
Comments by randy77 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    @omega22- Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Dougster and I've never met Dougster before. Truth be told, I've never even checked our his or anyone's profile. I don't give a rat's ass, but you're a hoot. You're just pissed because Dougster burst your balloon from Fantasy World. Look, going to SC is fun and for old, ugly farts, like me, it's the only way I'm going to sample some 20 yr old hot snatch. Still, it's not a replacement for REAL relationships. Nothing beats a real relationship. One more thing - you claim to be early 20s, just out of college. Good for you, but believe this - Life is like a rollercoaster. It's full of ups and downs. If you don't have any real relationships, who are you going to turn to when life throws you a curveball? You could have a great life and then BAM, you're in the hospital or out of work. Think some stripper is going to visit you in the hospital or talk to you when the money runs out? A real friend will be there for you. You don't have to search for someone to marry to cultivate a relationship. You may not like what Dougster says, but his comments are closer to reality than most. (I don't care for ALP. He's so extreme. I hope he's not the way he writes). Go to SC and have fun, but get a real life as well.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    @Dougster: I'm totally with you. Some of these guys are living in Fantasy Land, which leads me to believe this forum is not for me. Sometimes I feel like I accidentally wound up at a Star Trek forum or with the nerds from the TV show, "Big Bang Theory" I wasn't even going to read this lame thread, "Our Reputation with the Dancers" But I saw it had so many comments, I said, "WTF" The similar thread had me laughing so hard due to the comments between you & omega. Omega couldn't win the debate with facts, so just started calling you names. Must be a Nancy Pelosi Liberal. No wonder regular strip club patrons have the stereotype as Pathetic Loser.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    C'mon. Don't be hating the Dougster for keeping it real. Some of you guys are living in Fantasy Land and you don't like it when Dougster bursts your bubble.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What was this?
    Couple years ago I went to a few clubs in Pasco County, FL that, according to them was County Ordinance, to write down name & Address in the event of any problems. They also made you sign a waver that you're ok with nude dancers, blah, blah, blah. Of course everyone signed the waiver as , John Smith. I knew it wasn't a County Ordinance, because others didn't have that requirement. Didn't go back since. They were dive clubs anyway.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Stilleto25, I assume you work in a very nice place and $400/hr is probable. I've been in many places like that, so I don't doubt your word. Possibly your assessment is skewed by all the high-class places you've worked rather than the "normal" titty bar, because I've been in far more where the strippers are complaining that they only made $80 all last night. Yes, I believe them, because I was there and saw they didn't make shit. BTW, I rent several houses and some of the tenants are strippers. I bought into the assumption that strippers make good money. Big mistake. Those girls are always late with the rent and drive tin cans, not Mercedes. I'll never rent to a stripper again. $400/hr - possible, but not likely.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    "She kept giving dances to other guys, and expressed to me that she'd be free later. " Brother, I would have been pissed and insulted that someone that knows you're there to spend money on her is telling you, "You're last." You might expect that from someone that doesn't know you. Maybe she didn't remember you that well. Either way, the money situation stinks. I'd still tell her she's a ROB and make sure she sees you spend money on everyone BUT HER. It's all about the money, so that will get under her skin, but she has to know why everyone's getting money from you but her. One time a dancer I knew kept putting me off and finally when she came over I told her not to bother. I waited too long and was no longer interested. I was pissed because she knew I came for her, she was guaranteed a few dances from me AND I wasn't going to monopolize her time, because I know she's there to make money, not shoot the shit with me (unless it's not busy). Anyway, after that anytime I came in she shot her little ass over to me and everyone else had to wait. Regulars/guaranteed money gets serviced first. @georgemicrodong: "Some of the best head I've ever gotten happened when the fellatrix was intoxicated. LOL -Cool
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    high school friend works at a SC!!!
    Just reiterate what Steve put so eloquantly, "What's with all the sissy questions. Tap her ass and be done with it. Or cut your wiener off and be her best friend" Your reasons for being apprehensive are reasons that make her more desireable. "Hey, Teach. I just fucked your little Princess." Full steam ahead and get that pussy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Nigerian Scammers Are Infiltrating TUSCL
    Of course it's funny, but there are stupid people out there. It's logical they would target this forum. I guess they figure there are those so stupid that think strippers really like them, so why not give it a shot. Years ago, when I was in the Marines in Puerto Rico, this dumbass fellow Marine wanted to marry a prostitute he met at the whorehouse. He fell for her, "This is my first day...you're my first...I love you...etc" Fortunately,the CO revoked his liberty.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF issues with my SC fetish
    HB13 "Just let her dump you & find a better guy than you." EXACTLY!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Too old for this shit?
    45 days with no release - The HELL with that. That's why they make viagra, cialis, as I mentioned above L_Arginine...etc
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF issues with my SC fetish
    "...I sort of expected someone to tell me I shouldn't have to change. That she should love me for who I am. " I'm surprised your GF hasn't left you after that night. Now she knows who your thinking about while the two of you are fucking. Women are very possessive, because they fear you will leave them (or cheat on them) for the other woman. If you want to have your cake and eat it too, then learn to tone it down about SC with your GF. If push comes to shove, take the GF.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Too old for this shit?
    Take L-Arginine, 5 mg a day. (Don't take it all at once. Take 2 1mg tablets in morning, 1 at noon and 2 more at evening meal) It's great for blood pressure and will help with wood, but it takes a couple days to build up in your system. Not going to bore you with details of how it works, but IT DOES WORK. The best part - NO SIDE EFFECTS! No headaches, nausea, dizzieness...etc. I'm 50, but since I started this, I get wood like a 25yr old.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF issues with my SC fetish
    Take an hour or two to read the discussion threads and you will have an answer to your question. This will give you a good idea about strippers, clubs, regular patrons,...etc. My two cents: Don't fuck up a good relationship with great woman for the seedy world of strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another level of crazy
    Are you kidding me? ATF or not, if she isn't your wife, it's not cheating, especially when you first describe her as your ATF, then GF, but not commited. Anybody that thinks it's even remotely possible to cheat on a stripper needs to check between their legs to see if they have a dick and balls or a pussy. For crying out loud - it's a fucking stripper! And you wonder, "is this cheating?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Lap Dance Marketing
    Sorry to disagree Dougster, but times are tough and dancers need to pry the money out of some people's pockets. It's not really about having a good product. It's about increasing profits or even making money in lean times. If the product sells itself, why does Cocoa Cola, Pepsi and McDonald's have commercials? So many dancers have told me they're only making a fraction of what they made last year. I've noticed a lot less people in the clubs as well. The posters on another thread verify this. Everyone, including I think you, mentioned how they used to go to SC a lot more than they do now, due to economic circumstances. I know a dancer that is very pretty, but I didn't talk to her for a long time, because I thought she was stuck-up. Turns out she's insecure and hates being rejected. Being pretty isn't good enough. They do need to work on marketing their assets to increase sales. This is my advice for dancers to increase sales: Marketing is much more than simply walking up to someone and asking, "Wanna dance?" The right presentation makes it difficult for the prospect to say, "No." There have been times in which I had no interest in a particular girl, but the way she presented herself made it so I couldn't say, "No." First, she needs to figure out who is interested in her. She should take a walk through the club and take notice of who is following her with their eyes and of course who has tipped her while on stage. Once she's singled out her prey, the following process shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to execute: She should invade their personal space, which is the 18 inches around you, and people usually stick to this distance when conversing. If someone is attracted to you (the dancer should have figured this out during the club walk through), then decreasing this distance will increase the attraction. I'm not making this up about the 18 inches. Ask a psychologist. If you're 2 feet from a beautiful woman, you may feel some desire, but if you're only 2" from her the desire is greatly increased. Personally, I love a woman with lots of perfume. Many times it makes women I don't care for seem irresistable, especially if they are wearing Poison or Chanel No-5. So, standing closer to the prospect will increase the chances of the prospect sampling this aroma. The dancer doesn't have to grope and grab, but lightly caress a bare arm or the back of the neck of the prospect and look into their eyes to ask for the dance as described below: Finally the question: Any salesman will tell you never to ask a yes/no question, such as, "Wanna dance?" The prospect instinctively goes on the defense and blurts out, "No." Instead rephrase the question to one in which yes/no is not the natural response, so that it's harder to say, "No." Try something like, "There's no one watching in the back. Come with me and let's have a real good time." While she asks the question, she 'lightly' pulls him towards the VIP. Sometimes people just need a little nudge.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    Just_sean: You shouldn't apologize for the slang you used. I don't use it, but no problem with others that do. I find this thread hilarious with all these guys offended by a stupid meaningless word, yet in other threads they go on and on talking trash about the strippers. They say, "bitch is degrading", yet describe how they degrade the dancer. If that ain't the kettle calling the pot black I don't know what is. You're right, this should be a man's club where you can voice your opinion like ALP and not worry about others being so sensitive. Some people in these threads needs to check between their legs to see if they still have their balls.
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    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    Alucard - I find Dougster and GatorFan opinions funny, because often I believe they are tongue-in-cheek, but often they make a good point in an amusing way. Some people are just too serious and others, such as ALP, I hope he's just trying to be funny, because he's way out there. MH - "Just because it's in the common vernacular of 15 year girls doesn't make it right. (now you know why 15 year olds can't vote)." You got to be kidding or living under a rock if you think only 15 yr old girls are the only ones doing this.
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    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    #Alucard - I did state above that I don't use that term or others that demean women, but at the same time I realize others use slang terms much more than I do and slang does change constantly. Case in point: A few years ago my kids were teens and everything was characterized as, "Oh, that's so gay." The meaning was that something was lame or silly.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    #Dougster - LOL. You kill me. You are so funny with your responses and usually you're right on the mark.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    MH - personally, I don't use the term or any other derogatory term for women. I do find it interesting so many took offense to this word that is so overused that it is meaningless and then seem to have no problem calling women whores as well as other derogatory terms.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why is "bitch" offensive?
    "Why? Because you're comparing a woman to a *dog*. Why the fuck do you *think* it's offensive?" Today's venacular has that term used as a generic term to describe just about anything or anyone (male or female). It is a term that evolved over time, such as 'gay', so that the original meaning isn't even used anymore. The term 'bitch' is so overused today that many wear it as a badge of honor (sadly).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Good 80's stripper songs.
    Drop Dead Legs - Van Halen ILBTs (I Like Big Tits) - Joe Walsh
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    You Homo
    VM- Absolutely right about the sales info. Just because someone doesn't buy today doesn't mean they aren't thinking about buying at a later time. Insulting the prospective customer and the sale will never happen.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This Sunday is Fathers Day.
    My kids will stop by for a while and then I may go to the club, but I'd like to avoid the dancers invariably asking me about Father's Day and my kids. I find it awkard, because my kids are older than most of the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Has this ever happened to anyone else?
    Mistaken identity happens more often than one would expect. Possible there was someone in before that looked like you and when a dancer saw you, she thought you were the other guy, told the bouncer...etc. I know it sucks, but shrug it off, because what the fuck do you care what that loser bouncer thinks as long as you don't get thrown out? Always makes me laugh when a dancer goes to hug a regular at the bar and during the hug the regular gropes her like they're in the VIP. That's ok, but then the dancer starts to walk away and some drunk brushes her ass and because she doesn't know him, screams like the guy tried to finger her.