
Money in Vegas?

Avatar for rfcookie
rfcookieNew Jersey

Of course I realize the economy is down, so the money isn't what it used to be... but how is the Vegas market doing lately? Last I heard, from a chubby, stringy-haired cokehead back in Baltimore 5 years ago, the money was EASY. She claimed to have cleared 3 grand in a weekend. If she could do it, why can't I, right?...

I've been planning a for-pleasure trip to Vegas with a girl friend of mine, but being the cheap-ass I am, I don't actually want to SPEND any money. So I'm thinking, hey, maybe I'll finance my trip by dancing in Vegas. After all, it's what the city is famous for, right?

After totaling up my travel and business expenses, I came to the conclusion I needed to make at last $450 a night to break even. While this is doable for me at my home club in Atlanta (no extras, just selling table dances all night long...) I don't know what the Vegas market is like. Doable? Yes? No?

If anyone has any tips for me, or recommendations for clubs to check out, I would greatly appreciate it. I would be especially grateful for any info on the house fees in Vegas!


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Avatar for kingcripple

Well, i read some of your comments on a post from this girl who didn't do extras. from what I gathered from you there and here as well, you are not down with extras. While very commendable, I hope that you realize in order to finance your trip you would have to be a bit more relaxed while dancing in Vegas. That's why the money is so easy there. The girls are much more relaxed on stuff. I am not saying go give hand jobs or blow jobs. I'm not even saying do any vag or anal. At the very least be more liberal about touching.

For the record I do not live in Vegas, so i have nothing to gain from saying be more liberal. This is just common sense to do.

Avatar for kingcripple

also keep in mind that this chubby stringy haired cokehead told you this FIVE YEARS AGO.... things may have changed

Avatar for rfcookie

Yeah, I figure she was sucking all kinds of dick to clear $3k in Vegas, even 5 years ago. I thought Vegas had different rules though? Like lap dances being topless-only, or something like that?

I don't have any problem with giving nude lap dances, but I prefer not to be groped while doing so, hence why I'm so strict on boundaries. I think I would feel less vulnerable if my dances were topless-only and maybe a bit more comfortable with higher contact.

... Still, nobody's putting their mouth on me!

Avatar for sucker4ladies


You will need a number of legal documents before you can dance in Vegas (may inflate your costs a bit).

Also, with Vegas clubs the competition in the looks department is probably the highest in the nation, especially on weekends. It would probably be your best bet to go when you know a convention is going on, and work in the late afternoon/evening. Unless you are an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous model (or willing to do extras for the manager), you will not be given an evening or weekend shift at any of the high dollar clubs (SR, Sapphire, etc.). Competition is fierce for those shifts.

Vegas rules are that if alchohol is served, dancers can only be topless in a G-string, and if it is full-nude they cannot serve alchohol. There is no distinction between the stage and the VIP. The only club to have both is the Palamino, but it is in a bad area (close to North LV).

As far as contact during lap dances goes, the law says the customer cannot touch the dancers, but of course that is not enforced, so it is left up to the individual dancer to determine her limits. Some girls will charge more than the standard lapdance rate for allowing certain levels of contact. For example, the standard dance may be $20, but she may charge $30 to allow playing with breasts, or $40 for everywhere but the "kitty". It is my personal belief that there is a tipping point for the "more contact = more $" theory. At a certain point, a customer will not pay THAT much more for more contact (without sex). IMO, the best money is in the "everyhere but the kitty" contact approach. That's how I've seen girls make the most in $ in Vegas.

Avatar for sucker4ladies

One last thing, being groped is the norm in Vegas. Two-way contact is a prerequisite. Guys just expect it, because its Vegas and its expensive. If you are uncomfortable with two-way contact while nude then i would only dance at one of the numerous topless clubs in town. Although, if you are hot enough to get into say a weekend shift at the SR, then you could maybe get away with less contact.

Best of luck, and HAVE FUN!

Avatar for bang69

what happened 5 years ago is far different now. I wish you the best & may your time danceing in Vegas be very profitable & fun & most important Safe

Avatar for Stiletto25

@rfcookie- where are you planning on dancing? Where you are planning on dancing and what shift they put you on matters a lot. If you are cute and have a good body and know how to HUSTLE, you should be able to clear what ever you want to clear per night. Just don't give up! It only takes one customer right?

As for the $450? Don't sweat it! If you work at a high profile club, you'll make that sitting on your ass with a drink on your hand

Avatar for rfcookie

@Stiletto - I'm hoping to dance at either Spearmint Rhino and/or Sapphire. My husband teased me about this, saying that the only reason I wanted to work there was to prove that I'm hot enough to get hired... and I have to admit he's right. Though, I'm fairly confident about being hired.

@sucker4ladies - the $450 figure includes hotel % food for a week, and yes, the cost of a business license and sheriff's permit.

Avatar for Stiletto25

I should have added that I was there a couple months back, just so you know that I am giving you advice from my recent experience.

Also I should have read the posts before mine before I answered. While I'm a bit liberal at times when it comes to dances, Vegas is a fast paced hustle, even for the down economy. If you get on a prime shift, you don't need to do extras to make money. Drunk vacationers don't expect what your local club patrons will. Just keep your eye on your goal and get it done. If you don't make it with one customer, move to the next.

Avatar for Stiletto25

@rf- yes then, if you get on a good shift, you shouldn't have a problem. Lots and lots of girls though. Ignore them, work around them, and force yourself to get in the game. It's a culture shock but you'll be fine

Avatar for gatorfan

All Chubby stringy-haired cokeheads from Baltimore say that

Avatar for motorhead

.....Last I heard, from a chubby, stringy-haired cokehead back in Baltimore 5 years ago

What was my ex-wife doing in Baltimore?

Avatar for steve_ny

How long you going for? I would think that would change things. THe longer you are there, the more of a chance you can score a big night.

Avatar for jester214

Like lots of things in Vegas, it's a gamble. The economy is down and the competition is high. At some of the clubs I went to last year I got mobbed the second I walked into the door by multiple (hot) dancers. $450 is not a huge number in an expensive market, but don't think it will be "easy".

Avatar for Clubber

If Vegas doesn't work for you, lots of clubs in South Florida. And if you don't speak spanish, that can be a plus.

Avatar for Dolfan

Let us know when you're in Vegas (or South Florida), I'd be curious to see you & I'll be bouncing back and forth for the next month or two. Even if I don't see you I'd love to hear your story when you get back.

I don't really know too much about the dancer financials out there though, so I can't help out with that...

Avatar for 2ofus

You seem to be cute.. can;t see your face, though... if you want to dance @ the Rhino, you'll have to be a 9 or 10 - everywhere. Otherwise, welcome to the 3am shift. Or 3pm.

you don't have to let anyone put their lips on you... but if you want to make some money, I have to suck on your nipples. That's Vegas. A LOT of competition.

It might be easiest to blow the night manager or his friend to get a good shift for the week, where you don't have to do anything but some lap dances and make $800/day. One unpleasant act instead of 14 of them.

Either way, good luck if you come here.

Avatar for kuteechaser

If you go to Vegas then you are expected to grind against the customers and permit them to at least touch your breasts and buttocks. If this causes you to brush their hands away then they will go to the competition after one dance. Your looks will get you the customer but your boundries will determine how long you keep him. good luck.

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