
Comments by ime (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What will life look like when the democrats Control Congress and the White House
    Everyone should vote in every election. That is part of your civic duty. Doesn't matter if your person won't win in your state, don't just roll over and give up, things may show closer than they seem if people would not be lazy and then see what happens.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are there really cameras back there?
    A Jacksonville club had them for sure but the dancers knew which booths they couldn't see in to.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    California? Will clubs ever reopen?
    Founder he did take some big sweet loans for his companies, and made sure his winery kept open.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    California? Will clubs ever reopen?
    ^ha. Who knew Random could make jokes?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Good to see you agree
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    done with you. As i am sure you will continue to be obtuse because you are puppet for fake causes. You can't really be as stupid as you pretend.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    I will explain it better for you since you are dumb. You can't solve fake problems. But you can use them as excuses to try to pass new laws or abolish police or whatever, but you didn't solve a fake problem. You just use the illusion of the problem to pass laws or create policies to your political advantage so you gain power. Democrats have been perfectly happy to allow the mobs to riot burn and kill. They use the mob, and cancel culture as fear tactics. Millions of dollars flow from BLM to the democrats. Not one democrat has condemned the violent destructive mob.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    So you are claiming BLM are not using them? BLM is a Marxist organization, they proudly claim it. They are a political party using those claims of getting rid police brutality and systemic racism to gain poltical power. You are a loser, and an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    The reality is you are the perfect example of a useful idiot following groups like BLM are tryung to use people to gain power, control, and censor others. not based on any reality, or provable data. Your feelings dont mean shit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    No you just love making convuluded statements based on fake issues. There is no systematic racism, that's not real. Data also does not back up police brutality.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    No, you are just a moron that puts out bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    just to catch me up are you still LARPING as a pimp and rapper?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    ha icey i guess I should put you back on ignore, you are possibly dumber than i remembered. The education and your family should be held accountable for you being an idiot. Fighting institutional racism? ha if it were a real thing maybe. Ending police brutality and the police repression of minorities? Democrat cities run by democrats, who get voted in by democrats, yet the stats don't show this at all so a fake thing perpetuated by Marxist BLM. More rights for women? Which ones they have as many and more than men. Immigrant rights? Legal immigrants have the same rights. Do you mean those who broke laws and show no respect for our country? Yeah they get treated far better than they should, illegal immigrants to all other countries are treated far worse than those to the USA. Trans rights? What the fuck does that even mean A living wage? Your worth what you are worth, if a job doesn't pay what you feel you feel is enough you don't take the job.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    OT: The cost of my home made burger
    GoV i knew what that was going to be before I even clicked the link. Well done.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Feo, Fuerte y Formal
    Have You Ever Been in a Raid?
    Damn shadow, they are gonna think you are wearing wire soon.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    I think they need to do something about college tuition's this would be a good way to do something bipartisan which isn't really US politics anymore. College tuition has done nothing but increase at insane rates for years. Imagine paying $50k a year to take classes online at Harvard? WTF that is insane. Some of these ivy league schools have just ridicilous endowments but still get federal funding, then you have state schools that operate on a shoestring. Lawmakers should put some limits on how much they can charge. This is very relevant to me as I just finished grad school not long ago. I was lucky enough to be mostly on scholarship and have a grad assistantship thankfully I had good test scores and was in the top 10% of my undergrad class. I still had undergrad loans and did have to take some more because you need to pay rent and expense. I sacrificed and paid them off early, but the cost of tuition has gone insane.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Random just lying as usual. Biden introduced a plan before Sanders dropped out that embraced aspects of the Vermont senator's education plan, calling for public colleges and universities to be tuition-free for students if their family incomes are below $125,000. Feeling less charitable before he dropped out of the race, Sanders responded then: "It's great that Joe Biden is now supporting a position that was in the Democratic platform four years ago. Now we have to go much farther." https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/06/11/student-loans-biden-forgiveness-college/#29cf78555a46 Student Loan Forgiveness: If you have federal student loan debt from a two- or four-year public college or university and earn less than $125,000 per year, your tuition-related federal student loan debt would be paid for. How many students right out of college earn $125k? Not free college, just free college.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Oh did widdle dick get sand in xir pussy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    With you're limp wrists you should stick with a handgun a derringer maybe a .22. Enjoy your klan meeting, keep thay Democrat Party tradition alive.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Can you faggots come up with anything real? Far right has never had any power in this country and never will, but i guess for people like you littledick anyone who doesn't give a shit about your pronouns is a nazi or says things you don't like is hate speech. Fucking bizarre world you imagine, where all the problems you fear only really exist on the left.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Ok retard, progressives have never built anything only degrade and destroy things. Far right, you are an actual moron, but anyone not left of Mao is far right to useless fucks like you.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Sporting events and venues
    I played a rugby match on a pitch that was built in the middle, the actual middle of a cornfield in Vermont.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Sporting events and venues
    Does a Jai alai parlor or whatever they call count? Those are just weird places like a more depressing version of an off track betting.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    This fucking guy Trevor Noah
    Only a hate crime when whitey paints over BLM painted on the street.