
My Latest ROB

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I just read the thread “Why do so many PL's ….” and thought I'd post about my recent ROB episode, and related management encounter.

This thread is “Book Guy(ish)” – my apologies since I tend to be very (or too) wordy – but it is an interesting story w.r.t. a ROB and my subsequent encounter with management.

Some quick background to put my ROB story in context. This club was a black dive. Most black clubs in Miami are dives and believe it or not they only charge $5 per table dance and $10 per LD. 90% of the customers opt for the $5 dances since most of the dancers will still grind on the customers with these dances. Personally, I think a $5 dance is insulting (i.e. paying a dancer that) especially since these dancers will actually give and allow a lot of contact. Most dancers don't seem to mind or more likely don't have a choice since even with $5 dances, many customers in these dives don't get dances and rather sit there, drink, dance or bob their heads to the music, and try to get free lovin' from the dancers by talking them and grabbing at them, etc.

So I was at this dive last Tuesday evening. As soon as I walked in and sat by the bar, a fine young black spinner came over to me – she recognized me (as she later told me) either from being in that SC before or some other club she's danced at. She is all over me, which I appreciated and liked, and she asks me if I want a dance. I say yes, she gives me 4 dances in a row which were very good and I give her $40. As I said b/f, dances at clubs like this are usually $5, the only time a dancer will charge $10 if they give a LD and a LD is considered as one sitting on a regular chair and the girl straddling you and grinding on you with her bottoms on – even so, some dancers at these clubs will still give you LDs for $5 and even grind on you w/ their bottoms off. I was sitting by the bar on a high chair and these dances are considered $5 table dances (even though there is a lot of two-way contact) – but as I said b/f, I believe paying $5 for a dance w/ contact is an insult, so I don't mind paying $10/dance and always do (don't mind considering LDs in most SCs are $20-$25/LD). So this spinner was very appreciative (as most dancers in these clubs are) that not only did I got 4 dances from her in a row but that I paid her $10/dance instead of the usual $5 she would get.

While the spinner was dancing for me at the bar, there was a supa-thick ebony sitting a couple of feet away “watching the action” (i.e. me and my spinner). As soon as my spinner left after giving me the 4 dances, supa-thick ebony immediately approaches me for dances (it was a Tuesday evening and not many customers at all and I had only seen one other customer, at the time, getting a dance). So supa-thick asks me if she could dance for me, and how could I resist, she had a small waist, and an ass that needed to chairs to sit on (I'm exaggerating, but you get the point). So supa-thick starts dancing and grinding on me and it was good – she really knew how to use all that azz.

One thing about black dives is that one needs to be extra careful about getting ROBed – some of these dancers see a white guy there and they'll either think he's got a lot of $$$; doesn't know how things work; etc, and they'll try to ROB him – that has been my personal experience at least. Having said this, if I am getting multiple dances in a row (which I often do) in a black dive, I'll often ask, or tell the dancer, we have done ‘x' # of dances right? So supa-thick does two dances for me and after the 2nd dance I ask - we've done two right? She said no, we've done 4, I was 99.9% sure we had done two at most and 100% sure we had not done 4 – so supa-thick tells me it's 4 and it's $40. I tell her, I counted 2, she says “no baby it was 4” – so I give her the $40 and she tries to give me a kiss goodbye since she noticed I was pissed – I put up my hand as she was trying to kiss me and waved her off as saying get away from me.

Normally I would just chuck this up to a “bad business deal” and leave it at that since the monetary difference was only $20 – but as some might understand, it was not about the $$$ but the principle. I was pissed and I said, I am going to make management aware of what happened, not b/c I was expecting, nor wanted my $$$ back, but simply b/c she is a ROB and was probably going to screw (in a bad way :)) other guys too.

So I went to the front where one pays to get in since there was a young black gentleman/employee sitting there with a tie and I thought he may be the manager. I went up to him and asked him if he was the manager and he said know but asked me what was wrong. I described the ROB to him and I asked the guy if she was a new dancer since I had not seen her before – he said she had been there for about a month, “why” he asked. I said she ripped me off; she gave me 2 dances and charged me for 4. I wasn't expecting anything to come out of it and told him so; but I told him I wanted to make management aware of what was going on. The employee told me to come with him and took me to the manager's office in the back – I explained to the manager (another young AA gentleman) what happened and the manager tells the employee who had taken me to his office to go get the dancer.

As soon as the dancer (supa-thick) walks into the office, she starts handing me a $20 for the rip-off (I guess the employee who went to get her told her what she was going to the manager's office for). With supa-thick and myself in front of the manager, the manager asks me where I was sitting when I was getting the dances – I told him by the bar – then he asks me, “how much did you give her” – I said “$40 for 4 dances” and I told him that me bringing to his attention was not about the $$$ but just to make him aware of what was going on w.r.t. this dancer – the manager looks at the dancer and tells her - “what have I told you about charging people for dances at the bar – it's $5 even if you touch them (vs. a regular table/air dance)”. – the manager made the ROB give me $10 in addition to the $20 she had already given me back. The manager apologized and said he was glad I brought it to his attention b/c dancers like that were bad for business – the manager instructed the other employee to tell the bar tender that my next drink was on the house.

As I was walking out of the manager's office, I shook the employee's hand (guy who had taken me to manager's office) and thanked him for his help and then he said – “I'm glad you told us – that girl just came back to the club b/c she had been banned for 4 months for “issues” she'd had; she'll probably get fired now” he said - I did not see the ROB the rest of the night.

To be honest, I was surprised at the treatment I got from club staff/management. After all it was a he said she said thing. I wasn't expecting management to take my side per se, I just wanted to file a complaint that way the next time the ROB had an incident with another customer, there would be a precedent there.

So maybe some management does give a shit some of the time!!!


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Congrats ! Bitch got what she deserved !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ya Fuck that bitch......and nice read I honestly enjoyed it
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Glad it worked out for you. I think management at smaller establishments want to make sure they keep you satisfied because they don't have as much business as the larger chain SC.

    Next time when getting you money back take a line from DJ Quik "Bitch better have my money!" Lol.
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    I'm either proud or embarrassed to be known as someone who posts long "book-guy-ish" posts. Haha. So I saw that, and I immediately figured I'd better read the post! :)

    It was a good read, and I'm glad the dancer got a little of what she deserved. I wonder ... maybe she did, maybe not. She may be back there in a week; or she may have a zillion other dancing options. And of course, the club may have a zillion other dancer options, so it might not really be much skin off their back either.

    On the other topic, of "black dives," I have to admit that I find this type of club risky too. There's a full-service joint in New Orleans that masquerades as a black "shake joint" and it's sometimes too ghetto for me. It isn't, literally, that blacks and whites can't mix; it's more, that the very very lower-class style of club will have violence in it, more likely; and lower-class style clubs tend to be frequented by more lower-class style people which, under the current North American demographics, tends to involve more black people. We have some very good racial mixing in New Orleans, generally, where blacks and whites and hispanics have cross-cultural opportunities. But the "dive" ghetto clubs aren't generally the place to experiment! :)
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Excellent. And it highlights how stupid she was. She SAW the other dancer do a good job, treat you right, and you rewarded her. As a result, you'll probably be asking the spinner for dances next time.

    OTOH, if supa-thick had just done the same as the spinner, and treated you right, she'd probably have made the $40 she wanted, plus made a happy customer who'd be back to see her. Instead she lost her job.

    And if it was me, based on the manager's response, I'd not only make that my regular club, but I'd let everyone know what a great place it is. BTW, what club was it? Next time I'm in Miami I'm gonna give it my business.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You have to like black dancers VH_KICKS.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    papi glad to here it worked for you
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    what are you? crazy jerikson? Apparently you haven't hanged out with many black people have you? The managers and such may treat him like a good customer, but he may get bad vibes from the other strippers and the customers (ESPECIALLY the customers). She was a thick chick and us black guys LOVE that. And according to papi's story, this place is purrrfect for as you people would call us "ghetto" people. So to get her fired puts him in an awkward position. Haven't you ever heard the phrase, snitches get stiches. I know what you're thinking, who cares what they think, unfortunately you're dealing with people who love their thick girls, and people who consider snitching a crime if it's as "ghetto" as he makes it out to be.

    On the other hand, they probably could give two shits and he may have an awesome club on his hands. what club is this again Papi....is there something else I can call you btw?
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    dive wasn't in the glossary. What's a dive club?
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    More of a low end club. Everything in the club is a little older maybe not the cleanest place etc.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You'll know a Dive when you enter one Estafador.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I like the urbandictionary definition.

    Dive - A ghettofied hole in the wall bar where the poor and downtrodden alcoholics of america go to drink disounted mini-pitchers and listen to tired David alan Coe songs.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Bogie's is a Dive, but not that bad. LOL

    I REALLY enjoy Black Dancers, BUT they must be Spinners. NO THICK chicks.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    you don't like big booties and slim waists alucard?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Any well run Black business, including a SC, knows that it must try extra hard to get and keep repeat business. The manager knows that he can ill afford to lose business from a White guy with money. As I Black guy I know that you might want to watch out for the dancer's armed boyfriend.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    I am glad things worked out and management actually helped. I have been in that same club, and it is definately a dive. Way too ghetto for The Sinman...
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Spinners are NUMERO UNO!!! :))
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    superdude, your comment seems largely biased and kind of racial. Why can't they primarily rely on the black male for business. There are PLENTY of black males who can easily spend the big bucks just as much as a white guy can. and lets not get started on DDs.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I know a guy. :))
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I know a guy. :))
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Just because something is bias or racial doesn't means it's inaccurate. A white guy in a predominately black club is most likely there to lay out some money. Not because white=cash, but because he clearly is out of his element and probably went to a bit of trouble to be there. Meaning he is likely to be a spender.

    The manager should be mindful because he is likely a spender and a repeat customer, not because he is white. But his color is a clue.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Juice loves a big ass son
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Good read. In Richmond Virginia, where most of my clubbing takes place, you have to pre pay for lap dances, so I've never experienced a dancer who's tried to get away with something like this.

    The few times I've been able to club outside of Virginia, payment for lap can dances didn't have to be made until after you received your dance.

    Damn Virginia sucks.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    You almost made be toss up breakfast!
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    "what are you? crazy jerikson? Apparently you haven't hanged out with many black people have you?"

    Steffy, sorry but I can't decode what the fuck you're talking about. My second favorite club in SoCal, and one I frequent, is an all black club in South Central LA. If you're going to start throwing that ridiculous BS about racial bias around, don't even fucking start. I prefer black girls, I love black clubs, I've dated black girls.

    Yes, you're right about the black (and Mexican) community being VERY negative about people who snitch. It's insane, but you see it all the time. So yeah, he might get jumped by supa-thick's boyfriend next time he leaves the club. But that anti-snitch attitude is what keeps South Central LA gang crime and freeway shootings going strong. People don't have the balls to snitch. It's freakin' disgusting. I have a lot of respect for people who do the right thing, even if it might be dangerous.

    Try it sometime. Grow some balls.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Yes, I recognize race as a factor in the operation of any Black owned business. I also recognize the desire of Black owned businesses to attract and retain repeat business from people of all backgrounds. Why not? Any business that relies on a set or fixed market, without a view towards expansion, will atrophy and die.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    I've experienced strippers overcounting a bit here in NYC. It's annoying, but awkward to point it out at the same time. I've gotten fed up with it though to the point that I'll count each song myself and pretend I don't know (ask them how many we had). If they say something that's drastically higher (like 2x, or even 1-2 more), I'll correct them and they'll quickly back down usually. And after such an occurrence, they don't see a single dollar from me again.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @ VH_Kicks

    I lived in Dallas for 10 years and visited the all black clubs there. Unfortunately in Dallas, one does not get the value one does in Miami – i.e. LDs in Dallas black clubs was the industry-standard $20 and table dances $10. Back in Dallas I always got the $20 LDs so I don’t remember if one got any significant grinding with the $10 table dances in Dallas.

    The only other place I’ve heard one gets good mileage (i.e. liberal two-way contact) for about $5 per dance is in some of the black clubs in Prince George’s County in Maryland – though I’ve never been there myself.

    For anyone that does decide to partake in the black dive experience; one needs to make sure they ask the dancer how much per dance (some of them will lie and be all over the place). I would also recommend you explicitly state how many dances you want ahead of time so you won’t be up-counted and be taken advantage off b/c the dancers think white-boy doesn’t know the black-SC game.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @Book Guy

    “ … It isn't, literally, that blacks and whites can't mix; it's more, that the very very lower-class style of club will have violence in it … “

    I know exactly what you mean. I would think 95%, if not 99%, of white people (me included) would feel uncomfortable, if not unsafe, in an all-black environment – whether that be a SC; a regular bar/club; or a black neighborhood; etc.

    I started SCing regularly in 2000 (b/w 2000 and ~2010, would club almost every week or at least every 2 weeks – now 1x/2x per month – on avg). I started going to all black clubs around 2004 or so. Since 2004, ~80% of my clubbing was in black SCs and now is about 90% - getting in deeper son :). It took me about 6 months from when I first started going to black SCs to feel relaxed enough that the #1 thing on my mind when I went to a black SC was that ebony booty and not whether I was going to make it home.

    I must say; in “IME”, I have never had any issues in a black SC – I have not even seen any drama like fights – that is just in IME. Furthermore, more often than not, I often think I get better treatment, not only from dancers, but from staff, due to what others have posted and what Jester mentioned, as an example:

    “…A white guy in a predominately black club is most likely there to lay out some money. Not because white=cash, but because he clearly is out of his element and probably went to a bit of trouble to be there. …”

    I often get the sense, correct or not, that staff and dancers tend to be extra nice to me not necessarily b/c they may think I am a spender, although that is probably part of it, but I get the sense they know “I am out of my element” and thus I feel they go a little extra out of their way as for me not to be scared off. This is my sense – not that I know this as fact.

    Although I don’t now feel like I felt at first when I visited black dives where I did not want to swallow too hard, breathe to hard, or even blink my eyes too much (LOL) as not too bring attention to myself, I am still always cognizant that I “am” out of my element and anything can potentially happen since I DEFINITELY stand out (95% of the time I am the ONLY white guy in the club!). So one does definitely need to be aware of this and be cognizant of one’s behavior such as when paying for something; i.e. don’t take out a huge wad of cash from your pocket to pay for a $3 beer. I always keep a smaller sum of $$$ in one pocket and a larger sum in another pocket, or sock even, and if I need to examine/take-out the big wad for any reason, I’ll go to the bathroom and do it in one of the stalls out of sight.

    One may think from my description that it is wayyyyy too much drama – but I do love my ebonies and love their aggressive dancing, grinding, and liberalness!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago

    “OTOH, if supa-thick had just done the same as the spinner, and treated you right, she'd probably have made the $40 she wanted …”

    You are very right. As I’ve posted on other threads, I like variety and will often get dances from many dancers in the club – I rarely spend too much on any one single dancer.

    But this girl was my type, like the great poet “Sir Mix a Lot” put it – “rice and beans didn’t miss her”. This girl was stacked in all the right places – huge curvy ass, small waist, flat stomach, and C/D cup.

    Like I said, I like variety and I usually just get a lot of LDs from different dancers – but every now and then when I come across a hip-hop video model type of ebony, I may opt for more one-on-one time. While supa-thick was dancing and banging her big soft booty on me on my by now super-hard tent pole, I was thinking I may take her to the private booths area in the back which is out of sight from the main room (need to pay $20 to the club and then negotiate w/ dancer) – she could have easily made an extra $100 for a 1/2 hour in addition to the $40 she tried to ROB me.
  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    In my area there are barely strip clubs, let alone clubs that focus on minority groups. But at the clubs I go to there are always black girls and I can always count on at least one of them having a stunning body. They are always up for otc or itc if they can get away with it too. life is good.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    For those that have asked, the name of the club is “Secrets” in Miami.

    As others have said, it is a dive, but not unsafe, or as unsafe, as other black SCs I’ve been in :)

    The girls there are avg., you won’t run into too many stunners and even some of the black dancers don’t necessarily have the stereotypical banging ebony body/physique. But this is what I get out of a club like “Secrets”:

    1) I have ALWAYS been much more attracted/turned-on by a woman’s body than her face – will take a 8+body with a 5/6 face over a 8+ face w/ a 5/6 body, 9 out of 10 times – thus why I love my ebonies :) – thus in an all-black club a la “Secrets”, I will almost always find what I am looking for – curvy bodies with curves in the right places

    2) “IME”, ebony dancers are much much less inhibited. At times, I find that I am the one who can’t keep up with what the ebony dancer during a LD rather than have a dancer tell me “don’t do that” or “don’t touch there”; etc. Many non-black dancers, again IME, will often not let me get away with certain things, or at least enough of a certain thing. Simple example, I’ve had many a time where a ebony is doing a LD for me and she will grab my hands various times during the dance and put them on her breasts for me to feel away – it is often encouraged IME. Not that white dancers do not do this, but I have way more white dancers take my hands of their boobs (or just let me feel a bit) whereas my ebonies will encourage it and hardly ever complain :)

    3) Even if the ebony does not have a banging body, I’ll often enjoy my dances since the ebonies almost always allow all the touching you want, which I love – and they will often grind on you for the whole song. I definitely feel that I get my LD money’s worth 95% of the time from the ebonies.

    There is a nearby black club called Angel’s near to Secrets that is very similar to Secrets – I’ve had my good times at Angel’s also :) – but Angel’s is currently closed “for remodeling” and many of the dancers have come over to Secrets – thus more ebony talent to choose from than in earlier times at Secrets (especially in the evenings).
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago

    I can understand what you mean by not liking Secrets b/c it’s too ghetto. Unfortunately almost all black clubs in Miami tend to be this way. But I’ve learned to navigate in these environments and more often than not end up getting good service – but one does need to be on their game in order to get what you want instead of just leaving it up to chance.

    Like I mentioned in my previous post on this thread, I often find a fair no. of ebonies w/ good bodies at Secrets (especially in the eves), and that is usually enough for me (even if often times the face, makeup, outfits, etc., may not be up to par). I am simple man – give me a willing to please ebony with a good size booty ready, willing, and able, to grind that booty on me all night and let me feel away on her titties, and I am happy man :).

    But most customers may have higher standards. I must say that I would not recommend most black SCs I visit since as I’ve said most SCers tend to have higher standards in terms of clubs and dancer beauty (i.e. facial beauty and decorum). But if a guy flat out lusts for black women like I do, then I can recommend the black dives I visit.

    I’ve noticed from your reviews that you (Sinclair) get around and have visited Miami (So. FL) in the past. There is a semi-new black club in Miami named “The Office” that I would recommend. This club opened about 2 years ago, closed for a while, and then reopened about a year ago. I *would* recommend this club. It is only slightly bigger than Secrets but it is much much more nicely appointed, does not look like a dive (only divey thing is it is kind of small), and the clientele seems to be off a higher financial class (judging from their appearance and the many high-end cars I see in the parking lot). And I must say, this club does have some very nice looking ebonies; i.e. bodies, nicely made up, nice outfits, good attitudes, etc. The club definitely feels/looks like a upscale black ATL-type of club/scene but yet w/ Miami-type $5 and $10 dances. This club (The office) is not yet on TUSCL but I’ve submitted it for addition – it is on that other website about black clubs which I will not mention here. The club’s website, in case you make another pilgrimage to S. FL, is:

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