ole game.

avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
@JohnSmith69 - Sometimes reality surpasses fiction.

I have no complaints about her dances. I am getting what I'm paying for. I will just accept the fact that she is not the type of dancer that will spend any time hanging out for free. That won't make me stop seeing her, but I will definitely see her less frequently.

Eventually, someone better will come along and I will forget about her. Just like it happened with my previous favorite.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
So impressive how
Rockstar has used haiku for
All posts made this week!
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
You mentioned before you go to Baby Dolls. What is stopping you from getting dances with multiple hot dancers every visit? Why focus on one dancer, especially one who treats you like an easy mark? Next time you go to Baby Dolls, tell your ATF to fuck off and sample every other dancer in there while she watches you.

From your posts, I can tell you have alot of disposable income. What is holding you back from interacting with women outside of strip clubs? For $200 you can buy 20-30 different hot civvies shots or drinks at a bar/nightclub. That will get you healthy interaction with the opposite sex, and possibly lead to free sex if you play your cards right.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Baby Dolls dayshift is not bad in comparison to most clubs' dayshift but of course not as good as BDs nightshift – I mention it b/c dayshift is often much slower and dancers are more willing to spend time with the custies specially if they spend relatively well. IDK if you have the flexibility to hit dayshift every now and then but if you do it may work out better for your situation.
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