
Comments by rfcookie

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fashion Consultant to Dancers who Can't Dress
    You just named all the outfit I wear regularly at work... ... but I seem to be making pretty decent money. So I guess I'll just keep doing what works for me?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dancer: "Sure, we can meet up, but I can't let my fiance know what's going on"
    That's interesting, my husband and I have a great marriage and the fact that I work in a strip club doesn't bother him at all. No complaints from him other than that I get to bed late on the nights I work.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Need a dancers point of perspective on this.
    Bachelor parties are great for me. The bachelor's friends always want me to give the bachelor a dance, and once they see one of my dances, they all want one too. Awesome.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Does the way you dress influence dancers perception of you and service she offer
    I don't care what the customer is wearing. I just work under the assumption that everyone wants a dance from me ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Don's Phone Messages to a Stripper
    Wow. Horrifying. And probably fake. I never, ever give out my number to my customers. I'm awkward enough on the phone with people I know, what am I supposed to say to the random schmoe I met the night before? "Hey, this is, Jim-Bob." "Who?" "You know, Jim-Bob. I bought some dances from you last night." "Uh... I did a lot of dances. That doesn't help." "I tipped you $5!" "... everyone tips me $5." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME I THOUGHT WE REALLY HAD SOMETHING!... " Yeah, I never give my number to customers. If they want to see me, they can come in on Saturday nights like everyone else.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Well, the girls at Oasis are very kind to me - they tell me they love my outfits, my stage show, that I'm pretty... etc etc. It's a nice place to work. Seriously. I honestly believe that if there IS drama, it's because one girl was unnecessarily rude to another. I stay drama-free by staying out of the dressing room (I'm usually too busy to be wasting much time there anyway) and keeping a smile on my face. Plus nobody can claim I'm doing extras, since I spend so little time in the VIP anyway :P Hell, I had one of my best nights over when another girl called me over to give dances with her to a customer who was dropping stupid amounts of money. She was too tired to continue on alone, even though she had made -- and I am not exaggerating -- at least $2000 off him.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I'm honestly pretty baffled by this... at Oasis, you say? I'm trying to remember which big-boobied blondes we have... I can think of ONE blonde girl with big natural breasts, but the two that come to mind when you tell your story have implants. I'm not jealous of any dancers, and I'm pretty sure there are no dancers who are jealous of me. I don't undercut the other girls, and I'll help them hustle dances (and they do the same for me.) This is why I enjoy working at the Oasis so much - for the most part, we get along! Then again, I'm Asian, so I don't have much competition any way... I don't have to compete against 30 other Barbies in a club, only 3 or 4 at the very most.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Verbally Attacked By A Dancer
    How about the other side of the coin? This past weekend, a company holiday party came in and the lone female in the group harassed one of the shooter girls. Besides attempting to trip her and calling her a "skank", she also tried to steal her tips out of her garter (!) and told her, "at least I can tell my kids what I do." I didn't encounter this particular customer, but there would have been some words indeed...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    You were at Oasis yesterday? ... so was I. And you didn't say hi?!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    @gsv, and others - that's me! Can't help that I've got a bit of an exhibitionist streak...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    @Che - I talked to a world champion pole dancer who started out in the clubs 15 years ago... that's exactly what she told me too! "Stripping got ruined because of the HOES!... 15 years ago, there were no HOES. Well, there were, but the other girls would beat the shit out of them and then you'd never see them again. Now there are lots of hoes in the club." I personally think it's also the reason why you don't see any real pole dancing in the clubs anymore. About 80% of the time, all you see is a girl standing on stage, jiggling her buttcheeks a little. Why bother? All customers care about is getting a view and seeing which dancer they think is hot enough to buy a dance from. I guess I'm a traditionalist, but I wish clubs were still more show-focused. Imagine how awful it is to be told that the only way to make money in Vegas is to blow the manager for a good shift and/or suck some dick. Blegh.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    I'd say it started with the $*(^!*&# rise of the lapdance... stripclubs became less of a show, more of a place to get a good grind on. And it went downhill from there. Not that I would really know, when I started in the industry this change had already taken place.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    fake titties
    Customers always tell me they prefer naturals, but in my experience dancers earn more money with fakes. Or they have an easier time making money. I think it's a similar phenomena to when men tell me they like "natural" women who don't wear too much makeup... yet I can chart a pretty significant drop in my average earnings if I don't spackle on the makeup. I don't think customers are liars so much as they just don't know what they're talking about. Personally I think it's more of an unconscious signal - fake breasts often signal a dancer is a "real pro" who is committed enough to her job to modify her body so drastically, and thus, might be a better "bang for your buck." Or it could just be that the sight of big boobs = fertility = primal urge to mate = easier money to earn. I'm happy with the amount of money I make, and I don't think getting enhancements would help my income that much, since I'm already quite proportionate. Most importantly for me though, I haven't had kids yet and I DO plan to breastfeed them (I'm told it makes a difference of about 15 IQ points) so I don't want implants to interfere with that. Maybe after I hit my 40s and am done with childbearing...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    motorhead Vented - Now It Is My Turn
    @Che - I'm joking around of course, but given your description, I sound like your type. I like to think I'm pretty good looking... this last weekend I had customers lining up to tip me on stage. Didn't have to hustle a single dance all night to break $600, I could barely fend off the crazed crowds with a stick! (...Okay, so I exaggerate a bit. But I'm pretty popular.) I'm all natural, though I will admit to having a small tattoo on my shoulder which I am currently in the process of getting lasered off. (We all make dumb mistakes when we're younger, right?) And of course, I'm fairly bright as well, or at least the standardized tests tell me so.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    motorhead Vented - Now It Is My Turn
    @Che - come to Atlanta and give me money. I think you'd like me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    motorhead Vented - Now It Is My Turn
    Ha! Now, where did I put my top hat and monocle?... Honestly though, while there are many girls in the industry who are intelligent and educated, strippers generally get a bad rep BECAUSE it's an industry where you don't need to have any sort of training or skills to make decent money, just the willingness to take your clothes off. Smart, intelligent women would most likely be making money elsewhere, leaving behind the girls who are otherwise not qualified for better jobs. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy dancing and I enjoy the fistfuls of cash I take home every night - but this job really does wear one down after a while. It is funny to me that the posters on this board seem to have such high expectations of dancers - first that we should provide sexual services in the VIP beyond a simple dance, and then having to fit your particular aesthetic (no tattoos), and now being intelligent on top of that! Honestly, I think it is to the dancers BENEFIT to play dumb often. I tend to get sucked into conversations with "intellectual" gentlemen at the club who keep me at their table because of my ability to have "intelligent conversation" just to talk and not to buy dances. After all, I'm not dancing for him - why should he pay me? An unprofitable venture, to be sure. The worst is when they want to talk politics, which I have strong feelings about... I don't want to argue and offend a customer, but by god does it grate on my nerves to talk to a smarmy know-it-all.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    Money in Vegas?
    @Stiletto - I'm hoping to dance at either Spearmint Rhino and/or Sapphire. My husband teased me about this, saying that the only reason I wanted to work there was to prove that I'm hot enough to get hired... and I have to admit he's right. Though, I'm fairly confident about being hired. @sucker4ladies - the $450 figure includes hotel % food for a week, and yes, the cost of a business license and sheriff's permit.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    Money in Vegas?
    Yeah, I figure she was sucking all kinds of dick to clear $3k in Vegas, even 5 years ago. I thought Vegas had different rules though? Like lap dances being topless-only, or something like that? I don't have any problem with giving nude lap dances, but I prefer not to be groped while doing so, hence why I'm so strict on boundaries. I think I would feel less vulnerable if my dances were topless-only and maybe a bit more comfortable with higher contact. ... Still, nobody's putting their mouth on me!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    ... whoops, post got cut off. Anyway, as I was saying - get too touchy, and you get a REAL air dance from me, where I will be dancing 3 feet away. Otherwise my table dances are pretty up-close, with a little bit of a grind, boobs in the face, rubbing my face against the customer's cheek etc. Club rules are that I am not allowed to straddle customers, so I compromise do a bit of a half-straddle where I'll rest one knee against a customer's thigh. I think it's a good balance between a tease and a little bit of contact.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    @mmdv26 - Well, I don't know if the table dances we have in ATL are what you would consider "no-touch". Customers are generally requested to keep their hands by their sides, or in their laps. If your hand happens to brush up against a thigh, okay, whatever. If your hands start worming their way between those thighs or traveling up towards a breast, they get removed and placed back into your lap. Do it twice, and I will remove those hands again with extra force, while giving the stink eye.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    I am not at all upset at the comments here saying you wouldn't be interested in a dance lacking these elements... but it is very eye-opening for me. Seriously. I'm not an air dancer by any means, but these standards are very high! No slams on the dancers who do this, but I would not be able to live with myself if I allowed customers to treat me this way. It simply feels very violating to me to be manhandled in such a fashion... Of course, I'm always upfront about my limits in VIP. Probably why I don't sell many of them, which is OK. (No obligation to buy a product that's not suited for your needs, right?) Table dances here in Atlanta don't allow roaming hands anyway, and so I tend to make most of my money off those. Seriously though, I generally don't ask my customers for dances - maybe 10-15% of the time, mostly as a prod to see if I should spend anymore time at a table after chatting them up a bit. (95% of the time the answer is yes.) So you can see that I'm generally pretty successful, and rarely have to really hustle. Actually, most of the time I'm swamped by the time the club is at 3/4ths capacity and have a waiting list and don't have time to get around to all the customers who DO want a dance from me, low-contact though they may be!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    shadowcat, I used to read stripperweb.com but I think I've gleaned all the knowledge I can from that site. I'm on TUSCL to get another perspective. Nevertheless, reading something like this IS surprising to me, if only because I have no idea how I manage to do so well if all that is "expected" and I do none of those things!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's EXPECTED? What kind of strip clubs do you patronize?! Other than the grinding, I don't allow ANY of what you've listed as "expected". I'm okay with being touched on my side or on the outside of my legs, and I'll even rub my boobs in your face, but don't you dare put your mouth on me. Nipple sucking - UGH! That's honestly really horrifying... and I'm no stripping neophyte. I've been dancing since 2005!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part IV
    Interesting... you're an ATL guy who frequents my club, the Oasis. Wonder if we've met before.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me (and Customers Like Me)
    GMD - I don't know, I think I actually make pretty good money, and I do it cleanly! I didn't do a single VIP this weekend, and I still went home with just a tad under a grand after housefees.