I apologize. Not meant to offend. The club scene on weekends is crowded and "dramatic" . Just wondering how many skip the weekends, especially evenings. After Thursday evening I'm done with the clubs.
For the most part, I'm not sure it's even debatable that Friday and SAturday nights are full of amateurs. It's wall to wall amateurs. Which doesn't mean some of us grizzled veterans don't like it also, for the hotter lineups. But I"m not one of them -- for the type of SCing I like to do, only suckers wander into the worst customer-to-stripper ratio, seller's market, highest-hustle atmosphere. There might have been only one 9 on today's sunday dayshift, but you know what, I got her -- and she spent 4 hours with me, for the price of 2 VIPs and all the tequila shots she could drink. Total win. If I'd gone to nightshift, sure the place would have been wall-to-wall hotties, but I probably still would have ended up with a 9, and my two VIPs would have maybe bought me 45-60 minutes with her total... and that's not even mentioning that due to FAR lighter management on dayshift, I got far more mileage than I would have on saturday nightshift. For me, saturday night is a sucker's play, just find the one or two hot girls on dayshift -- there's always a couple -- and indulge there.
yeah, friday and saturday nights its full of people who don't frequent strip clubs. but as dougster said, this is also when you'll find the best dancer lineups. that's why its such a tough call.
i've gone on friday and saturday nights plenty of times..........but i prefer thursdays because it's slower and you'll still find a few hot chicks. and it's much easier to get their attention because there's a lot less PL's as opposed to a friday or saturday night
I hate the crowded scene on Friday and Saturday nights. If I do go on a weekend, it will be from like 9-11, before it gets too crowded. Thursday nights are my favorite for the reasons GoV listed out. My CF works the dayshift, so I have been doing a lot more dayshift visits, dayshift ain't half bad.
The weekend scene at night is terrible in Atlanta from a hobbyist standpoint. Not only because of the high cover and parking fees, but at many clubs there will be lines just to enter and the wait can be over an hour for the more popular clubs. They treat the strip clubs more like nightclubs with naked women on weekends.
I need options so for me nightshift and weekends in particular are the only time I go anymore. Yeah its more crowded but I think the dancers are worth it. You just have to be satisfied with less time for extracurricular activities with the dancers.
I go mainly to watch and enjoy the weekend. I get free cover with a membership card and parking is always free. they even have drink specials. then there are two for one dance specials every hour as well. there are a number of couples and groups visiting on the weekend but at least the club isn't dead like I've seen it at other times. I would not want to visit if there were long lines to get in and high fees to park, etc, etc. a line for me is 2 or 3 people in front of me.
Well, dunno. If you visit when it's still relatively early, it's supposed to be not that bad, no? I remember, I worked at the club which stayed open till 6 but forces new dancers to come in by 6 pm. It was picking up at midnight(total sausage-fest) but totally slow around 6-10 o'clock.
Unfortunately I am too tied up with work during the week to make it out on the weeknights, although I do have a decent amount of experience clubbing on weeknights.
Dougster is right, best girls are always working on Friday or Saturday, if not both nights.
Here's what I have found (since I travel a lot). You go into a club on Friday or Saturday night, and there may be 10 girls that you think are hot and would like to spend some time with. You go in that same club on a Tuesday night and there may be 2 of those same girls working. Who knows what the normal is, but it seems to me that most strippers I talk to at clubs all over the country typically work 4 days a week on average. I know there's some that work 6 and I know there's some that work 2 - I'm talking average... Chances are if they're not working both Friday AND Saturday, they're working one of those nights. A team is always out on those nights, C team is working a random weeknight and in many places, the dayshift.
The pros are a club on a weekend night usually is a lot more exciting, I find the girls may put a little more effort into their appearance, you're going to have the best girl selection that the club has available and the best part, I can party and not have to worry about going to work in the morning.
The cons are yes, you're going to have retards that don't know how to behave in the club, you're going to have more competition to get a dancers attention, girls are usually partying a little more on the weekends thus sometimes slacking on their duties as an entertainer and you're probably going to pay a higher cover at some clubs. You also may pay higher for 'services' by the dancers and they're not going to sit and chat with you for as long as they may on a weeknight, if those things matter to you.
I avoid Friday and Saturday nights at the big clubs in Phoenix. Ratio is ridiculously bad. Afternoons are best and if I go in the evening, I'll go on Sunday or Wednesday.
Fridays and the weekends are too crowded, and the talent needs to hustle to make their money. True, usually the A-team is out on Friday, and the weekends. But that just means more hustle... I stick to weekdays where more value is offered, less vying for a dancer's attention, and sometimes higher mileage is available because the talent is desperate.
Some guys question the value of having an ATF. This is a perfect example of why having an ATF helps.
You go in on a weekend night, text your ATF that you're here, she comes out and you spend the rest of the night in the VIP. Avoid the crowds and the drama and the competition. And if she's a 9 or a 10, like my ATF was, you get to see the look of jealousy on all the young guy's faces as you walk past them.
^i thought they usually like their regulars to come in when its "slow". You must be giving her serious bread if she spends that much time with you on a weekend night.
I have traditionally avoided weekend evenings. But now that I'm free of the old ball and chain, I have been trying some new things one of which is weekends. I don't love the crowds but there are benefits. Mainly its that there are more hot dancers. Plus, the crowds tend to be young guys there to party and not necessarily spend. I, on the other hand, have money and want sex. Quite a few really hot dancers will hang with me on weekends because I tend to be spending more than anyone else there.
I'm reading through my pick of the comments and the trend I see is money. How much you spend and how often you enjoy. And weekends are inconvenient for me. But if they weren't I'd still prefer weekdays for the crowds, the attention and the lack of cover.
I will avoid really busy places. But I have my list of favorites (all 8 to 10,s ) and their phone numbers so I plan during the week for most of them. Most have to work weekend and usually a shift during the week, so getting planned personal time is no problem, plus I tip and do dances with them so cash is good. Most busy weekend clubbing is for viewing someone new and check them out later, I don't waste time waiting for a busy girl. I get her schedule for a later meet.
"@motor- if you're spending the rest of the night with her in VIP, I imagine you're paying her at least 1K?"
I'm usually at the club for 3-4 hours, spending all that time in the VIP would be ... mumble mumble ... carry the 1 ... math math ... over $2k. Although I'd imagine there's some package deal where you could cut that down, Still, far out of my price range. As chessmaster mentioned, all my ATFs prefer I come during slow times (which I prefer also).
Not to repeat myself -- okay, specifically to repeat myself -- I do love the "club full of hotties" effect on weekend nights, but it's useless to me since I can't do my 3-hours-with-one-girl thing. So, maybe there's only one or two real hotties on dayshift or weekday nightshift, I only need one, and if she'll spend 4 hours with me for the price of 2 VIPs, man that's perfect. 'course,I realize a lot of guys don't like to sit around the club for hours; back 10 years ago when my M.O. was to sit in the club tipping and getting lapdances from several different girls for an hour, then grabbing an extra, then leaving, weekend nightshift was fine
dancer95: "Well, dunno. If you visit when it's still relatively early, it's supposed to be not that bad, no? I remember, I worked at the club which stayed open till 6 but forces new dancers to come in by 6 pm. "
That is true. At the club I frequent most often, nightshift starts at 7 but the crowd don't start really coming in until 11 or midnight. Unfortunately, most of the girls don't start coming in until 11 or later either. So you're missing out on the 40-insanely-hot-girls effect anyway during that 7-10 slow part. That said, there have been times when I met my ATF on friday or saturday night during that 7-10 slow start of the shift
I agree George. They also have some of the best lookers who are usually big hustlers. Fri & Sat are looking to turnover dances and not nurture a custie. Daytime or a slow weekday evening versus Fri & Sat nite is the difference between chess and checkers.
The more I SC the more I appreciate the slow times (late afternoons or weeknights).
I prefer great service/mileage from a 6/7 than mediocre service from an 8+ - I often find better service on the non-peak times.
I mainly visit small black dives and on weekend eves these small spots get packed where it makes it difficult to even find a place to get a dance (since in many of these spots dances are on the floor and not on a separate/dedicated dance-area).
I don't mind spending $$$ but I like to get good value in terms of dancer attention/mileage and just being able to enjoy my visits w/o having 50 dudes around me just hanging-out; dancing to the music; talking to the dancers but not spending any $$$ on them thus cock-blocking; all this leads to diminishing-returns for my type of clubbing.
Being a single PL w/ no kids I thus have time on my hands – I'm not a drinker and the bar or dance-club has never really been my scene – thus I will sometimes hit the SCs on weekend eves but I'll try to hit the less crowded/crazy ones and I'll mainly just kill some time and people/dancer watch and get some dances if the right opportunity presents itself.
I would love to go midweek some time, but my job dictates I can only go Friday and Saturday. It's not that bad if you have favorites. If you have a favorite to hang out with, who cares who else is there?
It depends on the SC. If we're talking dives and/or black clubs, weekend nights are terrible times to go...well, most of them. Passions in NO is much better during the weekends. I've never gone to Inner Room on a Friday or Saturday, but I'd take Thursday nights over Sunday afternoons.
Other clubs, give me Saturday night any week of the year. Best talent available, I'm not into extras, and I couldn't care less about so-called competition. Only thing at Tootsies is that people will take girls to VIP and lock them up. You may have to go down to your fourth or fifth option...which should be alright, honestly.
IHearVoices: it's not that I care about competition, in the sense that some guy is going to grab my girl. It's that with guys drastically outnumbering girls, it's a seller's market and there's too much money to be made by the girls, to blow tons of time with one single guy who isn't paying much. Maybe the difference here is how we strip club ... for me, 3-4 hour trip, where one girl sits with me the entire time (no running off to dance w/ others, etc), and my total outlay will be for 2 VIPs ($200) plus food and drinks (avg $75). Are you getting a girl to hang out with you for hours on end, on a busy Saturday nightshift, for a couple of VIPs? Or is the experience you're looking for totally different (I'm guessing the latter)
Yeah, we look for different things. Your preferred experience doesn't sound bad at all, though: it's just that since I don't club regularly (I live in a town that's not really close to any SCs) I try to get everything in that I can, which doesn't lend itself to hanging out with one girl.
I know that most black clubs become something more like a regular night club on the weekend nights. It sounds kind of like the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, male bonding powered by alcohol and with females around just so that the guys don't have to worry about looking like they are gay.
So of course, I avoid these times and go in during the day time or on the nights earlier in the week.
But Passions NOLO better on the weekends? You must mean that they have a shortage of desirable girls during the week? I had not otherwise read this before.
You go to the brass rail, sjg? I used to go there many years ago, but finally gave up on it, don't remember why ... I vaguely remember usually not being impressed with the talent, and having limited-to-no success getting them OTC when I was impressed. What's it like these days?
I will agree Fri/Sat is not what I normally like to do, I don't mind Saturday afternoons but Saturday nights,.. not so much. I do go on Weekends when I go with friends as that does make a difference, this last weekend I found myself at a club on a Saturday night and did not have any issue finding strippers to get dances, unfortunately i spent over 1k that night so I might still consider that a loss.
You do get the A-Team on the Fri/Sat rotation but even the hotties will work slow nights, you just need to find out which nights and go then.
IHearVoices, I assume now that you are talking about Passions NOLA. Well yes, that is one of the most infamous places in the country. That many of their women are not so hot looking does not surprise me.
For me, it would just be whether or not I can find one that I like. It will be a very personal thing. We will see.
At most strip clubs, as I have seen, they turn into more show clubs and groups of drunken guys, at night time. But during the day time is when they are the least busy, and more girls are willing to break rules. I am thinking specifically of the now closed Club-Ante in San Mateo.
I guess maybe at this Passions, it never really turns into a night club, as that is not what it is intended to be.
Subraman, Can't get OTC at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail?
Well obviously you aren't working The System.
You need to study The System, so that you'll be able to maximize OTC options when traveling: https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
The Brass Rail is actually an ideal place to deploy The System, because there is no touching and there are no private dances. So all you can do is talk, and show them your charm.
So I can attest first hand to the efficacy of The System. I you go in there wearing a suit, dancers will preferentially approach you. They will come up to you and do things like dip to show you their cleavage. What they want you to do is invite them to sit down for a drink.
So for example one of them did that with me. I didn't take the bait. So she went to her second choice.
I was wearing a suit. The second choice was wearing a sport coat and slacks.
Now this girl ended up doing lots of kissing with him. I have no doubt that she went to a motel with him.
But this was unusual. Even though it is no touching, you can usually put your arm around your girl. But kissing, no. This girl was doing this because she was mad at the owners and that was her way of quitting.
But even if you don't come across a girl who is mad at the owners, you can still be wearing a suit and getting preferential approaches.
If you want same night OTC, then I would suggest about 11pm. That way, any OTC girls that don't have a date yet, will be fast to move on you. They will ignore other people sitting at their stage and tipping, and focus all of their attention on you. They know the other guys are not going to be their date. They know that it will be someone new like you, the well dressed stranger.
These girls work there and they get bored. So they would love nothing better than to be taken to a motel and fucked and fucked and fucked
That one who had approached me like that, she reminds me of Gloria Grahame, someone who comes across like she must have been born to be a taxi dancer and motel hooker.
Also on Wednesdays they have the Wet-T-Shirt Contest. This means that the house dancers don't have much else to do except sit and talk with you. And then also, under the cover of the contest there is usually a group of non-dancer, non-contestant hookers who come in. They call out to strangers to make themselves known. I'm sure their rates are more reasonable than the OTC-dancers.
But you do need to study The System carefully. In this magnum opus Rick Dugan estimates that it is 30% of dancers who do OTC. Well when he wrote this he only had access to the typical kind of East Coast clubs, where they have dance booths and things are not strictly no touching.
Well here in Santa Clara County our DA's Office is terrified of San Francisco style lap dancing getting started, and so the clubs are watched very closely. And then also, many of the Sunnyvale dancers came to these clubs because they don't want to do the kinds of things done in San Francisco. The Brass Rail is not a Gentleman's Club and it is certainly not a Sex Club. It is a neighborhood bar. It is a fun place.
So many of them will take offense if you seem to be trying to set up OTC. This was my first lesson at the Brass Rail, before I even knew that much OTC was being done and before I ever would have thought about setting up any such thing.
So again, to crack this nut we have to look to The System. At the Brass Rail you don't have to sit at the stage. If you are going to be there a while, best to sit at a table, and stay back. The Brass Rail has lots of round tables and chairs. Those girls who do OTC, I would say about 15%, will approach you. Nominally they are waitressing for drinks. You can be generous with them in tipping and then buy them a drink. If they are that much wanting to talk to you, then they are probably up for OTC. The Brass Rail is an old fashioned place. The dancers are similar to what they used to call B-Girls.
Now for myself, OTC is going to be something to do when I first come into a new town and want some pussy and local company that night. If I am around that town longer, or even in and out of it so that I am known, I don't really see P4P as necessary. And then of course, it is not necessary in my home town.
So for me the Brass Rail has always been a place for talking and flirting and for always treating women as civilians. Usually there are always a few that I really like there.
As far as their looks overall. Sunnyvale is not San Francisco. And the Brass Rail day shift is not the night shift.
But like I say, usually there are always a few that I really like. And because I treat them like civilians and because I know that coming out of that environment civilians are usually going to want to move slower and see me on multiple visits before they open up, they and I usually get along very well.
He's graciously giving me tips on how to get OTC at the Brass Rail :) I haven't been in that place for a good ... damn, longer than I thought, has to be 15 years now
last commentOpps, sorry Lopaw. You know what I meant. The odds should always good for you. Right?
i've gone on friday and saturday nights plenty of times..........but i prefer thursdays because it's slower and you'll still find a few hot chicks. and it's much easier to get their attention because there's a lot less PL's as opposed to a friday or saturday night
Dougster is right, best girls are always working on Friday or Saturday, if not both nights.
Here's what I have found (since I travel a lot). You go into a club on Friday or Saturday night, and there may be 10 girls that you think are hot and would like to spend some time with. You go in that same club on a Tuesday night and there may be 2 of those same girls working. Who knows what the normal is, but it seems to me that most strippers I talk to at clubs all over the country typically work 4 days a week on average. I know there's some that work 6 and I know there's some that work 2 - I'm talking average... Chances are if they're not working both Friday AND Saturday, they're working one of those nights. A team is always out on those nights, C team is working a random weeknight and in many places, the dayshift.
The pros are a club on a weekend night usually is a lot more exciting, I find the girls may put a little more effort into their appearance, you're going to have the best girl selection that the club has available and the best part, I can party and not have to worry about going to work in the morning.
The cons are yes, you're going to have retards that don't know how to behave in the club, you're going to have more competition to get a dancers attention, girls are usually partying a little more on the weekends thus sometimes slacking on their duties as an entertainer and you're probably going to pay a higher cover at some clubs. You also may pay higher for 'services' by the dancers and they're not going to sit and chat with you for as long as they may on a weeknight, if those things matter to you.
I stick to weekdays where more value is offered, less vying for a dancer's attention, and sometimes higher mileage is available because the talent is desperate.
You go in on a weekend night, text your ATF that you're here, she comes out and you spend the rest of the night in the VIP. Avoid the crowds and the drama and the competition. And if she's a 9 or a 10, like my ATF was, you get to see the look of jealousy on all the young guy's faces as you walk past them.
I'm usually at the club for 3-4 hours, spending all that time in the VIP would be ... mumble mumble ... carry the 1 ... math math ... over $2k. Although I'd imagine there's some package deal where you could cut that down, Still, far out of my price range. As chessmaster mentioned, all my ATFs prefer I come during slow times (which I prefer also).
Not to repeat myself -- okay, specifically to repeat myself -- I do love the "club full of hotties" effect on weekend nights, but it's useless to me since I can't do my 3-hours-with-one-girl thing. So, maybe there's only one or two real hotties on dayshift or weekday nightshift, I only need one, and if she'll spend 4 hours with me for the price of 2 VIPs, man that's perfect. 'course,I realize a lot of guys don't like to sit around the club for hours; back 10 years ago when my M.O. was to sit in the club tipping and getting lapdances from several different girls for an hour, then grabbing an extra, then leaving, weekend nightshift was fine
That is true. At the club I frequent most often, nightshift starts at 7 but the crowd don't start really coming in until 11 or midnight. Unfortunately, most of the girls don't start coming in until 11 or later either. So you're missing out on the 40-insanely-hot-girls effect anyway during that 7-10 slow part. That said, there have been times when I met my ATF on friday or saturday night during that 7-10 slow start of the shift
Remember Strip Club Theorem 6.9 -- Desperation divided by Opportunity all to the power of Intoxication equals Infinite Bingo
I prefer great service/mileage from a 6/7 than mediocre service from an 8+ - I often find better service on the non-peak times.
I mainly visit small black dives and on weekend eves these small spots get packed where it makes it difficult to even find a place to get a dance (since in many of these spots dances are on the floor and not on a separate/dedicated dance-area).
I don't mind spending $$$ but I like to get good value in terms of dancer attention/mileage and just being able to enjoy my visits w/o having 50 dudes around me just hanging-out; dancing to the music; talking to the dancers but not spending any $$$ on them thus cock-blocking; all this leads to diminishing-returns for my type of clubbing.
Being a single PL w/ no kids I thus have time on my hands – I'm not a drinker and the bar or dance-club has never really been my scene – thus I will sometimes hit the SCs on weekend eves but I'll try to hit the less crowded/crazy ones and I'll mainly just kill some time and people/dancer watch and get some dances if the right opportunity presents itself.
But I do always go for the slowest time.
Other clubs, give me Saturday night any week of the year. Best talent available, I'm not into extras, and I couldn't care less about so-called competition. Only thing at Tootsies is that people will take girls to VIP and lock them up. You may have to go down to your fourth or fifth option...which should be alright, honestly.
So of course, I avoid these times and go in during the day time or on the nights earlier in the week.
But Passions NOLO better on the weekends? You must mean that they have a shortage of desirable girls during the week? I had not otherwise read this before.
You do get the A-Team on the Fri/Sat rotation but even the hotties will work slow nights, you just need to find out which nights and go then.
For me, it would just be whether or not I can find one that I like. It will be a very personal thing. We will see.
At most strip clubs, as I have seen, they turn into more show clubs and groups of drunken guys, at night time. But during the day time is when they are the least busy, and more girls are willing to break rules. I am thinking specifically of the now closed Club-Ante in San Mateo.
I guess maybe at this Passions, it never really turns into a night club, as that is not what it is intended to be.
Subraman, Can't get OTC at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail?
Well obviously you aren't working The System.
You need to study The System, so that you'll be able to maximize OTC options when traveling:
The Brass Rail is actually an ideal place to deploy The System, because there is no touching and there are no private dances. So all you can do is talk, and show them your charm.
So I can attest first hand to the efficacy of The System. I you go in there wearing a suit, dancers will preferentially approach you. They will come up to you and do things like dip to show you their cleavage. What they want you to do is invite them to sit down for a drink.
So for example one of them did that with me. I didn't take the bait. So she went to her second choice.
I was wearing a suit. The second choice was wearing a sport coat and slacks.
Now this girl ended up doing lots of kissing with him. I have no doubt that she went to a motel with him.
But this was unusual. Even though it is no touching, you can usually put your arm around your girl. But kissing, no. This girl was doing this because she was mad at the owners and that was her way of quitting.
But even if you don't come across a girl who is mad at the owners, you can still be wearing a suit and getting preferential approaches.
If you want same night OTC, then I would suggest about 11pm. That way, any OTC girls that don't have a date yet, will be fast to move on you. They will ignore other people sitting at their stage and tipping, and focus all of their attention on you. They know the other guys are not going to be their date. They know that it will be someone new like you, the well dressed stranger.
These girls work there and they get bored. So they would love nothing better than to be taken to a motel and fucked and fucked and fucked
That one who had approached me like that, she reminds me of Gloria Grahame, someone who comes across like she must have been born to be a taxi dancer and motel hooker.
Also on Wednesdays they have the Wet-T-Shirt Contest. This means that the house dancers don't have much else to do except sit and talk with you. And then also, under the cover of the contest there is usually a group of non-dancer, non-contestant hookers who come in. They call out to strangers to make themselves known. I'm sure their rates are more reasonable than the OTC-dancers.
But you do need to study The System carefully. In this magnum opus Rick Dugan estimates that it is 30% of dancers who do OTC. Well when he wrote this he only had access to the typical kind of East Coast clubs, where they have dance booths and things are not strictly no touching.
Well here in Santa Clara County our DA's Office is terrified of San Francisco style lap dancing getting started, and so the clubs are watched very closely. And then also, many of the Sunnyvale dancers came to these clubs because they don't want to do the kinds of things done in San Francisco. The Brass Rail is not a Gentleman's Club and it is certainly not a Sex Club. It is a neighborhood bar. It is a fun place.
So many of them will take offense if you seem to be trying to set up OTC. This was my first lesson at the Brass Rail, before I even knew that much OTC was being done and before I ever would have thought about setting up any such thing.
So again, to crack this nut we have to look to The System. At the Brass Rail you don't have to sit at the stage. If you are going to be there a while, best to sit at a table, and stay back. The Brass Rail has lots of round tables and chairs. Those girls who do OTC, I would say about 15%, will approach you. Nominally they are waitressing for drinks. You can be generous with them in tipping and then buy them a drink. If they are that much wanting to talk to you, then they are probably up for OTC. The Brass Rail is an old fashioned place. The dancers are similar to what they used to call B-Girls.
Now for myself, OTC is going to be something to do when I first come into a new town and want some pussy and local company that night. If I am around that town longer, or even in and out of it so that I am known, I don't really see P4P as necessary. And then of course, it is not necessary in my home town.
So for me the Brass Rail has always been a place for talking and flirting and for always treating women as civilians. Usually there are always a few that I really like there.
As far as their looks overall. Sunnyvale is not San Francisco. And the Brass Rail day shift is not the night shift.
But like I say, usually there are always a few that I really like. And because I treat them like civilians and because I know that coming out of that environment civilians are usually going to want to move slower and see me on multiple visits before they open up, they and I usually get along very well.
Good Luck
What are you talking about.
Got it.
It's just that it is not a 'sex club', so you need to work The System.