Me being a young single 28 black man with a good amount of money (for my age range at least), no criminal record, in decent shape, and no kids, I get this question very often myself. To both my civilian girls and the strippers I am considered a rare commodity. I get relationship offers all the time but I just prefer not to deal with the headaches of another relationship at this time. Especially now since I am back in school in the medical field. Gotta focus on getting my Doctorate's so I can make even more money.
Also, I stopped dating when my ex-girlfriend (a civie) left me for some other dude during my six month convalescence back in 2013. She was by my side at first when I suffered a devastating quadriceps tendon tear from my kneecap that left me unable to walk for over six injury that was severe enough to where I needed surgery and months of physical therapy in order to heal. The bitch went behind my back and started seeing someone else. I was so angry I wanted to kill her but I've since gotten over it. I admit I have a bit of an anger problem after someone does me so wrongly because I always try to treat others the way I want to be treated. After I started back walking again in late February 2014 I erased her out of my mind and reverted back to my old hobby of strip clubbing after I found this website.
I have major trust issues with people in general but now especially with women. The way she left me kind of scarred me for the rest of my life. Don't want or need a relationship and I have no problem dying alone. Hell, you was born alone and you're gonna die alone. Like Young Dolph said: "I don't fuck with these bitches cause they shady" My mother do not approve of my decision to be a lifelong bachelor but it is what it is. Can't please everybody.
It's a good question. I've dated a number of women since my divorce and one ended up being just bat shit crazy most of the time and my last one had many issues because her ex treated her so badly she was afraid to get too close. At this point I've given up on finding someone who can make me happy. So I'll just have my fun in the hobby and let the chips fall where they may. Gewings and I might both die alone.
@72: I'm still married but I've had a steady g/f off and on since 2005. When I don't have one, I tend to see my ATF more often. I call her my "pretend g/f" because she's not someone I can rely on for anything like a real g/f, but at least she gets the job done for me from time to time.
I am a good looking 57 year old . After my divorce there women coming out of the woodwork. Problem? they were all 50 years old or older. I am in good shape and the pool of hot single 50 year olds without debt or debt ridden children (much less grandchildren) is pretty small. If I can hook up with a hot 20 year old for a few bucks why not? It beats $200 for a dinner and a show and a less than stellar evening. Sometimes you feel like nut...
I do have a gf. She is 39 (I'm 44). I see strippers because they are in their 20s (mostly) and they don't want anything more than a few bucks. I can listen to them or not. I can lie to them or not. They don't care. I can be with an AA, a dumb blonde or an erudite bespectacled brunette with a dark side. They are luxury but they scratch an itch my gf doesn't. When I have a gf I tend to only go to clubs when travelling.
By the way, I'm not sure strippers can be trusted to tell you the truth about how desirable you are.
Tying in to , bvino's post, and being 58 years old, same size when I was 18 and women say I look maybe 40, and leaving my alcoholic wife, has opened the door. The civis have come out of the woodwork hearing I am done with my wife, way to funny. The good thing is some of the women ages have been 35 to 45 who have made it very clear to me they are available. But being a SC guy for many years and finding some really great dancers and seeing one now, my DS, who is almost 40 years old, for over 9 months [itc and otc] makes me very happy because of our relationship up to now. I do not need what, bvino, said of all the civis baggage.
I became a misoginist after years of unsuccessful dating but when you find the right girl it makes it all worth it having the security of a good woman at home and being able to sample the SC scene. I never partake in extras but the floor dances I get are great. Plus I love hearing about the stripper shit and club atmosphere gossip, for about an hour, and then I can leave it all behind and go home to my peaceful and comfortable existence.
A "girl friend" is a liability. Every one I have had has always wanted to 'progress' the relationship and could never get over the fact that I do not want an exclusive girlfriend, roomie, fiancee, or new wife. The last got PO'ed when I did not call her while I was out of town and when I refuse to give her a key to my house to "check on it" while I was gone. I now try to follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple STUPID!
I love the single life. Not having any kids or Gf/ wife means that I have no obligations. During the week I just chill and watch tv and then on the weekends I go out and I normally go out to the strip club. Also being single I get plenty of variety. At the strip clubs there are all types of girls. You have different hair colors, races, and sizes. It's fun not being tied down to the same girl.
Ive had plenty of gf's in my life. Almost married once but am a life long bachleor. ive gone to great length's to find the right one and to make a long story short it didn't work out. I'm what most women refer to as a nice guy and we never get the girl. Now i'm 44 and still mostly attracted to much younger women.And am pretty picky myself.there are good and bad things to being single at my age but, I've made my peace with it and most likely will never date seriously again.
I also suffer from NGS (Nice Guy Syndrome) and kinda shy about approaching women – so for most of my life it was difficult hooking up but when I did hookup it always became that she did not want to end it when I did.
Suffering from NGS; it was torturous for me braking up with GFs that did not want to break up with me and had not really done anything to merit me breaking up w/ them other than I was bored being with just one chick - and for w/e reason it was never in me to be seeing other women behind my GF's back so I felt it was best to break up w/ them rather than do shit behind their back.
As I got older; I realized I really did not like being in relationships (at least not long ones) and came to the conclusion that for me relationships were not worth it b/c I was unwilling to give all that was needed/wanted – marriage/serious-relationship was not what I desired so I didn't see the point of getting involved.
I am 45 and married for over a decade with 3 children. This is my second marriage. At various points when I wasn't married, I had long-term live-in girlfriends. With the exception of a few years in my early 30s, when I fucked and sucked strange for all it was worth, I've spent most of my adult life in serious relationships.
If I ever became single again, I doubt that I'd ever get back on the hamster wheel again. I will never leave the mother of my children, but if she leaves me then she will be the last woman I ever share a home with. After spending 22 of the last 25 years living with women, I have come to the conclusion that drama is unavoidably part of these gigs. I'd be perfectly ok with having a little fun with the strippers and then leaving all of the drama in the rear view mirror when the night is over.
last commentAlso, I stopped dating when my ex-girlfriend (a civie) left me for some other dude during my six month convalescence back in 2013. She was by my side at first when I suffered a devastating quadriceps tendon tear from my kneecap that left me unable to walk for over six injury that was severe enough to where I needed surgery and months of physical therapy in order to heal. The bitch went behind my back and started seeing someone else. I was so angry I wanted to kill her but I've since gotten over it. I admit I have a bit of an anger problem after someone does me so wrongly because I always try to treat others the way I want to be treated. After I started back walking again in late February 2014 I erased her out of my mind and reverted back to my old hobby of strip clubbing after I found this website.
I have major trust issues with people in general but now especially with women. The way she left me kind of scarred me for the rest of my life. Don't want or need a relationship and I have no problem dying alone. Hell, you was born alone and you're gonna die alone. Like Young Dolph said: "I don't fuck with these bitches cause they shady" My mother do not approve of my decision to be a lifelong bachelor but it is what it is. Can't please everybody.
I stay single in the idea of living alone but i love casual dating of civis, paying hookers and strippers for sex and the Asian massage parlors
By the way, I'm not sure strippers can be trusted to tell you the truth about how desirable you are.
The last got PO'ed when I did not call her while I was out of town and when I refuse to give her a key to my house to "check on it" while I was gone.
I now try to follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple STUPID!
Also being single I get plenty of variety. At the strip clubs there are all types of girls. You have different hair colors, races, and sizes. It's fun not being tied down to the same girl.
Me: “Cause I'm a PL”
Dancer: “... Sooo why don't you have a girlfriend ...”
Me: “I have too much love to give for just one woman”
Suffering from NGS; it was torturous for me braking up with GFs that did not want to break up with me and had not really done anything to merit me breaking up w/ them other than I was bored being with just one chick - and for w/e reason it was never in me to be seeing other women behind my GF's back so I felt it was best to break up w/ them rather than do shit behind their back.
As I got older; I realized I really did not like being in relationships (at least not long ones) and came to the conclusion that for me relationships were not worth it b/c I was unwilling to give all that was needed/wanted – marriage/serious-relationship was not what I desired so I didn't see the point of getting involved.
Strip clubs are just a fun distraction when I travel. Better options exist when I'm home.
If I ever became single again, I doubt that I'd ever get back on the hamster wheel again. I will never leave the mother of my children, but if she leaves me then she will be the last woman I ever share a home with. After spending 22 of the last 25 years living with women, I have come to the conclusion that drama is unavoidably part of these gigs. I'd be perfectly ok with having a little fun with the strippers and then leaving all of the drama in the rear view mirror when the night is over.