My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types

Let me just preface this by saying that I have not recently had a bad experience at a club. Rather, these are an accumulation of random, yet recurring, instances over time. Also, I realize I only have three, but in the interest of brevity, I decided to only use the top three in my book. In no particular order:<br />
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1.) The stripper who talks your ear off during the dance like you are not at a strip club paying for her time. I know everyone has had a dance like that. She asks you if you would like a dance. You say 'yes', and pay her $20. She then proceeds to half air dance or just sit in your lap and flap her lips about the other strippers, the club management, or some other useless topic that you could care less about. I know that some men may disagree, but I think I am in the majority when I say, MEN GO TO STRIP CLUBS TO SEE AND FEEL NAKED WOMEN. If I wanted to chat with someone about superfluous day-to-day BS, I'd just go to bar and listen to some woman rant for free.<br />
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2.) The air dancer. Sure she feels you up outside the VIP and whispers in your ear about what a hot dance you are going to get if you only go back to the VIP with her. But once there, its 10 songs of her touching your knees, girating back and forth as she stares listlessly out at the main floor, all while you cannot touch her because she has 'limits'. Lame is not even an adequate word to describe the sheer boredom. Its kind of like watching a bad romance movie, only infinitely more mind numbing. And usually, after all of that, she has the gall to ask for another round or a tip.<br />
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3.) The stripper that is into pain...YOUR pain that is. You know who they are. They are the ones that bite your ear, HARD; Or twist your nipples, HARD; Or pull your hair...well you get the idea. I realize that some men may like to be beaten within an inch of their life during foreplay, but I would imagine that they are in the minority. Besides, wouldn't you at least ASK, before doing stuff like that, whether or not your customer likes it?<br />
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Well, there you have it. I'm sure I missed many annoying types. Please let me know what others you have. I plan to write another article on the top three AWESOME stripper types as well. Hopefully before the end of the month.</p>
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@sucker4ladies- the only type of the three you listed that i hate was the air dancer. never encountered the pain girl.
hate when the same 'fugly' keeps coming back and back, no means no !! ...
main reason is the other girls see you keep rejecting, so the nice one you really want won't come over and i like them to come over and chat so i can suss it out, before i spend money getting a dance.
other two types would be. the really gorgeous ones who just put no effort in whatsoever, you want em' but they just do rubbish dances or will not approach you for any sort of chat. or the ones come and ask when i am obviously trying to enjoy watching a paticular fave on stage and just get totally in the way !!
best three later sounds good.
2) the fugly who won't take a hint and makes me be rude.
3) the air dancer doesn't bother me a heck of a lot. They're generally easily detectable, even if they do straight up lie about it, and I do make a mistake, I'll know it after the only dance starts.
2.stuck up
3.fat & ugly
4.smell like thay haven't showered in weeks
I don't know if this is a regional redneck thing or not, but some local girls think it's great fun to slam there ass into your gut/groin/umbilical hernia as hard as they can when you're at the tip rail. I've learned to keep a little distance until I see how X is going to behave. I have come very close to slapping the shit out of an ass after actually nearly having the wind knocked out of me. I'm sure my ass would have been in the street asap, but it really pisses me off. We also have a whole of lot self 'mutilation' locally where it's supposed to be a turn on to have some chick slap the shit out of her own ass. I little is o.k., but it does nothing for me.
2. Can't take a hint- when I say the first and second time, why do you keeping on coming back.
3. Unattractive girls- self explanatory!!!
The thing about heavy, unattractive girls is they are annoying but fail to believe that about themselves. I've seen some yucky ones walk the floor like they are all that and a bag of chips. They keep getting rejected, customers move away from the stage when they come on, they still don't get it, and then they get pissed. So the next time you see a girl who should not be in a g string, remember, she thinks she's gods gift and you have the problem, not her. It may be true confidence, it may be a facade, I don't know. When you are not making money though, its time to get a clue.
Seriously, if I wanted to see pale, blubbery, flabby flesh, I'd go home and look in the mirror.
Perfect 10 (mentioned by BigYogi) It depends on what a guy considers a "perfect 10" but there are definitely some dancers who LOOK good, who couldn't give a good lap dance, even if they tried - and some of them don't even try.
Stinky and/or fugly. I haven't run into many of these, thankfully. Tell them 'no' enough times, and they will move along and seek out the next target.
BIG. Some women are big and beautiful. Others are NOT. Probably three of my best ten LDs have been given by women who were "plus-sized." I don't seek them out, necessarily, but it seems that some of them do work harder. I also have had a great LD from a 90-pound girl, so maybe I could say that "size doesn't matter." On the other hand, the worst LD I ever had was from a big girl, which also brings us to "pain." She just bounced up and down on my lap - "cowgirl" could be great if she were sliding up and down on my "big Johnson" but not when I am sitting on a couch with my clothes on. Ouch! Thankfully, this has only happened once. Haven't encountered the biting type, and hope I never do.
Talkative. The successful dancers know that they need to satisfy the customer (just like successful people in any other business.) They may talk to you, but don't get into all their personal problems. I don't mind a little talk, but really don't want to hear about her financial troubles and how her boyfriend (drummer for a band I've never heard of) doesn't appreciate what she do for him - including putting a roof over his head. Okay, so he's a jerk, but why do you think I have the answer to this problem?
Air Dancer. Air dances seem to happen routinely at certain clubs. Maybe it's club policy, I don't know. There are some clubs where I will go and watch the action on stage, but won't go for the private dances, because I know what I will get - just what I saw on stage, but at 20x the price.
1. An ugly Fat chick walks by that we all make fun of, He says "That girl is some guys favorite piece of ass"
2. A hot girl walks by that we are all drooling over, He says "No matter how good looking a girl is, somebody, somewhere is tired of fucking her"
Bad hygiene!!! I can live with a slight perspiration smell but not swimming in cheap cologne. That is usually to cover other smells. I was in a club in Houston and the stage was seperated from the seating and you walked up to tip. I went up to tip the 7 that was on stage after I tipped her she turned around and took off her bottoms and spead her legs and the stench from her crotch hit me from 4 feet away and I had to leave. A girl took a load in the private area then goes immediately out onto the floor at least go let it drain out don't go sit on some unsuspecting patron and drain on his pant leg. Happened to a friend of mine and his pants reeked and he was married (he never got a lap dance). We had to go to my hotel (I was in town on business when we went clubbing)to rinsed them before he went home.
The other bad ones are girls of any size that just bounce up and down HARD on your lap. I guess they think that feels good. Yeh I just love have my nuts crushed and bladder beat up NOT!. WTF
Once at Sirens I had a pretty, Light skinned, multiracial (black/Asian) girl sneak up behind me and solicit a dance. I only saw her face, hair and boobs spilling out of her too small bikini top.
I agreed to a VIP dance and walked back. I then noticed she was plus sized, which is normally okay. When doing the dance she got me hard, then proceeded to slam her fat ass on my cock and nearly break it. I broke away after the second song by saying I was out of money and gave her a small tip. She then proceeded to pinch and twist my nipples while saying, "don't you have some credit cards or ATM cards or something?!"
I said, "yes I do, but I was tryin to be polite!". She smacked her lips and huffed off to pay the club their portion. I made a B line for a manager, and told him, but he didn't care. I haven't been back in almost a year.
- Bad breath, whether from excessive smoking or some combo of strange foods. Major turnoff.
- Glitter queen, You're still finding the damn stuff in your clothes or your hair days later.
Since I work at a small club, we don't get the numbers that the larger ones do, so every customer counts! We have a couple of dancers who are so aggressive they will camp on laps and block the view of the others on stage. Guys will buy dances to avoid confrontation because those girls get angry.
The problem is they never find out that there're some subtle and very skilled delivery girls at my club because they get claimed as "My Customer".
It's one thing if the patron looks around and says "I want her". At least I've had the opportunity to present my case. But, it's irritating to not be seen because someone has pasted herself all over him.
number 2 is the the VIP tease. will promise a "special treat" then produce nothing.
The other story was with a bony little redhead that had legs and knees similar in size to most peoples' arms and elbows. She felt like putting her titties in my face by kneeling on my thighs. The pain inflicted on my legs by those tiny kneecaps reminded me of the great time I had years earlier with Miss Jamaica back at the other club. I think my pain experiences are different than some others because my tormentors seemed to be completely unaware of the damage they were doing.