SB/SD Relationships

avatar for sinclair
Any of you guys ever done a sugarbaby-sugardaddy arrangement? About how much did you pay as an allowance and what did you get in return? Anyone have any success stories or horror stories from these types of arrangements? I have often wondered how the "bang for your buck" compared to going to a strip club several times a month. It seems alot riskier in terms of a SB blackmailing you when you "turn the faucet off" (possible career, family damage). It is inevitable they will get info like your full name and license plate if you see them enough. Then again, some SC's are scanning your driver's license nowadays.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I've never in 20+ yrs had any problems with dancers who have had enough information to find me. Of course, if you are ASSHOLES to them and treat them like shit, maybe they MIGHT want REVENGE on your Sorry ass!!! LMFAO
avatar for ButterMan
12 years ago
No i haven't but I have always been a little curious about this type of arrangement.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Here's some tips I do in all relationships.

1. Let on little as possible about yourself. By mysterious. If they can't figure you out, there's less chance they'll try to play you.

2. Instil fear. Let her know you're powerful. I don't mean, I'm the manager of the bank that looks over 20 employees or whatever. I'm talking about, let her know if you're in a bike gang if you are, let her know about that murder charge that you've beat if you have. Exaggerate things, you got into an argument with a co worker? Fabricate it to the point where it turns into a story about you hanging a guy from the balcony over not being able to pay you extortion fees.

3. Don't let her know about any feelings you might have about her. Why? Well, doing #2 will make her feel like it's really bad idea to FUCK with you, but also makes her seek your approval & love because then she'll feel secure being with such powerful person. However, she also knows that you won't give a shit about her if you don't love her, this is common practice amongst low life individuals, so when someone rapes her & she feels like she needs to tell you so you can retaliate, then she'll realize that you don't give a shit about her therefore your actual powers will never be tested, and you'll ever get exposed as a fake.

4. Shave your head, and grow you beard, it worked for Walt in breaking bad to seem tougher, it'll work for you.

5. Be stingy, this should be the first advice. There isn't such thing as a stripper appreciating your generosity. People only value money when they don't have it. If you're just giving her enough to where she still fucks you & keeps you around, you'll go a long way. Don't be afraid to tell her NO. Women love being rejected.

6. Never tell her about yourself. Don't tell her about your family if you have one. Tell her you have a "mother", & that's all the family you have. She'll never to know where you live. Your real name? She's never to know that, specially if you have a unique name.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
"It is inevitable they will get info like your full name and license plate if you see them enough."

Just convince them that you have the potential to turn even more psycho on them then they can on you, and they will never bother you. (Maybe tell some stories about some crazy extremes you went through to get even with someone else.)
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
@Dougster we in the same game.

also, what can someone get just off a license plate number?
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Just your full name and address. Probably have to know or pay someone. Troop would know.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Oh, and if you're going to be tough to a girl, make sure she's not the type that has a bunch of "friends" you wouldn't care to meet.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Dalex, your post about instilling fear and treating women like shit is more reflective of a pimp verbally and physically abusing his whore to keep her in her place.

That is not a relationship, and I doubt you could keep a woman for long with that attitude.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
You need to be tough to a girl, it's a must, else she'll smell the weakness & play you, being that you're actually weak, she'll win, don't even put her in a position to call your bluff.

I didn't say to treat her bad, treat her good, but have subtle way of conveying things.

Tell her stories.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I'm with dalex: Even criminal bf's would prefer to mess with their gf's weaker (or more "stable", "pliant" or whatever word you want to use) clients if they think you could flip out and go psycho on them.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Up until a few months ago I would have thought the notion was SB/SD was too bizarre for me, but I find it quite intriguing. There is a book on amazon about these things written by seekingarrangements CEO which I downloaded to my kindle and am looking forward to reading.

I think what changed my mind was comparing what I realistically spending on strippers per year and then seeing that the SA prices weren't astronomical as I had assumed.

Would definitely be curious to hear experiences of those who went this route and how it compares to OTC with strippers.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I like variety too much to ever get involved on one of these realationships.

With an attitude like dalex's, I'll bet I do a lot better than he does.
avatar for Rod84
12 years ago
I have a friend who brought a SugarBaby to a recent social gathering I hosted. The girl was nobody I would want to date, but she was fun and quite intelligent. I think for my friend, she beat having nothing at all, so he seemed to be relatively happy with it.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I know a woman who was listed on a sugardaddy web site. She was listed at $3K per month, which is on the low end, and had few takers. She said there are far more babies listed than daddies and competition is fierce. She did have one arrangement that lasted a year, to an older rich guy (susprise). They mostly went to dinner or shows, traveled a bit, and had sex a couple times a month. It did not sound like a good deal to me (for the guy).
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Here's a link to the book I was mentioning:…

Titled "Seeking Arrangement: The Definitive Guide to Sugar Daddy and Mutually Beneficial Arrangements" and by Brandon Wade. Haven't had time to read it myself yet. So if any wades (yuk-yuk!) through let us know how it is.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
I have read the book. It is not bad. The guy talks a lot about the history of men and women and arrangements going back for centuries all over the world. The real anomaly is the single spouse lifetime marriage.

And we are all living longer. Now you have to do it for almost a 100 years!

Makes me wonder how I could fake my own death.

But the book has practical advice for SDs and SBs. Go on the website there are plenty of cute girls on there for a lot less than $3k a month.

But I have never done it. But I am intrigued by the idea and would like to know if anyone has any advice also.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
The boys in Steubenville know how to treat a woman, amirite dalex??
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
What happen in Steubenville in no way relates in way to anything I've ever said, you classy motherfucker.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
I've tried to setup a SB relationship with a few dancers without luck. Its like they can't grasp the long term benefits of the situation. I'm still trying.

A SB/SD relationship can involve a lot more than just money. It often includes mentoring and other advice life long wisdom can provide. I truly see nothing wrong with such relationships as they seem like win/win for provider and custie.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Why didn't you call out Dougster also Shadowcat? Hmm...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
There you go being a faggot as usual, alutard.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I'm so going that dougsta thank you

Altared go the Fuck home
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
A lot of people using those SB websites are delusional in regards to what they think the deal is.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Alucard, why even post here, except to troll like you did? The guy asked about SD/SB relationships. That implies the SD has MONEY. You DON'T. YOU work to PAY a stripper to SIT on your DICK once every paycheck. You've NEVER had SEX outside a STRIP CLUB or MAYBE massage PARLOR! YOU have to BUY little CARS like A FOCUS and live IN STUDIO apartment to AFFORD to have SEX every TWO WEEKS. SHUTUP. LET THE MEN WITH MONEY SPEAK. Don't CLUTTER up BOARDS with your WANNABE blather AND inane DOUBLE STANDARDS.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Most guys who post here don't have big money. We work a job, work for a corporation, whatever.

We enjoy the company of beautiful women just the same as everyone else.

Why the flame wars, I can't understand.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I have what amounts to a sugar baby. We see each other two or three times per month, and I give her a hundred or two each time. I don't do an "allowance", per se. I personally don't think that what we have is that much different than what I did before, i.e. taking strippers out and giving them 1 hundred or two for sex, other than the fact that it's basically *only* with her right now.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
LMFAO, Tortilla!
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
@gmd: that is a girl you pay cheap for sex. I knew girls that had real sugar daddies. 4 to $600 a month was nothing to these girls. A truck driver could afford that. But good for you you get what you want.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I'd be willing go $1k a month. $2k would be starting to get to be too high. I don't know what quality is like in that range, but I would certainly image girls in that range would need multiple daddies to sustain them.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Maybe I just need to follow txtittyfan's financial advice this year (since it might be the first time it actually works) then I can look at some primer SBs.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I think I have a PT SD disorder
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
"The Men With Money" ??

Who would that be tortilla? Dugly and his monopoly money don't count. There are very few people to begin with who can afford to spend 2-3K a month keeping a mistress. Of the people on this site I doubt there are more than a handful who could.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
@Jester, why do you have to suck the life out of EVERY thread? That job belongs to draculA.

Keep your "reality checks" to yourself, ma'am.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Jester, thanks for the constructive post announcing you have no idea who does and doesn't have money. Very informative. Keep up the good work.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
jestie: "A lot of people using those SB websites are delusional in regards to what they think the deal is."

Instead of just acting like you jestie, and are so much smarter than everyone else because of it. Why don't you post what the real deal is and prove you know. Oh wait, if you did that, it would give people an idea to show that you don't know. passive-aggressive route is always best right, jesite?
avatar for magicrat
12 years ago
I have had a few of these type arrangements and thoroughly enjoyed them. For the two longer term women, the sex was far superior to any stripper I've experienced. To me the danger is one or both parties getting too emotionally involved, which can be good and bad. In my last one, the "arrangement" turned into a monogamous unpaid relationship with real emotions and feelings on both sides. As far as the sugar amounts, my experience has been in the stripper otc range of $200-300, but for a lot more time, including overnights. Recently I've noticed a lot of the younger girls on the sites want $ just to show up to meet so beware of GPS.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
And I just got a new Garmin. :)
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Case closed.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Case closed.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Magicrat, tell more. Do you use the seeking arrangement site or another one?

Or do you find them somewhere else?

Or do you convert strippers into SB?

Is it more cost effective than OTC? Hard to set up?

avatar for magicrat
12 years ago
Revo...I have used both Seeking Arrangement and Sugardaddyforme....SA has the bigger selection. None of them were strippers...the women that became long term were just normal women having some financial issues and, fortunately for me, a very high sex drive. I'm an older guy (61) and have had the best success with women 12-15 years younger than me. For me, what I give up in hot stripper bodies, I more than gain in maturity, intelligence, and education level. In my experience, the cost has been comparable to OTC but the SBs generally spend a lot more time than OTC strippers, including overnights.
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