
Dancer: "Sure, we can meet up, but I can't let my fiance know what's going on"

Avatar for steve229

Yikes. Was someone on here talking about marrying a stripper? lol


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Avatar for JuiceBox69

Ya ! You got a problem skank ass bitch ! : b

Avatar for m00tpoint

No difference between this stripper and all the men (or women) on here that visit the clubs without the knowledge of their SO......

mrs m00tpoint

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Oooooooooooooo ! Mrs.m000000t strikes again !

Avatar for deogol

LOL, mrs m00tpoint!

I am curious though - I clubbed when I was single. When I had a girlfriend, I usually spent time with her. Is this common?

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Deogle very good question ! So know I want to know is this common ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Avatar for Alucard

"I am curious though - I clubbed when I was single. When I had a girlfriend, I usually spent time with her. Is this common?"

IMO it appears so.

Avatar for jackslash

Every stripper has a boyfriend or a husband. Some of them know what their strippers are giving extras and meeting guys OTC, and some are clueless.

Avatar for gatorfan

or girlfriend dont forget the lez

Avatar for sandman96

I club when I'm single and when I've got a girlfriend I make sure she entertains me.

Avatar for BigBillPayed

momma always said people are like snowflakes you never know when it might snow

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Getting involved with a stripper is a bad idea!!! (just my opinion). If you are a "normal" guy - i.e. you work 9 to 5, obey the law, try to do the right thing - dating a stripper it not compatible. Their schedule is totally diffent than yours - when you work, she sleeps - and vise-versa. Strippers often (not always of course) have different upbringings than a "normal" person - "normal" people usually do not get into the sex busniness. Also, their job is too meet guys and get money from them - so you would be one of many she has met/meets or one of many she is juggling! And for many of them - they get $$$ based on their looks - and if they are going to be with a guy - they expect him to take care of them financially. My two cents!!!

Avatar for gowestman

Damn, that might have been me lookin for love in a SC. OK, better now, heart broke, bitch slapped and ready to party! Say Juicebox69, where you partyin? Spent 2k last wk... u in?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

One more thing to my previsous post. If you think you got what it takes to date a stripper my friend (I know I don't!), you got to get prepared becasue these chicks live life by a different set of rules!!!

Just do a Google search on "dating a stripper" and you'll get some sobering facts about those who have done it and know how the game is played!!!

Avatar for bang69

@papi. i dated strippers & had a blast

Avatar for georgmicrodong

For the record, when you say "date" a stripper, you're talking the American norm for dating, not the pay for play some of us euphemistically call "dating," right?

Avatar for shadowcat

One of my currect favs has had a fiancee for the last 5 years. I asked her if he knew what she was doing ITC and she said No. I have shown her some TUSCL stuff and she would like to join and post but is afraid that he might discoved what she is doing because she is too computer illerate to cover her tracks.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Steve, you homewrecker!

Avatar for deogol

I don't think "stripper" makes someone unmarriable. Before the woman became a stripper, probably unmarriable. During stripper time, probably unmarriable. After stripper time, probably unmarriable.

The point I am making, is it's not that she is a stripper, but that she is unmarriable.

Of course, every rule has an exception. I think the exception occurs often after being a stripper. The fact is, people grow up. A lot of people, strippers included, can look around and say "This fucking shit ain't working like I thought" and realize there is more to life than the hustle and they make changes.

Anyone who has made some money in their time, realizes there are gold diggers out there. At least strippers are obvious about it, and if they are past stripping, one has the warning. Should there be tests? I don't know yet. But I know keeping up with some who have left the business, they are turning out to be normal 30 something women. They want babies. They want stability. They want the nice house.

I think more guys make more something out of stripping than gals do.

Avatar for lopaw

I promise not to tell her fiance, if she promises not to tell my SO.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Avatar for rfcookie

That's interesting, my husband and I have a great marriage and the fact that I work in a strip club doesn't bother him at all. No complaints from him other than that I get to bed late on the nights I work.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Gow ooo I'm down bro ! If your in the greenville sout carolina area pm me man and we will make it snow on these bitches !

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Bigbill....OMFucking L ! Funny man !

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Band your just a sick pimp

Papi you tell em like it is son !

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Rfcookie how you been girl ? Give juice some love :b

Avatar for bang69

a friend if mine is married to a stripper. they have a good stable marrage

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

@ bang69:

You said previously; "i dated strippers & had a blast"

I guess dating a stripper is not compeletely different that dating a non-stripper in certain ways - it comes down to whether both of you have things in common and genuenly want to be (date) with each other - i.e. not be with each other for what you can get from each other (i.e. guy just want to bang her - girl wants his stack).

As for myself, once at a strip club (about 12 yrs ago), a stripper had been looking at me from a distance and finally came up to me and said - "you look like a straight edge'. That probably describes me pretty well - I am pretty conservite person whom works hard and takes my job/career very seriously - although I love SC clubbing - I am definitely not a party guy (don't care for regular (i.e. dance) clubs much at all0. I guess because of my personality, that is why I don't think I could successfully date a stripper.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@mrs m00tpoint: Just to be clear, you were addressing that subset (however much of a majority it might be) of people here who sneak around, and not implying that all members do in fact club without the knowledge, and perhaps consent, of their SOs, right? :))

Avatar for m00tpoint

GMD - I was not implying anything at all. I believe what I said was clear.

No difference between this stripper and all the men (or women) on here that visit the clubs without the knowledge of their SO......

mrs m00tpoint

The subset is "all men or women on here who visit clubs without the knowledge of their SO'......

Obviously I know that ALL on here are not without knowledge of their partner's activities since I certainly consider mr m00tpoint and myself as a subset of ALL. LOL

And, yeah, aint it grand not to have to sneak around and tell lies - even if by omission?

mrs m00tpoint

Avatar for sharkhunter

I don't really care for going out to eat and all that stuff unless they are leaving the club with me and we're both hungry. Now if they just want to have fun and she appeals to me, I have in the past been agreeable. Most of the time the dancers have talked me into meeting up later. Lately I've been avoiding meeting up with any of the dancers suggesting anything. I was glad I didn't give my number out to one dancer the other night because she threatened to show up at my house. Talk about crazy.

Papi_Chulo, many of the guys posting on here for years have met up with multiple dancers over the years outside the clubs for one reason or another. I never called it dating whenever I visited someone. I called it hanging out with one dancer that I routinely left the club with in one city many years ago. In fact I think she was paying for her own food when we went out to eat. We were more like friends except for a couple of occasions. Now if the dancers are making money off of your encounters outside the club, then in my opinion you aren't dating them or hanging out with them, you're doing some kind of escort thing with them.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I used to meet some wild dancers but I was once a little bit wild myself. I remember one dancer told me she had gone 150 on a bike. I was thinking it must not have had a chip on it limiting the speed. I've never gone that fast on the road but I once thought it might be fun to become a Nascar driver. One of my High School friends even became an instructor. One simulation ride at Carowinds and I dropped that idea. I was thinking this is like driving in heavy traffic. Forget being a Nascar driver.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@mrs m00tpoint: "And, yeah, aint it grand not to have to sneak around and tell lies - even if by omission? "

Ayup, that it is. It's apparent that my activities go way beyond yours at this point, but the principle still applies.

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