
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    Geez this post grew!!! Wtf????? Ill add something else in though. Everyone seems to be talking about fathers and daughters and parents or whatever. How they would never allow their daughter to do this or that. Please keep in mind that there are those of us dancers that do have good parents who are happily married and wouldnt want their daughter to dance. Problem with someone like me is that I started dancing after I already had a college degree. I had been in the real world for a couple years and I lived on my own, supported myself, and had no children. I have never been molested, beaten, ignored, malnourished, or in any way failed by my parents. This is the issue: I was beyond that "girl" phase. I was grown in a sense and I made my own decisions. I made a conscious choice to dance after weighing my pros and cons. My father could have done anything to keep me from dancing and it wouldn't have mattered. I did everything I was supposed to do when I lived under his roof and when he paid for college. Guess what? I do my own thing now and I feel like getting a little crazy for once. Not too crazy but enough to satisfy the outlaw in me, just for a few years. You readers get the point What my parents did for me from a young age is teach me about money and thats why I can choose what I want to do and stay afloat and come out in top. I understand the majority of dancers are in a completely different boat but I felt like pointing out that there are a small few of us that were set up to succeed and in our eyes, we are.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    I dont consider myself a whore. It wouldn't bother me if someone else did though. Ive heard so many negative words thrown my way that I've become numb to anyone's thoughts of me besides my own
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I left a regular job making good money to be a stripper. I doubled up and did both jobs for awhile. After a few months I gave notice at my regular job. I was making amazing, fast cash as a stripper and knew if I was careful with my money I could put myself in a good situation financially. I met with a financial planner immediately. It took me a couple months after that to finally get serious about my spending and saving habits. Finally the "fast cash" high wore off and I was able to stick to the plan of saving. It was always the money though. If I wasnt bringing in the cash I wouldn't be stripping
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Privacy - Do you believe in it or NOT?
    Thank you John Buford. And Dougster, I would never publish your real name. Even if you really pissed me off I wouldnt do it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Privacy - Do you believe in it or NOT?
    I believe private messages should be kept private also
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    The worst night I've ever had at a strip club would be the night after we had a big daytime raid at the clubs I was working for. I think I can speak for all the dancers who worked at these four clubs when I say that it was the first time it dawned on us that the party was over.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    @neon- I would consider myself a religious person. Being involved in the strip club world, though, doesnt bother me. Please remember that going into a strip club doesnt mean you arent a good person. There are religious and non religious people who do horrible things. Getting a lapdance isnt one of them. Please be easier on yourself.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Is the lap dance an endangered species?
    There will always be customers who want to spend and those that dont. Mostly customers that want to spend under $100?? Maybe and maybe not. There will always be a want for lapdances from someone somewhere though.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Thank you for all the props. @Estafador- Okay, I will give you some credit. And no, its not weird you're attracted to women ten years older than you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    @motorhead- I honestly have no idea. It took me all of a day or so. Customers go to clubs to spend. If you want to make money,especially as a new dancer with no regulars, youve got to start circulating. Sure, you'd like to circulate to guys that youre comfortable with in your own age range. However, on my second day working I was approached by an older guy who was kind of gross and perverted. I agreed to dance with him because I was there to make money. Even though he was kind of gross and perverted, he was nice to me and I realized he was looking for a service that I was comfortable providing, plus he paid well for it. He ended up being my best customer at that club for the whole time I worked there. Point is, its moments like my first time dancing with him that make the smart dancer wake up. He likes me and wants to pay me. I owe it to him, as a service provider, to make him feel like he deserves to feel, regardless of his looks. If I miss opportunities because I'm being picky, then I'm in the wrong business
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    @jerikson- You and I are in agreement @Dougster- Good points. @Estafador- I was speaking of dancers in the club only so please don let strip clubs "bring views of women to light".Now jerikson and dougster have really good points on women inside and outside the club. Women and men can both be shallow. Some more than others but we all have our shallow sides. You just have to find what's right for you. If you'd like to take my words into consideration, then fine, but at 21, I'd rather you learn from life experiences and not the strip club atmosphere.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    Well Lonewolf, when I first set foot in a strip club, I wondered how the girls could get close to men who were not attractive, sometimes repulsive, and let them touch them. When I started dancing I realized that, since I was getting paid, its extremely easy to overlook the fact that a customer may be unattractive. Eventually I quit noticing attractiveness altogether. After someone has been dancing awhile, they are indifferent to looks. They dont walk up to you and think " Wow, hes unattractive". So the truth is, even if you are old and unattractive, if you pay me well,I'd gladly have you feeling on me instead of a young attractive man that doesnt pay me well.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat Farting Stripper
    Oh I've got to share this story and its totally gross. I used to work with this girl. She was actually a very attractive, south american spinner that had no problems making money. The attractive part of her diminished in my eyes when I overheard her in the locker room telling another dancer that not only did she have horrible gas during her last VIP, but she routinely makes it a habit to turn around and bend over in the customers face during her dances and let out silent farts. She also said that the reason she only does this when her back is towards them is so they cant see her cracking up and giggling.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    @jerikson- Oh for fucks sake, the energy it takes to get through to someone like you is exhausting. You want to argue about everything with everyone. Where do you find the energy? If you want to talk about digging your heels in, look in the mirror. Btw, your own reasoning isnt data. You asked me for it, where's yours? Do you see where this is going?...Nowhere. Its highly unlikely that a girl will sit with someone for a profound amount of time and not get something out of it, unless, as tiredtraveler mentioned, they are new and inexperienced.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    @jerikson- Data???? Wtf are you talking about? You want me to go do a survey of the girls in the locker room? And how do you know you are right about the majority? Do you have data?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    The point is, jerikson, you dont always KNOW who is and who is not spending money. Thats why, in a general "Why do dancers sit with deadbeats" thread, I gave the answer I did. TO BERGE....(Btw, I would have seen you post whether you shouted my name or not) You dont always know who is and who is not spending. Your regular girl is one you do know about, however, you wrote a generalized thread wondering about why dancers spend time with deadbeats ....well, not everyone is and many times, money is still exchanged for time. I know this cant be news to you
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do dancers spend so much time talking to deadbeats?
    Im confused. What makes you think she's not getting something out of this guy? Just because someone doesnt get a dance doesnt mean they arent spending money. Some guys will hand out money at the table without getting a dance, just like I've given really good regulars dance advances, meaning Ive given them dances and then let them pay me for them the next time they come in or their next paycheck.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    9. You won't be able to keep dancers on shift with that rule.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    1. No one is going to do that. I wouldnt. If the club wants its house fee and wants dancers to work there so it can keep its doors open, it wont confiscate cell phones. Dancers can always go to a different club. No dancers, no business. 2. A dancer who cares about her business and who is not busy giving dances will do this anyway. 3. Totally agree 4. Huh??? 5. Okay 6. That'll never happen 7. Agreed 8. Dont agree, obviously
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Houston's Strip Clubs Hit by New 'Pole Tax'
    This is a ridiculous fee with ridiculous reasoning behind it
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People that Talk Down about Strip Clubs
    One more thing Chip, cant believe I only just caught this, Am I infamous????? Do I have a bad reputation that I'm not aware of????? Or do you comprehend the word "infamous" in the same way you do other peoples posts????
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People that Talk Down about Strip Clubs
    Also, please find where i said I have secret information suggesting mormons "love" strip clubs. Please dont take my posts addressed to you and intentionally misconstrue them like you've done on this thread.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People that Talk Down about Strip Clubs
    @tortillachip- I dont believe Ive ever suggested that Mormons "love" strip clubs. Please find where I suggested that Mormons" love" strip clubs and post it for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Probably not