Is it racist...

avatar for founder
To have an ethnicity option on the club listing?

This has been discussed before. I just find it so strange that millennials are so confused that they send me hate mail about it.

So I forwarded it to Yelp, in hopes they would just classify restaurants by location rather than cuisine.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I don't think so. 20 out of 27 Atlanta area clubs are listed as black. I like black dancers but hate black clubs because of the way they operate. I hate the rap crap, rain making, the way the cut songs short and run them together so that you have difficulty keeping track of the dance count. I see nothing racist about that.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Strip clubs sell sexual stimulation. Certain people are sexually attracted to specific ethnic groups.

Does that mean they are racist because they favor a certain ethnic group? Lol
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ Yes, it certainly does if it impacts the earning potential of a particular race.

Nothing funny about it.
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
I don't think so, unless you are trying so say that the ethnicity of the stripper affects their value as a person. But, just as some people have a preference for different eye colors or different size breasts, some people will have a preference for a certain skin color.
avatar for JohnTitor
6 years ago
No. It's important info to have out there.

Fuck the snowflakes.

Can I have a checkmark?
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Yes, it is racist. So is having a Black History Month. So is saying you like Chinese food. Who the fuck cares !!! This is information that we all want. We discuss those things all the time. We have fantasies about specific characteristics of a woman. Her race might be one of those things we have a fantasy about. We want to know if those women are in that club.

OK, I'll stop my rant now.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Not in this case as it's part of the experience a customer is looking for such as your insightful restaurant-cuisine analogy.

These fucking millennials are out of fucking control - their main contribution to society is to be whiney little-fuckers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I wonder if these millennial fuckers are as outraged when minorities are asked about their ethnicity when it comes to getting favorable treatment in college admissions and scholarships - these whiney bitches want their cake and eat it too.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
White guy here. I like hip hop and don't mind if it's club's predominant music played. And I like clubbing at places where there's some AA girls - attracted to them and often get a better experience than with white girls. So yes, for me, some ethnicity info would be helpful in making a decision to try a new club or not.

So, @founder, I'm curious how you'd achieve the "ethnicity option on the club listing". Would it be ethnicity mix or the girls, or would it be club vibe ("black club" versus not, to use shadowcat's word), or both? I expect you'll get hassled on the latter but I can't see any sensible person pushing back about the former.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Absolutely nothing racist about including an ethnicity option.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
In some parts of the country I get that it's extremely relevant. There are true Black clubs where it's majority African American. And then there are parts of the country where every club is mixed, so it's slightly confusing.

But this is clearly a case of the reviews reflecting the business reality in many markets. It's also not dissimilar from some dance clubs being Latin, black, gay, etc.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Although isn't Follies confusing in itself? From what I've read it's a black club at night but a mixed club during dayshift?
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
Please post the angry millenial emails!!!
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Not racist at all, but either way it makes no difference to me as in reviewing in my mind the last 6 dancers I did a champagne room with I come up with chinese; peurto rican, blonde caucasion; black/asian/native american/skier mix; black and brunette cuacasion.
avatar for SanchoRG
6 years ago
What the fuck is a racist anymore. Word lost a lot of meaning the last decade or so
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
It could be interpreted that way. I wouldn't touch it.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
You dont see a lot of outage on porn and strip club sites. Thats why i wish sex work was legal. Its great walking into a club and seeing every ethnicity working together for one goal. Looking at women and achieving full completion before the walk of the shame to thier car.

That being said the smart thing to do is to allow users to list what ethnicities dance at each club.Im in a diverse area so just saying white, black, latina, asian isnt enough. For me it would be (American White, American Black, Dominican, Brazilian, Indian, Korean, Filipino, Russian, Kazakhstani, European, South American) Categorizing a club as black or white is a fools errand as demographics can change pretty quick.
Id also say its a good idea to allow users to list the body type and age range of girls at clubs. This to me is more important than race. I like dancers in thier 20s and early 30s. Nothing worse than seeing a bunch of fat grandmas when you walk in.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Not racist.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
@Founder - whether it’s racist or not is immaterial. Is the site going all PC? I doubt it, and I for myself see the value of being PC in real life. But not here.

Sorry you have to endure complaints but that comes with the territory. If you take it off the site you make the reviews less useful. Not to mention all the Billy Joel, Frank Sinatra, $2 master cryptographers will come up with some brilliant code for black and white and just put it in the reviews. WGAF
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Hmmm, I'd never heard of a "skier" ethnicity?

Since the population must be small (never seen it on any demographic selection options) I'm guessing a lot of inbreeding resulting in a disproportionate rate of Down Syndrome. And those that get lucky not to have a mental retardation birth defect then destroy their brain with frequent Loser Leaf usage. Does this describe it well?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
fuck em if they can’t take a joke
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Flag, I’d never heard of skier ethnicity either. I thought maybe it referred to someone of polish descent.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Maybe afflicted with poor bone density resulting in frequently fractured bones.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
When I go to Thailand I will make sure all the bargirls fill out an ethnic questionnaire to make sure to distinguish if clubs are Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Laotian, Cambodian, or Singaporeans.

Did I leave anyone out?
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ skiers
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
One thing I don't do, base my life and life choices on someone else's opinions.
avatar for daddyfatsack
6 years ago
Not racist
avatar for mjx01
6 years ago
No it is stating of measurable demographic facts. In the words of Bill Mahr:
"My generations '2' is the millennial generation's '10' (in reference to a pain scale)."
Tough shit snowflake is right. It is valuable info.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 years ago
Not racist, but thank God it's extremely sexist. :)
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I am racist against racists.

Since I am racist so I could not answer your question Founder
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Well I guess it can be described as “urban” then.

And if a club is stringent with hiring black dancers/alternative looks/body types, then allow it to be categorized as “too many girls” (the classic manager line)
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
But yeah like it or not race is still relevant for customer preferences, and in real life. I know because of my face, selling dances to East Asians and Indians like taking candy from a baby—and easier than other races. It just is what it is.

And I agree the backlash is silly—tho they may be the future of your site if there is enough of them so idk.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
No. Not racist.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
This brought up an interesting memory that has nothing to do with ethnicity of a club but racism in a club, but it was also funny. I had written a large life insurance policy on a rookie in the NFL, first round draft pick, huge deal for me at the time. The guy had tested positive for cocaine when they took his blood and urine for the life insurance policy. My boss and I went to Mardis Gras every friday after work. So we are sitting there with a group of guys and he starts telling the story of the football player. He is basically yelling the story so everyone can hear over the music, the music suddenly stops to allow the DJ to talk and introduce the next song at the exact time my boss refers to the football player as a stupid fucking N*****. You could have heard a pin drop in that club.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
This was probably 27 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
Not racist:

“Racial categories were constructed and incorporated during the period of European mercantile expansion, and ethnic groupings during the period of capitalist expansion.”

“In America race most commonly means color, and 'ethnics' are the descendants of relatively recent immigrants from non-English-speaking countries.”

“The U.S. Department of Education has adopted new race and ethnicity categories.

The previous federal categories allowed an individual to select one of the following race categories:
1-American Indian or Alaska Native
2-Asian or Pacific Islander
3-Black (non-Hispanic)
5-White (non-Hispanic)

The new federal categories first ask whether an individual is:

1-Hispanic or Latino or not

as a separate ethnicity question.

The individual can then select one or more of the following race categories:

1-American Indian or Alaska Native
3-Black or African American
4-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
5- White.

For the first time, individuals have the option to choose more than one race for federal reporting.

The two-question format is mandated by the government. The October 19, 2007 Federal Register, the official record for these requirements, cites historical concerns about undercounting Americans of Spanish origin or descent in past censuses. Research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the two-question format provides the most accurate responses.”
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
All I want to know is how many girls in the club look like Marilyn Monroe at her prime.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
No it’s not racist. It’s something that I would like to know. Black clubs have a totally different its not my thing. I too like me some black dancers every now and then but black clubs I avoid because it’s just not my thing. It’s a great thing to list a know. Maybe have a map of of certain ethnicity clubs. There are black clubs like Magic City, Latina clubs like Chicas Locas. I would like to know what’s what when I’m from out of town
avatar for TippingDollars
6 years ago
I prefer clubs with all ethnic backgrounds so I have a choice. I would never go to a club with only white girls or only black girls. I might go to a club with only Asian girls because that seems like fun.
avatar for playfulsteve
6 years ago
One of the biggest thing millenials don't quite get. We can talk about race, without it being racist. This hypersensitive bullshit is getting so out of control.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
And the bullshit line, "When I look at someone, I don't even notice (or see) their race."
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
When I do a review I usually comment on the racial makeup of the dancers itc because it is relevant information. I like white girls. Others want chocolate. Or whatever. It’s no different than talking about their body parts, hair color, or any other aspect of strippers’ bodies.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
It isn't racist in and of itself but will be used for racist means.

Racial preferences aren't just likes and dislikes, there are deeply held beliefs behind them.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Also, I’d like to petition founder to create a “wall of shame” for some of the sillier dramatic e-mails/PMs he has recieved.

avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I’m a big proponent of bringing this back.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I’m good with going to white clubs or black clubs. My guess though is that some clubs don’t want to be known as black clubs and they pay founder to be sponsored on the site.
avatar for boomer79
2 years ago
The site isn’t to tell people what to like it’s to help people find what they like. More information is better.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
"Racist" is a made is fake word. Be as "racist" as you want. You're immoral by going to strip clubs and perving on girls in the first place. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are programming you to think racial preference is "racism." No, its just preference. It doesn't mean you "hate" or dislike anyone because of their ancestry or physical features. These issues are far less complicated than the media wants you to believe. There are real issues to worry about not non-sense like this.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
"Racism" is a fake word made up by Lenin in the 1910s. If people want to race mix fine. If people don't fine. There are arguments to be made on both sides. Let it go already.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
What percentage of black dancers would a strip club have to have to be considered a black club? I think this is relevant for a lot of customers. I sometimes have a strip club manager or a dancer offer to bring me a girl and ask what type I like. I'll say, "little and skinny" and then they ask what race. They assume, probably based on past experience, this is important to a lot of customers. Size is most important to me. If the only little cute stripper in the club is black, I'll pick her. If someone likes a girl to be a certain height, weight, race, hair color, breast size, age or anything else they should be free to pick who they want while visiting the strip club or just sit there and drink and relax if they don't see anyone they happen to like.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Wow Icey has already been a fucked up, useless cancer on this site.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
All information is beneficial.

Its is good to know as much as possible about a club before driving into a neighborhood, parking, getting out of the car, walking into the club, staying in the club, and walking back to the car.

It's about knowledge and preference and the anticipated experience.

Can't force people to think a certain way just like you can't force them to behave a certain way. Witholding information about a club can not achieve neither of these.

Should not withhold information because it is unacceptable to some. Information is empowering. And, that's what this board is about.

Empowering each of us to make the best decisions for ourselves whether or not they are acceptable to society. As long as our actions are legal.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
The term "black strip club" is very ambiguous. For example, Diamond Girls in Durham, NC. The dancer ethnicity distribution roughly reflects that of Durham, but the customers are mostly black.

One scale goes from "exclusive" clubs (for fools and their money to go their separate ways IMO) to BYOB places that look vaguely post-apocalyptic. Another scale goes from brothels in all but name to low-contact (dolla-throw or Utah-type air dance only). A club can be anywhere on either scale.

There are many physical characteristics that trigger PLs, BBW vs. thicc vs. slender, etc., why single out dancer skin color to characterize the club?

I've never seen a club where the customers had such an easy-going, fun vibe as Jimmy's south of Chicago. I was the only non-black person in there. A dancer got robbed at an "upscale" (black-unfriendly) club in NC. When the bouncers confronted him, he pulled out a gun, and got away with her $. But yeah, if you're not comfortable with people of different races, doesn't help anybody if you end up in a club where you're not comfortable.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Was a time when black men didn't want white men in their clubs touching their women and breathing the same air. The same with white men and their clubs. That's just the way it was.

Sorry, had to be blunt because a lot of you guys are young and may not know why this board labeled clubs that way. Some of you may just not be willing to accept the history.

It was more of a safety warning than anything else. Again, that's just the way it was.

Maybe it doesn't matter anymore.

Both races avoided each other.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
When ethnicity was shown for each club, how many were shown as white? I saw black, Hispanic and mixed but never white.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
@dha I can only relate my personal experience. I am of South European ancestry, and am sometimes (particularly in the summer when I'm up in my tan) mistaken for Latino. Since the 1970s, I've lived or spent time in places/areas that were mostly black. At first it was because of being broke, later it was because why not. My presence was always a nothing burger. The one exception I can remember was when I got lost in Boston in the 80s, and ended up in Roxbury. I pulled over and got out my paper map (remember those?). A black dude walked up to my car, and said "you lost, right?", and then gave me directions. So, I'm skeptical of the "mutual racism" idea.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
There's such a high turnover at many clubs that such a category wouldn't be valid for too long
avatar for reverendhornibastard
2 years ago
I am not racist.

I will fuck any sexy woman, any time, any place.

Hell, as a gentleman I will occasionally even canoodle a moderately unattractive woman just to be polite!
avatar for dha
2 years ago
The theme here seems to be, I'm not a racist but my eyes do see color, but skin color does not matter to me. It's all the same to a monger.

But, I wonder if anyone these days would admit to being a racist. Black or white!
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Lol - of course not. Some people like black clubs, some don’t, for a variety of reasons.

avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
Who/what will decide the demographics of the club?

What if there’s a switch with shifts? Example Johnnys Hitching Post, Latinas in the day, Russians at night or my club Centerstage yt girls in the day, blk girls at night

avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
Also most blk clubs in the day don’t play loud hardcore rap. They usually play old school classics which yt men tend to love

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
The problem isn't racism so much as TUSCL's main profile page keeping current with the club and it's changing hiring practices. If someone reads even a few reviews of the same club, they should get a pretty good idea of the demographic mix of the dancers.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Also, happy MLK day.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
There appears in some cases I've seen where there is a tipping point, and a strip club goes from majority black to almost all black in a short period of time. A form of white flight takes place because many whites don't feel comfortable in situations where they are not the majority. I've not seen a situation where a strip club flipped from being mostly black to mostly white. There is some residential gentrification here in Indianapolis where formerly black neighborhoods become white but the types of whites who move into them don't seem to go in large numbers to nearby strip clubs.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
^The vast majority of people silently vote with their. Ignore virtue signaling.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Vote with their feet
avatar for oscarlomax
2 years ago
There's the weird misconception floating around that implies that any discussion about race is racist. The discussion itself isn't racist. One could argue certain personal views can be seen as racist but folks are bound to disagree because we have different lived experiences. Racism is actually based on economics and the use of those economics to gain control of resources over folk of another persuasion. The information itself is not racist. The problem is that the point about disparity in economics is legitimate but when we conflate things and push ideas to extremes is when it becomes ridiculous. Open, honest conversation will expose informed and uninformed thinking and that is necessary. Classifications are a way of imparting information and if the act of imparting that information causes economic harm maybe it should be addressed but, I've said it before, the real important color in all this is green. Everybody, no matter, who you are, loves the green. Round about way of saying, if the classification of a place or system disturbs you, find a different place to get your data.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
It isn't needed. What would you say about a club that's mostly Latina on the day shift and AA on the night shift, like some Atlanta clubs?

If you read the descriptions, you'll get a better sense of the racial mix.

If there were a category of clubs like "classy," "make it rain," or "extras factory," that would be more useful but too subjective to actually implement.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
It's not. If a club is primarily staffed and patronized by AA's, I believe it implies a different experience than many other clubs, right? From what I read here, this means more of a "see and be seen" tone, more bottle service, more making it rain, less high mileage vip, etc. Is my understanding incorrect? We don't have a club like that here so I'm going on pure tuscl content for this. It doesn't sound like a club vibe I would regularly seek out, but I might be interested in trying that experience at some point.

If I was looking for my typical high mileage vip in a quiet club experience, I would definitely not want to end up at the club I am imagining above. So the information is useful for me as a traveling PL.

Wrt other races, it's more of a minor data point to me, I am unaware of a specific tone associated with latin, asian, white, etc. clubs. I guess it would be interesting to know that I was going to a club staffed by mostly Latinas, again bc we don't really have that here and I might make a special trip. Also, attraction isn't just down to skin tone... in a room full of ugly white girls with one beautiful AA, I and every other PL in the room are vying for the pretty one. Same in the inverse room. This seems to be covered well by the review text content, and I imagine it would shift enough over time as to be difficult to track at the club level record.

Obviously beautiful women are beautiful irrespective of skin tone.

avatar for dha
2 years ago
BHarlem. Good points. A Super Strip Club with rooms by ethnicity would be fun. Lol. The Disney Epcot of Strip Clubs.
avatar for groundball
2 years ago
I don't think it's racist @founder. I don't know what it's like around the country, but here in Maryland if my friend described a club as a "black" club I would know what he meant and it would be less about the skin tone of the dancers but more of the vibe of the place.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I mean this is a review site lol. Are we not to describe the club? Has the world become that PC? It’s relevant information. I’m sorry to break it to you all but chicas locas is a Latina club. The Purple Orchid is a black club. Although I’m not sure if I’ve seen an all white club, I’m sure there out there but even in places like Indiana, Nebraska, Iowa still never seen that I don’t think.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
This whole thread is dumb. There’s black dating sites, Black Entertaining Television, Urban radio stations, Ebony magazine.

What’s wrong with identifying “black” clubs
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Would be nice to see it added back. Takes out the quess work and element of surprise upon entry.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Out of all the comments on this thread, I don't think I see one where someone is affirming that it *would* be racist. There are some (including me) noting that it would potentially become long outdated before anyone thought to submit an edit to the club profile.

So, I'm not sure where all the hand-wringing is coming from.
avatar for MeNotYou2
2 years ago
Thier is a difference between clubs with AA dancers and AA clubs. At least in my area. A few years back I was on my way to meet someone and had time to kill so I stopped at a club that used to have a high percentage of AA dancer, but in the couple years I had been away from that club it went to a true AA club. As I walked in (a tall middle aged white guy at the time) I heard a lot of the guys in the club asking variations of why is the police in the club? And dancers avoided me like the plague. Add that to the difference in music and a tendency for a lot of AA dancers at AA clubs to be as the song says “fat bottomed girls” and I would rather avoid that. I like skinny butts and I dislike most rap music.
On the other hand at a more mixed club there was an AA dancer that was perhaps the prettiest dancer I ever saw in that club. And she was very fun to talk with and hang out with.
But this conversation is literally why they make chocolate and vanilla.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I don’t think anyone has mentioned this and it’s in part due to the age of the thread, but anyone think it’s ironic that Founder seemed to be making the case that calling clubs ‘black clubs’ wasn’t racist, but then he removed the descriptor from the reviews?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Any form of racial preference is racist but people also have the right to be racist. You don’t have to hate an entire race or want to attack other races to be racist. If you believe a race is better or worse, that’s a form of racial supremacy. If someone likes Chinese food because it’s Asian, or because they want to go out of their way to give more money to Asian businesses, that’s racist. If they’re doing it because they’re from China or want to support Chinese businesses or something, that isn’t literally racist (just like Trumps comments on Moslems and Mexicans aren’t literally racist) but it is a form of bias. If they genuinely like the food, that’s not racist or biased but it also means they wouldn’t like just Chinese food.

The same logic can be applied to people or dancers. If you’re just into hot girls you’d be okay with any race. If there’s a trend of only wanting to see a specific race of dancer that could indicate racism. Making assumptions about someone’s behavior because of their race is also racist.

Wrt food comparisons and chocolate vanilla etc food has taste and texture and appearance which can be compared to a persons appearance and personality. If someone is picking food items based on their color, or heritage they may also be racist. It doesnt apply to ripe vs unripe fruits, burned foods, or other foods where the color means something beyond it’s visual appearance. But certainly if someone is going out of their way to pick chocolate over vanilla because of its color, not because of taste, texture, quality or specific health reasons of cocoa vs vanilla, that could indicate a racist thought process.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
MeNotYou2 nailed it perfectly.
avatar for chiefwiggum
2 years ago
Skimming this thread, I agree with Drew Carey and MeNotYou2, and Muddy to some extent. I'll go any club that has value, but I'd like to know if I'm going to a black club primarily because I need to know what to wear. Black clubs have a different vibe, thicker girls, different security, also it provides a different lens by which I read reviews.

We should also have Latin clubs as well as then I know I need to change and work on my Spanish and set my expectations on negotiations.

I would also like to see Upscale, but that's something I'm sure we have a 1000 different views on
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