The politics of dancers
Are most strippers liberal Democrats? I would have to guess they were...and yet Republican National Convention strip club spending is reportedly 3 times that of their Democratic Convention counterparts. Weird. I guess conservative men love their liberal ladies!
The democratic view point sees them as being "exploited" and hated by the feminists. So they regulate them and fee them and come up with every reason in the book to make their industry that much harder.
The republican view point sees them as sluts or whores to be damned to hell and wrecking the family. This last RNC convention, the strip clubs were empty. I have no idea where you are getting your sources but plenty of links were offered up in previous discussions.
They are money conservative and socially liberal. That's libertarian.
I would not put much confidence in a stripper who tells you she's a Republican or a Democrat. Strippers sniff out the customer's political leanings and then agree with him so he will like her. They're always out to play you.
So when they give you a blow job, they can go home to their baby daddy and say:
"I did not have sexual relations with that man"
But this is Texas, the reddest of the red states.
@Magicrat I suspect there are many Jewish Republicans. Most Jewish people that I know are very smart with their money and don't want to see the government waste it. Also, the recent action by Democrats regarding Jerusalem and the Democratic platform may well cause more Jewish people to vote Republican.
So does Mr McKeena's stance make all you guys paying Strippers for Dances in Washington guilty of rape? Perhaps you should get him out of Office before he tries to ENFORCE his stance. Hmm....
It was surprising to discover that all three were aware, not only of the candidates, but also the issues. None of them were Obama fans (also a surprise to me). One Ron Paul fan, one for Johnson, and one Romney fan (because she thought Ryan was hot!?!) Not all dancers are ignorant. (note to self - dancers favoring Ron Paul might NOT be the best choice for VIP.)
"The politics of dancing
The politics of ooo feeling good"
Particularly the ones who go to work with tampons.
I suspect most have no idea, just like most average Americans.
Conservatives don't. So they spend all they time trying to stop others from getting off because they are jealous/frustrated. Then they turn into hypocrites and try to have all the hoers for themselves. Or, in other words, the dancers get to exploit the desperate cutsies.
OT, but re some of the posts...
"Political parties serve only to divide our nation" - George Washington
To sum up: more racist, reactionary, anti-tax but pro services, unaware of the high amount of spending that the government expends to serve them, complaining that they don't get enough government spending on themselves, pro-War as long as it's going to involve bombing someone brown who lives overseas.
Tea Party.
They're quintessentially members of the Tea Party. They just don't know it.
The only thing that makes strippers seem less Tea Party is that they often hang out with gay men.
(By the way, personally I sympathize about as much with the "traditional" Republican agenda as I do with the "traditional" Democrat agenda. I don't personally like the way that the Tea Party, Christian Fundamentalists, anti-taxation fundamentalists like Grover Norquist, and other reactionaries have hijacked the Republican Party so, recently, I've favored the moderate Democrats. But I can sympathize with the fiscal-responsibility and small-government lessons of the older-style Republican party, just not the social conservatism. So when I write the above "funny" piece meant to indicate that the Tea Party's stupidities are hand-in-glove with more limited strippers, I'm not necessarily blasting the more traditional conservatism of the better half of the Republican party.)
I did have an interesting encounter a couple weeks ago, with a stripper I have made some investment in. She turned a rant about her ex doing this or that into why can't the government let her drive with no license, smoke her weed, fence her stolen goods at the pawn shop, and how if the government would just give her and every other poor person about $400 a month to spend as they desire, poverty and crime would disappear. I couldn't figure out which party she supports, but it sounds pretty good.
You sound like the blue staters who, back before the last election, were convinced that Bush would cancel the election if he thought the GOP wouldn't win:….