Is this the Democrats Endgame?

avatar for CC99
They have gone so far off the deep end, they're not even trying to hide their hatred of white people anymore or the fact that they want to destroy the country, I think they literally look at the 2020 election as their endgame. Its either far-left progressive cultural revolution now or suffer permanent humiliation because I don't think conservatives and moderates are ever going to forget what they've done in the past four years but especially the past year.

At this point, a vote for the Democrat Party is literally voting to elect an authoritarian regime.


last comment

If you have not realized it by now, you will never will.

There is not difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties.

They are two sides of the same coin.

There is absolutely no difference between the two organizations.

Their principles are identical and they both support the same corrupt system of government.

Their rhetoric sometimes varies during election years or when they are trying to convince the public into accepting another illegal and immoral war, for profit, somewhere in the world

The Republicans and Democrats lock arms and unite to push an agenda that is entirely against the American people and our national wellbeing.

Both parties continue to support the war that the Business Class, the 1% has perpetually perpetrated against the American people the 99%.

Since the 1920’s and 1930’s the American people has been brainwashed to believe the Business Class has the right to exploit, steal, cheat, kill for their own benefit without consequences.
The far-left has declared war on America - in war anything goes and the far-left is proving that
Their endgame is the same endgame for all far-left movements - to overthrow the government and put their vision of a government in place - that's why they wanna destroy every symbol that represents America, and why they want to defund the police bc the police would never be on their side (it's in their way).
Y’all know your in trouble when West Virginia makes masks mandatory
Nazis were socialists too.
Even paranoids have enemies
Remember back about a month ago, there were rumors that Biden was going to start announcing cabinet appointees. Thus take the focus off of his dementia and show the country who the new leaders would be. But all that action has stalled. The virus has allowed Joe to stay in his basement and out of the public. And now with the DNC being virtual, the public will be in the dark a little longer in regards to who is actually in charge at the Biden camp. Sanders, Warren, AOC are calling all the shots.
Warren has a list of accomplishments as a Senator from Massachusetts that is quite impressive and will be detailed here: . Thank you Liz "native american cunt" Warren.
This sounds more than a little bit paranoid
Biden can’t be any worse than Trump
Trump hasn’t even filled all of his cabinet positions, and most of his appointments have been acting position, as an end run around any oversight, rather than answer to the American people he’s hidden his tax returns, his school transcripts , his business dealings you fellas really need to get a grip on reality
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Prediction: Biden will not participate in any debates. He will explain that he really wanted to, but Trump has done something so outrageous that Biden refuses to normalize him by appearing on stage with him. Or, some other bullshit reason.
^ in other words Biden is senile but still smart enough to flip Trumps script
25 - Do you really want Socialism ? Do you really want to Defund the police ? Do you really want your taxes to go up significantly ? Trump may be an asshole, but he got our economy running as good as it possible could before Covid.
This is stupid Biden is no socialist and Trump is killing us with his mask wars and culture wars and refusing to tell the truth
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

The issue with many anti President Trump people is that they are so full of hate that their eyes are often blocked from seeing results and truth!
^ The trouble with most Pro Trump folks is they are great at making assumptions that don’t work out in the light of day.
Fixed it for ya Mr_O you don’t need to thank me I know you really appreciate my help
The anti-Trump people are simply acting out the fact that they are the mirror image of Trump. Reflections always appear opposite in the mirror.
^ I’m pretty sure he won’t reflect in that mirror lol

Biden is not really a true candidate anymore in the sense that we typically think of a candidate. He has no independent positions. He is basically just a talking figurehead for the Democrat Party. Soon after he is elected they will probably invoke the 25th amendment and let his Vice President take over.

You are not voting for “Biden” you are simply voting for the Democrat Party by casting your vote for him. And the Democrat Party wants to defund the police, defund the military, abolish the second amendment for sure but probably the first as well.

Papi_chulo is right. The extreme left has officially declared war on the country. The left always pushes further to the extreme, supporting them is extremely dangerous because if at any point you decide you don’t want to be on board their train anymore they will viciously attack you.
>You are not voting for “Biden” you are simply voting for the Democrat Party<

Nope I'm voting against Trump, just like the last election not very many voted for Trump, many however voted against Hillary.

Methinks you take the rhetoric way too seriously, truth be told there is a real group think going on with regard to Trump's identity politics, I don't like it, never did, and I'm sure that most folks feel the same way I do, but we'll see on or about the evening of November 3 we will find out if I am right.
You're going to find out that Donald Trump's campaign to get re-elected is way weaker than you think, It might be a good strategy, that he is using, if he had to win a primary, but he has no serious opposition in his party, as a result he is more and more isolated and scaring off the swing voters and independents that he needs to win, after all a 90% approval rating in the Republican party is in reality a +-35% approval across the board, at the end of the day, if all he has is thirty five percent of the vote, that means a landslide is headed his way and he is going to get buried, in both the electoral college and popular vote, he's finished if he doesn't get a turnaround in the next 45 days, and I don't believe he stands a chance.
The left in America supports Nicolas Maduro; the Mullahs in Tehran; the Chinese and Castro. That's what they dream of here.
What exactly have Democrats done to show a hatred of white people?
@skibum exactly why do you make stupid shit up and broadcast it like there's some factuality to it, I thought you were an officer of the court, doesn't that carry an obligation to at least attempt to be truthful !
Haha look who is talking
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Before CoVid and George Floyd, Trump had nearly a 20% share of the black vote according to polls.

Now, Democrat leaders are demanding the police be defunded while black children are murdered by thugs. Trump is calling for law and order.

What’s the over/under on Trump’s share of the black vote in November ? I’m willing to bet that 20% of inner city blacks will be ready for law and order after 3 more months of murders and arson in their neighborhoods.
Pretending that "white privilege" isn't racist bigotry would be one Dick. If all whites are privileged, then every white person who isn't doing very well financially must be some kind of mega loser. Seems racist, but hey that's good progressive racism.
Hating white people? You mean attacking the vestiges of white supremacy.

The progressives are progressive for a reason and are a reaction to the right wing extremist lunacy of the Republicans.
Progressive politics have been around for a lot longer than the current group of posters have any idea, most of y’all would be surprised to know The Bull Moose party that elected Teddy Roosevelt was progressive
The majority of y’all don’t know what progressive is really, you guys throw labels around with no context whatsoever
"... Democrat leaders are demanding the police be defunded while black children are murdered by thugs ..."

Many of the liberal politicians have blood on their hands.

The vast reduction in violent-crime that had been achieved in the last 2-decades coincides with stronger and more proactive law-enforcement - one could say Gulliani proved what can be achieved with proactive vs reactive policing and how he transformed a once thought ungovernable NYC into a world-class city that both people and corporate America wanted to be in and invest in - the police in many cities, particularly progressive cities, have been castrated, many cities have removed their plain-clothe units that would keep an eye on what was going on in the most violent communities - as a consequence it only took weeks if not just days for violent crime to shoot up in many large cities and quickly reverting to how it used to be two+ decades ago with reactive vs proactive policing.
In the United States people have to compete and earn what they have. Those who fail, blame others.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Another aspect of the increase in violence, especially in NY, is the release of criminals from initial arrest and prison on the grounds of CoVid prevention.

I have trouble seeing how anybody could be a legitimate swing voter/independent and not be seriously alarmed by what the Democrat Party is doing right now. Simply saying AllLivesMatter now can get you fired from your job, how can anybody be okay with this? You're supposed to be able to hold minority opinions in this country without feeling like your ability to earn a living is in jeopardy.
All the city council member and politicians who are for defunding/disbanding police should not be provided with any private or police protection at all. We know that would never happen because they don't care about your safety only theirs.
"What exactly have Democrats done to show a hatred of white people?"

Well for one thing, they want to literally legalize racism in California now...…

The Democrats are now calling national parks racist just because more white people work at them than black people.…

The fact that the Democrat Party supports BLM and BLM protestors hold up signs like this...……

And you can just tell whenever you listen to the rhetoric by Democrat politicians. They say "white man" like its a curse word.
^ that’s ridiculous really ridiculous
per @IME's post - these progressive-politicians should substitute their tax-payer-provided armed-security with social-workers and see how well that works out for them
^ I’m all for that and while we’re on the subject take away secret service protection from anyone who causes them to be exposed to the Coronavirus even if they think the virus is under control

You're either not paying attention or you don't want to. The Democrat Party has become openly racist against white people. They think the color of your skin determines your moral worth, determines what things you're allowed to say. They are mad that the state constitution of California doesn't allow them to discriminate. In their own words...

president of the University of California Student Association, wrote, "Today, colleges can consider whether you’re from the suburbs, a city or a rural area. They can consider what high school you went to. They can consider your family’s economic background. They can look at virtually everything about you – but not race. It makes no sense – and is unfair – that schools can’t consider something that is so core to our lived experience. Repealing Prop. 209 will not create quotas or caps. These are illegal under a Supreme Court decision and would remain so."
^ oh geez I forgot
It’s difficult to win an argument with intelligent folks
With stupid folks it impossible
You people are ridiculous. Changing the name of a national park is not racist. Saying black lives matter isn’t racist. Some of you also seem to not have any idea what defunding/disbanding the police actually means, it certainly doesn’t mean there would be no police.
Nice try.

At IQs below 90, people are partially illiterate and have trouble following written instructions or learning from written materials.

I've wondered before given the number of times I've said things in as plain English as possible, how they are still unable to comprehend what I'm trying to tell them but that opened my eyes a bit.
BLM: "Kill a white on sight," "kill whitey," "if they don't stop kill a cop, all white police are guilty." "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon."

Me: Hey guys, I think BLM hates white people.

Liberals: What!? How can you say that? This is ridiculous!
"... Saying black lives matter isn’t racist ..."

It's not - the problem is that the current trend is that is the only thing/narrative that can be said - anyone that has anything to lose and dares to say "All Lives Matter" is now an enemy of the BLM state and will be gone after.

90% of interracial violent crime is black-on-white - based on that FACT, it should also be ok to say "White Lives Matter" - that's not racist is it?

A certain group of people want equality for black people but at the same time don't want black people to be held to the same standard.
Black Lives Matter Movement is not a race movement - it's a Marxist political movement using black-people/race-card as a means to achieve political power - their aim is not to help black-people, but to divide-and-conquer and they are using race as their WMD.

I can't find a link to it - but I heard on a news-segment that Black Lives Matter organization is actually only 16% black - and why it's not that uncommon to see BLM rallies that are mostly white or all white - b/c their aim is Marxist takeover, not black-betterment.
This blackman has some big balls w/ his calling-out - we need more independent thinkers like him that also have balls like he does:…

If they cared about black lives, they wouldn't want the police defunded because defunding the police causes children and toddlers to get shot by violent criminals. 89 people were killed in Chicago last June, almost all of them black but BLM is silent. They only care about black lives when they can use their deaths to fuel the cultural revolution they want.
Seems like BLM is pretty quiet and then every four years or so starts making a bunch of noise. I wonder what that could be about.
Cc99 you lead a sheltered privileged life. You're out of touch with reality. Youre saying blacks need cops to keep them from killing each other. Check your racism
Yeah CC wtf do you think is happening in Atlanta; New York and Chicago? Oh yeah...never mind......By the way Minneapolis, that bastion of stupidity is seeking 500 million from the taxpayers for damages caused by the peaceful protesters.
Some of you are watching way too much of white nationalist Tucker Carlson. Fact is that Black Americans are 2.5% more likely to be killed by the Police than White Americans. Saying "All Lives Matter" instead of "Black Lives Matter" undercuts that reality and makes it harder to confront and change. And arguing that we should do nothing about our current system of policing and pointing to black on black violence as evidence of that makes absolutely no sense (why save a system that has been an abysmal failure?). Here's some reading for you, educate yourselves:………
Black men make 6% of the population and commit ~50% of the murders, most of those on other black people
Black people need to fear other black people more than anyone else by orders of magnitude - why isn't Black Lives Matter protesting everyday in Chicago where there are dozens of dead per weekend vs the occasional police-encounter that goes wrong
So the answer is for the police to kill more black men? White people kill more white people too, how weird.
Trying to use stats to justify a fear of black people is.....
"... White people kill more white people too ..."

Yeah - but white people don't kill black people like the media wants to frame it - FACT is that w.r.t. interracial violent crimes, it's 90% black-on-white - if anyone needs to fear anyone it's black people need to fear black people, and white people need to fear black people.
As a far left progressive I'm done with trying to get people on my side. The best course of action now is to wait for the dinosaurs to die off then millenial/Gen Z voters will vote in REAL change instead of that dumbass Obama and his fuck toy Biden.

I cant wait for AOC/Omar/ Khanna to be president and usher in a new progressive era.
Do you fear black people papi?
Depends on the circumstances - IME, often times when there is a large gathering of black people, shit tends to go down - as Chris Rock said, paraphrasing - "when black people are having a good time, the niggas gotta show up".

Look at Chicago - that should answer your question as to whether anyone no matter the color should fear black people - it's a fucking black-genocide - indiscriminate taking of life like they were roaches.
"... Do you fear black people papi? ..."

Ask the parents of that little 8 y/o girl in Atlanta whether one should fear black people.
Why do people just assume that a progressive America will be a successful world power? Take away the defense umbrella of the United States and Nato and the EU is either impotent, or socialism dies off ... not that socialism isn't getting its' ass kicked worldwide. AOC is a real leader lol. A bartender who went to BU isn't unique where I live, but we give them tips not votes. Progressive America will be as free and failed as Venezuela. When the dinosaurs die off; America disappears into the dustbin of history. 18 year old drinking age and I get to die before America is a shithole. Who the fuck is living bettah! Yeah, its always fear when someone is honest lol. Papi nailed it! Kind of funny watching you nitwits flail about when people don't respond to your meaningless timeworn cry of racist. yawn.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
Your lame attempt at humor didn't even come close to hitting the mark .
"The issue with many anti President Trump people is that they are so full of hate that their eyes are often blocked from seeing results and truth!"
There was your target, and your reply is as misguided as a iranian "missile"!
A B+ for effort!
The democratic party is mostly Hawks with a few exceptions
Older men who actually respect the constitution and American values are the only thing saving us from a shithole dystopia right now.

Unless the young internet anti-SJW right prevails, we are in trouble.
"... Do you fear black people papi ..."

Exhibit A (of many that can be shown):

+ this is a chick

+ she's not only running her mouth but gets right up in the officer's face and challenges him

This bitch has zero respect for authority and seemingly no-fear of it either - if she's willing to do this to police, what do you think she'll do when encountering law-abiding citizens.

This type of behavior is a big-chunk of the black community (unadulterated violence) - by no means are all black people this way, but too many def are and def disproportionately so (and the stats back it up):…
"... When the dinosaurs die off; America disappears into the dustbin of history ..."

Growing up I would hear the phrase along the lines of "all great powers in history have crumbled from within" - I always thought to myself, nah, that was in *those* times - well, America may be teetering.
Seeing black people as a threat is a problem as is attributing race based behaviors to them.

Cc99 you mean old white men. But then you'd like to bring the 1950s back

The Democrats will weaken us just like internal strife weakened the Roman Empire and then China and Russia will form an alliance and start taking over all the free countries in Asia and Europe. That’s the future I fear if the Democrats are not stopped.
Trump hasn't weakened the US? So far the democrats are just trying to save us from him
Icey lol. So only white people have behaviors based on race and not black people? The 1950's had some great years and some not so great years. Actually had a real pandemic back then, but the population was different so we soldiered forward. Trump weakened us in some respects, but he at least understood that China is the real enemy and not Russia. He understands that military might is based on economic power and that's what wins wars. The Democrats will sell us out to Iran and cause a nuclear war in the middle east with their "woke" bullshit. Hope the clubs open before then.
@Herr_O I'd say my lame attempt at humor was spot on, and even though it wasn't aimed at you, you took the shot like the champ you are !
"Unless the young internet anti-SJW right prevails, we are in trouble"

If by we you mean racist sexists you are correct you are in trouble. We will strip away all of your safe spaces until you're crying yourself to sleep about having a black female as a boss.
We will strip away all of your safe spaces lol. Wow, just imagine if blowhard words were actions. I'd love to work for the Mayor of Atlanta or Donald Trump; same competence level.
Snowflake rightwingers have no place in America's future.

I do agree that America's silent progressives do not act as often as they should. I'm hoping the backlash of having Trump in office will rally the progressive base enough.

Joe Biden is unacceptable. Hillary Clinton is unacceptable. Obama was unacceptable. We need a true American patriot in office.
Well at least, I can amuse myself with knowing that if progressives really get their vision and weaken the US to the point that China takes us over that those very same progressives who destroyed the country will be the first ones thrown into a Chinese concentration camp.

"Silent progressives." Don't make me laugh.
You can amuse yourself with that thought in between sessions of amusing yourself with your 2D girls.

Also if I may disturb your safe space with some reality, here is Bernie Sanders on China with plenty of third party sources. After you read through this you may return back to your safe space free of minorities and 3d women.…
Yeah none of that is gonna matter if the US has a weak police and military and no second amendment.
If the far right continues its rampage that polive and military won't have anything to defend
^Put down the grape Kool-Aid, sonny.
Can you please look things up before posting?

Bernie Sanders on guns. He's fairly pro gun actually. Its just the snowflake right considers anything outside of unregulated…
(Double post because I accidentally hit post while pooping)
Can you please look things up before posting?

Bernie Sanders on guns. He's fairly pro gun actually. Its just the snowflake right considers anything outside of unregulated gun purchases oppressing "muh second amendment." I'd even argue most progressives are pretty pro gun, but when your definition of pro gun is being able to buy a gun without any background check or mental health checkup I can see why the snowflakes get so triggered. This is just a difference of opinion but its impossible to debate the facts. I'd also like to point out tha…

Military spending and police spending are completely seperate from each other and the fact that somehow the snowflake right
Sanders WAS pro gun, because vermonters hunt and the power hungry Communist had too. Going to a campaign site to prove a point exposes the one who does as bereft of intelligence. Snowflakes do this. Progressives are as American as driving on the left.
I'm sorry I have to spell everything out for you. I linked that because it's a succinct easy to read stance on a progressive leader.
I will post the next link on AOCs gun control plan, this is to show you what the overall progressive goal is regarding guns, please note nothing will change for law abiding citizens.


Here are the four points so you dont have to click the link
-Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!)
-Disarm domestic abusers
-Mandate safe storage
-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people

The disarming domestic abusers disarms a number of police officers which is a nice positive side effect. Those snowflakes just cant take police work without taking it out on their poor families.
Overall the Dems are pretty moderate on guns. The actual reforms proposed after every mass shooting are usually so watery they would only help our country's insane rate of gun violence at the margins.

The internet has also just made everyone smarter so it's often trivial to upgrade a perfectly legal gun into something way more powerful like the Vegas shooter did.

On that note, still waiting on Republicans to increase mental health care funding like they promise after every mass shooting. Should I hold my breath?
Maybe they should focus on getting illegal guns out of the hands of criminals and leave the law abiding citizins alone. Get fucked you nanny state wanting faggots.
Universal background checks gives the enemy information, so that is non-starter, although to be fair legal guns should be owned so when Nazis like the whore AOC take the legal guns they will assume they are safe. About 50% of "domestic abusers" are falsely accused and not abusers. Safe storage cannot be enforced without warrantless access to one's home; another non-starter. 90% of all gun murders are by handguns, so banning the most popular gun in America, the AR-15 is the first step to totalitarianism. mental healthcare funding should never be increased given the fact the last two generations are weak, pathetic and spineless and are looking for more freebies. Not one of the laws suggested would have stopped any of the shootings, which seem to almost always occur in heavily regulated blue states that are anti-gun. When concern is show n towards gun murders in the inner city, i will reconsider, but every gun law proposed targets the law abiding and leaves the real killers free to kill more.
Guns! Guns! Guns!
"Background checks give the enemy information"
Then why are you for a police department thats armed enough to take over a third world country?

People dont understand the police is a tool for oppressors. The less power we have the safer we are.
Despite your far right lunatic rants. The reality is Trump will be out of the white house and so will his lap dogs
I meant the less power the police have the safer we are.

@Icey frankly Biden isn't going to be that amazing. Its still a net loss for America. Let's see how he does considering his platform is the most progressive in American history. Obama campaigned as a progressive too but ruled as a moderate. Thinking Biden will be the same.
Bitcoinhandler. I know. And odds are Biden will try to appease the right wingers that support him. But the country can't last another 4 years of Trump
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“I meant the less power the police have the safer we are.”

The next time someone commits a violent crime against a family member, I suggest you organize a drum circle. Let us know how that works out.
"... I meant the less power the police have the safer we are ..."

This is the kind of lunacy that is now the current-normal and we may all be forced to live under .

These idealistic idiots actually think a father walking with his 6 y/o daughter and getting shot in the head, as well as all the other innocent people getting killed including little-kids, is preferable to having police around - what a fucking moron - yet being a lunatic moron seems to be in style right now.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The end result of this is that NY, SF, LA, Chicago and other centers of lunacy will see everyone with a job move to the suburbs or the sunbelt. That means these cities won’t have tax money for schools, let alone the police. Of course, they’ll blame that on racism and demand billions from the federal government.
^ "... The Seattle City Council passed the JumpStart Tax, a payroll tax on the city’s biggest businesses and highest earners, including Amazon ..."

The leftists transfer of wealth in progress - which in reality is not addressing the core-issues and sooner or later there will not be any more $$$ to take from the rich but the problems will still persist except it will only affect most of the population.…
"... The end result of this is that NY, SF, LA, Chicago and other centers of lunacy will see everyone with a job move to the suburbs or the sunbelt ..."

Unless the left takes national power - then there won't be any place to go
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
400% surge in NY police retirement applications this week.
^ they've had to put a stop on retirements b/c so many were bailing - not to mention the disbanded the incoming police academy class.

I can't believe there are people actually supporting this and getting behind this (defunding police and all the other lunacy) - they don't know the consequences and what is coming behind this till it's too late - talk about "throwing the baby out with the water" on fentanyl .
What we're seeing now( riots, looting, vandalism, destruction of public property, allowing antifa to take over entire blocks in the cities) is what will be the new normal if Biden wins the election. If trump wins there will be riots and "protests" because trump won. Either way there will be more of this fuckery and stupid shit.
This is great news for the WET news network, the police disband, the thugs take over the streets and start shooting people, our ratings go up and we can sell lots of ads.
This police retiring is amazing news.

The truth is in my lifetime I cannot remember when America wasn't a police state. This will be an experiment on if more police=safer streets. I'm of the thought that no they don't. We will see.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I've never thought about gun ownership but, with this lunacy going on, I am probably going to get a gun. I've talked to over half a dozen people recently that are like me. I guess we live is such a shitty place that we need anarchy to change the entire American way of life as it has been known.

I don't think the country has ever felt that things were perfect but the radical changes that are being discussed are scary.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago

“The truth is in my lifetime I cannot remember when America wasn't a police state.”

I’m guessing you haven’t done much international travel.
"... The truth is in my lifetime I cannot remember when America wasn't a police state ..."

So you prefer a state rampant with thugs killing innocent people and kids? You're a mentally-ill person. You think the violent-thugs will treat law-abiding citizens better?

Nobody wants a police-state - but hypothetically given only 2-choices of a police state or a thug-state, most sensible people wold pick the former - I doubt many would say the NYC of the 70s and 80s w/ thousands of murders per year was better off than the NYC of the last 2+ decades - no police will likely mean a reversal to 70s/80s violence, and NYC seems on its way.

Truth is, for the most part the only people that need to fear the police, and that are often at odds with it, are those that act outside-the-law - if one is into criminal activity, one will have issues w/ the police - the police are usually the only ones that stand b/w us and violent thugs/criminals; as a society we out-source to the police having to deal w/ the worst of the worst in society, w/o the police we are left on our own to deal with the worst of the worst in our society.
"... I've never thought about gun ownership but, with this lunacy going on, I am probably going to get a gun. I've talked to over half a dozen people recently that are like me ..."

Last I heard gun sales were up ~150% for the month of June
I will admit that what I believe regarding the police may not be the best way to go about it. A close relative of mine is a social worker in NYC and she's seen the devastation the war on drugs has done to minorities first hand.
I'd say the drugs themselves, as well as the drug-dealers and drug-gangs, have done exponentially more-harm to poor-communities - if drugs are illegal then dealing them and being involved with them will have LE consequences.

I've never had any interest in drugs nor have ever done an illegal-drug - but to me the war-on-drugs is not winnable and even those in the front-lines will say that - the war-on-drugs is no more winnable than prohibition was in the 1920s - the war-on-drugs is a huge waste of resources and keeping drugs illegal has given rise to powerful cartels that has devastated nations.
avatar for slutfinder
5 years ago cops and soon anything will go in any club....downside....they will tax you till you have nothing and cant go to the club...the current system has been working pretty well.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
For those saying we live in a police state, I’d recommend the movie The Lives of Others
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
There was a time when college educated young people and taught them critical thinking. During the summer, they might work construction, paint houses, or backpack through Europe. All of this exposed them to new ideas, self reliance, and the real world.

Now, they take classes that indoctrinate them into a very narrow way of thinking. They learn that they live in a police state, but don’t visit a communist country to see what that’s really like. They learn that the working class is racist, but don’t spend time on a multi racial work crew building houses or laying asphalt to see how blacks, whites, and Hispanics work together. They are taught that Trump supporters are knuckle dragging bigots, but don’t spend the summer working on the farm of their Trump supporting Uncle. They don’t join the military for 4 years to serve the country and earn the GI Bill.

Instead, they post on the Internet all the clever things their Marxist loser professors have taught them that they’ve never tested in the real world.

It’s like a virgin leading a sex education workshop.
I guess we shouldn’t have let the cops kill so many black men with impunity. It was bound to catch up with them.
The more the police is defunded, the more black men (and black children) that will be killed - it only took a few days for this to prove true - you are willing to "cut off your nose to spite your face"
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I would think that all black lives matter but people of color in Chicago are getting killed at record numbers every week and, for the most part, they don't matter. It was sad to see a father killed while holding his daughter's hand in NY this week. A world where criminals run free is not good.…

Most law-abiding blacks want more police not less - most people in poor neighborhoods fear the people in their neighborhood more than the police - the chances of a black-person living in a poor neighborhood being victimized by another black person are THOUSANDS of times greater than being victimize by police (especially if they are law-abiding) - again you're willing to cut off your nose to spite your face.

What is needed is better, not less, policing.
Again, you are misinterpreting (purposely?) what defund the police actually means. It does not mean no police, it means smarter policing without the military arsenals.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“I guess we shouldn’t have let the cops kill so many black men with impunity. It was bound to catch up with them.”

There were exactly 10 unarmed blacks killed by police last year, and most of those were assaulting police and/or trying to grab their gun at the time. Is that what you mean by “ so many” being killed ?
Look at what happened in the police-less CHOP area - not only was it a complete shit-show, but young black people started getting killed; that's a proof-of-concept right there of what will happen - and seems the same happened in Atlanta - I believe some "freedom fighters" declared the area around the Wendy's where Brooks was killed as a "cop free zone", and when the little girl's mom tried to drive thru, they opened fire on her (that is my understanding) - oh yeah - "cops are killers" alright; let's do away w/ all of them - anyone buying into this "defund the police" BS is buying into a pile of manure - you are being deceived by a Marxist organization that wants to take power and that is the main-reason they want to do away w/ the police so LE won't get in their way - defund the police is not to help black-people, it's to help them get power for themselves.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
If I had a kid that was thinking about going into social work, I would definitely advise him not to do it if he or she is going to be in a place where they replace a cop.

Most of the people they would meet in that situation are not going to stop whatever bad thing they are doing and hold your hand while you both sing "Cumbaya". There are seriously bad people cops encounter on a daily basis. Most of us here would never understand this.

Cops I know personally can be arrogant pricks. I'm not sure they were born that way but became that way from the people they encounter at work. But, for the most part, they are looking to help the general population.
I love how afraid you cons are at the thought of change. If you are not evolving, you are dying.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
^ I love how lefties refuse to consider any ideas that don’t conform to their narrow, misguided view of the world. Rather than debate ideas on their merit, they resort to name calling. We aren’t afraid of new ideas. We would just like to hear a rational explanation before jumping in head long.
Pot kettle black.
"... If you are not evolving, you are dying ..."

We have been evolving for 200+ years as a nation and will continue to evolve - today's America is not the America of 1860 nor 1960; anyone that wants to say different just has an ax to grind, and is stoking racial fires for their own personal gain - what BLM and similar groups are selling are just pure propaganda right out of the Marxist playbook - Marxists promise one thing and deliver another, and those that were hanging their hats on their promises end up regretting it - we need a better America, not a replacement of America - if America is replaced, those that supported its replacement will experience buyer's remorse similar to the 70 years of the Soviet Union, or the 60 years the Cuban disaster, or the 2+decades of the Venezuelan destruction of a country.
We are much more likely to become fascist than we are to become marxist.…
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Yes, they hate "people like me" and don't try to hide it anymore. In fact, even many Republicans do too. For people who have always claimed a "moral highground" by claiming to be against "bigotry" they seem rather bigoted themselves against whites, men, straights, etc.
Thomas Friedman makes what I think is an excellent suggestion, Joe Biden should only agree to debate Donald Trump if Trump agrees to two conditions first Trump must release his taxes as he promised over 4 years ago, and second fact checking must me part of this debate and performing the fact checking must be done during the debate and reported after each man has spoken, if this isn’t agreeable than Biden should refuse to debate as that is the only way there will be a level playing field, BTW type President is needing these debates much more than Biden as Trump is so far behind and fading fast.
Marxists are fascists on roids.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
It’s all so predictable. I’ve seen this coming for months. Tom Friedman ( or another ally ) proclaims it would be unconscionable for Biden to debate Trump because ............something. Biden needed some sort of cover to justify hiding his dementia from the public. Friedman gave it to him.
^ So these tactics are only acceptable when they come from whom you support
Please buddy if we’re in a blood sport here , the objective is to win by any means necessary
I hope they play smash mouth and don’t wuss out like the Democrats usually do.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
^ the tactic from Biden’s camp is acceptable. It’s also laughable. He only has two options. Reveal his dementia in a debate or reveal his weakness by not debating. He will choose the lesser of two really bad options.
A guy so ignorant, so pathetically stupid that he refuses to debate the most hated person in the country lol. Typical weak, impotent, Democrat.
Biden should unseal all his locked away documents at U of Delaware that he wants so desperately hidden from public if they want to play those games.
^ ok if you say so, I remember a post from you about refusing to compromise, now the shoe is going to be on the other foot and normal people (Right/left of center) are going to blame you for the inevitable extreme left turn this country is going to make, your tactics and extremism Are going to be used against you with a vengeance, and you and your Trump Enablers will be out of it for a long time to come.
Sorry Ime that was in response to mark
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
Keep America Great!
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
25, that last post is delusional. Even paranoid.
Trump doesn't debate issues. He rambles to incite his bigoted base.
Said Icey the Jew hating bigot......
Biden just did 12 Dem debates, no dementia revealed, give it a rest on that.
I am also sure Biden could beat up an infant 12 times.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Biden also recently did a press conference, where he got friendly questions, knew the questions ahead of time, and read his answers off the teleprompter. Even then, he bungled the answer about testing for his mental abilities.
He has a stutter. Has Trump released his medical records btw? Why did he have a late night visit to Walter Reed? Why can’t he drink a glass of water with one hand?
mush brain Biden will never do a debate
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Yes, Trump has released his medical records, including the test for mental abilities. He passed easily. That’s the same test that Biden claims he takes all the time, but refuses to release.
So the argument is that Biden is just as stupid and just as big a piece of shit as Trump? Cool I like Mike Pence and anyone who picks a VP because of a vagina is one and doesn't deserve support. He has a stutter which is why he lies and makes moronic comments. OK snowflake lol.
This election is over you guys just can’t handle the truth
News Flash
1.3 million new unemployment claims
Breaking News
Deaths from Covid 19 are approaching 132 thousand
Over 3 million people are infected
That’s all we need to beat your orange buffoon
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
So, Democrats lock down business for months, then say Trump must be removed because of the struggling economy.

Democrats encourage weeks of massive protests, then say Trump must be removed because of the spread of CoVid.

Democrats require nursing homes to admit people with active CoVid, then say Trump must be removed because of CoVid deaths in nursing homes.
Damn those damn Democrats, but they’re gonna beat your orange turd like a drum in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Don’t blame Trumps incompetence on Democrats, that’s all on him. He ignored the virus for way too long, then rushed to re-open, now we are living with the consequences.
It’s gonna be so much fun Sleepy Joe makes Orange Crush out of “The Donald”
I would have been sleeping in da gutters if I did not start the shit truck business. Turds are good
As far as I can see the virus is rampant in areas that are uniformly represented by Democrats in Congress. Trump is too stupid to get credit for having the virus attack progressives; but sometimes the right thing happens anyway.
”Thomas Friedman makes what I think is an excellent suggestion, Joe Biden should only agree to debate Donald Trump if Trump agrees to two conditions first“

And with this statement you have destroyed all credibility to your claim that you’re such a centrist, independent swing voter.

You are not a swing voter you are a rabid Trump hater who would change all the traditions and laws of America just to get him out of office.

How can anyone claim to be a moderate with a straight face while supporting allowing one of the presidential candidates to openly violate the rules of our election which is that we will have presidential debates.

Democrats are just worried because Biden’s dementia has become absurdly obvious and he can’t even get in front of a camera at all these days without embarrassing himself much less debate Trump one on one while supporting Black Lies Matter and their platform to defund the police.
I never claimed to be anything but a Never trumper there’s no problem with my credibility your orange asswipe is the one with credibility problems what is he up to now 11,000 Pinocchio’s
Your gonna lose this election and it ain’t gonna be pretty watch all those Trumpublican enablers run for cover
CC99 stop trying to be rational with never Trumpers. Mentally ill people need to be coddled and then laughed at behind their back after you put them down for their nap. The funniest thing about never Trumpers is their inane belief that their lives will become better and Trump supporters worse after the election. To me Democrats in control just means more cash in the bank account I like to call "my pocket". I pay taxes on the lint therein. I live in the fucked up ppls republic of Massachusetts and even living with progressive swine daily can't ruin my life. The Corona virus seems to be going after the democrat Party base. ^5 corona; sic em babeeeeee!
Then don’t claim to be some kind of moderate centrist because you’re not. The Democrats want to literally destroy everything about our country now and remake it into something nobody right now would even be able to recognize as America but you hate Trump so much that you pretend that isn’t the case because you’d rather risk destroying all the country’s traditional values than have Trump as president for another four years.
Most of what Democrats are proposing polls very well, perhaps it’s the conservatives who are out of touch. And since when were Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Arizona become blue states? They, and most of the southern states, are all run by Republicans and the coronavirus is running far more rampant in the south right now than anywhere else.
CC don’t try to define me I can define myself very well I have been voting in elections since before your father was born, I am a centrist you idiots take extreme positions and try to redefine what the words mean don’t wanna waste my time debating a never was so fuck off you twenty something pillow fucking loser go back to reading comic books that’s your speed
@ Skibum you are losing it yourself every post you make is dripping with rage and hate I don’t see how you can enjoy your life getting so worked into a frenzy over opinions of folks on the internet
I did consider you to be a good guy somewhat misguided but you really should seek some help
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The Democrats want to abolish the police, raise taxes, continue the shut down, and appease China. Are you saying these things poll well ? If so, maybe they are the same polls that assured us Hillary would win in a landslide.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“ every post you make is dripping with hate”

“fuck off you twenty something pillow fucking loser”

This cognitive dissonance brought to you by 25, the moderate centrist who encourages others to seek help.
And I suppose you think calling people names threatening Americans like Vindman polls well or cursing out a gold star mothe or wife or denigrating the service of genuine war hero’s poll we’ll picking fights with the general public polls we’ll please you are not just delusional your backing a dead horse.
Like I said y’all gonna lose and you know it
We are going to hang these things around orange turds head
News Flash
1.3 million new unemployment claims
Breaking News
Deaths from Covid 19 are approaching 132 thousand
Over 3 million people are infected
That’s all we need to beat your orange buffoon
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
So, your point is that Trump can be an asshole sometimes. I agree. Everyone on planet Earth agrees. Don’t need to poll that.

I like him for his policies, which are spot on, and his willingness to counter punch against people like Vindman, the traitorous, conniving, weaseling.
mark, your use of strawmen is top notch. Dems don’t want to abolish the police, they want to reform the police. Dems are open to raising taxes on the rich, given our current
Income inequality that sounds reasonable. If continuing the shut down can shorten the pandemic I’m all for it. Your position on China aligns very favorable to well renowned lefty Bernie Sanders.
”have been voting in elections since before your father was born,“

Literally impossible you would’ve been a child at that time but that’s beside the point. However you may have been in the past you are certainly not a moderate swing voter right now. in 2016 I was a swing voter and I am not anymore.
This is the link I was looking for when I posted last night about BLM and the group Thousand Currents:
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
I forgot to mention, Democrats just approved a party plank for Biden to open the borders and allow anyone who wants to enter the US. Any, and all, deportations would be banned.

Another moderate, centrist position !
I’m a never trump and voting for Biden because I want trump gone Biden may not be my first choice but he’s the only one that will beat trump at this point in time it’s too late for any of my choice candidates to run so I’ll vote to get rid of that fat fuck
Thousand currents and BLM are run by a convicted terrorist and a marxist. They are the enemy of all people who love America.
That moment when 25 is the voice of reason in a thread....
It spells doom Icey, but you are far too poorly educated to get that. You marxist crud will lose this civil war.
Are you calling for violence against those who are not right wing bigots?
I treat those on the left in the same manner that they treat people with whom they disagree. If they are violent, that is what they get back. If they work hard then lmao roflmao, almost said that with a straight face.
The Dems Endgame is simple, give enough people free shit or get them behind the platform so the Dems stay in power for a long time, then reshape the country and try to create a socialist utopia which will fail miserably. Ill be long gone by then, just feel sorry for the youth who doesnt get it because they grew up with participation trophies and are oblivious to the hatred Russia and China have for America.
Serious question:

When Trump loses in November are Trump's people going to riot? Do I need a gun?
If you're in the streets attacking them and their property James you should bring a lot of guns. If you aren't you're always safer in red states than blue.
Oh yes all the vioIent republicans rioting...oh wait those are peaceful democrats rioting, looting, and murdering peopke every weekend. Will they still be as peaceful when he gets re-eI ected? Fucking scum bag leftists always worried about being treated like they treat others.
This whole thread is a perfect example of why we need to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
^ never have truer words been spoken IME.
Just a few hours away from 133,000 deaths
Own it trumpublicans
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
^ so, you are excited about more deaths ?
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
I don’t know who this guy is, but he absolutely nails it:
If 25 is blaming US Covid deaths on Trump he is stupider than Ivy sounds.
Ps Trump is a big bag of meh but cmon act like a sane adult not a trust fund wanker
Trumps policies are the reason the crisis is qhere its at in the US
Trump is not responsible for every covid death in the US but his policies have done little to help the situation. The crisis would be largely over right now if we had taken proper steps in February and March instead of pretending the virus was a hoax
Who's blaming that orange turd for anything, he said it himself he's not responsible, boy is that whitey a stupid motherfucker
You guys sure are dumb fucfuckfucfucks if you never heard of mutation. Its not Trumps fault kids are having covid parties, not social distancing, etc. Americans just are stupid. Meanwhile Ivy is back at Chicas bonitas in Vegas not social distancing then whining its all about Trump. Get ficufucckcufkckfucked.
25 and Ivy can go suck each other off blow Covidcum over each others hairy chests.
Ignorant moron back on ignore.
"If you're in the streets attacking them and their property James you should bring a lot of guns. If you aren't you're always safer in red states than blue."

I'd like to see if people can find a single crime infested community in the US that is predominantly red.

And don't try to use the state homicide rate, the vast majority of crime in red states is still happening in areas controlled by Democrats like New Orleans and Atlanta. Everything they touch turns to ruins. The area of East St. Louis literally has a single motherhood rate of over 90 fucking percent. Take a wild guess as to what its' homicide rate is.

Its 96 out of 100,000 people. The 25,000 residents of East St. Louis are living in the most dangerous area of the entire United States. Even most of South Africa is not as dangerous as East St. Louis is.…

Not surprising this would happen when the ruling ideologues don't believe family values are important at all and actively seek to disrupt the nuclear family and refuse to face the facts whenever anybody presents them.
The opiod crisis and all the crime that comes with it is largely red.

The Boogaloo movement is far right and one of those fuckers is gonna kill a lot of people when his boy Trump loses.

I hope you guys are right and the lovely peaceful law abiding Right will accept they fucked up when it's a blue wave in November and insead of lashing out listen to some actual adults like Romney and the Bush family. But I'm really scared of Trump rioters
So CC99, I am confused. Are you left wing or right wing?

Evidence of Left wing...

-You want a welfare program to pay for hookers for men that cannot pick up women.

- you stay home and are scared to go out.

- you want to have a traditional relationship but dont seem to want to be a traditional man. You want to work part time and have a stay at home wife.

Evidence of Right wing...

-this thread- you seem to talk a big game against democrats.

I think you are a confused young man and you need a new adventure

BBBC 23 min agoexpand_more
CC99 said "So how am I going to find a woman that wants lots and lots of sex and will fulfill that need of mine but is not kinky or promiscuous? They basically don't exist. And that's been the root of my frustration for several years now was realizing that my type of woman is extremely rare and there's a good chance I'll never find her. So my only option is to just make one. The alternative is risking a messy divorce that will take away half my assets and ruin my life because I tried to make something work that simply won't work."

CC99, you are such a smart boy, but you still lack guidance. The only thing you have not figured is that guys are waaaay more fun! Call me and we can try some new things!!! I will break you in!!! It will be fun!!!

Then CC99 Said, "The only thing about me that is remotely adventurous is my desire to have sex with girls wearing different kinds of outfits like schoolgirl outfits, cheerleader outfits, denim shorts, bikinis, stuff like that."

@CC99 I have all those outfits! Tell me which one you want to see first and we can set up a date! The first date will be half price!
BBBC 14 min agoexpand_more
IceyLoco is right, you need some therapy. I will penis therapy you

I posted this on IceyLoco thread but it got put on ignore
James only response for a guy like you - Okay Retard.
∆ never have I seen anything so true.
Hypothetically, Democrats are afraid Republicans won't accept losing an election.

Meanwhile in non-hypothetical reality, Democrats have tried to lawyer out of or sabotage their last 3 presidential defeats, and lionize people like Stacy Abrams who cannot accept her own defeat.
Democrats are the biggest frauds on earth. To listen to them now gerrymandering is this horrible awful cheating .... that only Republicans do. Democrats made cheating at eletions into such an art form that the fucking phrase itself is named after an actual Democrat Party Politician: Elbridge Gerry, former cheating. lying Governor of the bluest state: Massachusetts. How did the name come about? The piece of shit's cheating was so fucking bizarre that there was an actual district on the map that literally looked like a salamander. The word being taken the creator was give ncredit for hi obvious cheating and the district became known as a "gerrymander". The truth is that a large part of the Democratic party is made up of enemies of the United States, which is why the miltiry defends the constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic i.e. Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omer, AOC et. al.
A vote for Biden in 2020 is actually a vote for Bernie Sanders and a vote for Bernie Sanders' vision which is to turn the United States into another Cuba.

If the Dems take power you will not recognize America in a few years and it will stay that way for a looooong time (they will even change the county's name) - the leftists will turn America into a totalitarian-state ruled by a minority similar to the mob you see today but with way more power, absolute power actually.
How can someone support right wing extremist dogma while being married and fucking hookers?
For those that feel Trump is the worst thing that happened to America; that will be child's-play compared to what will come if the Dems take power - unless you feel Soviet style rule and standard-of-living is what you want a future America to be.
Conservative America = success. Progressive America = shithole country.
Oh no, Oh no, I’m so scared of Biden, please far right conservatives who previously led us into a deep recession, endless wars and bungled a pandemic, save us from this certain doom!!
Ok retard, progressives have never built anything only degrade and destroy things. Far right, you are an actual moron, but anyone not left of Mao is far right to useless fucks like you.
Can you faggots come up with anything real? Far right has never had any power in this country and never will, but i guess for people like you littledick anyone who doesn't give a shit about your pronouns is a nazi or says things you don't like is hate speech. Fucking bizarre world you imagine, where all the problems you fear only really exist on the left.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Trump comments on his "cognitive test" ar Walter Reed:
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@ime I'm in the market for a new assault rifle but I'm a complete newbie. What should I be looking for? Can you buy them at Walmart or Amazon? Or should I wait for the next Klan rally?

With you're limp wrists you should stick with a handgun a derringer maybe a .22. Enjoy your klan meeting, keep thay Democrat Party tradition alive.
Oh no, internet tough guy alert, lover of hate speech and full of right wing dogma. Whatever shall I do? Bush was far right, Trump is far right, both are/were disasters. The thing you should be fearing is a second Trump term.
Oh did widdle dick get sand in xir pussy.
This election is NOT:

+ Biden vs Trump

+ not Democrat vs Republican

+ not even left vs right

Hear me now and believe me later - this election is Democracy vs Marxism.

Anyone that thinks this will be a "Biden Presidency" is either stupid, or severely-misguided at best - anyone that thinks Biden is gonna be setting the Democratic agenda, is crazy, and totally-clueless at best - this will be a Sanders and the "we hate America squad" taking over the Democratic party and thus taking over America with the aid of BLM and more-so Thousand Currents whom are Marxists-to-the-death.

If you think the Dems winning means this will be a Biden/Schumer/Pelosi/etc democratic governing, you are delusional at best - Schumer/Pelosi, etc and any conventional Democrats at *best* will have to become subservient to the Sanders/Squad faction in order to just survive if not they will be cancelled-out like everything else in the to-be "former America".

Voting Biden in 2020 will be Democratic malpractice - you are not voting for a "new and better America" - you are voting for a new Marxist style government with the elimination of free speech and the free-market - the new left will take over what is free speech, and take over the economy and have it ran by the state - many people in the world have lived this in the past and have seen this movie before - you all "Trump must be taken down no-matter the cost", you all don't know what's coming.
You have been quarantined too long papi.
^ you sound sound like an alias for Don Lemon
Biden is pretty moderate he wouldn’t let them stray into Marxism. Why is democratic socialism always conflated with Marxism btw?
"... You have been quarantined too long papi ..."

This is what we have now - any attempt at a dissenting POV is completely dismissed, but even worse, it is attacked, vs arguing the point - which is what Marxism is all about; zero dissension to the point it becomes a crime against the state and you will be gone after, even criminally, if you dare question the state and those in power - the current cancel-culture and going after anyone dissenting is a small-example of what will be the norm, and the law, if the left takes power.
^ So I guess I'm stupid and severely misguided, but we are approaching 134 thousand dead within the next few hours, that's an increase of ONE THOUSAND lives lost in 24 hours.
Mr. Trump is in Florida as we speak, and Florida is right now the epicenter of new corona virus cases in the United States, yet Mr. Trump has said absolutely nothing about this crisis or how we are going to get out from under this pandemic.
Socialism is the stepping-stone to Marxism which is the stepping-stone to Communism - if you think Bernie, the Squad, BLM, Thousand Currents, if you think what they want is "Democratic Socialism", you are gonna experience severe buyer's remorse like 90% of the supporters of 1917 Russia, 1959 Cuba, and 1998 Venezuela.

Sanders is the power and driving-force in the Democratic-party, as well as those that agree w/ his agenda (The Squad, etc) - what do you think are the intentions of a Sanders that spent his honeymoon in Cuba.
^ What does that have to do with the loss of life increasing exponentially every day ?
Bernie Sanders is not even a Democrat. If he had all that power he wouldn’t have lost 2 Presidential primaries. Despite what right wing media is telling you, the “squad” has also had very little impact on the party. And you are also betting on a completely impotent Republican Party, the party that completely obstructed everything that Obama tried to do over an 8 year period.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
biden in any debate would be a disaster for him. He can't even make a single coherent statement, much less string a few together. No wonder they are doing their damnest to get out of a debate.
^ You must have missed the 12 Democratic debates he just participated in, he more than held his own.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
More than held his own
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Even Colbert knows Joe blew it

What will you do when Biden wins?
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Joe just released his Unity platform. Section after section, on the economy, Social Security, disability, and other topics, were copied word for word from Bernie Sanders policy documents. So, I guess Bernie has some influence over Joe after all.

Biden has a problem with plagiarism that goes back decades.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
As usual , @Mark93, your post fails the 30second fact check in the most important features. For example incremental fix to ACA (instead of single-payer) and no mention of free college tuition. Go take your chloroquine, nutcase
Random just lying as usual.

Biden introduced a plan before Sanders dropped out that embraced aspects of the Vermont senator's education plan, calling for public colleges and universities to be tuition-free for students if their family incomes are below $125,000. Feeling less charitable before he dropped out of the race, Sanders responded then: "It's great that Joe Biden is now supporting a position that was in the Democratic platform four years ago. Now we have to go much farther."…
Student Loan Forgiveness: If you have federal student loan debt from a two- or four-year public college or university and earn less than $125,000 per year, your tuition-related federal student loan debt would be paid for.

How many students right out of college earn $125k? Not free college, just free college.
"... Bernie Sanders is not even a Democrat. If he had all that power he wouldn’t have lost 2 Presidential primaries ..."

Sanders lost b/c America does not want his radical type of governing . And he's only partially shown his true-colors b/c his true intentions would not fly for most of America - Biden was chosen as the "safe choice" in order to beat Trump - Sanders and the Squad don't want conventional Democratic-party governing either - Sanders and the Squad are too radical to be accepted by most of America including most Democrats; that's why they gotta work from within and bide their time and wait for the opportunity.

We had a perfect storm for political (Marxist) chaos to attack - we had the CoronaVirus, an embattled economy, then we had a black-man (George Floyd) killed by police; a perfect storm for chaos thus a perfect opportunity for a Marxist movement to move-in in their quest to topple the current government - BLM is not about race and it's a small organization mostly backed by Marxist groups like Thousand Currents - BLM's stated goals per their website (unless they changed it recently) barely mentions anything about black people and very little about police brutality - it's mostly gender (trans) issues and gender ideology, along with the destruction of the nuclear family, and some other bullshit about the destruction of heterosexuality or some BS like that.

Black Lives Matter is just a brand - a clever brand so they couldn't be attacked w.r.t. who BLM and their backers truly are (Marxists and gender-identity militants that want all conventional American values destroyed and done away with so they can implement their own view of the world) - saying "Black Lives Matter" is as clever as it gets b/c who can argue against black lives mattering (no one, not even saying all lives matter) - thus being against BLM b/c of their Marxists anti-American views gets turned into being against black-people/black-lives; so these Marxists and gender-militants have a perfect cover using "black lives matter" as their cover for their true intentions/beliefs - and half of America and half of black-people have bought it hook-line-and-sinker - their support of BLM is supporting the overthrow of America, the overthrow of the nuclear family, and the overthrow of free-expression; and yet half of America keeps supporting BLM to the tune of millions of corporate dollars including every major pro-sport chanting BLM, as well as 90% of the media - this is usually how Marxist take-overs occur, they disguise themselves as something else and at some point the momentum overtakes all common sense and a country changes for ever or at least a very long time, and def not for the better.

Biden, as well as the Black Lives Matter brand, are just stand-ins for what the hard-left really wants but they cannot come out and say outright (Marxist rule) - their goal is to pretend to be one thing, take power, then completely consolidate their power; and by then it's too-late - this is how these things usually work.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Okay, you got me on the education plan, IME. But single-payer healthcare is by far the biggest issue.
I think they need to do something about college tuition's this would be a good way to do something bipartisan which isn't really US politics anymore. College tuition has done nothing but increase at insane rates for years. Imagine paying $50k a year to take classes online at Harvard? WTF that is insane. Some of these ivy league schools have just ridicilous endowments but still get federal funding, then you have state schools that operate on a shoestring. Lawmakers should put some limits on how much they can charge. This is very relevant to me as I just finished grad school not long ago. I was lucky enough to be mostly on scholarship and have a grad assistantship thankfully I had good test scores and was in the top 10% of my undergrad class. I still had undergrad loans and did have to take some more because you need to pay rent and expense. I sacrificed and paid them off early, but the cost of tuition has gone insane.

If you think this is about the CoronaVirus you need to wake up.

The CoronaVirus will pass and America will go back to normal - if the hard-left takes power, America will not go back to normal for decades.

Some people seem to be so blinded by their hate for Trump that they are willing to throw the country away b/c of it - everything that made America great and made it the richest country in the world, and a country where every persecuted person in the world wanted to come to, is in the balance whether the Trump-haters wanna see it or not.

Yeah - Trump is so horrible to where Americans were enjoying the best economy in its history and Americans were more wealthy than ever via record market levels - yet the blind Trump-haters are willing to throw all that away by supporting mobs that are unlawfully destroying everything in sight they don't agree with, while trying to cancel everyone and everything they don't agree with, and killing free-speech by going after anyone that disagrees with the mob.

So - are you pro-mob rule, people getting fired for expressing their opinions, as well as people being physically attacked for expressing their beliefs? Do you prefer mob-rule which will ultimately lead to a totalitarian state just b/c you hate Trump? You prefer a mob trying to overthrow America b/c the'll get rid of Trump? You prefer Marxism to Trump?
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"I think they need to do something about college tuition's this would be a good way to do something bipartisan which isn't really US politics anymore."

The younger generation is getting crushed by student debt.

Congrats on getting through grad school.
Holy shit, I agree with ime. What is Trump's plan to address that? Papi, you should be more concerned with out drift into authoritarianism under Trump than a not so likely drift into Marxism under Biden.……
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Drift into authoritarianism

The only drift to authoritarianism I see are Democrat governors and mayors acting like Il Duce, demanding people stay locked in their houses for months.
"... Papi, you should be more concerned with out drift into authoritarianism under Trump than a not so likely drift into Marxism under Biden ..."

It won't be a country under/led-by Biden - he can barely read a teleprompter - you think he'll be able to take the reins of the Democratic party let alone the country? That's willful ignorance at best.

We are already experiencing Marxism-Lite - rioters are allowed to function as they see fit, and the powers-to-be not only support them but go after those that wanna stop them - right now just saying "All Lives Matter" is enough to get you fired from your job and be made an enemy of the movement (soon to be the state).

Rule of law, freedom of speech, and people's rights, are being attacked and this is being supported - where do you think it will go from there? It will only get bigger and worse.
"... The only drift to authoritarianism I see are Democrat governors and mayors acting like Il Duce, demanding people stay locked in their houses for months ..."

What about the cancel culture, the people getting fired from their jobs, the rioters being protected while they act outside the law?

IMO - those of you that think CoronaVirus or the lockdown is our most pressing issue, what the fuck are you smoking? We won't have a country to come out of lockdown from if the mob continues to mob and the left takes power.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The reason college costs so much is the nearly unlimited funds available through student loan programs. This money is used for luxury dorms and associate deans of Pacific Islander diversity and other bureaucracy. The fix to college costs is simple. Limit loans to $10,000 per year and make colleges partially accountable if the student can’t get a good job to pay it back. Colleges will either find a way to provide a worthwhile degree for $10,000 per year, or go out of business.
Today it's Seattle - tomorrow it will be every damn city and town in America - imagine signaling out blacks, or any other group, in this manner; yet this is our new insane-normal and possibly our new insane America:…
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

One can take the most docile animal on God's green earth and if pushed enough, they will become the attacker and usually kick ass. Just like the school bully that picked and picked at the one kid until he just flattened the bully.
I'm curious do some of you legitimately think the Obama years were bad? Like you don't want to rewind to the peace and prosperity of four years ago?
^ what is going on now is not what was going on 4 years ago - as far as I'm concerned this is not about the Republican party vs the Democratic party - this election would not be a continuation of Obama if the Dems won, it's about Bernie Sanders and the complete transformation of America - Biden's agenda has magically become Sanders' agenda - and Sanders is a fucking Communist and he wants to take the country in that direction and he seems to have the power to do so w/ everything that is going on.

The hard-left (Sanders, the Squad), don't want no fucking traditional Democratic-party type governing, they want at a minimum a socialist state and probably more than that.

The hard-left is on record for saying there first order of business is getting Trump out at all costs -their second order of business is to put pressure on the Democratic party w.r.t. their agenda which is an agenda mirroring Marxism.

I seriously doubt a Dem win will mean 4 years of rule similar to Obama's - the Dems are willing to allow mob-rule and cancel-culture including cancelling free-speech b/c they want Trump out, but I don't think the traditional Dems are gonna be able to control they hard-left, they too will be cancelled-out.
It feels like I’ve heard these red scare tactics before, like in every Presidential election ever.
On the lighter side of the news - Bill de Blasio has ordered a ban on all large-gatherings, except, you guessed it, BLM protests.

Gee - all this institutional racism is unbelievable.
Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Germany said it best
"As we are experiencing firsthand, you cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation any more than you can fight it with hate or incitement to hatred," Merkel said. "The limits of populism and denial of basic truths are being laid bare."

The toll of this pandemic both in human life and economics will be laid at the feet of Donald Trump, by future historians, don't think that there aren't people working in this administration that aren't aware of this but I'm sure Donald Trump isn't one of them, This man is not fit to be president as he demonstrates day after day. Boasting about a cognitive test, for goodness sakes, the most telling part of that, is that a doctor would administer such a test to a President of The United States.
25 said

Who's blaming that orange turd for anything, he said it himself he's not responsible

And then

The toll of this pandemic both in human life and economics will be laid at the feet of Donald Trump
Trust fund limp dick twat talking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. #Shit4brains
^ that’s how stupid you are I’m no trust fund inheritor dumb ass idiots like you have a difficult time with sarcasm and irony
Isn’t it ironic that you are shit posting with a new name you obviously got your ass handed to you in the past
Hopefully covid will come back huge in new York.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
CoVid is testing at 60%-70% in clinics in some of the poorer parts of NYC. In more affluent areas, it’s 15%. Racism ! ( or, could personal behavior play a role ? )
25 ur right ill give u a break for a day let u keep getting ur ass handed to u by Ivy ROFLMAO
@Papi is absolutely killing it in this thread.

Look I was all for taking coronavirus seriously you can look into my comments. But it truly is not the most pressing issue right now. We have drugs now that are cutting the mortality rate by as much as 60%.

And you really can’t blame Trump completely for this because you don’t know how a Biden presidency would have actually handled it no matter what he is telling you right now in hindsight. Back in February I remember both the Democrats and Republicans were in denial about it.

But coronavirus is not the most pressing issue. The worst is over as far as that is concerned, we will return to normal sometime within the next few months.

Electing Biden means the complete and utter destruction of everything America traditionally stood for. It will mean one party rule for the rest of our lives. It will mean the US turning into a totalitarian regime as the Democrats quickly move to control the senate and the house and make it impossible for the Republicans to mount any kind of opposition. It will mean the proliferation of severe cancel culture. People will get economically killed left and right simply if found to disagree with the Democrats agenda.

Don’t be blatantly dishonest with us and act like this would be similar to an Obama presidency and don’t make me laugh, calling Bush and Trump “far-right.” Absolutely asinine, the left has no idea what far-right actually looks like.
Whats the most pressing issue? Legalizing prostitution?
25% of Americans support defunding the police.

On one hand this shows that most Americans don’t support the Democrats agenda.

On the other hand it really goes to show just how utterly unhinged the Democrats base voters really are. At this point their is no denying that the Democrats are being led by far-left extremists and their base is filled with herd-like cultists who have no objectivity whatsoever.
The most pressing issue is not becoming a fucking totalitarian regime.
Nah, it’s Biden vs Putin and sure as fuck not voting for Putin.…
I agree that trumps totalitarian tendencies are an imminent threat to the nation.

What part of the democrats agenda scares you most? Fighting institutional racism? Ending police brutality and the police repression of minorities? More rights for women? Immigrant rights? Trans rights? A living wage?
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"What part of the democrats agenda scares you most?"

It's been spelled out here in black and white but you're too loco to comprehend it.
You mean youre afraid that your white privilege will be dismantled
ha icey i guess I should put you back on ignore, you are possibly dumber than i remembered. The education and your family should be held accountable for you being an idiot.

Fighting institutional racism? ha if it were a real thing maybe.
Ending police brutality and the police repression of minorities? Democrat cities run by democrats, who get voted in by democrats, yet the stats don't show this at all so a fake thing perpetuated by Marxist BLM.
More rights for women? Which ones they have as many and more than men.
Immigrant rights? Legal immigrants have the same rights. Do you mean those who broke laws and show no respect for our country? Yeah they get treated far better than they should, illegal immigrants to all other countries are treated far worse than those to the USA.
Trans rights? What the fuck does that even mean
A living wage? Your worth what you are worth, if a job doesn't pay what you feel you feel is enough you don't take the job.
just to catch me up are you still LARPING as a pimp and rapper?
So basically you deny the existence of social problems and view that addressing them is an anto white communist agenda.

You prove my point
No, you are just a moron that puts out bullshit.
You deny the existence of police brutality systemic racism and feign lack of knowledge as to. What transsexual rights are. You say that acknowledging said social problems is a Marxist communist ploy.

Make your mind up
No you just love making convuluded statements based on fake issues. There is no systematic racism, that's not real. Data also does not back up police brutality.
The reality is you are the perfect example of a useful idiot following groups like BLM are tryung to use people to gain power, control, and censor others. not based on any reality, or provable data. Your feelings dont mean shit.
I'm repeating your words. You then claim I'm lying but go on to repeat yourself using different worlds.

So you claim police brutality and systemic racism are not real. Saying they are means following a communist conspiracy to take over.

Youre a real winner......
So you are claiming BLM are not using them? BLM is a Marxist organization, they proudly claim it. They are a political party using those claims of getting rid police brutality and systemic racism to gain poltical power.

You are a loser, and an idiot.
So activists fighting for social justice are really communists staging a coup? Where do the Democrats come in?
I will explain it better for you since you are dumb. You can't solve fake problems. But you can use them as excuses to try to pass new laws or abolish police or whatever, but you didn't solve a fake problem. You just use the illusion of the problem to pass laws or create policies to your political advantage so you gain power. Democrats have been perfectly happy to allow the mobs to riot burn and kill. They use the mob, and cancel culture as fear tactics. Millions of dollars flow from BLM to the democrats. Not one democrat has condemned the violent destructive mob.
done with you. As i am sure you will continue to be obtuse because you are puppet for fake causes. You can't really be as stupid as you pretend.
I'm just repeating what you said..... Systemic racism and police brutality don't exist and BLM and the democrats are staging a communist takeover. Right? I hope you share these views publicly
Good to see you agree
What is your evidence for a communist coup? How do you know racism and police brutality don't exist?
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
"I'm curious do some of you legitimately think the Obama years were bad? Like you don't want to rewind to the peace and prosperity of four years ago?"

Are you able to compare the state of the US as it exploded under President Trump?

"Financial Post Jan 12, 2018".
"Three months after Barack Obama was sworn in as president in 2009, Mohamed A. El-Erian, then the Chief Executive Officer of PIMCO and a past deputy director of the IMF, popularized “the new normal,” a term to describe the protracted, low-growth era that the economies of the Western world were then entering. Impressed with his prescience, Obama in 2012 would make El-Erian the first chairman of the White House’s Global Development Council.

“The new normal” became the received wisdom of the left and numerous others to explain the failure of the Western economies to bounce back after the Great Recession of 2007-8. The Reagan recovery following the early 1980s recession saw U.S. GDP leap by 7.5 per cent in 1984, enroute to average growth of 4.8 per cent over six years. The Obama years never once managed GDP growth of three per cent, eking out instead a post-recession GDP average of just 1.5 per cent per year. Obama not only presided over the worst recovery since the Great Depression, he is the only president since the Second World War to log an uninterrupted string of low growth. To the left, this was an affirmation that a new normal had arrived, especially since the rest of the West also performed dismally."
Obama was no leftist.
This thread is one big troll job we don’t know what the endgame is for CC but he like stirring up shit.
Regardless it made a few people expose how vile they really are. If the Eisenhower republucans were wroubd I'd have no problem with them
James, how much of the slower gdp growth under Obama do you attribute to the fact that Boehner, McConnell and everyone else in the gop Congress blocked and obstructed every piece of legislation that he wanted to pass to quicken the recovery? We had basically 8 years of gop obstruction and the subsequent blaming of Obama for lack of progress.…
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Like the house is doing now? Difference is simple even for an imbecile to grasp, so pay attention.
TWO years with the presidency, the house and the senate obama wasted it on the failed obamacare BS.
TWO years with the Presidency, the House and the Senate President Trump got this country to an economic level never achieved before!


Pay attention Einstein, I’ll spell it out for you. Due to Republican obstruction, a 60 vote Senate majority was needed to pass any legislation, Obama had that for 59 days, not 2 years. I”ll even provide a link for you because I’m guessing you are not very good with the google machine. He got much needed healthcare legislation passed, everything else was obstructed, everything. Republican dipshits like you then tried to blame him for the slowed growth that they caused. GRASP THAT!!!!…
Systemic racism only exists against white people.

Police brutality is extremely rare.

And yes, BLM and the Democrats are trying to overthrow the US government.

I'm sick of showing people the statistics. I've found them many times but its always a major hassle to find them and progressives never listen anyway and will just call you racist because they have no facts to back up anything they say they just spout racist and misogynist and think if keep going back to their same tired old tactic that it makes the facts untrue. Whenever I want to tell people a social problem exists I find statistics to back it up. I do this all the time. The burden of proof is on you Icey.
^ More proof that this boy is trolling Y'all
Activists fighting fir social justice are scumbags looking for money. It's a protection racket. Senate obstructionism lol. Fucking retard. It's called the rules fuckwad.
"More proof that this boy is trolling Y'all"

CC isnt trolling. He has common sense.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
First thing, I do appreciate that you recognize the moniker I use for you.

"Due to Republican obstruction, a 60 vote Senate majority...". Right a Republican ploy, WAIT, "In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments...", seems that was mutual and BTW, that is to change Senate rules, not to "pass any legislation.

Another nice touch, using as a reference. Might as well use the dnc!!!

Me thinks I've wasted more than enough of my time on a DICK HEAD, BUT above I gave twenyfive a B+ for effort!
For you, sorry, but at best a C-.
Huffington Compost is the National Enquirer of today and to journalistic integrity as feces is to fine dining.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Well said!
@Chess common sense and a sex pillow lol, really fucking wow
Nuking the filibuster was due to the record obstruction. How do you think Trump got so many open judicial nominations to fill? I’m guessing that wasn’t spelled out for you on Breitbart though was it? Stop being a lemming.

At this point I think a case could be made that the National Enquirer has better journalistic standards than CNN and the Huffington Post do.
^ You’ve been trying to make a case that a pillow is a suitable replacement for a real live woman, you are obviously an idiot never mind who you think agrees with you I’m the only person here being honest with you.
The democrats are the us gov. Theyre overthrowing themselves?

Trump is basically trying to be a dictator
Cnn is the bible for morons, written by morons and has nothing to do with the news. HuffPo is for angry bitter morons. To be fair to the morons, they were raised very badly.
The idea of Trump being a dictator is laughable given that his opposition hates him so fiercely and viciously. They are allowed to do so with no consequences whatsoever. They can even voice their desire for his death and receive no penalties for their behavior. I'd like to see the people calling Trump a dictator right now say half the things they say about Trump about Xi Jinping instead while visiting China or even try saying all that about the president of the UAE while visiting Dubai.
He did say trump is TRYING to become a dictator. The strong opposition is preventing it.
^ That's the trouble with your arguments right there , you idiots are worried about lil ole me being unfair to Big Bad Donald Trump , boo fucking hoo, (founder take note as well)this country isn't China or Dubai, you don't like what I said about Trump too fuckn bad there isn't a thing you can, or should be able to do about it.
avatar for rattdog
New York
5 years ago
who would be up for this trade?
we send our leftist antifa garbage to china in exchange for the protesters over at hong kong?
I would pay for their exchange. The leftist antifa garbage are a drain on society, while the people in Hing Kong are well educated, hard workers and love capitalism.
I cannot tell you how much we will enjoy destroying everything we built and leaving you assholes jack shit. We will leave you enough ammunition to shoot each other, which you seem to be great at.
YES. Send Antifa to Hong Kong. Let them see what real oppression looks like. When they have to stitch 100 pairs of Nikes a day just to receive a spoonful of boiling rice, they'll think "gee, maybe my life of weed, jacking off, and making lattes wasn't so horrible after all."
^This might get comment of the week.
Yet he's better than the democratic party. Amazing what a fun stain thinks is funny.
How have you personally benfited from the Trump regime?
I keep more of my money and have it in my bank account. If you had a job you would to.
No Green New Deal madness. No new gun control. No single payer healthcare. First president since Nixon who isn't getting played by China. Stock portfolio is humming and both my day job and side business are doing great.
Ime most people pay higher taxes now.

Tetradon. So you benefit from having no environmental protections no universal access to healthcare and antagonizing China?
Icey yeah not true.
Tetradon don't bother with iceyhomo i wasted enough time on him, sjws like him just spout bullshit. Programmed NPC'S like him just always default to orangeman bad and try to come up with excuses or rhetoric.

Iceyretard if tax percentages went down please explain with facts and references on how. Just because some MSDNC or CNN mouthpiece said it, it doesn't maje it true, in fact the opposite is probably true.

If you had a job you would have seen the real benefits in your low bracket the most.
Most people aren't having as much taxes withheld so they aren't getting huge tax refunds. They equate that with paying more taxes.

Only a moron who never read the Green New Deal would look at it as anything other than total government control of every aspect of life.
Get rid of every illegal and end immigration and I would consider universal healthcare. Not paying for foreigners.
China being Communist and the biggest enemy of ours on earth needs to be treated as such.
Founder yeah people who spend every penny and count on the refund as a kind of savings.
I wish i couod find the clip Bill Burr one of the best comedians did a thing about people waiting for tax returns are dumb, becuase if they were smart they would figure out how to keep their money from the start and overpay. I cant remember if it was in a special or on his podcast.
*not overpay
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
There's a ton of his clips on YouTube.
This was a specific rant just about this, i dont want to weed through all of them, and he has some long tax rants, ha.
No universal access to healthcare? Have you read their plans? Single payer flops when costs and benefits are looked at side by side, look at California, Colorado, and Vermont. The Sanders and Warren plans would teach you the difference between coverage and care.

China has walked on us for the last 40 years. Trump is the first president since Nixon to see them as they are, our #1 geopolitical rival. Meanwhile, Biden owes them favors.
What if scenarios are nice for creative writing. They have no basis when it comes to politics. Basically you can't answer so you resort to being a right wing paranoid fuck
Gee whiz Icey are you nine?
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

LAZY, or you really don't "I wish i couod find the clip..."?
I actually think it was on his podcast.
All this "systemic racism" against peaceful docile black people has got to stop:…
So youre saying blacks need to be policed and kept in check ciz tbeyre inherently violent? Thats not racist......
Papi chulo. Thank you for that. It made my day.
^ that clip was def not meant to be an indictment on all black people whatsoever, just that there *isn't* just one side and one side only to any argument as it's being forced today; no matter what side of the argument one is on
More examples of "peaceful freedom fighters" - this is a constant occurrence of these radicals using violence against anyone that opposes them including counter-protesters - "democracy in action" - not - this is what totalitarian rule is like; attacking; intimidating; and silencing; anyone that disagrees w/ them:

(actual video halfway down the page)…
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
There was a video yesterday of a BLM “protestor” inches from a cop’s nose, repeatedly screaming “ fuck you”. The cop pushed him back then tried to handcuff him. He then started screaming “ I didn’t do nothing. I didn’t do nothing”
^ those are *purposeful* tactics by trained Marxists anarchists to try and cause chaos and get the police to react and then point the finger at the police - that is not some random "upset protester"; that is a well thought out tactic from people that have been expertly trained by lifelong leftists that have dedicated their lives to the study of Marxism and overthrow of this country - very little of this is random protesting, 90% of it is carefully crafted and has been so for years and now they have their opportunity to put their years of training into action
the hard-left sees this current moment in time as their best opportunity in 5 decades to finally achieve their Marxist government utopia; and they are pretty-much going for broke - time for those that care about democracy to start fighting back
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Black flight schedules matter too.
You'd think one day soon and enough cops have quit or retired, the few cops left on the force may make a call to obe of his buddies who is now a civilian and says bunch of people causing problems over at a location but we don't have enough people and are tired of being attacked so we're not going. Somehow 100s of ex cops now civilians show up to counter protest with bats, and all other types of things and beat the absolute shit out of everyone. You don't think these guys who were offered up to be abused aren't dying for payback.
Ime thats what happened with Vietnam vets and anti war protestors.

There is no legit other side to opposing systemic racism.
Papi that's not an indictment on black people. That should be an indictment on black women. A lot of this shit that's going on with all the LGBT crap, the attacks on masculinity and the patriarchy, me too, trying to start race and gender wars, is feminists and hateful, spiteful women. Much of the dysfunction in the black "community" is because of black women and their feminist ideology.
So you don't like your privileges attacked
"the hard-left sees this current moment in time as their best opportunity in 5 decades to finally achieve their Marxist government utopia"

It's pretty much a perfect storm. Trump, election year, covid, George floyd... yeah they have been planning and scheming for decades biding their time. Now that they have programmed and conditioned much of America via the public schools, the media, Hollywood, corporate America, this really is their best chance to take over the country. Hopefully there's still liberal Democrats that see that the far left is on the verge of taking over the country and at the least vote against the far left and the progressive Marxist agenda.
Privilege - going to school, getting an education and working hard. A concept some people (Icey) cannot grasp, hence the incessant whining and blaming others; sort of the limp dick of the financial world. Systematic racism is, um, um, systematic and racist, which is systematic and I love Joe Stalin and he was against the system of systematic, system racist privilege, vegan, cows farting you woke motherfucker.....systematic, aromatic, attic; sympathetic, anticlimactic = system of racist systematic. See racist, now do you understand??????
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Juice! Juice! Juice!
Juice is my side bitch. 😍😘😗
@Papi - If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? - George Carlin
It is the right moment for the left to take over. We can be like tge first World and this is our chance. The rights weaknesses are fully exposed
Go for it, we will respond.
The left talks all big and tough until someone hits back. Then they scream "unfair!" and go home crying to their mother. Look at Antifa. Look at Bernie bros when they realized the country wasn't that into them. The left would rather play victim than lead.
When you fight racism and injustice and some morons support racism and injustice......
Lmao, you pompous dweeb.^ All hat, no cattle.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Berkeley California is going to make traffic stops with municipal workers. I can see it now with a criminal ignoring the city worker. The worker gets on his vehicle's intercom and says "If you please pull over, I'll give you a block of government cheese".
I'll take a pasteurized cheese product over extrajudicial executions any day
@Mike, Black leaders are begging for more police presence in Chicago and New York. Defend, not defund. They know that while police killings of unarmed African-Americans exist, they're a rounding error next to the increased violence in Chicago and New York.

Forget Berkeley, let's see if it works in Oakland.
Read up on what deunding entails
We see almost 1 billion dollars of damage in Minneapolis; destruction in Portland; murder out of control in Chicago and New York, and a lot of really stupid people telling us "things are getting better". A small waterfront home on the island in the middle of Lake Champlain for retirement; and cities not in the equation.
de Blasio was bragging on TV about how awesome it is not having people in prisons or jails; all the while shootings and murders are skyrocketing - this is typical Marxist propaganda; they twist everything bad to make it look like an accomplishment - how did this guy get elected - are New Yorkers that far out of reality.
The OP is an idiot. No need to for everyone to get all upset. Just ignore the idiot.
At least the police union (National Association of Police Organizations) is endorsing a Republican for the first time (or at least first time in a long time AFAIK) - perhaps they will encourage other unions (def not the teachers unions) to follow suit and it'd be a bit of a tailwind for Trump that he likely didn't have in 2016.
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
>Berkeley California is going to make traffic stops with municipal workers.

Probably see a rise in drunk drivers.
"are New Yorkers that far out of reality."

At this point you have to be if you're still there. Otherwise get out ASAP.
As The (Left) World Turns

A San Francisco museum curator is forced to resign after suggesting that completely shunning white-artists amounted to reverse racism:…
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@Tera. Berkeley is just the bayside/college town community of Oakland proper. I'm sure the criminal types from Oakland will understand that Berkeley is peaceful and stop at the city limits of Oakland.
If you read that article about the museum curator closer...

And the other thing I have to say is, and I've reassured artists, we will continue to collect white men. There are a lot of great women artists, but there are also men out there working as well."

"That's true, but some people would say you just have to stop collecting men for a while," panel's moderator, Sarah Douglas, editor in chief of artnews, countered.
More examples of this overwhelmingly "peaceful protests":…
The double-standard on steroids:

Fox To Keep Nick Cannon As ‘Masked Singer’ Host Despite Racist Anti-White Comments, Refusal To Apologize

(I'm not for someone losing their job b/c of their personal believes; but let a white person say what Cannon did and see what happens)…
avatar for rattdog
New York
5 years ago
ay papi,

let's balance this up a bit yes? you might feel a little bit better. it's a good compilation.…
Only a stupid, ignorant fuck (all democrats) would forget that we heard the same bullshit 20 years ago. Nick Cannon is a fucking cunt.
Mad love for these "peaceful protesters":…

And to add insult to injury - the awesome NYC Marxist leadership lets those that assaulted the police out of jail the next day w/o having to post bail (the future of America if the Dems take power - police = bad; thugs&criminals = treated-with-kids-gloves)
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
More peaceful protest in Chicago.…
The last three people to vandalize the hate speech terrorist mural Diblasio had painted were Hispanic, Black and Trans. The Nazis arrested them.
avatar for rattdog
New York
5 years ago
must had been a blast for that tranny while in central booking.

god forbid people paint above/below BLACK LIVES MATTER:


Progressives are like ROBs - they promise you the moon but can't deliver a pizza
Weird that you say that papi because historically the economy performs much better under Democratic Presidents.…
Well - pre-Covid it had performed historically (well) under the current Republican president - and Ronald Reagan pulled this country out of the toilet after Jimmy Carter
Weird that you say that papi because historically the economy performs much better under Democratic Presidents.

Sure, facts are facts, lemming. The economy under Clinton benefitted from the advent/mainstream use of the interwebz which completely transformed work, the flow of money etc. Had nothing to do with Bill. And Obama came in at a low in the economy due to the crash which could be blamed on Clintons Community Reinvestment Act which some could claim is the genesis of housing crash giving housing loans to people that shouldn’t have had them. There was nowhere BUT up for O to go. Trump was actually propping up the economy by his numerous trade deals all of which were designed to help bolster GDP, then Covid hit and if you want to blame the current state of the economy on Trump instead of Covid, that’s ones right.

So go ahead and believe that daily brainwash bullshit.
That is some revisionist history there pistola, now I see why Trump loves the under educated. Here's how I recall it. Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, invested heavily in innovation, created 18.6 million jobs and left office with a budget surplus. GWB then took over, cut taxes on the wealthy, bungled us into Iraq, bungled the housing market, exploded the deficit and left us in the worst recession since the great depression. Obama then took over, unemployment dropped and the stock market tripled despite an obstructionist congress. Trump took over and then road Obama's coattails for several years before completely bumbling the pandemic and we now have about 40 million unemployed Americans. And for the record the CRA passed in 1977 (under Jimmy Carter), if it was such bad policy it would have crashed the economy long before the housing market crash in 2008. The housing market crashed due to deregulation and the subprime mortgage crash that resulted.…
No dude, Jons were created under Clinton because the internet happened and there was a new sector. Usually economic boosts like that are the result of new technology, just as Reagan benefitted from personal computers being brought into homes. Clinton didn’t create jobs, just like Obama, Bush, and Trump don’t create jobs. So the stock market tripled under Obama after it was sitting at rock bottom? That like saying a 4-12 football team showed an increase of 300% after a 1-15 season. More ‘facts’ though. Yay Obama! Keep drinking the koolaid, you sound like you’re regurgitating MSM. And lol about Bush bungling the housing market, wow. Just wow. The MSM really does brainwash you.
Ps go read on up about Barney Frank to understand the housing crash. Sounds like you have more research to do.
Perhaps you should do some reading on FANNIE and FREDDIE yourself.……
I know all about it, I lived it. Go ahead and keep on jerking off to Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. Vote for Dem 2020 short for Dementia. Your arguments and logic are nothing but morsels from left leaning rags without any cognitive deduction.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The first two years of Pres Clinton were a disaster. Hillary’s health care task force was the biggest fail. That’s when Newt lead the revolution and took over the House.

Clinton brought in Dick Morris, who convinced him to cooperate with Republicans and look for small, symbolic progressive actions that were popular with the Democratic base.

Then, there was Monica, and Republicans overplayed their hand. Bill convinced the American public that he was responsible for the good economic conditions and they should just let him get back to work. They agreed.

That’s the Clinton presidency in a nurshell.
Clinton had a bad two years, until the Republicans took over Congress.
I can donate some meat to you boys
If you give three liberals a light bulb what would happen?
The first one would say its causing global warming
The second one would say its racist
The third one would say its not a light bulb unless Obama says let there be light.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"Clinton had a bad two years, until the Republicans took over Congress."

Yeah Newt's contract with America policies turned things around and that serial liar slickwilly claimed credit for it and the moronic public believed him.
So it was Newt, not Bill Clinton who raised taxes on the wealthy and thus stimulated the economy, I had no idea. Thanks for the refresher guys.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Twist it any way you want to but raising taxes wasn't part of the contract.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
One of the planks of the Contract with America was to require a 3/5 majority for any tax increase. That was one of many provisions that Democrats blocked.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Some of the highlights of Clinton’s first year were negotiating job killing NAFTA, extending favored nation trading preferences to China, presenting Hillary’s disastrous make over of our health care system, fiery death of dozens in Waco at the hands of the FBI, suspicious suicide of Hillary confidante Vince Foster, illegal transfer of confidential FBI files of Republican politicians to political operatives at the White House. And that’s just a partial list of stumbles in the first 12 months.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Also, establishment of the Don’t Ask policy allowing gays in the military and the disastrous massacre of US Troops in Mogadishu ( Black Hawk Down ) followed by our sudden withdrawal from Somalia.

Again, it only took 12 months.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Democrats tell us that Bill Clinton was a great president whose 8 years were a golden age of prosperity. The reality was Bill Clinton was a brilliant politician, and flawed human being, who avoided blame for dozens of his disastrous decisions, and took credit for an economy he did little to help.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Oh, and the tax increases Clinton put in were in 1993, when Democrats controlled Congress. That’s a contributing factor in Republicans taking over in 1994.
Clinton also created 18.6 million jobs and left with a budget surplus.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
He lost jobs in his first 2 years. Then, Republicans took over the house. Coincidence ? I think not.

Also, most of those jobs were in the service sector, as manufacturing jobs flooded to Mexico and China under Clinton globalist policies.
Give the man his due mark, jobs, GDP, wages and the stock market all performed quite well all 8 years of the Clinton Presidency.…
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The 30 year march to globalization began, big time, under Clinton. I didn’t realize it at the time. The economy seemed great.

Looking back, I realize the impact of opening our doors to China and Mexico while demanding nothing in return. Most of what’s wrong with the country today can be traced back to those decisions in 1992.
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
Clinton also benefited from the Y2K software fixes needed.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
One of the games that all politicians play is enacting laws that benefit them immediately while the cost won’t be known for years. That’s why all major cities have unsustainable pensions for public employees. The city council increases benefits and the unions fund their campaigns. By the time the bill comes due, in a decade or two, the Council members are retired living off the money they stole from taxpayers.
Give the man his due mark, jobs, GDP, wages and the stock market all performed quite well all 8 years of the Clinton Presidency.
Can this dude be any bigger of a moron? Here is what happened to the economy during the Clinton years, the internet came to use en masse. Productivity at work soared, Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail, etc. PayPal happened. All of a sudden the transfer of money anywhere in the worl was made easier. Any president, white black orange rep dem ind lib socialist would’ve benefitted from that. Holy shit this guy is the king of stating facts without understanding the background. Go suck a socialist dick dude.
Clinton also did a great job of being a fuckwit pacifist and letting the Taliban and Isis form. He was too busy getting his dick sucked from a 4. I mean cmon, I’m all for the leader of the free world getting blown to take the edge off but Monica?
People with no cognitive skills that think like dickbreath is the reason this country is headed in the wrong direction.
Only on TUSCL can you find ‘conservatives’ talking down 18.6 million jobs created, solid wage growth, GDP growth and a budget surplus. Slap Bush or Trump name on that and you clowns would be cumming in your pants. Enjoy your 40 million unemployed and record deficit morons.
No President ever created a real job, no not the doofus in office now either. Budget surplus is due to Congress, since they control the purse strings, which people should know by 4th grade. 40 million unemployed? Life looks the same around here, just less traffic. The unemployed should look on line, get a job and go back to work. If they choose to starve, I cannot prevent it. Record deficits? Must suck to be young and/or reliant on Government. Future will suck big time, but when I look at who it will affect, it means nothing
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
> I’m all for the leader of the free world getting blown to take the edge off but Monica?

That has to be the most insulting part to Hillary - the quality of the women he cheats with. They're all still way better looking than Hillary though.
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