Just scanned the article. Can’t believe the critique on the topic is this long……let alone an entire book. Reminds me of a saying: I hate people (very tongue and cheek)
Most interesting thing that I caught in the write up from a quick scan of it is that the author is a white woman who happens to have a big butt.
I can’t imagine this book will sell many copies since who the f cares.
Considering the definition of the word "racist" has changed from: "you think a particular ethnicity is genetically and culturally inferior to others" to: "if you like and/or dislike something that is stereotypically attributed to another culture and you are white/straight...you're racist"...yeah it's "racist' now. Unless you are a normal human being that has traveled the world and realizes good people experience other cultures and people and take away the good things from those experiences and try to replicate them. I cook curry at home. I'm white and straight. It means i'm probably racially appropriating my food.
White thots are just jealous that the sisters with the big chocolate booties are stealing all their men. No matter how much they eat, all their fat goes to their bellies and legs. White women will always have flat butts and anyone that claims liking big butts is racist is actually trying to white guilt white men into disliking black women so they don't mix, therefore making them the actual racists.
read this book decades ago by some dude named bradbury. the book was fahrenheit 451. did bradbury have in mind books like this big butt book to be sent along with all the others to be burned in one of those huge piles?
Inagine wanting to attack and kill people over something that isn't even real. Kind of like witchcraft in the Middle Ages. "Racism" accusations are the new witchcraft. An excuse to attack people who aren't harming anyone and claim a "moral" highground while doing it.
^To say you are not racist shows that you are abusing your privilege to refuse to acknowledge the pain and suffering you have caused marginalized communities and POC. That makes you the most racist poster in this thread.
last commentMost interesting thing that I caught in the write up from a quick scan of it is that the author is a white woman who happens to have a big butt.
I can’t imagine this book will sell many copies since who the f cares.
They are Also perpetuating the White patriarchy by promoting unhealthy lifestyles for black women, and so, are racist.