
STDs. Whats Going On Here?

Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:16 AM
I have recently had some very good sex with my new Fav, OTC and ITC. And like most I tried to practice safe sex at all times but we did slip up. Of course I got the "I never done that before". And I said me too. And then we both quietly wondered who was lying the most. Anyway it got me thinking. I trust her to a certain extent but I should get checked anyway. So I started doing some checking. I tried using my local county health department but that was a bureaucratic and lowlife nightmare. So I moved on a major lab in this area that advertises online. A lot more expensive but really a good service. You can literally go online and order a test go to the lab immediately. Give the samples and have the results emailed to you within three days. The same day if you want to pay extra. By the way I did a full 8 panel screening and it costs around $230 for this very valuable service. But when I was doing the research I got to thinking. I have never heard of anyone on this site report getting an STD. Even though I would consider this hobby a little on the high risk side. I have never heard of anyone ever getting an STD but one person. She is a really hot friend of mine and she got genital herpes. She had access to as much sex as she wanted and got it from a guy from Brazil. Other than that I have never even known anyone who knows someone who has gotten an STD, I do know of someone who got AIDS but they were gay and definitely a high risk group. I checked online and I saw some very interesting stuff. And a ton of misinformation. And most of the misinformation is on the scare people to death side. I came across a very interesting article that tried to put this into perspective. Here is the link [view link] . I found it to be extremely useful and amazed that this information had to come from someone who is some sort of Pick Up Artist and not from the health authorities who are ostensibly here to help us. But it is really good. So I ask my fellow members have any of you ever had an STD? If so was it through this hobby? Remember we are all anonymous here. One final thing. If you think this article is off base and to flippant about the whole subject. Just ask yourself how many manufactured scares have we had over the last few decades that turn out to be nothing. We kind of forget about them and move on to the next scare or crisis. If you don't believe this is true. Look at this list: 1. Heterosexual aids epidemic; Never happened. In fact heterosexual aids outside of a high risk group is almost nonexistent. 2. Childhood kidnapping epidemic; Remember the milk cartons? Over 90% of those were custody disputes. Others runaways. 3. Childcare/Satanic cult worship epidemic; This was particularly egregious since not one actual case could ever be found. Not one. FBI traveled the world looking for one. Never found one. 4. Global Warming. I know this one is political, but it just get cooler every year. 5. Multiple energy crisis. Farmerart can back me up on this one. The world is awash in oil. I could go on but you get the picture. So I still wrap up when having sex. But I at least go in with my eyes open.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "Remember we are all anonymous here." It think it's more like "pseudonimity" here since their is an alias attached to each posts and you can link one post to others from the same real life person that way. I think the psuedonimity is not that conducive to make people more honest. I think it actually most want to be less honest. Most want to project an image of themselves that is an "improved" version of themselves in some way. How much it is different from their real persona seems to be a function of how big a lie they think they can get away with, which depends how good they think they are at lying and how good they think their audience is at catching on. Then there are some cases who actually seem to believe their own lies at some level because they have close to zero introspective ability. Anyway, bit of a tangent there, but that should tell you why you are not going to get honest answers to those questions. I know one girl (a stripper) who had cervical cancer which is caused by HPV - an STD. I've heard second hand from pharmacists about how many Valtrex prescriptions they fill, and co-worker told me about another who got the syph. Don't know anyone with HIV. The latter part of your post about extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds is interesting.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I'm probably luck that I have never contacted an STD. Prior to AIDS coming on the scene I never wore a condom. Even when having sex with prostitutes. Since then there have only been a couple of times that I slipped up and slipped in without a condom. I only know of one case of an STD in a club. One dancer that I know did have Chlamydia. Which she clains to have gotten from having unprotected sex with a customer. I did a 3 some with her and her BFF. Her BFF was one of my favorites and she assured me that her friend was cured. That she would not agree to a 3 some of it were any other way. I sometimes wonder why I even worry about it. At 71 how much longer am I gonna live anyhow.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Never. You are misinformed about the global warming issue as is the poster after you.
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    5. The US peaked oil production in the 70's and OPEC is most likely lying about their reserves. We will run out of oil in 50-100 years, unless we can tap the ocean floor and oil is there.
  • Revo
    11 years ago
    By the way I was negative on all 8 items. Except Herpes Simplex 1 (coldsores). Which about 100 million americans have and most get it before they are three years old. I have had one coldsore that i know of in my life.
  • Revo
    11 years ago
    Dougster; very interesting point about psuedonimity. Did not think of it that way. But you are probably right. But I do believe the truth will set you free. And folks that actually want to lie to people they don't know with an alias that is unknown are truly deluding only themselves. You point about introspection shows a lot. By the way the folks that are the biggest proponents of Global Warming do not even believe it. Just look at how they have been caught lying about it repeatedly in the media. And their own emails showed they were having to cover up the facts. If they believed it they would not need to do this. The data would prove them out. Peak oil is a fantasy. Been floated many times. Every time oil reserves go up. Sure the Saudis may be lying but who cares. They do not control anything. Because there is too much oil out there. [view link]
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I just skimmed the article, but I wonder if the author mentions the fact that bacterial STDs are not really a big deal by themselves (especially if treated early) but they will increase your chance of HIV later if exposed. Also, for women, if left untreated too long they can lead to problems with pregnancy.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    And I'm always shunned about using the jimmy. Glad I have difinitive reason not to go bareback unless allthe paperwork is there. PAPERWOOOOORK!!!!......YEAH
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    @Dougster, that was deep, man. OT: I have had infections, but never from dancers (yeah?). I was protected every time with them. The last one was trichomonas. I was having sex with this girl and it was amazing. We're doing it and out of nowhere she starts talking about how we should try anal one day. I take that as a signal. To make a long story short: we ended up doing anal unprotected, and unprepared. I got the infection REALLY fast. I could feel it the very next day. Back when I was 18 I dated this 22 year old chick for a while. She made me wait for sex (waiting isn't my thing). After a few months, we finally did it, but she was adamant about me wearing a condom, and her BJ's were very weak and uninspired. One night I woke up with the craziest hard on (sorry Dalex) and I reached over to feel her up; she was extremely wet. So I woke her up and pulled her in top of me. She was saying no, but she stayed on top of me, kissing and stroking me. I got it in and it felt AMAZING (I lasted like 30 secs). After that, she was all bent out of shape, and I wanted to know why. Turns out she had gotten HSV from her ex husband. I made the tough decision to stop seeing her, but damn that didn't change the fact that I was scared I might've picked up The Herp at age 18. After the longest waiting period of my life, the doc told me I was as clean as a whistle. Now I get tested every 3-6. And 6 years later I'm still a Herp free man.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I'm not anonymous to shadowcat, we've met in person.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    When I was in college, I went out with a girl I had known in high school. She had the reputation of being a slut, and an easy lay. I was between girlfriends, and 20 year old guys think with their dick, (just like most guys here) so i wanted her bad. On our date, I tore her pussy up with a very super hard on. Of course, stupid me, I didn't use a condom. Early the next week, of course you guessed, I had the clap. That fucking bitch. But I have never gotten STD's from a dancer. Which tells me my former "friend" was a nasty slut indeed. I just hope she doesn't live in the same hood as JUICE, because she will talk JUICE into doing all kinds of stupid shit. Stay Horny My Friends.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I picked up Genital Herpes from an escort in Nashville about 10 years ago. never anything from a dancer. Had a big scare recently. My ATF told me about a guy she'd been seeing when her boyfriend was in jail. I met him and watched them fuck and he was a strong 9 incher. About 3 months later he showed up HIV positive. My ATF got tested 2 months after she last was with him and came back negative. She and I have shared copies of our test results. She has Hep C and HPV and I have Herpes.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    " 1. Heterosexual aids epidemic; Never happened. In fact heterosexual aids outside of a high risk group is almost nonexistent." I'm confused. This statement is obviously not true, but in the text of the thread I wasn't sure what was trying to be said.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    The posting of the information sclvr5005 is a display of bad or incompetent research by the poster and possibly dumbness regarding established facts.
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    ¡Ay es poor pablo! puta cochina! [view link]
  • daddysgirl1
    11 years ago
    Back in high school my hs bestie and I talked about being one anothers first girl/girl experience, but never happened. Fast forward years ahead, we found one another on a social network, caught up on old times.. It was when she revealed she has herpes I was turned off. Besides, in the dancer world, most dancers are freaky with one another at work typically. I tried it twice, and needless to say that I'm strictly dickly
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Think it depends on race. There certainly is an AIDS epidemic among black heterosexuals. Whites hetrosexuals other than IV drug users I would agree with the "practically non-existent statement".
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I'm not sure what you consider an "epidemic" but as I recall only about 10% of males get it from heterosexual activity while the opposite is true for women: about 90%. At least in this country. In Africa it's an epidemic for everybody.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    "There certainly is an AIDS epidemic among black heterosexuals" A lot of closeted homosexuals calling themselves heterosexuals. You never REALLY know these days.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    I caught a really bad cold after a bbbjcim with a dancer. I considered that an STD afterwards.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    My PE teacher in high school told us you could only catch VD from "juke joint snipers" He was in WWII.
  • Revo
    11 years ago
    Sclvr; an epidemic is when something spreads to a dispropotionatley large part of the population. And most heterosexuals outside of a high risk group, such as IV drug users or their partners, or male homosexuals, etc. once again. How many people do you know who have HIV? I know only one. Now how many people do you know who have had the flu probably hundreds maybe thousands and that is not even an epidemic. So what I said is very true. The point was these issues come up as mass hysteria type stories all of the time. And this was an example. Maybe you were not around during the 80's but we were all being told we were going to die of aids. (did not include Africa In this because it is a special case). Study by JAMA shows that the risk HIV infection from unprotected sex outside of a risk group to be 1 in 5,000,000. Chance of being struck by lightning 1 in 8400 during your lifetime. But I guess that is. What is the technical term? Oh yeah "dumbness".
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    use to do bbfs. but after some friends of mine got std's. it cfs or nothing. yes i'm d&d free
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Ok, I'll be honest. I believe I am part human part alien. I'm not really attracted to too many of the human dancers I see in strip clubs but there is an exception. As far as mixing dna goes, I don't believe viruses discriminate and viruses apparently can survive my 69 degree body heat, it varies, my temperature usually reads around 97 when I visit the doctor or I would be discovered. Even when the nurse read my temperature as 69, she couldn't believe it and put me down for normal when I was younger. The few times I have met up and gotten into wet spots with dancers, I don't remember any viruses surviving the encounter. I have to wonder about some of the dancers I meet. Some of them seem to be aliens as well. I'm still looking for 3 blond aliens that took me to their ship one night. I might have alien kids on another planet. Glad I could be honest with all of you. :)
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I got some kind of tropical fungal infection from a hooker (not a dancer) in Java once. If I understood the Javanese doctor correctly it was a common skin infection that sometimes attacks the genital areas, so I don't know if that counts as an STD. It was easily and cheaply cured with a cream he prescribed. Thanks for the link to the Honest-to-God guide. I do wonder how much of the STD "facts" we're told are sensationalized. Revo: I actually was struck by lightning once. Not directly, but through a metal railing I was leaning on.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    For all of the contact that I've had with strippers, the worst ailment that I've contracted has been my yearly case of "stripper cold". But I"m in a very low risk group, I guess.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Revo- what I was referring to was the AIDS epidemic in Africa amongst heterosexuals. Yeah it's an isolated epidemic relative to the entire world, but it IS at an epidemic level there.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Thanks Doc, you made my day.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    If you take a jaundiced eye view of the news it is all skewed. Scientific studies are usually predetermined to prove one viewpoint. Aids in the hetersexual population was likely over hyped to create sympathy for the homosexuals the same way global warming is being politcized to the point you can't tell what is the truth. If Global warming is such a moral imperative why did Mr. Global Warmer himself sell his green network to an oil sheik?? All depends on whose ox is being Gore'd!
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    " Aids in the hetersexual population was likely over hyped to create sympathy for the homosexuals the same way global warming is being politcized " One of the more ignorant things that I've had the misfortune of reading here on TUSCL.
  • Revo
    11 years ago
    Actually Sclvr this may be true. Aids research funding skyrocketed after it hit the homosexual community to the point of far oustrippinng even cancer research. Can you guess what is more of a health problem aids or cancer? Did you have any facts Sclvr or just name calling?
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    No I'm not name calling, but to claim that the severity of the AIDS outbreak was over hyped to create sympathy for the homosexual community is stupid and ridiculous.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "but to claim that the severity of the AIDS outbreak was over hyped to create sympathy for the homosexual community is stupid and ridiculous. " That actually makes alot of sense. Also homos used to like to exaggerate their number saying 10% of the population was gay. Another way they tried to generate sympathy for them. Turns out it was only 1 or 2%.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    " Another way they tried to generate sympathy for them. Gimme a break dougster. Save your homophobic remarks for a creepy Christian forum.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "Gimme a break" Oh, good counter argument, sickliver.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Not gonna argue with you Dougster. That's what you live for. Bye.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "Not gonna argue with you Dougster. " Because you know you'll lose like you did ever time before! Bye-bye. sick-idiot-live loses again!
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Wow. Your desperation to be able to claim that you "win" here @ TUSCL is really sad. And you do it constantly. I'm starting to realize that this forum is really all that you have. I'm really sorry Dougster. I hadn't realized it til now. Again...my deepest sympathies.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yes, I do win constantly, but against people as dumb as you "gimme a break", it is actually very easy.
  • steve3003
    11 years ago
    Not sure the condom protects info (e.g., claims doesn't protect against syphilis) is accurate.
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