
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Creepy or Freaky
    Im trying to picture myself in a male strips club and having a male dancer do that to me. Im assuming they shave their butts and even if they didnt, ewwww
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    12 years ago
    Strippers and Daughters??
    @John- You didnt offend me. As far as men that buy the services of girls their daughters age, I dont think anything of it....unless it was my dad and then, yes, I would be thoroughly disgusted and it would ruin our relationship. Same goes for if my mom was a cougar. Clubbing is clubbing when its not your family. Other than that, business is business
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    12 years ago
    Strippers and Daughters??
    I think its very cool of you to think about the whole daughter fact. Most dont and I can understand why. Some dancers are losers with loser parents but some of us are decent women with decent parents that wouldnt be too happy if they knew what we did.
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    12 years ago
    To Dress or Not to Dress
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    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    @jerikson- My honest evaluation of girls like that, and I have met a few, is one of two things and probably a combo of both. 1. The dancer has a low opinion of herself, in general and as a dancer, and doesnt want to admit it to herself, So she goes around blaming patrons. It would be like a " I wouldn't have a job unless these perverts didnt come in so its not my fault". I know it seems weird but its a twisted way of thinking that deflects blame for their own lifes decisions on the patron, who they secrerly hate for making them feel so degraded on a daily basis. 2. They have a horrible idea of men, possibly some very bad trauma at the hands of a man. Stripping brings out those traumatized feelings and they don't know how ti handle it so they talk shit about patrons to mask the pain from themselves. Hows that for psycho babble? I cant be sure if I'm correct on my analysis but I know the back story on a couple of the girls I've worked with that share the opinion of patrons that youve expressed, and they are damaged people
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    12 years ago
    Say no to....Lapdances (and drugs)
    I agree with rh48hr. Estafador- Not all of us are bitches. Some are, but not all
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    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    @jerikson- I have would never date a guy six inches shorter than me. Seriously, I wouldnt. Im not into short guys. I dont care how it makes me sound. Ive dumped guys before for being the same height as me. I do understand what you are saying about dancers and people in general. It is true in some cases. I just dont want to live that way. Yes, there are people who say things to make themselves look better. They are called "fake". I dont waste my time on them in my "real life ". No one that knows me would call me fake. They would probably say Im too honest and I need a filter.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    @dougster- I get what youre saying but I still stand by what I wrote. Im not gaining customers from this website. Im not making money. If I were going to lie to a customer or try to "make myself feel better", I'd do it to their face where it would be profitable.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    @jerikson- Thats how I really feel. I dont need to be psycho babbled like a child either. Im an adult and I understand my feelings well. If I write that I feel a certain way, that's because I do. Also, to answer your other question, I dont know if I would ever date a regular. Ive never had one that was" dateable" by my standards. Thats not because they were a loser or pervert though, and isnt that the issue at hand? I have had a successful relationship with someone who is met inside the club. He saw me dance. I never once questioned his loyalty or if he was a loser or pervert.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    Im going to have to disagree with jerikson on one of his statements. I can't speak for all dancers but I can speak for myself when I say that I actually dont think all guys that watch me dance are perverts and losers. I dont know them. I don't know whats going on in their lives. I dont know what they believe in. In order to think someone is a loser, I would have to have something more concrete than the fact that they are watching me dance.
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    12 years ago
    Media portrayal of strippers
    Well said Lone Wolf. I agree
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    @tortillachip- Well I guess thats all ya got huh? And you wont be coming back around these parts because your obviously such a gentleman (and another eye roll.....plus a scoff) that you will let me have the last word. Sorry Chip, but an eye roll doesnt equal thin skin, or maybe you just dont get women. You can make fun all you want but I'm keeping my religious history to myself. The stupidness from a few on this site makes me cringe
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    @Doc- Lol, you got it. Seattle weather has been good lately. Its been a pretty amazing summer here. Come November though, weather will suck again
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What Strippers look for in a potential client.
    I would agree with what shadowcat said. Ill still work the room if I have free time though. If you tipped her and she still didnt come over to thank you, I'd think she didnt care about making money. Its really not all about what you look like or how you dress. When someone is dressed nice, I like it because they dont look stinky. However, the "nice dresser" isnt always the one who pays. The grubbier looking guys can really shell out the dough. Two of my good regulars are grubby looking. Another regular stinks so fucking bad, I dont know how I'll make it through the two hours. Ive never smelled someone like that in my life. He pays good though.
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    @tortillachip- Nope I actually dont see the funny. Im looking in the mirror though, and I dont see stupid. I guess I should take "your" word for it though.( And another eye roll)
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    @tortillachip- Yes yes, I'm sure it seems funny (eye roll) The stupidness from a few on this site makes me cringe
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    @smokeshopjoe- Totally untrue about mormons for the most part. Cant tell you how I know but I do. Ill be voting for Romney.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers aren't all prostitutes
    @shadow and Canny- Your experiences are different from mine, but I would expect that.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers aren't all prostitutes
    I'd be willing to bet most parents dont know that their daughter is stripping
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart
    I give props to GMD also along with Rogertex. Im confused at the responses too and I'm not sure why this is discussion worthy. I personally wouldnt be having sexual relations with a customer while in a relationship but its possible that this guy is completely aware of what his gf is doing. After all, he is in a relationship with a dancer. Men that have successful relationships with dancers are wired a bit differently and thats not always bad and these men are not all losers. Some of them are successful in their own right and also very confident. I give them props on the three years and props to her for remembering her anniversary
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever feel dirty?
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    12 years ago
    OTC help
    And youll be able to get away with it for a couple hundred.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC help
    I would agree that you two need to have a talk about it. Ask what she charges and go into detail about what she is willing to do for this price. Some dancers are reluctant to do this because law enforcement uses this method of negotiation before OTC to bust girls for solicitation. I personally would have discussed this at the club. I wouldnt do anything but dance for $400 an hour. Maybe, though, she doesnt think too highly of herself
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The politics of dancers
    I vote and I lean towards the Republicans
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    If all Strippers were fat would you continue to patronize Strip Clubs?
    Shadowcat has got it right