
Verbally Attacked By A Dancer

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sinclair🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕

Has a dancer ever started shouting at you or slandering you because you refused to buy dances from her?

I went on a six club tour across three states last week and this happened to me three times, but don't remember this occurring too often in the past. All three times it was from girls that were overweight and/or too ugly. They were getting turned down by pretty much everyone in the club. I guess they were frustrated they were making no money and wanted to take it out on someone. They were in denial that they need to get a real job.

Ugly girl shouts at me: "You make me want to go kill myself," then storms off.

Girl who weighs more than me: "You aren't going to buy a dance from me? You're an asshole."

Obese dancer to my declining a dance: "Why are you even here? So you are here to make friends?"then tells her fat friend, "This guy is here to make friends, what a loser."


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Avatar for samsung1

I have been verbally bitched at by dancers when I say "not right now maybe later" and "later" never happens.

Avatar for shadowcat

"what are you? Queer?"

Avatar for m00tpoint

This is mrs m00tpoint. We let it be known that we do our dances as couples except for the limited number of times that I buy a dance set for my hubby. Our fav club (Club O in Harvey) regular ladies know this. One night we were sitting in VIP as we always do and were one of three couples who happened to be in VIP. One couple was sitting with a dancer and had been for quite some time. Suddenly, out of the blue, she leaves their table and comes over to offer us a dance. We were waiting for our ATF and told her so politely and declined. She immediately became high pressure promising all sorts of female/female interaction that would most definitely be called "extras." Anyone know knows us knows we do not seek extras in the club but are not shy about pushing the boundaries a bit if all is right while in the setting. Again we declined and she returned to the couple at the table. Within 5 minutes this couple was standing at our table trying to persuade us to go to VIP with her "because she was great." We again respectfully declined and said we had two dancers who were regulars for us and we prefered to wait for one of them but thanked them for the info in case one of them was not in at some time. Let me add that we would be very unlikely to pick this particular dancer anyway because physically she was not our type at all. (OK, MY type. My hubby is more open in his physical preferences.) Within another 10 min of their departure she was back. When we told her flat out we would not be getting a dance from her and he stomped her foot, called us loosers and said we did not know how to have a good time.

The sweet part is that the bouncer witnessed her last interaction and we have not seen her since.

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Oh, and couple #3 left immediately after. As they were leaving they stopped by our table and said they saw the whole thing and had been thinking about getting some dances from her since she was couple-friendly until they saw what happened with us.

Funny thing was that if she had offered a dance or set we might have gone for that. We NEVER do VIP right off the bat with a dancer from whom we have not had at least three lap dances.

Avatar for m00tpoint

...and I do know how to spell losers. Just can't type. :-)

Avatar for rfcookie

How about the other side of the coin? This past weekend, a company holiday party came in and the lone female in the group harassed one of the shooter girls. Besides attempting to trip her and calling her a "skank", she also tried to steal her tips out of her garter (!) and told her, "at least I can tell my kids what I do." I didn't encounter this particular customer, but there would have been some words indeed...

Avatar for motorhead

^^^ agree with rfcookie

I've been hearing more and more from dancers how RUDE customers are lately. Mostly young kids, but not always. Telling dancers to fuck off and remarks like like that when the girl is simply and politely asking for a dance.

Avatar for JackKash

@motorhead - I guess just because some places are called "gentlemen's" clubs doesn't necessarily mean there are actually any inside.

In New Orleans I was dropping in and out of the clubs on Bourbon and the first one was toward the end. Place was empty of customers when I walked in - one girl doing nothing much on stage. Bought a drink and sat down. Immediately an Eastern European girl sits down next to me and says, "Buy me champagne," I decline. She continues harassing me to buy her champagne - not even a dance - and firmer and firmer I say 'No' she starts questioning my manhood, I ask her to go and leave me alone, she keeps it up. Even the waitress/bartender asks her why she is bothering me like that but I had had enough and asked for a 'go' cup for my still nearly full drink (great thing about NOLA) and left to shouts of, "guess you can't handle a real woman." I was a bit shaken as I had never experienced such a thing. Thankfully it was only my first club of the night and if I remember (or don't) correctly, my visits to some of the other clubs on Bourbon went much much better.

Avatar for deogol

Back in the day, I never had anyone talk shit to me in my face, but knowing people in the backroom, I certainly heard about it.

Avatar for snowtime

A couple of years ago I had this happen at a club in Myrtle Beach. A dancer sat down with me and asked for a dance. I was being polite and said "not right now, thank you". Instead of leaving she asked "why not?". To which, I replied "because you are not my type". That set her off screaming "you are not my type either" and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. After she finished her tirade I was in no mood to remain in the club and immediately left. I had seen a couple of dancers I wanted to take to the VIP area, but after the incident I had no desire to stay.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Yes, it's happened to me. I'll talk to management about them if they cant take a no and become abusive.

Avatar for samsung1

What makes me upset is when a dancer acts like a bitch if you go back and do the buy 1, get 1 special with her. She whines about how it was a "FREE" song that you just got and the tip should show some appreciation for it.

Avatar for DandyDan

This is probably the biggest problem with my favorite club. 90% of the dancers there act respectable, but the other 10% can't handle rejection at all. They want to know why I told them no. Black dancers, in particular, call me a racist, which is completely unfair, because there have been black dancers there who were worth the time. I think it's funny they ever get black dancers there, being a small town in rural Iowa with less than 1% black population.

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