
Comments by ime (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    James only response for a guy like you - Okay Retard.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Oh yes all the vioIent republicans rioting...oh wait those are peaceful democrats rioting, looting, and murdering peopke every weekend. Will they still be as peaceful when he gets re-eI ected? Fucking scum bag leftists always worried about being treated like they treat others.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    mush brain Biden will never do a debate
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Biden should unseal all his locked away documents at U of Delaware that he wants so desperately hidden from public if they want to play those games.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Maybe they should focus on getting illegal guns out of the hands of criminals and leave the law abiding citizins alone. Get fucked you nanny state wanting faggots.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Seems like BLM is pretty quiet and then every four years or so starts making a bunch of noise. I wonder what that could be about.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    All the city council member and politicians who are for defunding/disbanding police should not be provided with any private or police protection at all. We know that would never happen because they don't care about your safety only theirs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How much money have you saved / strippers lost with the lockdowns
    i've been making deposits to my Roth early and often.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Ennio Morricone - R.I.P.
    doubt we see anything like him again
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Haha look who is talking
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Still Closed
    *of mourning
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Still Closed
    If Covid kills Follies there should be a day or mourning.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rate this Girl
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ghislaine Maxwell, longtime Jeffrey Epstein associate, arrested
    https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/trump-barred-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-over-sex-assault-court-docs/ Good call gamma i remember hearing that as well.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    In Case Nobody Has Asked You Recently
    At a beach house on vacation for the week.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Double dipping on the same SC trip?
    Usually 3 for me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    NASCAR and Bubba Wallace
    Papi but that penguin looking piece of shit Nadler said antifa isn't real. Come to think of it i have yet to hear Pelosi, Schumer or any Democrats acknowledge let alone condemn the riots, looting, violence yet.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How would reparations work?
    The founder of BET thinks all evil whitey should all pay about 8 dollars a day for the next 30 years until "ALL" blacks receive around $350,000. Not descendants of slaves just any black person.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Online cowards
    @Wall and i just watched that again yesterday
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Next move with my fresh $200,000
    If you were smart you would open a roller disco.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Oasis> Follies
    Shailynn you been gone a while we moved on to Zima and Adrenochrome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Oasis> Follies
    I liked Oasis but if you go there expecting a Follies atmosphere you would ve disappointed at least on the floor. I always had fun in VIP. Disclaimer haven't been down to ATL for two years.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    I only heard about it last year when they had it in that FX show Atlanta.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Bartender importance to your Strip Club Experience
    Not a big deal for me as I rarely sit at the bar.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Thank you, mongers
    I hope clubs are doing specials on buckets of Corona. Its an awful beer but if they have a special on it when i can go to the club again i am buying it.