VP debate thread
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Just getting this set up for you guys and gals. I predict this will be more like the Bush-Ferrero debate in '84 than any later battles of the sexes debates. Of course, I was too young to remember much. Either way, I expect this to be entertaining and coherent.
That having been said, the VP debates are entirely for people who are deeply interested in politics. No one votes for a Vice President. It is always the top of the ticket that matters.
There are a lot of idiots out there.
By definition the average is higher or lower than the median you fucking moron.
Harris will win the debate but in the US voting is a visceral act hence the trump regime
I hope Trump learns something from Pence's performance.
Harris smirking and snarling during every Pence segment didn’t appear very professional.
Camel-LA just gives me the heebie jeebies for some reason and she had a hard time answering the questions... of course, no politician does a good job of answering any question.
Example: Pence was asked to detail what plan is in place to protect pre-existing conditions if the ACA is overturned. Instead of answering the question, Pence changed the subject to court-packing. Instead of forcing Pence to answer the question, Harris took the bait and the topic evaporated. She's a mediocre debater.
Another general theme is that Pence lies almost as much as Trump, just in a calmer and smarmier way. He's repulsive and boring.
Nobody will remember this useless debate and it won't make any difference. Trump is getting slaughtered in the polls.
Biden has 91% chance of winning as of this morning.
Incomprehensible to rational mind, but our liberal friends are not rational. To choose a biracial female from the opposite coast fills all the requirements of identity politics. Nevermind her complete lack of qualifications, she checks more boxes on a demographic tally than any other option. That was the sum total of their decision-making when choosing her, how many voters can she claim to identify with, who will not identify with demented old Joe?
Last night put her complete lack of ability on display. She lied, she equivocated, she dodged, and she flip-flopped. Voters are realizing that if Joe is elected, she will be president; and that will cost them the election.
Ivanka probably gives great tittie jobs
But melania fucked her way to being first lady
No BITCH. You took that title a long time ago.
I doubt this event really swayed anyone in either direction.
Personally, I'm not in the Trump-Pence camp. Their ideas don't work for me. Kamla Harris is a polished, forceful entity, and while, I have difference with some of her past actions, more of her overall ideas align with where I'm coming from. Too bad, Killer Mike isn't on the ballot! (Tongue-in-Cheek but still he's closer to my perspective.)
Kamala's answer to the question about packing the supreme court is that Trump hadn't appointed any black judges to the District Courts (so she didn't answer the question and immediately brought out the race-card) - and as if the Left would not tear-apart any black-person Trump appoints and basically accuse the black-person of being a sell-out and basically an Uncle Tom (as the Left did when DeSantis recently tried to appoint a black female to the Florida Supreme Court and the left accused him of it being a "token pick")
"... Kamala Harris, history professor, held class tonight and gave V.P. Pence a lecture on how even a GOP icon like Lincoln would have been opposed to filling a Supreme Court vacancy in an election season. She said: “In 1864 a seat became open on the Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln’s party was in charge of not only the White House but the Senate. But honest Abe said it’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next President of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve [on the Court].”
Well, what she was referring to was the October 12, 1864 death of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. Taney was a vehemently pro-slavery jurist — his Court decided in Dredd Scott that Blacks were not people and thus had no right to sue — whom Lincoln no doubt disdained. Contrary to Sen. Harris’ version of history (that a junior staffer must have hastily Google searched, scribbled onto a sheaf of paper, and then placed in front of her under the label “zinger”), if anything, Lincoln was chomping at the bit to fill this Jacksonian Democrat’s seat with a Republican…especially with emancipation amendments to the Constitution on the horizon.
So why didn’t Honest Abe fill the seat before the November 1864 election? Simple. THE SENATE WASN’T IN SESSION.
The Senate wouldn’t be back until December 5, 27 days after Election Day. The very next day, December 6, 1864, a re-elected Lincoln submitted his nomination for Supreme Court Chief Justice to the lame-duck Republican Senate (which had maintained its majority)…his former Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase. Chase was confirmed the very same day. That was just 56 days after Taney’s death. Pretty much in line with the Amy Coney Barrett timeline ..."