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Comments by Revo

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12 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Great Moments in PL History
This is what makes TUSCL so great. I love these stories. Pure gold!
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12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Overseas Hookups ?
Papi, I love the Colombian girls. I believe they are some of the most beautiful women in the world. Also great happy go lucky attitudes. Not jaded or stuck up. I had a fave for a while in s. Fl named Gabriela. Man was she hot. ITC only though. No OTC so I had to cut her loose.
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12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Why I Love Black Dancers
Man that looks good. Those girls would tear you up.
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
STDs. Whats Going On Here?
Actually Sclvr this may be true. Aids research funding skyrocketed after it hit the homosexual community to the point of far oustrippinng even cancer research. Can you guess what is more of a health problem aids or cancer? Did you have any facts Sclvr or just name calling?
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12 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
SB/SD Relationships
Magicrat, tell more. Do you use the seeking arrangement site or another one? Or do you find them somewhere else? Or do you convert strippers into SB? Is it more cost effective than OTC? Hard to set up? Details?
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
STDs. Whats Going On Here?
Sclvr; an epidemic is when something spreads to a dispropotionatley large part of the population. And most heterosexuals outside of a high risk group, such as IV drug users or their partners, or male homosexuals, etc. once again. How many people do you know who have HIV? I know only one. Now how many people do you know who have had the flu probably hundreds maybe thousands and that is not even an epidemic. So what I said is very true. The point was these issues come up as mass hysteria type stories all of the time. And this was an example. Maybe you were not around during the 80's but we were all being told we were going to die of aids. (did not include Africa In this because it is a special case). Study by JAMA shows that the risk HIV infection from unprotected sex outside of a risk group to be 1 in 5,000,000. Chance of being struck by lightning 1 in 8400 during your lifetime. But I guess that is. What is the technical term? Oh yeah "dumbness".
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12 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Great Moments in PL History
Man these stories. I don't know whether to laugh or run for the hills screaming in sheer terror.
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
STDs. Whats Going On Here?
Dougster; very interesting point about psuedonimity. Did not think of it that way. But you are probably right. But I do believe the truth will set you free. And folks that actually want to lie to people they don't know with an alias that is unknown are truly deluding only themselves. You point about introspection shows a lot. By the way the folks that are the biggest proponents of Global Warming do not even believe it. Just look at how they have been caught lying about it repeatedly in the media. And their own emails showed they were having to cover up the facts. If they believed it they would not need to do this. The data would prove them out. Peak oil is a fantasy. Been floated many times. Every time oil reserves go up. Sure the Saudis may be lying but who cares. They do not control anything. Because there is too much oil out there. http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Proven-Oil-Reserves-Will-Continue-To-Increase-With-Time.html
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
STDs. Whats Going On Here?
By the way I was negative on all 8 items. Except Herpes Simplex 1 (coldsores). Which about 100 million americans have and most get it before they are three years old. I have had one coldsore that i know of in my life.
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
Why Do We Really Go To Strip Clubs
Dougster: Did not get it? Gawker: x2
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12 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
SB/SD Relationships
I have read the book. It is not bad. The guy talks a lot about the history of men and women and arrangements going back for centuries all over the world. The real anomaly is the single spouse lifetime marriage. And we are all living longer. Now you have to do it for almost a 100 years! Makes me wonder how I could fake my own death. But the book has practical advice for SDs and SBs. Go on the website there are plenty of cute girls on there for a lot less than $3k a month. But I have never done it. But I am intrigued by the idea and would like to know if anyone has any advice also.
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
Why Do We Really Go To Strip Clubs
Pilgrims, I think you are onto something there. The Question was why do we REALLY go to strip clubs. The easy answer is to see hot women naked. I think the real answer is much more complicated than some may think. I honestly believe there is more to it than just looking at Tits and ass. We could easily get T&A, from more beautiful women from porn, and it is free, in the comfort of our own homes. And getting a drink can easily be had for much less also, at home. Nope there is something much more personal going on here. Hell I don't even look at porn at all any more. I found that it made me sedentary and passive, and a boring person. Funny thing is once I stopped looking at it. I did not miss it at all. Real women on the other hand....
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
Why Do We Really Go To Strip Clubs
Alucard, I travel all over the country and I have seen many many clubs. And even the fanciest ones have an element of seediness. You know. The gorilla bouncer with an ill fitting tux, just itching to muscle someone, or the manager that looks like he just walked off the set of the Sopranos. And the dancers who just don't look all that fresh. And then you have the not so fancy clubs. Where as we have read on here many times expert strip clobbers won't even go in them with their wallet in their pockets.
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12 years ago
avatar for Revo
Why Do We Really Go To Strip Clubs
The show was "New girl" kind of strange and funny show. The stripper character is played by a really hot Olivia Munn.
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12 years ago
avatar for ButterMan
Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for sex?
I say go direct. Women appreciate assertiveness and dancers are going to be attracted to it even more. But you have to decide what you want. Do you want an OTC plaything or a stripper girlfriend, or a hot looking normal girlfriend. If it is the last you may have a problem. Women are the way you find them and almost surely will not change. Good luck dude.
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12 years ago
avatar for daddysgirl1
What does it mean when...
@Stax: LOL that was fucking funny. @Estafador: If the chick is really hot and knows what she is doing I can get back in the game in 10 min.
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12 years ago
avatar for gsv
Better mileage than expected - how to tip appropriately?
I would definetley give her a nice tip. When someone provides service above and beyond I take care of them. Well. I also get their number since she is a keeper and will most likely make a good regular provider.
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12 years ago
avatar for occurious
Dance Type: Nasty or Sensual
What Papi said. Sensual all the way. Because a hot or a sensual girl can always get nasty. You just have to bring it out of her. She wants to get nasty it is just a matter or getting her there. Then you have a girl that can be nasty or sensual.
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12 years ago
avatar for dartanian
what is a good lap dance? (hint for the dancers not the customers)
Agreed way to many dancers make the mistake of thinking they need to drop their entire body weight on your dick. Not good for the customer and not good for their income.
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12 years ago
avatar for toysales
references and screening
Still got to ask. How do you get the two escort references if you have never used one before? Catch 22.
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12 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Club T-Shirts.
If I kept all the club t shirts over the past years from 2 for 1 specials I would have quite a collection. I usually just give it to the dancer.
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12 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
Detroit, Michigan
Thunder thighs or melon breasts?
I googled her. Thighs just do not look that big to me.
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12 years ago
avatar for Dougster
Strip Club Budget for 2013?
I Look at it this way. SO costs me at least $60k per year with little or no pussy.
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12 years ago
avatar for Dougster
Strip Club Budget for 2013?
Ok ok. Maybe an even $1 k per month. That's my final estimate $12k for the year! But not a penny more! I don't car what happens to her fucking car!