
NASCAR and Bubba Wallace

Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
Take a good look at the photo released by NASCAR which, they claim, is the "noose" found in Bubba Wallace's garage. It was determined by the FBI investigation (which for some reason required 15 agents) and acknowledged by NASCAR, that the door pull rope "fashioned like a noose" had been hanging there since fall of last year. So here's my question: Does the rope shown in that photo appear to have been hanging there for 8 months or so? Obviously, if that were true, it would be dirty and frayed from lying on the floor when the door was closed, getting stepped on, touched by greasy hands, etc. Sorry NASCAR, your attempt to save face after your immediate overreaction to this story just makes you look stupid and dishonest. Whatever truth there might have been to this story at the beginning has had even more doubt cast on it when you lied about the details.


  • Mr_O
    4 years ago

    I guess you know how that particulate track operates. I followed NASCAR for years and attended many races and was in the pits. I have no idea how they operate. That door may have been closed and not opened i the last year. Just saying...
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    Note that knotted or not knotted the rope would still be on the ground and subject to the grease and wear you describe. If anything knotting the rope keeps it off the floor. Are you saying they replaced the rope with a shiny new rope just to knot it. Not sure that holds water.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    Who knew noose news would be noted on this site!
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I own some warehouse properties with large overhead doors most of the doors have a rope that hangs down because those doors are fourteen feet high and if the electric motor was not working for any reason they were able to be pulled closed, many people have the doors knotted with a loop so if it’s stuck in the up position a broom stick or similar can snatch the rope to close the doors
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I wondered if it was just a loop for closing the door. But when I saw the picture, it was a real hangman's noose. I would have no idea how to tie one of those. Who would want a hangman's noose in their garage?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @Jackslash I hear ya and have no idea about the Bubba Wallace situation, I was just putting forth my own garage door thinking it could possibly be similar but I haven’t seen what you have described and am not a NASCAR fan I haven’t followed this story very closely
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    so we can conclude that bubba was experiencing a slight jussie smollett type of moment?
  • booji boy
    4 years ago
    Nope. He wasn't the one who found it. Some NASCAR official did, and they told him about it after. Unless you're implying that he snuck in "nine months ago" and did it in anticipation of being assigned that garage.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Not sure what kind of conspiracy theory the OP is implying, but the premise seems faulty to me. Decent quality rope is resistant to dirt and oil because that destroys the fibers and weakens it. Plus, I kind of doubt a NASCAR garage is a dirty, oily, grimy place like your corner auto repair shop might be. I don't have any reason to doubt that what the FBI found is true. Jeesh, next you'll be claiming the FBI tried to frame the President of the United States, or some other crazy shit.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    It it racist to play hangman?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    They showed pics of other NASCAR garages that had the same setup of a rope tied in a loop to be used as a pulldown - when I saw the pic I didn't think "oh yeah I can see why they thought it was a noose" - the loop looked small and seemingly big enough just so it could be grabbed by a hand as a handle, not big enough to pull over a man's head.

    As to why it might've looked new - hard to know how new it was by just looking at it - who knows, maybe the garage had been thoroughly cleaned in b/w when it was last used and when it was assigned to Bubba and perhaps a new pulldown put in place of the old one .

    Like the Smullet case, this looked fishy from the start (that garage area is a controlled access area and one would assume a good # of cameras around) - but under the current BLM-state it's practically a crime to say anything against a black-person no matter the situation - in the near-future if Bubba gets in a race accident with another car(s) it'll be bc of racist redneck NASCAR trying to take him out, they'll be protests and of course a "thorough investigation" bc American is so evilly racist.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    I doubt that the ropes on any of the garages are visibly dirty. This isn't a garage door at your local oil change shop that sees hundreds of cars a month coming and going while being serviced by guys in their late teens and early 20s.

    The track hasn't hosted a race weekend since last October and unless that garage happens to be one of the 3 or 4 (out of more than 40) garages at Talladega that the driving schools use it problem is only used 3-4 weekends per year and by professional race teams that keep their workspace as clean as possible. I've been in the garage area at a lot of Nascar, Indycar, Formula 1 and various road racing series as a fan and not one of them was ever oily or dirty for more than a few minutes after a car had a problem.

    If you haven't seen the "door pull" in question take a look at it on a quick google search. It isn't just a knotted loop to be able to pull the door closed - it is a goddamn hangman's noose.

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    There is an out-of-control double-standard going on right-now - but I assume it's with and end in mind, which is the destruction and subsequent reconstruction of America into a leftist if not Marxist utopia where freedom is determined by the leftists/Marxists.

    There is currently a mostly unchallenged destruction of public property; any statues, not just confederate ones, and then once they see they won't be stopped, they'll move to something else in their aim to replace the American system - so the rioters are mostly allowed to due as they please, but there is a piece of rope in a black car driver's garage and it's an FBI investigation 15-agents-deep; but they won't do anything about the violent protesters - there is also this incident in Fredericksburg, Va where a mob of protesters surround a mom's car with her young daughter inside and won't let her thru and start jumping on her car and terrorizing her and her little-girl - the mom calls 911 and the operator tells her there's nothing the police can do that the police has been told to not interfere with the "protesters" - the 911-operator instead tells her to call city-hall and file a complaint all the while the mom and her daughter are freaking out.

    Then there is the recent issue in Orlando where "freedom fighters" painted black-lives-matter in huge letters on a street in Pan-African colors - someone defaced the painting and you guessed it, there is an investigation going on. Does this make sense? Of course not - it not about right or wrong or whether something makes sense - it's the leftists and Marxists that have been jumping at the bit to take over this country and all the flaming liberals in power (business; universities, media) are cheering them on - and the rest of America either doesn't see it or for w/e reason does not have the will to stand up against it.

    Below is the audio call of the mom calling 911 for help and instead being told to call city-hall to file a complaint - followed by the story of the Orlando BLM defacing:


  • ime
    4 years ago
    Papi but that penguin looking piece of shit Nadler said antifa isn't real. Come to think of it i have yet to hear Pelosi, Schumer or any Democrats acknowledge let alone condemn the riots, looting, violence yet.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Bubba Wallace himself has accepted the explanation of the rope pull. No need to discuss it further.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Bubba is not a top driver, and his team (Petty) has not done well lately either, since the days of Richard Petty back in the 70’s and 80’s. I really think they glammed into this to get as much publicity as possible so they can turn the race into Noosecar.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    One characteristic of a classic hangman's noose (I learned how to tie one in Boy Scouts of Canada, lol) is that it can use a lot of rope, especially if you use the classic 13 turns. I can see using this as a pulldown if the guy who tied the knot had a longer than required chunk of rope and didn't feel like cutting it off.
  • Mr_O
    4 years ago
    OK, let's just say it is a hangman's noose. There is a picture of it in that garage in 2019. Who we need to find is the clairvoyant that knew that in 2020 THAT garage would be assigned to Bubba!
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Ok a real man just performs. Doesn't pay attention to the haters, the naysayers, the chumps. You want real change, win. Pretty simple, just win.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I think Bubba maybe wanted to go down in history as "the man that changed NASCAR" and kept swinging for the fences and missed (at least for now)
  • Mr_O
    4 years ago
    Wendell Scott, the 1st black driver, DID win in '63.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    I am very non racist. I fucking love the AA FEMALE! I use to tie hangman’s nooses all the time at the farm because the damn knot is very strong. Plus, it is a fun knot to tie. It just is.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    Like @Nidan111 and @ATACdawg I used to tie hangman nooses as a youngster and it never had any racist meaning or any other meaning for that matter.

    If this “noose” had been in the garage since last October, which no one seems to dispute, then it was in all likelihood tied by someone who was bored or out of a “gallows humor” (no pun intended) door pull but it clearly wasn’t intended as any kind of racist statement toward anyone.

    Just more “man-bites-dog” fiction from the hate-mongers among us.
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