
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Awesome Birthday Present
    I'd say you got a great dance. Depending on the customer, sometimes the greatness is in the tease. Sometimes you have to get dirtier. Not all men are the same. It's up to the dancer to read the customer right. Sounds like someone read you right. And was also honest!..amazing..
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Club for Couples in Florida?
    You can go into a strip club hoping for this kind of action but the best way to guarantee it is an OTC. Might be more enjoyable too.
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    13 years ago
    Uh can we say germs?
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    this club has been open a week. Brand new everything, so the reviewer must have not been reviewing this updated club.
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    12 years ago
    New South Wales
    Strip Clubs: A Whole New World!
    I've got to, as a woman, give props to you Alucard.
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    12 years ago
    Price Wars, The Bottom Line
    I agree with Avalon. Also, am I fucking stupid or something? Price fixing? Un- American? In violation of some act? Am I missing a joke somewhere? Im a dancer, ya know, a stripper. The last thing I am is anti- American. As for the illegal part, I could care less. If you care about those type of lawful vs unlawful technicalities, you shouldnt even be in the club. Its funny though how people only blow the whistle when its on something they dont like, like price fixing, but when it comes to extras or dances with decent mileage, they dont say a word except brag to their fellow tusclers. Im sure patrons like Jackslash would never violate any dance laws. Thats illegal.
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    12 years ago
    Do Swingers Make Good Strippers?
    I agree with lopaw 110%.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    Jerikson- Ill give that some thought :)
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    Jerikson- I will still dance with people who spend $40. Im not that stuck up. I have got some good regulars but that doesnt mean I dont like regular guys. And yes, Brad bothers me....so does Johnny Depp. I cant figure out the hype surrounding that one either. Ranukam- I have no doubt I've met Dougster but I'm not sure if he actually knows who I am. I dont know who he is but if he and I frequent the same clubs, chances are we have run into eachother. I dont care what he thinks of my looks. Id be more concerned about if he had a good experience with his dances. Good looking girls dont always give great dances. I would like to think I put the extra effort in to make a person feel special. Body tastes are so different though. If you like spinners, you wont like me. I weigh 127 lbs and I have natural D breasts and a 24 inch waist. I have hips and an ass and very fit legs. I could probably crush someone with them. Ill never be 90 lbs. Id look near death.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    Jerikson, if i could give you better pics, I would, but I'd like to stay anonymous and I wont if I show my face. As far as being hot, there are alot of people who would call me hot but alot of people think Brad Pitt is hot and I wouldn't touch his ugly ass with a ten foot pole. Everyones idea of hot is different. As far as the high dance prices, I rarely get someone who disputes my dance prices. I have a few customers that think they are too cheap, but they like to spoil and spend money. I also cater more to the GFE crowd. Some will pay me just to talk to them. That clientele tends to spend more money.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    He he he, jerikson I wouldn't expect anything else from you. You dont disappoint.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    @minnow- you went back 3-5 pages of 850 or so posts? Wow! Thats adventurous. Not surprised you didnt find too much. Oh, and I wouldn't expect "you" to fall for anything Minnow. I mean, you seem way to smart for that. (Readers to guess at my use of sarcasm )
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    I have no problem with what anyone has said about tipping, which is why I said nothing about tipping. At my dance prices, I dont care if someone tips or not. If you go back and read through my comments (I dont expect that though because it would take forever ), you would see that on more than one occasion I have always been an advocate of discussing prices up front. Im not sure why dtek felt the need to explain to me what all the other guys on this thread meant. I wasnt addressing them in my comment. If I had an opinion or a question about what anyone on the thread was saying about tipping, I would have addressed it.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    While you wont get any disagreement with me over the fact that $20 a song is alot of money, I will say that its reasonable. Shit, I charge $30. Thats why, MORROW (yes, Im talking specifically to you), who are you to tell me I need to re-assess if I expect that? We are selling our bodies for you to touch. How much is your body worth? $5...Hmmm yeah, my self esteem is higher than that, not by much but I got $30 worth of it. As far as your calculations go, who are you to tell me what is enough money? Your saying charging over $20 and the girl should re-assess then you go into your shitty calculations about how much we should be taking in. If you don't want to pay a certain amount, find a girl who charges what you want to pay. There are plenty of cheap dances out there.
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    12 years ago
    Little Things Go A Long Way Proper Tips on Etiquette
    I would agree with this
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    12 years ago
    Dancer Etiquite
    I agree with everything said in the article except that dancers are a "team". Maybe I'm just misconstruing the OP's definition of team. I will give other dancers common courtesy even if they don't reciprocate but I'm no ones team member. It is rough in the club and if you snooze, you lose. I do not agree with theft, blocking customers at the tip rail, or low balling prices( as that hurts all the girls). I will never partake in any of those activities, but don't think for one second I won't walk all over you if I see an opportunity
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    Oops that was @canny
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    @che- some do and of course you'd give them that. Sometimes they also make you have a entertainers license. None of my id's have a correct address. I can still lie about the social security. Between you and me :)., only one of my id's has my correct name
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    I don't know how I feel about the issue in general. Both sides have their positives. It really depends on what kind of dancer you are and how you manage yourself in deciding which way would be better for you. I like being an independent contractor because I rarely show up to work on time and I prefer to decide my own breaks and my own schedule. I also think clubs are shady places and I will often give them a fake address, social security number, and I will spell my name wrong when they ask for these things. That would screw me up if I were an employee. On the other hand, many clubs treat dancers as employees without paying them a wage. They call you an independent contractor but then they spring all these rules on you and want you to pay them. Its best to find a place you enjoy and a manager you enjoy. Only work when they are working, kiss their ass, slip them some money and go about your business the way you like. Plus if a manager likes you and you do a good job on your shifts, they usually make sure you leave with money. Most of them don't like to see you fail. I've seen managers really checked out because they hate their job and are getting too much pressure from the higher- uppers. They really want to help the dancers but they can't. Sometimes the type of girl who chooses to dance is rather stubborn, high, and an all around dimwit. They don't make money and the manager has to sit there and watch the disaster unfold. She can't tip out or pay house. If the manager likes her, she won't have to pay the whole house. She'll be cut a deal so she doesn't go home empty handed. A employee system could help the above scenario and give managers easier firing power over girls who don't cut it but they would often be firing half their staff. Like I said, only half the girls who dance could hold a normal job anyway.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ten Things For Strip Club Owners to Consider
    I agree with the article. It was well written
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    13 years ago
    My Top Three Awesome Stripper Types
    @Earltee- Isn't that the truth.
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    13 years ago
    My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types
    @ johnbuford- :)
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    13 years ago
    My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types
    For everyone who is talking about fugly girls, I'm offended! No I'm totally kidding:) The thing about heavy, unattractive girls is they are annoying but fail to believe that about themselves. I've seen some yucky ones walk the floor like they are all that and a bag of chips. They keep getting rejected, customers move away from the stage when they come on, they still don't get it, and then they get pissed. So the next time you see a girl who should not be in a g string, remember, she thinks she's gods gift and you have the problem, not her. It may be true confidence, it may be a facade, I don't know. When you are not making money though, its time to get a clue.
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    13 years ago
    You got the dances, now pay up!
    Good article and good points.
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    13 years ago
    Being a Stripper without Doing "Extras"
    Oh and I should add that this tactic goes for bouncer too. Its actually gotten to the point where bouncers are seeing me and immediately changing course while shielding their crotches. You think they're gonna bother me in VIP? They don't even look in my booth anymore.