stripper comebacks

Have you ever had a favorite regular quit the stripping business and then later change her mind and come back. If you did, how did it work out for her and what problems did she have, if any?
I saw a girl tonight I hadn't seen for two years in a club and did a couple lap dances with her. She's drop dead gorgeous but after she left two years ago another dancer told me she couldn't make it as a stripper because she was shy and couldn't force herself to be friendly to the customers. I was a little surprised to see her back. I hope she stays and wouldn't say anything to try to dissuade her from trying again but my other regulars who left and tried to return found the road back was harder than they thought.
My other stripper regulars who came back after a long hiatus thought their customer regulars would be sitting there and eagerly welcome them back. What they actually found was that their regulars had mostly moved on to other girls and other clubs. Sometimes if the previous reason for leaving was a bad manager and the manager was gone the comeback was successful but often the same problems that caused them to quit before still existed. If the gap between leaving and coming back was really long, like 8 or 9 years, coming back never seemed to work. If you last worked in a club as a 22 year old, coming back as the 30 year old stripper is difficult. The other 30 year old strippers who worked continuously in the business now have more experience than you and the younger girls with the same level of experience as you have a looks advantage unless you kept yourself in really good shape.
last commentIt happens. I've seen it. Being underestimated is better than being overestimated
Covid seemed to create a scenario where some dancers chose to stay away for more than a year. I got some dances from a very popular dancer before she took a covid vacation and got a few after.
She was always very popular before and now seems even more popular.
Never experienced long times where I've seen dancers go away but try not to get too attached as there's always a new CF around the corner.
My atf I'm pretty sure is done forever due to covid. She was making serious bank precovid (not just from me haha) and I know she'd be even more popular than ever if she came back even it was in spring of 2022 (when AZ is super busy) or whatever.
There were 3 dancers I really liked and they have all left. One I had no way of getting in contact with, one I lost contact with (my fault my phone died and I didn't have numbers backed up) and my atf I do still have contact with but no indication from her at all she'll return.
Some day shift dancers (cool ones) did return from what I've heard, but I haven't had a chance to be in during a day shift in probably 5 years (club wasn't that close to my place) so that doesn't do me any good! I don't have contact with those dancers either.
Oh I see the original message now was talking about a LONG layoff like 8 or 9 years and not one or two. I've never had that happen, but I'd probably lose track as that's a really long time!
A dancer who was the best friend of my ATF took off for a year. When she came back, she told me about her experience working for IKEA. She said, "They only paid $11 an hour and they wanted me to work all the time." Imagine a job where they expect you to work all the time. And not drink. And not use drugs. And not have sex in the back room. A stripper's nightmare.
Years ago there was a popular dancer named "Frosty" whom I first met at the Jet Strip in Lennox and then later at Spearmint Rhino in COI. She was very cool and friendly. She said she was leaving the business to pursue a career in interrior design in Las Vegas. She actually did and then 2 or 3 years later I encountered her again in COI. We talked and she was pleasant but I could tell, she had had some financial problems and returned to the club to earn some money but her heart was not really in it. That image of her coughing a smoker's cough and not being able to catch her breath for a few moments still kind of haunts me. A really nice person who experienced some tough times as we all will.
I don't know if I'd use the word "quit", but maybe take a break. I know this girl who i will see for about 3-4 months, then she'll disappear and come back after a while. One time she found another job that I thought would be part time and I'd still see her at the club, but she ended up working full time then quit after three months (which i predicted) and came back to dancing. I'd always imagined dancing was far more lucrative than regular jobs
A few years ago, I got dances at Treasures in Vegas from a mid to late 30s dancer that was very attractive. She told me she had previously worked at Vegas clubs like CH2 and Olympic Garden. She made enough money to quit and ran a successful business supplying countertops to homes and businesses during the housing boom of the early to mid 2000s in Vegas. She then got a huge deal with MGM on one of their City Center hotels. It was a long story but she didn’t get paid by MGM and the entity that she had the contract with went bankrupt. She was back to stripping after not working for many years. I don’t think she was thrilled to be dancing again but her dances were much higher milage than the normal floor dances at the club. We chatted and I left with my friends. I came back six months later and she was still dancing. She remembered my name and it occurred to me that she was looking to date a customer with resources. I should have pushed a meet up with her. I hope she got what she wanted out of life. Very cool and pretty girl that many rich guys would be happy to support.
I know a girl who was gorgeous had it all and made enough to open her own bakery. Now 10 years later the business failed she has 5 kids and she's obese. She tried getting a job at a club but no one would hire her.